Full Power Galactus Vs The Fury
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"Full power Galactus?"
If Fury was able to go 'warp for warp' with MJJ -- I'm thinking Galactus shouldn't be too much of a problem.srsly
Originally posted by Galan007
If Fury was able to go 'warp for warp' with MJJ -- I'm thinking Galactus shouldn't be too much of a problem.srsly
You would think the Big G would be able to handle his own.
Isn't MJJ a mutant?
Originally posted by SouthSpawn
You would think the Big G would be able to handle his own.
Isn't MJJ a mutant?
HOM wanda is a mutant.
havok is a mutant.
I think Cap brit is mutant.
Franklin richards is a mutant.
Hyperstorm is a mutant.
All of them should give big g a good fight or flat out pwn him.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
HOM wanda is a mutant.
havok is a mutant.
I think Cap brit is mutant.
Franklin richards is a mutant.
Hyperstorm is a mutant.
All of them should give big g a good fight or flat out pwn him.
Not a single one you mentioned would give full power galactus a fight or pwn him.
Originally posted by vlaaad12345
Not a single one you mentioned would give full power galactus a fight or pwn him.
I think you should walk yourself over to everything cosmic about marvel and look at mr. master's thread. you are seriously behind the times.
since FPG is said to be as strong as eternity, does fury > eternity?
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
I think you should walk yourself over to everything cosmic about marvel and look at mr. master's thread. you are seriously behind the times.
I think you should go remember what full power galactus is.
Originally posted by Terryc250
since FPG is said to be as strong as eternity, does fury > eternity?
Originally posted by vlaaad12345
I think you should go remember what full power galactus is.

The Fury wins. Not even FP Galactus can survive nullification.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Not seeing the funny,the only person on that list who could give the true full power galactus a fight is HOM wanda.
Originally posted by vlaaad12345
Not a single one you mentioned would give full power galactus a fight or pwn him.

Originally posted by Erik-Lensherr
I think you and nvr arent quite grasping what a full power galactus really is,you both are probably thinking of a galactus who has just eatin some planets,the true full power galactus would be the one who has eatin the entire 616 universe along with eternity,so please tell me who on that list besides Hom wanda would come even close to giving him a fight.
Anyone with a resonable knowledge would know this. Not to mention that you said that nobody on that list would put up a fight with Galactus nor pwn him, which is what I quoted. Anyone who thinks that isn't even worth talking to really.
Originally posted by Erik-Lensherr
Anyone with a resonable knowledge would know this. Not to mention that you said that nobody on that list would put up a fight with Galactus nor pwn him, which is what I quoted. Anyone who thinks that isn't even worth talking to really.
Prove it,galactus beat hyperstorm while being weak,havok is a joke,captain universe isnt anything special last time I checked,franklin richards isnt eternity level,and hom isnt beyond eternity level so im really failing to see who on that list is taking a fight to the real full power galactus.
Originally posted by Terryc250
since FPG is said to be as strong as eternity, does fury > eternity? Please show me the comic in which this was specifically stated.

You only have to have basic knowledge about his oponnents to realize that some would actually held their own while other would beat him.
Who said anything about Captain Universe ? Nvr was talking about Captain Britain, at his most powerfull, which would wipe the floor with Galactus.
Not to mention that you are wrong about Hyperstorm, which Galactus didn't beat in a fight but fed on him, with Hyperstorm even saying that Galactus is not strong enough to beat him in a fight. But this is irrelevant to this thread anyway since we are talking about a stronger version of Galactus and I didn't say that he beats this version of Galactus anyway.
But like I said, get some knowledge about his adversary from reading comics.
The one that really makes me stop this discussion is you saying that HOM Wanda isn't beyond Eternity level, in which case I'm going to stop this discussion now. Read comics.
Are we using ABC logic here???
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
HOM wanda is a mutant.
havok is a mutant.
I think Cap brit is mutant.
Franklin richards is a mutant.
Hyperstorm is a mutant.
All of them should give big g a good fight or flat out pwn him.
Since when would any of the listed (except HoM) give Galactus a good fight ore flat out pwn him???
Originally posted by Utrigita
Since when would any of the listed (except HoM) give Galactus a good fight ore flat out pwn him???
I think he was talking about Havok merged w/Nexus. That one would definitely own Galactus. As would Captain Britian w/Excalibur and the Amulet. He can remake the omniverse (but he's not a mutant).
Franklin Richards or Hyperstorm couldn't beat a full powered Galactus.
Originally posted by celestialdemon
I think he was talking about Havok merged w/Nexus. That one would definitely own Galactus. As would Captain Britian w/Excalibur and the Amulet. He can remake the omniverse (but he's not a mutant).
Franklin Richards or Hyperstorm couldn't beat a full powered Galactus.
Then maybe he should specify it
Neither would they beat a fed Galactus
Originally posted by Utrigita
Neither would they beat a fed Galactus
Franklin and Hyperstorm or Havok and Britain?
Originally posted by celestialdemon
Franklin and Hyperstorm or Havok and Britain?
Franklin and Hyperstorm
Originally posted by Utrigita
Franklin and Hyperstorm
Originally posted by Galan007
If Fury was able to go 'warp for warp' with MJJ -- I'm thinking Galactus shouldn't be too much of a problem.srsly
Yeah but then he lost to Rachel Summers.

Originally posted by Validus
Yeah but then he lost to Rachel Summers.
Man this robot/synthetic tissue is getting alot of love on these boards.
To much agreed.
Beating MJJ a great feat no doubt. Does that mean that the Fury is invinsible? IMO no.
how will the fury hurt galactus?
will he take the form of a thorn under BIG Gs foot? the fury would become another herald fast. or a pile of grape jelly
Originally posted by xjustice69x
how will the fury hurt galactus?
will he take the form of a thorn under BIG Gs foot? the fury would become another herald fast. or a pile of grape jelly
Perhaps find his weakness his depends on Bio Sphere Energy but is that before ore after it becomes immune to the unlimited numbers of possibility that is within the PC (before it's killed)
What are HOM Wanda's powers.
Anyone have a link to them?
Just look at the thread a little http://www.killermovies.com/forums/f98/t425178.html
MJJ's showing against the Fury wasn't great.
Why did he turn into a butterfly with razorblade wings? Why did he fight in that ridiculous manner?
Mr Master
Originally posted by Validus
Yeah but then he lost to Rachel Summers.
That was a cheap imitation created by Jamie Braddock.
On Panel and in the bio
stated to be weker than the original Fury created by Jaspers.
(excerpt from the official Marvel Handbook Fury - bio 2006)
I'll get you the on panel later, gotta work out now.

Mr Master
Originally posted by Utrigita
Beating MJJ a great feat no doubt.
Does that mean that the Fury is invinsible? IMO no.
Unless he battle Jaspers 616 to the death (Jaspers' anyway)
and then is immediately attacked, Big G stands no chance.
Originally posted by llagrok
MJJ's showing against the Fury wasn't great.
Why did he turn into a butterfly with razorblade wings? Why did he fight in that ridiculous manner?
Fury went hand to hand with Jaspers,
because Jaspers was trying to Alter Reality.
But Fury is immune to Reality manipulation,
so Jaspers had to duke it out the old way.
They went were both shapeshifting into creatures like warriors
and attacking each other like savage beasts.
Originally posted by Mr Master
Unless he battle Jaspers 616 to the death (Jaspers' anyway)
and then is immediately attacked, Big G stands no chance.
Doesn't quiet understand what you mean here???
Originally posted by Utrigita
Doesn't quiet understand what you mean here??? In a nuttshell,
He means that Galactus would only stand a chance here, if he battled an incredibly weak Fury.
Originally posted by Galan007
In a nuttshell,
He means that Galactus would only stand a chance here, if he battled an incredibly weak Fury.
A FP that would equal According to Mr Masters should equal Multieternity pardon me for say that I find it highly unlikely that Fury would defeat Galactus at that state

Mr Master
Originally posted by Utrigita
A FP that would equal According to Mr Masters should equal Multieternity
That's my theory, and it is based on many indirect facts.
Originally posted by Utrigita
pardon me for say that I find it highly unlikely that Fury would defeat Galactus at that state
Fury can withstand an incredible beating.
Fury's durability is above "Multi" Eternity's.
(even though Time & Space is the same whether it's universal or multiversal)
With time, and Fury would last, that's for sure,
Fury can adapt and structure a weapon that breaks Galactus out of his armor,
exposing his energy stores,
transforming Galactus into a helpless consciousless Universe.
That's how Reed defeated Galactus (or "killed" him)
Reed cracked normal Galactus thus transforming him into a helpless Star.
Originally posted by Mr Master
That's my theory, and it is based on many indirect facts.
And I must agree with you, that it is most likely the situation.
Fury can withstand an incredible beating.
He showed that yes.
Fury's durability is above "Multi" Eternity's.
(even though Time & Space is the same whether it's universal or multiversal)
That is what really bothers me about Fury in all his other showings he needed time to adapt to a situation but the nullification happend instantly and yet he withstood it
With time, and Fury would last, that's for sure,
Fury can adapt and structure a weapon that breaks Galactus out of his armor,
exposing his energy stores,
transforming Galactus into a helpless consciousless Universe.
That's how Reed defeated Galactus (or "killed" him)
Reed cracked normal Galactus thus transforming him into a helpless Star.
How is that sure a battle against Multieternity would be waged across the universes giving the fact that is isthe multiverse you are fighting against the constant switches would IMO leave Fury in the same state as he was when he teleported to 616 exchasted.
Actually Reed has never done that Reed manifactured a device a drill if you like that was used against a starving Galactus, and didn't managed to do anything against Galactus, the only thing Reed accomplished was getting the entire collected bunch of heroes killed. The situation that turned Galactus into a star was produced by SS warping Space around Galactus world ship and the using the elemantal Converter to change Galactus into raw energy. Reed never did anything.
And Again all this was against a extremely weakend Galactus that was further down that ever seen on Panal before (the annihilation get close) and this is Galactus at full power.
Mr Master
Originally posted by Utrigita
That is what really bothers me about Fury in all his other showings he needed time to adapt to a situation but the nullification happend instantly and yet he withstood it
His durability is his, no need to adapt for that.
Originally posted by Utrigita
How is that sure a battle against Multieternity would be waged across the universes giving the fact that is isthe multiverse you are fighting against the constant switches would IMO leave Fury in the same state as he was when he teleported to 616 exchasted.
Galactus isn't a true abstract, he can be physically harmed.
Originally posted by Utrigita
Actually Reed has never done that Reed manifactured a device a drill if you like that was used against a starving Galactus, and didn't managed to do anything against Galactus, the only thing Reed accomplished was getting the entire collected bunch of heroes killed. The situation that turned Galactus into a star was produced by SS warping Space around Galactus world ship and the using the elemantal Converter to change Galactus into raw energy.
Reed never did anything.
Actually it was all Reed's plan, with out Reed,
none of that would've been accomplished:
Reed says, "And so it ends"
Sue responds, "This is what YOU planned all along?"
Silver Surfer played the biggest role on a physical basis,
but to say Reed did nothing, you buggin.
Reed did everything, through out the entire issue,
Reed is coordinating everyone, including Surfer.
Originally posted by Utrigita
And Again all this was against a extremely weakend Galactus that was further down that ever seen on Panal before (the annihilation get close) and this is Galactus at full power.
Actually, Galactus managed to feed during that madness,
so he wasn't that weak:
"Within the Ship Galactus says nothing,
he simply reaches out and absorbs All the remaining power directly into himself"
"Crackling with Power, Galactus .. "
Reed did manage to weaken him, but not to a state of starvation.
Weakest Galactus ever seen was the one from the Zombie verse.
Originally posted by Mr Master
His durability is his, no need to adapt for that.
His durabiblity is such that Fury can instantly resist nullification but not teleport between dimensions without nearly getting killed and a few other incidents besides teleport was a near death experience for Fury.
Galactus isn't a true abstract, he can be physically harmed.
That depends on what you mean with physical form I have seen Sue Storm hammering a force pojection right through a alternate Galactus and he didn't care and 616 is the strongest off them all so I doesn't see Fury hurting him physically.
Actually it was all Reed's plan, with out Reed,
none of that would've been accomplished:
Reed says, "And so it ends"
Sue responds, "This is what YOU planned all along?"
Silver Surfer played the biggest role on a physical basis,
but to say Reed did nothing, you buggin.
Reed did everything, through out the entire issue,
Reed is coordinating everyone, including Surfer.
But your statement was
Reed cracked normal Galactus thus transforming him into a helpless Star.
And that isn't correct maybe it was reeds plan maybe I think you forgot to highlight the ?, and I mean that Reed never did anything to turn A starving Galactus into a sun. As you said yourself it was SS that did all the working.
Actually, Galactus managed to feed during that madness,
so he wasn't that weak:
"Within the Ship Galactus says nothing,
he simply reaches out and absorbs All the remaining power directly into himself"
"Crackling with Power, Galactus .. "
Reed did manage to weaken him, but not to a state of starvation.
Weakest Galactus ever seen was the one from the Zombie verse.
And that feeding was pointless to him since he feasted on living organisme only
It was killing him...
Right after he had absorbed the Mantis homeworld he needed more energy
During that entire Issue Galactus was never at anything near a normal Powerlevel he was feeding on life energy that was during only one thing killing and draining him further...
Mr Master
Originally posted by Utrigita
His durabiblity is such that Fury can instantly resist nullification but not teleport between dimensions without nearly getting killed and a few other incidents besides teleport was a near death experience for Fury.
Fury never teleported anywhere from 238.
Fury travelled through Universes from 238 to 616.
He could've been battered with a plethora of different obstacles,
the entire trip.
Originally posted by Utrigita
That depends on what you mean with physical form I have seen Sue Storm hammering a force pojection right through a alternate Galactus and he didn't care and 616 is the strongest off them all so I doesn't see Fury hurting him physically.
Susan is a flea next to Fury.
Originally posted by Utrigita
But your statement was
And that isn't correct maybe it was reeds plan maybe I think you forgot to highlight the ?, and I mean that Reed never did anything to turn A starving Galactus into a sun. As you said yourself it was SS that did all the working.
That's what I meant, tat it was Reed's machinations that cracked Galctus.
I should've been more thorough.
Although, Silver Surfer played the major, he didn;t do all the work though.
Other factors played in aswell.
Originally posted by Utrigita
And that feeding was pointless to him since he feasted on living organisme only
It was killing him...
Right after he had absorbed the Mantis homeworld he needed more energy
During that entire Issue Galactus was never at anything near a normal Powerlevel he was feeding on life energy that was during only one thing killing and draining him further...
That scene is not the one I posted.
When he fed in the scenerio I presented, he did increase in power,
but Reed (again the mastermind) new that Galactus would feed on organisms,
and form there, you're scans kick in and finish the story.
But this is besides the point,
the point is, Galactus can be attacked physically,
his entire career he's battle cats that have attacked his physical form.
Fury can do the same.
Fury, a being that scorched Merlyn's hands with one blast.
And any hero he balsted was basically vaporized.
I agree with (allmost) evryone here FPGalactus has little to no chance (hes way overated anyway)
Fury vs Living Tribunal or better yet vs pre-retcon Beyonder, that would be better match (I was gonna say post retcon beyonder but this ones too weak)
Stalemate or Galactus drains him of enery like he did Ultron. Obviously Fury is much higher up but this is full power Galactus. I don't see Fury doing anything to Galactus really where as Galactus could eat Fury.
Originally posted by WhiteWitchKing
Stalemate or Galactus drains him of enery like he did Ultron. Obviously Fury is much higher up but this is full power Galactus. I don't see Fury doing anything to Galactus really where as Galactus could eat Fury. yeah but maybe fury was not made of reality. that's why it cant be "reality warped"
fury is prolly made of unreality, & unmatter or something like that
so chances are fury uses "un energy" as well maybe

so galactus cant drain it
FP Galactus?
So that's Galactus after absorbing the Omniverse??
He wins
Galactus at any power rating beats fury with ease
Fury will find a way.
The only reason Fury beat MJJ is because he teleported MJJ to the void or unspace where he was powerless. This would be like exposing Superman to the red sun and promptly shoot him in the head. He never overpowered MJJ. He exposed his main weakness.
anyways FPG beats the Fury.
Originally posted by CosmicSurfer
The only reason Fury beat MJJ is because he teleported MJJ to the void or unspace where he was powerless. This would be like exposing Superman to the red sun and promptly shoot him in the head. He never overpowered MJJ. He exposed his main weakness.
If he can do that to the hyper-powerful MJJ. He can find a way to defeat Galactus.
Originally posted by CosmicSurfer
The only reason Fury beat MJJ is because he teleported MJJ to the void or unspace where he was powerless. ok everyone keeps saying that
but is there any evidence that Fury was losing the battle before it came up with the unreality trick? ANY??
cause in the strip it looked like they were matched throughout the fight
for example when they teleport near the sun they both look like dragons (only different color) which suggest they were "equal"
I never new the Earth-2 WW's daughter was so powerful!

Galactus ftw
if g can devour realms/planets and convert them into energy like he did to hyperstorm, i dont see why he cant do it to the fury.
Originally posted by SoulDevourer
but is there any evidence that Fury was losing the battle before it came up with the unreality trick? ANY??
I think the state Fury was in before Captain Britain Killed it was caused largely by the battle between the two.
Originally posted by Utrigita
I think the state Fury was in before Captain Britain Killed it was caused largely by the battle between the two. whoa wait a minute
u know that interdimension travel cause serious damage to the Fury right?
so maybe it's just that : when it traveled back to 616 after the fight, that's what damaged it!
I have argued that with Master before, on two occasions I think, we didn't reach a conclusion that satisfied both parties so... But I will say that imo the first time it teleported it was damaged severely (now imo it could have been damaged by the CN too), however after it absorbed that computer it's all around power apparently grew, according to fury itself being warped into a ball by Jaspers nearly killed it, the following battle must then in some way have damaged it very badly again imo.
maybe...I dunno...mjj just rolled it into a ball like a hedgehog it's not like he changed it into a cup of tea or something
besides even in ball shape it could still fight back : it could shapeshift back into its normal shape and it could even change itself into a DRAGON!! (just like mjj) which suggest it was quite in tip top shape during the whole fight
mjj also used hack n slash attacks but thats nothing for the fury cause it has ultra fast regen so it can heal instantly
btw they never stated that it was the fight with jasper that damaged it, and like I said on the panel everything suggest the fury was intact throughout the fight
so it has to be the interdimension travel, after it killed mjj & went back to 616
maybe the fury cannot adapt to damage caused by interdimensiont travel (hey that would be its weakness!)
Originally posted by SoulDevourer
maybe...I dunno...mjj just rolled it into a ball like a hedgehog it's not like he changed it into a cup of tea or something
besides even in ball shape it could still fight back : it could shapeshift back into its normal shape and it could even change itself into a DRAGON!! (just like mjj) which suggest it was quite in tip top shape during the whole fight
mjj also used hack n slash attacks but thats nothing for the fury cause it has ultra fast regen so it can heal instantly
btw they never stated that it was the fight with jasper that damaged it, and like I said on the panel everything suggest the fury was intact throughout the fight
so it has to be the interdimension travel, after it killed mjj & went back to 616
maybe the fury cannot adapt to damage caused by interdimensiont travel (hey that would be its weakness!)
No but it directly says on panel that a month ago the attack would have killed it. It also says in the middle of the fight that it would perhaps have been death by now
I think Jaspers mostly kept it locked in that form when Reality was in supply around him, it was only when they entered the previous 238 reality that Fury assumed it's original form.
Yeah it can in most cases, but it couldn't while Captain Britain was hammering loose at it, I don't know if it's ability to regenerate is decreased while in combat but something could point towards it.
It was also intact when it arrived back at 616 that doesn't mean however that it was in a good shape.
If I recall correctly and I'm not sure I do I believe that it was Fury that teleported them across the universe but I'm not sure, but if it wasn't I will agree that if it wasn't the Damage with MJJ then it could only be the transfere back to 616.
Originally posted by Utrigita
No but it directly says on panel that a month ago the attack would have killed it. It also says in the middle of the fight that it would perhaps have been death by now
http://img236.imageshack.us/img236/3140/mjj44ln4.jpgthis only means that without absorbing the computer it would've been damaged/killed. that doesn't mean it damaged it now
eg. being rolled into a ball a month ago woudl've killed it, but being rolled into ball now had zero effect on it (other than changing its shape)
but Fury also changed into a dragon, I doubt that that was MJJ doing it. Fury itself can shapeshift so it chose to become a dragon, to imitate MJJ's own dragon shape
Fury knows MJJ is a reality warper & it can adapt, maybe Fury evolved its own kinda reality warp power?
me neither
in fact I doubt - I mean if teleportation damages it then why would Fury teleport & damage itself? that's very risky during a fight when it needs to keep in top shape especially against adversery like MJJ
IMO its MJJ who was teleporting both of them to different dimensions (except for the last bit where they went to 238, that was Fury doing it. thats why on the panel it says "it primes its own circuits, a program commences" just before it teleports to 238. this means that before, it was MJJ doing all the teleporting)
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