batman vs mystique
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this is batman from batman begins vs movie mystique. no bat toys and no shapeshifting. hand to hand fight only. who wins ?
i say movie mystique is a much better figthter than movie batman
She school him
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
She school him hell yah
Movie Bats ftw.
Originally posted by DARKLORDCAEDUS
Movie Bats ftw.
No way!!!
Mystique was so uber in the films when it comes to martial arts that no normal human, however skilled, could compete.
Originally posted by DARKLORDCAEDUS
Movie Bats ftw. movie mystique was a much more skilled fighter than movie batman.
Originally posted by wannabe
No way!!!
Mystique was so uber in the films when it comes to martial arts that no normal human, however skilled, could compete. the only martial artisit i think that has a shot at mystique is ultraviolet. everyone else mystique can whip hand to hand fight
movie mystique rapes bats
Based on the movie versions only, Mystique would own Batman.
A straight up hand to hand combat.....Mystique will take this. She's too fast and moves too quick.
How old is Mystique??? Isn't she like 100 something
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