Peter Petrelli Invades The Superhero Bases
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Sol Valentine
Peter has been hearing on the news that he raped and killed a girl, assassinated a senator, murdered Spider-man, and bombed various police departments, and now he's on every superhero's blacklist. But it wasn't him, and now he's furious. He decides to find the person and kill him...
Jean Grey
Baxter Building:
Invisible Woman
Human Torch
Nick Fury
Captain America
Iron Man
Ms. Marvel
Avengers Mansion:
Squirrel Girl
Who is the culprit, and will he be able to suevive and clear his name?
Symmetric Chaos
It's Cable because you put a star next to his name. Peter dies before he finds out though.
Peter gets annihilated long before he finds out who it is.
The Pict
Peter couldn't take a single base on that list.
Originally posted by The Pict
Peter couldn't take a single base on that list.
This is the correct answer.
time stop and nuke each one of them,
hellicarier is the easiest, tim stops and nukes th base
captain america and nick fury are dead,
uses miachah powers to take over ironmans armor and uses the armor to kill marvel girl and ironman
The Pict
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
time stop and nuke each one of them,
hellicarier is the easiest, tim stops and nukes th base
captain america and nick fury are dead,
uses miachah powers to take over ironmans armor and uses the armor to kill marvel girl and ironman
Who is Tim and why does he stop and nuke the base?

Originally posted by The Pict
Who is Tim and why does he stop and nuke the base?

I meant time and he nukes the base to beat al of the people, and then reads there last though before they die
The Pict
Why do people think Peter is some sort of bad-ass? He was killed by a piece of glass while he tried to tiptoe away from Sylar.
Originally posted by The Pict
Why do people think Peter is some sort of bad-ass? He was killed by a piece of glass while he tried to tiptoe away from Sylar. ....which is why he is stil alive....
with peters powers and that sort of rage he'd beat eeryone on the list with his time stopping powers anyone he couldn't beat he'd send to another time period
Originally posted by The Pict
Peter couldn't take a single base on that list.
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
....which is why he is stil alive....
with peters powers and that sort of rage he'd beat eeryone on the list with his time stopping powers anyone he couldn't beat he'd send to another time period
The only reason Peter is still alive is because Claire saved his ass.
Peter would have been buried in the ground if she weren't there....
Originally posted by Draco69
The only reason Peter is still alive is because Claire saved his ass.
Peter would have been buried in the ground if she weren't there.... no he was alive because of his healing factor, in reality peter could defeat all of those teams except for the avengers
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
no he was alive because of his healing factor, in reality peter could defeat all of those teams except for the avengers
Peter was dead. He would have stayed dead. Claire bought him back from the brink.
And no he couldn't take a single one of those teams....
Jean Grey mindrapes him.
Sue leaves him debilitated and trapped.
Iron Man kicks his ass in 20 different ways at once.
And Squirrel Girl...?
Spite beyond words.
Originally posted by SpookySmurph
Jean Grey mindrapes him.
Sue leaves him debilitated and trapped.
Iron Man kicks his ass in 20 different ways at once.
And Squirrel Girl...?
Spite beyond words.
time stops, sue wouldn't do anything when she was hit with super srength in the head without any defense and he could phase out everyone elses brain really. time stop is th way he beats everyone
and as for ironman micahs powers helps him create malfunctions in ironmans armor...ironmans wouldn't be able to do anything
Peter can't take any of them.
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
time stops, sue wouldn't do anything when she was hit with super srength in the head without any defense and he could phase out everyone elses brain really. time stop is th way he beats everyone
and as for ironman micahs powers helps him create malfunctions in ironmans armor...ironmans wouldn't be able to do anything
Even Hiro needs time to concentrate in order to stop time for any meaningful duration

Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
time stops, sue wouldn't do anything when she was hit with super srength in the head without any defense and he could phase out everyone elses brain really. time stop is th way he beats everyone
and as for ironman micahs powers helps him create malfunctions in ironmans armor...ironmans wouldn't be able to do anything
I wonder who's gonna react faster?
An X-Man with a decade or two of combat experience?
or a twenty-something guy who has only had two battles and lost both of them?

Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Even Hiro needs time to concentrate in order to stop time for any meaningful duration

n oI think thats just how he activates his power, by blinking very hard, future hiro didn't need to do that (dont remember perfectly though) and again with that level of emotion in him he's going to be reacting very quickly with his abilities (hiro has shown to activate his abilities before an arrow could hit him which is pretty fast
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
n oI think thats just how he activates his power, by blinking very hard, future hiro didn't need to do that (dont remember perfectly though) and again with that level of emotion in him he's going to be reacting very quickly with his abilities (hiro has shown to activate his abilities before an arrow could hit him which is pretty fast
The future versions of the powers are on completely different levels from their counterparts.
Originally posted by The Pict
Why do people think Peter is some sort of bad-ass? He was killed by a piece of glass while he tried to tiptoe away from Sylar.
Because instead of realizing that Peter himself can't fight worth a god damn, they imagine what they would do in a fight if they had his powers.
that level of emotion I doubt he'd be thinking rationally to use his powers in the manner described.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
The future versions of the powers are on completely different levels from their counterparts. I know, I was just showing that hiros ability doesn't require as much time to concentrate as he though..
anywho peter can easily take out the fantastic four and hellicarier, but would lose to the avengers, the one really up for debate is the x-men
The Pict
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
n oI think thats just how he activates his power, by blinking very hard, future hiro didn't need to do that (dont remember perfectly though) and again with that level of emotion in him he's going to be reacting very quickly with his abilities (hiro has shown to activate his abilities before an arrow could hit him which is pretty fast
He's also shown to not being able to react fast enough to stop arrows hitting his idol in feudal Japan.
Originally posted by Creshosk
that level of emotion I doubt he'd be thinking rationally to use his powers in the manner described. no when he has that type of emotion he tends to use the power most fitting, like when he was tape t oa chair his flight didn't kick in his phasing ability did,
Originally posted by Validus
Because instead of realizing that Peter himself can't fight worth a god damn, they imagine what they would do in a fight if they had his powers.
Apparently, to DestinyGuy, Peter is this battle-hardened combatant with years of experience using his powers and possesses brillant tactical prowess.....

Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
n oI think thats just how he activates his power, by blinking very hard, future hiro didn't need to do that (dont remember perfectly though) and again with that level of emotion in him he's going to be reacting very quickly with his abilities (hiro has shown to activate his abilities before an arrow could hit him which is pretty fast An arrow? You're kidding...
Alright guys lets pack it up. there's no way any of the people on the list can compare with someone who's not in the fight being faster than a speeding arrow.
Barbarian Shams
The Marvel guys win thats all I'm going to say.
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
no when he has that type of emotion he tends to use the power most fitting, like when he was tape t oa chair his flight didn't kick in his phasing ability did, And I'm sure time stop and nuke will really clear his name. Since that's his goal. Obviously time stop and nuke are the most fitting rather than invisibility phasing and mind reading...
Originally posted by Creshosk
And I'm sure time stop and nuke will really clear his name. Since that's his goal. Obviously time stop and nuke are the most fitting rather than invisibility phasing and mind reading... well the person said to kill the person, killing a person isn't going to clear his name either...if thats really the goal all he heas to do is walk in ask everyone and while he is read there mind, if he finds the right person time stop and phase their brain out of their head
The Pict
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
well the person said to kill the person, killing a person isn't going to clear his name either...if thats really the goal all he heas to do is walk in ask everyone and while he is read there mind, if he finds the right person time stop and phase their brain out of their head
There's far stronger telepaths here than Peter.
Originally posted by The Pict
Peter couldn't take a single base on that list.
Originally posted by Validus
Because instead of realizing that Peter himself can't fight worth a god damn, they imagine what they would do in a fight if they had his powers. ..uh have yo usen him lately he's been using his power easily, shooting lightning on a whim and sending trucks flying and moving trucks, right now he can use his powers very easily in a combat situation because he's fforgotten some of his values only problem is he doesn't know all of them
Burning thought
peter time stops, reads all their minds and then leaves....he clears them all without fighting anyone
Originally posted by Burning thought
peter time stops, reads all their minds and then leaves....he clears them all without fighting anyone
If time stops, there's no thoughts to read.
Some people are really banking a lot on Peter in versus he is in. I'm pretty sure Peter was included with the saying "ordinary people with extraordinary powers".
He may have a ton of powers, but he's only been aware of them/actively using them for what? Less than a year?
As opposed to people who were born with powers/created their own powers/or have mastered their powers for a number of years.
Originally posted by Creshosk
An arrow? You're kidding...
Alright guys lets pack it up. there's no way any of the people on the list can compare with someone who's not in the fight being faster than a speeding arrow. you're failing t osee the point ,it was to prove he doesn't need that long to activate his abilities, theres also the fact that he's going to be attacking the person which does give him an advantage
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
..uh have yo usen him lately he's been using his power easily, shooting lightning on a whim and sending trucks flying and moving trucks, right now he can use his powers very easily in a combat situation because he's fforgotten some of his values only problem is he doesn't know all of them
Flipping trucks is irrelevant to a combat situation. During his two fights with another super powered individual, he looked beyond awful and totally incompetent. Why should I believe he's going to beat the X-Men and F4 when both of those teams have individual members who would annihilate the vastly more intelligent Sylar much less Peter?
Originally posted by Validus
Flipping trucks is irrelevant to a combat situation. During his two fights with another super powered individual, he looked beyond awful and totally incompetent. Why should I believe he's going to beat the X-Men and F4 when both of those teams have individual members who would annihilate the vastly more intelligent Sylar much less Peter? bcause in the first season he didnt use his powers in cobat the whole season he was just trying to keep his powers under control, he was afraid of the moverloading so why would he try using them in combat when theres the full possibility theyd overload, like the ydid when he finally did start using them to fight
now since he knows how to control them and giving him his other powers he'd have a fairly easy time dealing with many people o nthe list
I'm still failing to see how beating some bum on the street means he can beat Jean Grey or Invisible Woman.
That's like saying that because Spider-Man beat Venom, he can take down Galactus.
Originally posted by Validus
I'm still failing to see how beating some bum on the street means he can beat Jean Grey or Invisible Woman.
That's like saying that because Spider-Man beat Venom, he can take down Galactus. it means he has new found combat use in his abilities, so I fail to see how jean grey or invisible woman could stop a time stop and then a electric blast or blast of radioactive energy withou there defenses up
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
it means he has new found combat use in his abilities, so I fail to see how jean grey or invisible woman could stop a time stop and then a electric blast or blast of radioactive energy withou there defenses up
And Peter has used the time stop exactly how many times?
Originally posted by Validus
And Peter has used the time stop exactly how many times? but he does have it, ohw many ties hes used it is irrelevant , he has it and he knows how to use it
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
but he does have it, ohw many ties hes used it is irrelevant , he has it and he knows how to use it
Jean can use her powers to prevent others from accessing theirs. She's done that before, so should be no problem for her to do that to Peter.
Originally posted by celestialdemon
Jean can use her powers to prevent others from accessing theirs. She's done that before, so should be no problem for her to do that to Peter. agai nthat assuming she reacts faster than peter, it's really a quickdraw in that fight who ever reacts first wins
Quickdraw: Jean's TP vs. Peter's Time-stop
Who ya takin?
Not to mention... Peter rarely uses the time-stop and wouldn't, because he's severely infected with CIS and inexperience.
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
but he does have it, ohw many ties hes used it is irrelevant , he has it and he knows how to use it
It's not irrelevant at all actually. CIS is still on here.
Originally posted by Validus
It's not irrelevant at all actually. CIS is still on here. ok now I'm really sorry could you explain CIS to me?
It means that Peter isn't going to start doing things in Vs forum threads that he's never done before in a fight which means your "time stop followed by nuke" idea is gone out the window.
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
agai nthat assuming she reacts faster than peter, it's really a quickdraw in that fight who ever reacts first wins
Let's see. Someone who is barely familiar with his power and rarely uses his time stop power vs. a woman very familiar with her power and has 15-20 years training. Hmm
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
agai nthat assuming she reacts faster than peter, it's really a quickdraw in that fight who ever reacts first wins
Not really Jean is a telepath and has on several occasions made it her first order of business to scan her opponents (especially ones she has never faced) to find out what the hell they are up, Marvel telepaths don't suffer from painful feedback when they scan other telepaths.
Jean: "Hey guys his powers are all in his brain."
Cyclopes: "well....
Jean: "Done I've unplugged the part of his brain that deals with his power, lets go home and let the townies beat the crap out of him."
Originally posted by Validus
It means that Peter isn't going to start doing things in Vs forum threads that he's never done before in a fight which means your "time stop followed by nuke" idea is gone out the window. oh thats different really, it's an ability he has he uses multiple powers in his fight hen the time comes for hi mto use it, this is a time as any to use it, he doesn't use a power until he uses it
Originally posted by LordKaos
Not really Jean is a telepath and has on several occasions made it her first order of business to scan her opponents (especially ones she has never faced) to find out what the hell they are up, Marvel telepaths don't suffer from painful feedback when they scan other telepaths.
Jean: "Hey guys his powers are all in his brain."
Cyclopes: "well....
Jean: "Done I've unplugged the part of his brain that deals with his power, lets go home and let the townies beat the crap out of him." except peter's power naturally repels telepaths fro mgetting into his head
not to mention jean being there his own telepathic powers would sky rocket...he'd probably kill a lo tof people accidentally
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
except peter's power naturally repels telepaths fro mgetting into his head
no it doesn't that is a side effect that telepaths in their universe experience it's a fact because it happened to Matt and his dad. That ain't happening to Jean and if it did, he experiences it too, the telepaths of Heroes can't touch the weakest telepath in marvel, his head would probably explode. Not to mention she could do it telekinetically, shut down his brain that is.
Burning thought
Originally posted by celestialdemon
If time stops, there's no thoughts to read.
thats an interesting point but thoughts wouldnt neccerily just not excist, there would just be a memory bank to read through, freezing time would freeze the current thought but if he can read minds then he can still read them out, or as people have been saying, go invisible or casually walk in like a normal guy and talk with people, no one is going to just start blasting him as soon as they see him since their not all bloodthirsties, at least most x-men lot are not anyway.
also all this quickdraw rubbish, hes going to "their" bases, hes not going to walk through the door or go through into the base without preparation, as Sol says, hes going to the bases, its not a instant start off (not from Sols battle descruption anyway) of him suddenly appearing in a base, he going to each base in turn, so he would be prepared and may start powers he wants to use to find out things.
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
except peter's power naturally repels telepaths fro mgetting into his head
Did you just compare Matt Parkman to Jean Grey?
Originally posted by Validus
Did you just compare Matt Parkman to Jean Grey? no but with peters powers boostd by jean greys his own powers would be able to repel hers
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
not to mention jean being there his own telepathic powers would sky rocket...he'd probably kill a lo tof people accidentally

? How would that happen. The x-gene is DNA related the H-gene is RNA, there is no evidence to assume he can absorb anything from beings who don't share a similar genetic code. if his powers were so universal then he would be taking special abilities from animals too. He is not Mimic.
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
no but with peters powers boostd by jean greys his own powers would be able to repel hers
So Jean's powers will boost Peter? Please don't tell me you think Peter will absorb her powers.
Originally posted by Burning thought
thats an interesting point but thoughts wouldnt neccerily just not excist, there would just be a memory bank to read through, freezing time would freeze the current thought but if he can read minds then he can still read them out, or as people have been saying, go invisible or casually walk in like a normal guy and talk with people, no one is going to just start blasting him as soon as they see him since their not all bloodthirsties, at least most x-men lot are not anyway.
The problem is both Matt and Peter can't read minds. They read thoughts that people are thinking at that point. Neither one has shown the ability to read anything else. That's why Matt couldn't find out anything from Angela Petrelli because she was screaming at him to get out, and he couldn't get anything from Bennett because he was thinking in Japanese.
So, if time is frozen, they have no active thoughts, therefore nothing for Peter to read.
Burning thought
hmm fair enough i guess, if he cant read minds and just thoughts it would need to either just talk to them casually, go invisible and thought read and then his miffed, and loses because if his objective is to clear his name, i cant see anything in this scenario that can help him. even if he did kill them all, that would add more on his blacklist of hates
The Pict
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
but he does have it, ohw many ties hes used it is irrelevant , he has it and he knows how to use it
If he hasn't stopped time yet then how does he know about it or how to use it? Doesn't make sense.
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