darksied&takion vs surtur&depowered tyrant
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no bfr
which team takes the win?
Originally posted by Kurash
team 1

Originally posted by spidey-dude
Tyrant who has like no feats outside of one shotting a couple of herald lvl being and not being able to pwn thanos outright. Odin did better against thanos.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Tyrant who has like no feats outside of one shotting a couple of herald lvl being and not being able to pwn thanos outright. Odin did better against thanos.
You got it wrong.
Surtur > Odin = DS
Tyrant > Takion
Originally posted by llagrok
You got it wrong.
Surtur > Odin = DS
Tyrant > Takion
Fail. It took the power of the Godwave to overwhelm Takion. What has tyrant done to suggest he even comes close? not a damned thing.
DS is more powerful than Takion. Surtur would be erased. he's not needed in the universe. Also, Sutur in DC was beaten by banishment into a pocket universe. Something DS is quite able to do.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Tyrant who has like no feats outside of one shotting a couple of herald lvl being and not being able to pwn thanos outright. Odin did better against thanos.
Takion died during his greatest feat. Thanos admitted Tyrant could/would kill him. Thanos>>>>Takion. Tyrant>>>>>>>>Takion.
Team 2 wins.
Originally posted by Sundipped
Takion died during his greatest feat. Thanos admitted Tyrant could/would kill him. Thanos>>>>Takion. Tyrant>>>>>>>>Takion.
Team 2 wins.
LMAO. Takion died AFTER holding back the wave where as all the might of all of the heroes couldn't do a thing. He actually slowed the power down. Now who is more powerful? The guy who gets ran over by a semi in one second, or the guy who actually manages to hold it at bay for a few minutes before giving out. Thanos is NOT more powerful than Takion.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Fail. It took the power of the Godwave to overwhelm Takion. What has tyrant done to suggest he even comes close? not a damned thing.
DS is more powerful than Takion. Surtur would be erased. he's not needed in the universe. Also, Sutur in DC was beaten by banishment into a pocket universe. Something DS is quite able to do.
Surtur in DC? okay, I don't really care. This is Marvel Surtur I assume, seeing as he's teamed up with another Marvel character.
Surtur can't be banished by simply anyone, you require incredibly powerful magic in order to do so. And he has to be beaten and weakened in order to banish him again, something which Odin has only been able to do once. When he can kill Darkseid by swinging his sword once, it's not very likely to happen.
tyrant or surtur solos team one
Originally posted by guy222
tyrant or surtur solos team one
Guy is always right.
Except when the Hulk is concerned
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Thanos is NOT more powerful than Takion.
I'll tell u what. Tyrant is more powerful than both of them and would smack both of em around. All Takion's attacks would be absorbed, amplified, then redirected back at him. It would be like the second comming of the Godwave for him but it won't be any slowing down this attack.
Has Tyrant absorbed anything but biospheric energy?
Originally posted by llagrok
Guy is always right.
Except when the Hulk is concerned
Have a good one
Originally posted by llagrok
Has Tyrant absorbed anything but biospheric energy?
He utilizes the Power Cosmic meaning he can absorb all kinds of energy.
Originally posted by Sundipped
He utilizes the Power Cosmic meaning he can absorb all kinds of energy.
Takion is the living avatar of the source. And it took the power of the multiversal Godwave to kill him. And that power had to work at killing takion. Niether Surtur nor Depowered Tyrant has that kind of power.
Originally posted by guy222
tyrant or surtur solos team one
ORLY? Just how powerful is Depowered Tyrant? What are his feats besides one shotting some heralds? THanos does that all of the time.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
ORLY? Just how powerful is Depowered Tyrant? What are his feats besides one shotting some heralds? THanos does that all of the time.
Tyrant had Galactus beat
Originally posted by guy222
Tyrant had Galactus beat
You mean with prep, and tech? He certainly didn't over power galactus.
Originally posted by llagrok
Proof of what? Everyone knows Tyrant has NO feats besides beating up on some herald lvlers. Even then it's suspicious just how much was his own power. Since he was tapping morgs power and had all those bio shere things. It's not like he's bringing all of that into a forum battle.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Proof of what? Everyone knows Tyrant has NO feats besides beating up on some herald lvlers. Even then it's suspicious just how much was his own power. Since he was tapping morgs power and had all those bio shere things. It's not like he's bringing all of that into a forum battle.
He didn't beat SOME herald lvlers, he beat most of them at the same time.
Anyways, I asked for pictures of Thanos one-shotting a lot of herald level characters.
Originally posted by llagrok
He didn't beat SOME herald lvlers, he beat most of them at the same time.
Anyways, I asked for pictures of Thanos one-shotting a lot of herald level characters.
Um, Tyrant Beat some herald lvls by hitting them one by one. Hell, It's not like they all concentrated an attack on him, or even fought very effectively. And I do recall Thanos bitchting, Thor, Hulk, Thing, and someone else at once. Thanos also fought WM thor who had bitched the watch and surfer. So there goes that theory. Tyrant at best is just above Thanos. And how much we can't say. He certainly was tapping morg for his power as well as other bio spheres. ANd for the Record, Superman has beaten the JLA at the same time. So has doomsday, Count Nefaria, the general and the list goes on. Tyrant hadn't done anything all that impressive to warrant him being anywhere near Takion lvl in power. Not even DS lvl in power. DS beat a precrisis JLA with one swoop.
P.S. Just to drive the point home about Tryant, Despero has done pretty much the same thing, to more herald lvlers, who IMO are more powerful than the few that Tyrant Bitched. So Despero=Tyrant? I mean if bitching a few herald lvl beings at the same time grants you such status.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
You mean with prep, and tech? He certainly didn't over power galactus.
In a way he did. He reversed the power flow through Big G's tech which left him weak. That's a lot of power being redirected considering Big G had just ate.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Takion is the living avatar of the source. And it took the power of the multiversal Godwave to kill him. And that power had to work at killing takion. Niether Surtur nor Depowered Tyrant has that kind of power.
I would like to see Takion in a combat situation with Tyrant instead of all this Godwave talk.
Originally posted by Sundipped
I would like to see Takion in a combat situation with Tyrant instead of all this Godwave talk.
His feats besides that IMO would place him around stardust
Originally posted by Utrigita
His feats besides that IMO would place him around stardust
NO. Becuz Stardust would get his ass kicked it he had to fight flash, captain atom and kyle at the same time. And takion wasn't even trying.
Darkseid>Depowered Tyrant
Takion is potentially more powerful than any of them. But going on showings is about DP tyrant level. The New Gods win this pretty handidly. If it was full power Tyrant things would be different.
Darkseid>Surtur or Tyrant....Nope
Taking Team 2
Originally posted by guy222
Darkseid>Surtur or Tyrant....Nope
Taking Team 2
What are Tyrant's feats? one shotting heralds. DS does better. he one shots Infinity man and Mantis. a step up. and EAGS. Steps up. Hank Henshaw. steps up.
Tyrant created any alter realities? Shown any matter manip? Raised any dead? Controlled any aspects of the mind, time, soul, space? Surtur is banished by the Omega.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
What are Tyrant's feats? one shotting heralds. DS does better. he one shots Infinity man and Mantis. a step up. and EAGS. Steps up. Hank Henshaw. steps up.
Tyrant created any alter realities? Shown any matter manip? Raised any dead? Controlled any aspects of the mind, time, soul, space? Surtur is banished by the Omega.
surtur cant be banished because theres no bfr!
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
NO. Becuz Stardust would get his ass kicked it he had to fight flash, captain atom and kyle at the same time. And takion wasn't even trying.
Would he now??? I would like to see Flash and Captain Atom and Kyle stopping a Planet destroying blast from Galactus... Which Stardust along with Red Shift managed to accomplishe he died true but he reformed and I would like to see how Flash Kyle and Atom hurts him???
Originally posted by Utrigita
Would he now??? I would like to see Flash and Captain Atom and Kyle stopping a Planet destroying blast from Galactus... Which Stardust along with Red Shift managed to accomplishe he died true but he reformed and I would like to see how Flash Kyle and Atom hurts him???
Just stop right there. Kyle alone would be tough for Stardust to beat. He's not beating all three of those guys.

Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Just stop right there. Kyle alone would be tough for Stardust to beat. He's not beating all three of those guys.
Why tell my why I'm wrong.
Question one. Could the three of them halt a blast from Galactus???
Question two. What can Atom and Flash possibly do to Stardust which has survived be smashed through a planet. the only potential threat I see is Kyle.
So put away the

trickster and answer my questions.
Still team two
Lets see wat feats the true DS has
Surtur is older and rivals Odin in power, Tyrant had Big G beat
Takion seems to be like Surfer
Surtur or Tyrant solos whichever one wants to. Team 1 is a joke compared to team 2.
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