Magneto vs. Henshaw
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Cyborg Superman vs. Magneto has been done before - I'm aware, but never with the rings.
Henshaw with his rings versus Magneto?
Henshaw without his rings versus Magneto?
damn, so many factors to take into account for this fight
honestly can anyone say? feels more like a fight youd just have to see to find out

k, henshaw adapts to magneto and develops a weapon he cant manipulate and kills him
Give Magneto the time and power gem and he might have
a chance, otherwise, no.
Originally posted by Priest
Originally posted by Sirius77
Give Magneto the time and power gem and he might have
a chance, otherwise, no.
So you think henshaw wins?
Originally posted by Soljer
So you think henshaw wins?
Because, think about it, Henshaw is able to copy genetic codes,
what is to stp him from doing that to Magneto, and then using
his machine-like intellect to use his powers more efficiently than
Also, he could just use a geneti-lock. Magneto wouldn't be
anywhere near fast enough to stop him.
Originally posted by Soljer
I don't think Henshaw is immune to magnetism.
Magneto can tear him to shred's and keep his part's seperated thus leaving him unable to continue.
Im not sure if Mags can take Henshaw with the rings. It seems unlikely.
I wouldn't put it past Henshaw to de-magnetize himself and make it so magnetic fields don't affect him.
And swiping Magneto's powers from taking his DNA? Does that work for mutants?
The rings are obvious spite, but a straight fight would be interesting. Can Mags contain Henshaw in a magnetic field?
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Soljer

Cosigned. Who made this thread?
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Cosigned. Who made this thread?
I was just wtf'ing the two people that just couldn't decide.
Henshaw knows far more about Magnetism than Mags does. Guys like Doom pwn Mags by simple reversing their polarity.
This is like an angry chihuahua vs an elephant.
Henshaw ftw.
Originally posted by Soljer
I was just wtf'ing the two people that just couldn't decide.
i was thinking about it . . . the other guys said he would have to see it to find out
Can Magneto 'kill' Henshaw?
Can Magneto 'beat' Henshaw? yes
Blair Wind
Could Henshaw do something like what Stark did here?
Feast your eyes on Tony Stark WTFpwning Mags
You're whoring those scans all over the forums. usewank
Blair Wind
Originally posted by Blair Wind
Could Henshaw do something like what Stark did here?
Feast your eyes on Tony Stark WTFpwning Mags
Originally posted by Galan007
You're whoring those scans all over the forums. usewank
Two places is whoring?
But yes....yes I am

Originally posted by Blair Wind
Two places is whoring?
But yes....yes I am

I would too. whistling
Originally posted by Blair Wind
Could Henshaw do something like what Stark did here?
Feast your eyes on Tony Stark WTFpwning Mags
That's a What If?, Blair.

Blair Wind
So? That what the shifty was there for. And if you notice I didnt change the URL from when I wrote it down the first time
It is still a awesome moment

Originally posted by Blair Wind
It is still a awesome moment
Alright, I'll give you that much. disgust
Originally posted by batdude123
Alright, I'll give you that much. disgust
So...magneto fanboy....about the match...

Originally posted by Soljer
So...magneto fanboy....about the match...

Depends entirely on if Henshaw is susceptible to magnetism or an EMP.
If by some chance he can't be taken out by either methods, he'd probably win this match 9-10/10.
Originally posted by batdude123
Depends entirely on if Henshaw is susceptible to magnetism or an EMP.
If by some chance he can't be taken out by either methods, he'd probably win this match 9-10/10.
Well, what do you think about that 'depends'?
Who's control over metal, magnetism, machinery, et cetera, is greater, in your opinion?
Originally posted by Soljer
Well, what do you think about that 'depends'?
Who's control over metal, magnetism, machinery, et cetera, is greater, in your opinion?
I don't believe it's that cut and dry.
We've never seen Henshaw taking an EMP before. We don't know how he would react to that. Nor has he faced someone with complete control over magnetism before.
The results of this fight is speculative at best.
But if Henshaw doesn't have to take an EMP...
I mean, he could always shut Magneto's powers off, no?
Originally posted by batdude123
Depends entirely on if Henshaw is susceptible to magnetism or an EMP. I've never seen anything which suggests that a magnetism/EMP attack would be useless on Hank either.
Originally posted by Galan007
I've never seen anything which suggests that a magnetism/EMP attack would be useless on Hank either.
Well he is made out of some sort of alloy metal, and he has never been shown to resist magnetism. So why can't we assume that he is can be magnetized?

Originally posted by Priest
Well he is made out of some sort of alloy metal, and he has never been shown to resist magnetism. So why can't we assume that he is can be magnetized?

The whole point behind my last post was that I see no reason why magnetism wouldn't affect Hank.

Originally posted by Galan007
The whole point behind my last post was that I see no reason why magnetism wouldn't affect Hank.
Quoting someone doesn't necessarily mean you disagree with them.
I'm saying, it's possible that Priest was agreeing with you, furthering your thought by postulating (not directly asking YOU) "Why can't we assume that he's susceptible to Magneto's attacks?"
I see -- *said the blind man*

The point is Henshaw has never faced Dr. Polaris, or anyone like that. But given the overarching nature of Henshaw's powers and the alien tech that his bodies are composed of, I see an EMP as effectively worthless against him.
Magnetism on the other hand, might be effective. The question is, can Magneto stop Henshaw from altering his body or making himself immune to magnetics? For that matter, would the alien tech that Henshaw has have counter-measures for magnetics?
We're speculating on Mags being able to beat Henshaw with magnetics, but everything we know about Henshaw suggests it's not that easy and that he can adapt and counter. srsly
Isn't Henshaw composed of Kryptonian organics AND kryptonian technology/material?
I thought Kryptonian tech was immune to such things in the past, though I could be misremembering.
Originally posted by Soljer
Isn't Henshaw composed of Kryptonian organics AND kryptonian technology/material?
I thought Kryptonian tech was immune to such things in the past, though I could be misremembering.
Exactly what I was talking about.

Originally posted by Galan007
The whole point behind my last post was that I see no reason why magnetism wouldn't affect Hank.
Originally posted by Soljer
I'm saying, it's possible that Priest was agreeing with you, furthering your thought by postulating (not directly asking YOU) "Why can't we assume that he's susceptible to Magneto's attacks?"
thank you Soljer

I was agreeing with u Galan, my question was directed at Trickster, and the other's who would assume that Hank cannot be magnetized.
Tho I should of have reworded the statement better

Mags won't be disrupting Borg anymore than Electric Superman..who has Mags powerset and far more.
Energy fields fail on Borg.
Plus Mags better not get too cocky...Borgs knows how to disable fields and lock in on an opponents (even intangible opponents) bio frequency.
Once again. Borg knows how Magnetism works far better than Mags himself does.
And lastly... Henshaw ISN'T Superman.... he doesn't have to hold back, and doesn't care about innocents. He has a ton of options even above whats been shown.
HH ftw.
Originally posted by Priest
thank you Soljer

I was agreeing with u Galan, my question was directed at Trickster, and the other's who would assume that Hank cannot be magnetized.
Tho I should of have reworded the statement better
Dude, if Supes Blue couldn't do it, Magneto doesn't have a chance.
Avlon knows his shit. Btw, think the task force is going to catch Dexter?
I'm sure Dex will find his way out of it...but I think that someone will learn of his secret... and for some reason, I think Doakes is either heading for the grave or a hell of a hurtin'.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Dude, if Supes Blue couldn't do it, Magneto doesn't have a chance.
Avlon knows his shit. Btw, think the task force is going to catch Dexter? Probably not. I have read Darkly Dreaming Dexter, Dearly Devoted and Dexter in the dark. There are several difference but I doubt it.
Originally posted by Avlon
I'm sure Dex will find his way out of it...but I think that someone will learn of his secret... and for some reason, I think Doakes is either heading for the grave or a hell of a hurtin'. probably Deb. What makes you think Doakes is in trouble?
Originally posted by HueyFreeman
probably Deb. What makes you think Doakes is in trouble?
Storyline has been putting extra focus on him..and Deb was the victim last season.
Originally posted by Avlon
Storyline has been putting extra focus on him..and Deb was the victim last season. He also had the little sprint last season where he shot that war criminal. I think that Dexters sponsor is probably a serial killer.
I don't know about her being a serial killer...but she's certainly deranged enough to worship one.
Originally posted by Avlon
I don't know about her being a serial killer...but she's certainly deranged enough to worship one. All of the Mannequins in her apartment and the way that some of them have had body parts removed made me think of that. I do wonder how he is going to get away. All the evidence will point to him in no time. Once they find where he docks his boat, it won't take a genius to find that he sailes a lot. He waves and speaks to several people each time he sails out so its not like the police will have trouble finding someone that can identify him. He also has a medical background that shows he is capable of cutting up the bodies so cleanly.
Originally posted by Bransolute
Well that was stupid.

Originally posted by batdude123
Well that was stupid.
Pretty much.
Poor Polaris...

Originally posted by Avlon
Pretty much.
Poor Polaris...
Henshaw looked worse off than Polaris to me... ermmhappy
Originally posted by Avlon
Once again. Borg knows how Magnetism works far better than Mags himself does.
We agree almost all the time but .. yeah, no.
Starscream M
Originally posted by Avlon
Henshaw himself stated that the science he used for those magnetic fields far beyond earths tech. keyword: earth's tech
Magneto's magnetism is far beyond earth's tech
so far Henshaw has shown no resistance to magnetism on the level of Magneto's control
Originally posted by Starscream M
keyword: earth's tech
Magneto's magnetism is far beyond earth's tech
so far Henshaw has shown no resistance to magnetism on the level of Magneto's control
Like the energy fields that Blue erected and got destroyed in my scans?
Also, proof that Mags knowledge of Magnestism is close to henshaws?
Originally posted by Avlon
He does. When creating Engine city, even Steel (one of the top minds of the DCU) couldn't understand the complexity of Henshaws work with Magnestism....which somehow powered engine city.
Henshaw himself stated that the science he used for those magnetic fields far beyond earths tech.
It's been a long time since I read that, so I can't really remember off-hand the comments Steel made. Issue number or scans ? Not that I see the relevance of how this proves that Henshaw knows far more about magnetism that Magneto, though.
Starscream M
Originally posted by Avlon
Like the energy fields that Blue erected and got destroyed in my scans?
energy field =/ magnetism (unless you think magnetism is the only form of energy)
Originally posted by Avlon
Also, proof that Mags knowledge of Magnestism is close to henshaws? you're joking right?
you actually have the burden to show that henshaws control of knowledge is even comparable to that within magneto's pinky
Magneto is the master of Magnetism nobody knows more about it than him uhuh
Starscream M
and what does henshaw's 'knowledge' of magnetism have any relevance when Magneto has CONTROL over magnetism
This match will only end in speculation.
No one really knows if Henshaw's cybernetic body attracts magnetism, or is weak against EMPs.
If it is, he's pretty much f***ed.
Starscream M
Originally posted by occultdestroyer
This match will only end in speculation.
No one really knows if Henshaw's cybernetic body attracts magnetism, or is weak against EMPs.
If it is, he's pretty much f***ed. we know that his body contains elements of metal and utilizes circuitry...both of which Magneto will abuse to great effect in destroying henshaw
henshaw doesn't stand a chance in hell against the master of Magnetism
this is almost like pitting Superman against Silver Surfer wearing an armor of kryptonite...its spite
Originally posted by Starscream M
we know that his body contains elements of metal and utilizes circuitry...both of which Magneto will abuse to great effect in destroying henshaw
henshaw doesn't stand a chance in hell against the master of Magnetism
this is almost like pitting Superman against Silver Surfer wearing an armor of kryptonite...its spite
I was trying to be a little discreet, ya know
Yup, he's f***ed.
Originally posted by Starscream M
this is almost like pitting Superman against Silver Surfer wearing an armor of kryptonite...its spite
I like that example, lol.
He has to have some magnetic effected type of metal on him, half of his body is a robot. It would be hilarious if Magneto just ripped him in half.
Apocalypse in HoM, anyone?
Now, the question is:
Can Magneto penetrate through Henshaw's shields if he has the rings?
Originally posted by occultdestroyer
Now, the question is:
Can Magneto penetrate through Henshaw's shields if he has the rings?
Mags can manipulate energy on the EM spectrum. Which the rings operate on (visible light.)
I'd say yes.
Starscream M
also, henshaw has done jack squat with the rings
What kind of device is this "skulljammer" that J'onn used? Martian tech?
Originally posted by Starscream M
also, henshaw has done jack squat with the rings Yeah he did absolutely nothing except Pwn various Lanterns easily 3 shot Superman easily yeah he did jack shit with the ring

Originally posted by iceman24567
Yeah he did absolutely nothing except Pwn various Lanterns easily 3 shot Superman easily yeah he did jack shit with the ring
Pssht. Mags could three-shot Supes. biscuits
Originally posted by Enyalus
Pssht. Mags could three-shot Supes. biscuits It's possible but Magneto can't pwn Lanterns like Henshaw did.
Originally posted by iceman24567
It's possible but Magneto can't pwn Lanterns like Henshaw did.
Dude, Spiderman could pwn the no-name lanterns that littered most of the SC War.
...Remember in the Killing Joke when Dr. Polaris knocked out Supes by tossing a frigate at him?
Originally posted by Enyalus
Dude, Spiderman could pwn the no-name lanterns that littered most of the SC War.
...Remember in the Killing Joke when Dr. Polaris knocked out Supes by tossing a frigate at him? Yeah i actually remember that and that's the reason i said it's possible and Arisia, Guy Gardner, Hal aren't no name Gl's.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Yeah i actually remember that and that's the reason i said it's possible and Arisia, Guy Gardner, Hal aren't no name Gl's.
While that is true, I still stand by my opinion that:
Originally posted by Enyalus
Dude, Spiderman could pwn the no-name lanterns that littered most of the SC War.
(BTW: did you pick up GL 38 yet? Hal was badass.)
Originally posted by Enyalus
While that is true, I still stand by my opinion that:
(BTW: did you pick up GL 38 yet? Hal was badass.) I was suppose get it today but my stomach did a couple flips and out came soupy goodness

Point is, Henshaw has close to nothing to prove that he is even close to Magneto when it comes to knowledge on magnetism. Throghout his career, Magneto has used magnetism in various, creative ways, ranging from jamming psionic powers/telepathy, teleporting, being completly undetectable, mind-control and even goddamn wormholes, and it's pretty much asining to assume that Henshaw is better than him based on pretty much .. nothing. A few magnetism-related showings here and then, don't compare to somebody who has been using it for a lifetime (literally), and is one of the smartest persons on Marvel Earth.
Though I am looking forward to Avlon's replies, and see where this discussion can go.
Starscream M
avlon's scans didnt even have anything to do with magnetism...yet he somehow claimed those scans showed Cyborg's immunity to such attack.
also, knowledge of magnetism is not the is CONTROL of magnetism...which Henshaw is a joke compared to mags.
Starscream M
Originally posted by Enyalus
...but you just called Avlon's stance assinine in the previous paragraph... he's prob looking forward to how Avlon is going to spin a victory for Cyborg against Magneto in the magnetism department
Originally posted by Enyalus
...but you just called Avlon's stance assinine in the previous paragraph...
Yes, because up until now there hasn't really been any strong evidence to suggest Henshaw is even close to Magneto's knowledge of magnetism, neither logical or feat-based. That may change, which is why I said I'm looking forward to his reply.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Magneto is the master of Magnetism nobody knows more about it than him uhuh

Originally posted by Enyalus
I think the kicker in that department, like you already said, is his creation of wormholes pre-HoM. That's a damn outstanding feat with purely EM control.
Yeah, it's his highest feat.
It's really pissing me off that I don't have the comics where they come to confront Henshaw in the engine city at hand, so I can verify the 'Henshaw impressing Steel with magnetism aplications' statement though.
It's around Adventures 504/505 and Action Comics 591. If Avlon doesn't post the scans, I'll try and download them, but thanks.

Starscream M
Originally posted by Avlon
but against someone who actually understands how the EM spectrum works on levels that Mags can't even comprehend...I don't see it as a problem. can you back up your statements with evidence? you make claim that Henshaw understands the EM spectrum better than Magneto??!!! on what basis?
Originally posted by Avlon
With earth science, Doom has been able to pwn Mags by simply changing the polarity in his own armor...something Henshaw can do with ease since he has complete molecular control over his own body.
My scans also showed how easily he can negate Mags own energy he did to Superman blue. Blue has tried to directly "disrupt" Henshaw...and that attack failed...and Blue knows ALL about EMP's. Henshaw is not Doom. Henshaw is not as knowledgeable about Magneto as Doom. Henshaw does not have prep time like Doom does in preparing against Magneto.
Originally posted by Avlon
Doom Doom can do anything.
Originally posted by Starscream M
can you back up your statements with evidence? you make claim that Henshaw understands the EM spectrum better than Magneto??!!! on what basis?
Steel can't even begin to understand Henshaws fusion process that creates the magnetic fields that Henshaw can. Steel obviously knows how Magnestism works (as he speaks with Henshaw) and is one of the top minds of the DCU.
Originally posted by Starscream M
Henshaw is not Doom. Henshaw is not as knowledgeable about Magneto as Doom. Henshaw does not have prep time like Doom does in preparing against Magneto.
You're right. Henshaw is smarter than Doom. Not as crafty, but definitely smarter in the sciences. Why would Henshaw need prep time when he can disable the fields around Mags, or change his polarity on the fly ASSUMING that his cybernetic parts are even magnetic or controllable?
How is Henshaw smarter than Doom?
Avlon: Can you edit those to use thumbnails instead of full-size?
EDIT: Lol, thanks.
Originally posted by Mindset
Doom can do anything.
Yea. Doom's awesome.
psycho gundam
damn, that was a fast edit there avlon!
and henshaw being smarter than doom is a can of worms that shouldn't be opened in this thread.
Starscream M
Originally posted by Avlon
Yea. Doom's awesome. henshaw's not doom's intellectual equal by any means...being a master of tech does not automatically equate to having genius level intellect, especially on par with level of Dr. Doom.
Originally posted by psycho gundam
damn, that was a fast edit there avlon!
and henshaw being smarter than doom is a can of worms that shouldn't be opened in this thread. that's true, I don't feel like trying to debate anyway

Originally posted by psycho gundam
damn, that was a fast edit there avlon!
and henshaw being smarter than doom is a can of worms that shouldn't be opened in this thread.
The huge scans irritated me.
Anything Marvel vs DC is potentially a huge can of worms.
Technologically Henshaw is far above any science on either Earth.
However, Doom is far craftier than Henshaw.
Starscream M
Originally posted by Avlon
Steel can't even begin to understand Henshaws fusion process that creates the magnetic fields that Henshaw can. Steel obviously knows how Magnestism works (as he speaks with Henshaw) and is one of the top minds of the DCU.
creating a magnetic field beyond the capabilities of primitive earth science somehow puts him on par with Magneto in terms of control of magnetism?
you gotta by joking

^ Far beyond primitive Earth science, if you want to get technical. It could be above Magneto, it could be below. At the very least, he isn't unfamiliar with it.
Originally posted by Avlon
Technologically Henshaw is far above any usual science on either Earth.Corrected.
Doom's science should not be lumped in with Earth science. His tech can breach Heaven, blow up entire planets, travel through time, manipulate the Power Cosmic where Thanos/Annihilus' failed, etc.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
^ Far beyond primitive Earth science, if you want to get technical. It could be above Magneto, it could be below. At the very least, he isn't unfamiliar with it.
Doom's science should not be lumped in with Earth science. His tech can breach Heaven, blow up entire planets, travel through time, manipulate the Power Cosmic where Thanos/Annihilus' failed, etc. When Thanos' tech and Doom's tech were compared in marvel's the end Thanos' tech was more sophisticated.
Originally posted by Starscream M
creating a magnetic field beyond the capabilities of primitive earth science somehow puts him on par with Magneto in terms of control of magnetism?
you gotta by joking
Earth's science is primitive compared to Henshaws knowledge of it.
If Irons was baffled by's pretty high up there.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
^ Far beyond primitive Earth science, if you want to get technical. It could be above Magneto, it could be below. At the very least, he isn't unfamiliar with it.
Compared to what Henshaw's knowledge, Earth science IS primitive..and that's even if Henshaw only knew Kryptonian tech. He knows far more.
Originally posted by Starscream M
Doom's science should not be lumped in with Earth science. His tech can breach Heaven, blow up entire planets, travel through time, manipulate the Power Cosmic where Thanos/Annihilus' failed, etc.
I agree with this. Steel's worked with similar things and still he was like an infant with a linux terminal in front of him.
However, MAGNETO isn't anywhere near Doom or Henshaw when it comes to his knowledge of the sciences.
Lord Feron
Originally posted by Avlon
However, MAGNETO isn't anywhere near Doom or Henshaw when it comes to his knowledge of the sciences.
I don't think knowledge is always power.. despite how popular that cliche is. Anyway, because someone knows alot about tech or science does not give him a auto win. Your saying because that henshaw has considerable knowledge of tech, it would make him resistant to the effects of magnetism on magneto's level? I mean it's a possibility and a bit of a stretch of logic.
But a more prevailing and logical deduction would be that Henshaw is made of metal and has circuitry both of which Magneto can seriously mess up. Henshaw should have a huge vulnerability against Mags.
Knowledge of science to knowledge of magnetism to being resistant to magnetism then being able to resist magnetism at Megneto's level...... Idk thats a long and weak string of logic...
Originally posted by Avlon
The huge scans irritated me.
Anything Marvel vs DC is potentially a huge can of worms.
Technologically Henshaw is far above any science on either Earth.
However, Doom is far craftier than Henshaw.
Sooo, Henshaw is of higher scientific knowledge than Doom and knows magnetic fields better than the master of magnetism.
You just lost a lot of credibility thar.
Genius-level Intellect: A mastermind, Magneto is a genius within various scientific fields. He is an expert on genetic engineering and mutation, with knowledge far beyond that of contemporary science. He can mutate humans in order to give them superhuman powers, instill genetic mind-control, create adult clones of human beings, and then manipulate the genetic structures of these clones during their development. He has designed magnetically-powered aircraft and spacecraft, complex robots and computers, and magnetically-powered generators and created artificial living beings, space stations said to possess technology even Reed Richards would envy, and machines capable of nullifying mutant powers within a radius of several miles.
Starscream M
Originally posted by Avlon
Earth's science is primitive compared to Henshaws knowledge of it.
If Irons was baffled by's pretty high up there.
and how does this mean Henshaw can even challenge Magneto in the realm of magnetism?
knowledge means nothing without control. Henshaw actually has to build complex machinery to produce magnetic effects that Magneto can unleash with but a thought. Henshaw doesn't hold a candle to magneto in the realm of magnetism, to say otherwise is simply ludicrous.
Originally posted by Lord Feron
I don't think knowledge is always power.. despite how popular that cliche is. Anyway, because someone knows alot about tech or science does not give him a auto win. Your saying because that henshaw has considerable knowledge of tech, it would make him resistant to the effects of magnetism on magneto's level? I mean it's a possibility and a bit of a stretch of logic.
But a more prevailing and logical deduction would be that Henshaw is made of metal and has circuitry both of which Magneto can seriously mess up. Henshaw should have a huge vulnerability against Mags.
Knowledge of science to knowledge of magnetism to being resistant to magnetism then being able to resist magnetism at Megneto's level...... Idk thats a long and weak string of logic...
All Doom did to defeat Mags is reverse the polarity of his armor. Henshaw has complete molecular control of his body.
Henshaw can completely obliterate the Magnetic fields around Mags leaving him defenseless.
And there is also no proof that Henshaw can even be magnetized..especially considering in space..the EM field is far more potent than on Earth...
Originally posted by D_Dude1210
Sooo, Henshaw is of higher scientific knowledge than Doom and knows magnetic fields better than the master of magnetism.
You just lost a lot of credibility thar.
Considering you don't have any credibility in the 1st place..losing "credibility" from you is hardly going to make me lose sleep at night. Even the simple concept that not all metal is magnetic seems to elude your grasp...and my scans that have shown henshaw to not be able to be disrupted, destroy energy fields, and adapt to his enemy.
Seems like some of you guys have got it twisted as well. My claim isn't that Henshaw is going to fight Magneto by using Magnetic powers (although he could come up with a weapon for that) but having such knowledge would make it easy for him to make a non magnetic body (IF he even is susceptable to that..which has never been shown). Doom did it easily with a simple reversal of his polarity. Henshaw has PLENTY of options to take out Mags.
Lord Feron
Originally posted by Avlon
All Doom did to defeat Mags is reverse the polarity of his armor. Henshaw has complete molecular control of his body.
Henshaw can completely obliterate the Magnetic fields around Mags leaving him defenseless.
And there is also no proof that Henshaw can even be magnetized..especially considering in space..the EM field is far more potent than on Earth...
Considering you don't have any credibility in the 1st place..losing "credibility" from you is hardly going to make me lose sleep at night. Even the simple concept that not all metal is magnetic seems to elude your grasp...and my scans that have shown henshaw to not be able to be disrupted, destroy energy fields, and adapt to his enemy.
Seems like some of you guys have got it twisted as well. My claim isn't that Henshaw is going to fight Magneto by using Magnetic powers (although he could come up with a weapon for that) but having such knowledge would make it easy for him to make a non magnetic body (IF he even is susceptable to that..which has never been shown). Doom did it easily with a simple reversal of his polarity. Henshaw has PLENTY of options to take out Mags.
I don't think Henshaw will be able to do what doom did as esily. Doom is a genius when it comes to tech. For example his inventions and his armor has proven to be extremely creative and potent with people like Thanos, SS, Galactus, and the Beyonder. I don't think Henshaw would be able to easily replicate the feat in mid battle with someone like Mags.
I agree that all metal is magnetic. But Magneto has magnetic powers go beyond just magnetizing metal.
As for the sheilds. Henshaw might be able to disrupt them but he also might not. There is no solid evidence to prove that he can dispel Mag's sheilds.
Originally posted by Avlon
Considering you don't have any credibility in the 1st place..losing "credibility" from you is hardly going to make me lose sleep at night. Even the simple concept that not all metal is magnetic seems to elude your grasp...and my scans that have shown henshaw to not be able to be disrupted, destroy energy fields, and adapt to his enemy.
Originally posted by Avlon
Mags is great with his powers, but against someone who actually understands how the EM spectrum works on levels that Mags can't even comprehend...I don't see it as a problem.
Originally posted by Avlon
You're right. Henshaw is smarter than Doom. Not as crafty, but definitely smarter in the sciences. Why would Henshaw need prep time when he can disable the fields around Mags, or change his polarity on the fly ASSUMING that his cybernetic parts are even magnetic or controllable?
This is what I said:
Originally posted by Avlon
Sooo, Henshaw is of higher scientific knowledge than Doom and knows magnetic fields better than the master of magnetism.
You just lost a lot of credibility thar.
I'm sorry, when exactly did I mention that magneto would win or that he would manipulate Henshaw's armor? I made no claims about anything about the battle. Just pointed out the claims you made.
Defensive aren't we?
Originally posted by Lord Feron
I don't think Henshaw will be able to do what doom did as esily. Doom is a genius when it comes to tech. For example his inventions and his armor has proven to be extremely creative and potent with people like Thanos, SS, Galactus, and the Beyonder. I don't think Henshaw would be able to easily replicate the feat in mid battle with someone like Mags.
I agree that all metal is magnetic. But Magneto has magnetic powers go beyond just magnetizing metal.
As for the sheilds. Henshaw might be able to disrupt them but he also might not. There is no solid evidence to prove that he can dispel Mag's sheilds.
Not all metal or material is magnetic.
Henshaws gone fully Kryptonian on the fly before..and turned a bunch of simple toys into kryptonian skin/bone + weapons.
Reversing polarity shouldn't be an issue IF it's needed.
Starscream M
Originally posted by Avlon
Doom did it easily with a simple reversal of his polarity. sure he didn't prep far in advance and actually built specific mechanisms to deal with Magneto?
also, Henshaw's critical parts are metal, of the common variety (meaning can be effected by magnetism). He is shown 99% of time to be metal, so we use that form, not the 1% time when he was shown as something else.
jalek moye
Originally posted by Starscream M sure he didn't prep far in advance and actually built specific mechanisms to deal with Magneto?
also, Henshaw's critical parts are metal, of the common variety (meaning can be effected by magnetism). He is shown 99% of time to be metal, so we use that form, not the 1% time when he was shown as something else.
hes able to change his from though, he just normally doesnt have a need to
Originally posted by Soljer
Cyborg Superman vs. Magneto has been done before - I'm aware, but never with the rings.
Henshaw with his rings versus Magneto?
Henshaw without his rings versus Magneto?
I doubt Magneto can manipulate every single part of Henshaw (not all metal), I would say Henshaw in the long will beat Magneto. With rings it will be at quicker rate.

Originally posted by Starscream M sure he didn't prep far in advance and actually built specific mechanisms to deal with Magneto?
Doom needs to prep since since he wears a suit. Henshaw has complete molecular control over his body.
Originally posted by Starscream M
also, Henshaw's critical parts are metal, of the common variety (meaning can be effected by magnetism). He is shown 99% of time to be metal, so we use that form, not the 1% time when he was shown as something else.
Let's see...Henshaw has been:
A full Superman.
Alpha Centurion.
A professor.
A scientist.
All fully in flesh. He's also matter manipulated on the ad-hoc to create a body. How do you figure he can't change up on the fly?
As for "common parts"..he uses kryptonian tech... there isn't anything common about them. Best to stop commenting on a character if you know absolutely nothing about them.
Originally posted by Avlon
With earth science, Doom has been able to pwn Mags by simply changing the polarity in his own armor...something Henshaw can do with ease since he has complete molecular control over his own body.
My scans also showed how easily he can negate Mags own energy he did to Superman blue. Blue has tried to directly "disrupt" Henshaw...and that attack failed...and Blue knows ALL about EMP's.
Never did I say that Henshaw wouldn't beat Magneto. All I did was say that Henshaw knowing more about magnetism than Magneto is false. And unless I'm missing something ..
Originally posted by Avlon
...all it says is that Earth's tehnology is unable to create the magnetic sheilds necessary needed to facilitate the fusion. So Henshaw displaying more advanced tech automatically means that his knowledge of magnetism is superior to Magneto's ? The same magneto who uses his powers to create wormholes ? Seriously though, I'm really not buying this.
Anyway, Henshaw ftw.
Starscream M
Originally posted by Avlon
If he had Henshaws advanced level of knowledge and those same powers, he'd be pulling off even more badass ish IMO. what exactly has henshaw done to show he has more knowledge of magnetism than Magneto does?
Originally posted by Avlon
Henshaw knows far more about Magnetism than Mags does. Guys like Doom pwn Mags by simple reversing their polarity.
This is like an angry chihuahua vs an elephant.
Henshaw ftw.
Starscream M
Originally posted by fangirl101
oh, I get it. henshaw is far more knowledgeable about magnetism because henshaw is far more knowledgeable about magnetism. excellent point, my dear chap.
Originally posted by Avlon
I don't think I ever implied that you did say Mags wins. When it comes to Mags, I know you and Batdude know your stuff.
Mags did that feat with his powers and what he knows of Magnetism. Part of the reason that he pulls off a lot of the stuff that he does is because he understands how the EM spectrum works. If he had Henshaws advanced level of knowledge and those same powers, he'd be pulling off even more badass ish IMO.
I just got that vibe when you brought up the Doom/Blue Supes examples. I don't think Magneto would be able to defeat Cyborg Superman simply because the guy is nigh-unbeatable when no PIS is involved, and no energy manipulator, or at least in Magneto's class should be able to defeat him. Like I said, I think that Magneto has shown far more knowledge of magnetism, not only because he has used it for a lifetime, but also due to the various ways he has done it while Henshaw doesn't really have the showings proving he is superior.
Speaking of Steel, it's ridiculous how underused the character is, considering he's insanely smart. I remember the whole Fortress of Solitude rebuilding arc, when he was going on about rebuilding it from trace-energies/memories inside a terrasect that was just formed and isolated. There are some interesting characters that are just lying around DC with untapped potential, which is pissing me off.
Originally posted by Starscream M
oh, I get it. henshaw is far more knowledgeable about magnetism because henshaw is far more knowledgeable about magnetism. excellent point, my dear chap. magnetism has nothing to do with all of henshaws powers. He can make Sinestro rings on the fly. Which are immune to magnetism. Didn't you know that? With all that EM energy in space. Lulz. He is also a spirit. He doesn't even need his own tech to win. He can get in the circuitry in magneto's helmet and pwn magneto by crushing his skull. Please. Don't come for me. You make yourself look terribly bad.
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