the sentry versus thanos
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Based on feats : Thanos destroys him.
Based on statements : Sentry at least stalemates him.
Kid Kurdy
Originally posted by Erik-Lensherr
Based on feats : Thanos destroys him.
Based on statements : Sentry at least stalemates him.
Yeah, something like that.
thanos barely tho its a close one thow
Sentry got killed by an attack that only seemed to melt Dr Strange's face...

i think thanos takes this one
Originally posted by Bransolute
Sentry got killed by an attack that only seemed to melt Dr Strange's face...
Thanos got arrested by the NYPD.
I hate purple.
Sentry wins. yes
Originally posted by Galan007
I hate purple.
Sentry wins. yes
I hate yellow.
Thanos wins. Ha! Beat that.
Originally posted by batdude123
I hate yellow.
Thanos wins. Ha! Beat that. I could have you banned for your insolence! hitlershakefist
Originally posted by Galan007
I could have you banned for your insolence! hitlershakefist
Solar is a Nazi sympathizer....there I said it
Originally posted by tkitna
Sentry The sad part is, you actually believe this.
Originally posted by boriquaking55
Solar is a Nazi sympathizer....there I said it Solar's lame... That's why I have Cyclops as my avvy! dur
Originally posted by batdude123
Thanos got arrested by the NYPD. That was after he got beaten by the Cosmic Cube though.
Originally posted by batdude123
The sad part is, you actually believe this.
The sadder part is that you actually believe that I believe that.
Originally posted by tkitna
The sadder part is that you actually believe that I believe that.
It's kind of hard not to, when you say Sentry wins in every single fight.

Until he physically gets beat,,,,,,why not?
Originally posted by tkitna
The sadder part is that you actually believe that I believe that.
that actually made me laugh

Originally posted by tkitna
Until he physically gets beat,,,,,,why not?
The Collective.
Grinning Goku
Originally posted by Bransolute
Sentry got killed by an attack that only seemed to melt Dr Strange's face...
When did this happen?
Originally posted by Grinning Goku
When did this happen? 'What-If: Planet Huc.'
Originally posted by Sirius77
The Collective.
You've been reading your comics in braille again havent you?
Originally posted by tkitna
You've been reading your comics in braille again havent you?
Oh, I suppose that I was just hallucinating when I saw Genis pwn sentry and send him to the microverse like an annoying child.
Or when Shetron made him cough up blood uncontrollably.
Or when he had to have Ms Marvel and Wonderman lift the helicarrier for him.
Or when Ironman busted his nose.
Or when the collective brushed him off like an annoyance.
etc... this could get old.
Originally posted by Sirius77
Oh, I suppose that I was just hallucinating when I saw Genis pwn sentry and send him to the microverse like an annoying child.
Or when Shetron made him cough up blood uncontrollably.
Or when he had to have Ms Marvel and Wonderman lift the helicarrier for him.
Or when Ironman busted his nose.
Or when the collective brushed him off like an annoyance.
etc... this could get old.
Guys I hate Sentry as much as the next guy but if you look at that comic again,Uteron specifically says your defeat has been calculated he gets kneed and for the first time in the book...he bleeds.That in my mind means she found some type of weakness and weakened him enough to where he wasnt able to lift the Hellicarrier.I mean do you really think Paul Jenkins would straight up let Wonderman and CM outshine his boy(I know its not PJ's comic).
Genis didnt pwn Sentry,he teleported Sentry away right after Sentry was gonna stop holding back.
All that said...on paper its probably very close,in practice I am inclined to go with Thanos,the man is a go getta.
That wasn't the first time he bled. Ironman punched him in the nose and made him bleed.
Also, Genis did slap him out of the way like a child. I'll believe that Sentry was holding back when I see something to prove that he was.
Also, Shetron did pwn him, all she did was predict his moves and knee him in the throat. She pwned him. Sentry isn't as powerful as people make him out to be. They did the same thing with Gladiator and all of the other superman clones.
Thanos throws a helicarrier at him.
Originally posted by Sirius77
Also, Shetron did pwn him, all she did was predict his moves and knee him in the throat. She pwned him. Sentry isn't as powerful as people make him out to be. They did the same thing with Gladiator and all of the other superman clones. And she also proved to be a lot... a lot more powerful than all the other Avengers.
Sentry in the other fight would have destroyed her, and even in the first.
However... healing factor/liquid metal shit.
I fail to see how it's a low feat... especially when he ripped a suit of Iron Man's in half with a punch, and mangled her face.
Originally posted by Bransolute
And she also proved to be a lot... a lot more powerful than all the other Avengers.
Sentry in the other fight would have destroyed her, and even in the first.
However... healing factor/liquid metal shit.
I fail to see how it's a low feat... especially when he ripped a suit of Iron Man's in half with a punch, and mangled her face.
The other avengers... like the omnipotent Ms Marvel, the world shattering wonderman, Ares, the greek god that got pwned by a lightning bolt, Ironman the guy that gets pwned by everyone but busted sentry's nose, the invincible wasp, etc...
Also, just because she was healing from his attacks doesn't mean that she didn't make him cough up blood. She was durable enough to make him bleed and that's really all that matters.
And it's not a low feat, it's a feat showing his baseline power. He and shetron are appearently equal, or shetron is that much more powerful. It proves that all of his hype is untrue. That he is actually JUST at top-tier level, not ridiculously above it like people say.
Originally posted by Sirius77
The other avengers... like the omnipotent Ms Marvel, the world shattering wonderman, Ares, the greek god that got pwned by a lightning bolt, Ironman the guy that gets pwned by everyone but busted sentry's nose, the invincible wasp, etc...
Also, just because she was healing from his attacks doesn't mean that she didn't make him cough up blood. She was durable enough to make him bleed and that's really all that matters.
And it's not a low feat, it's a feat showing his baseline power. He and shetron are appearently equal, or shetron is that much more powerful. It proves that all of his hype is untrue. That he is actually JUST at top-tier level, not ridiculously above it like people say. And Sentry stood up to her, so... I don't get what you're getting at...
He didn't bust his nose either, he made Sentry wipe his mouth... big whoop.
If she didn't have her healing factor, she would have gotten beat... badly. I don't care if she broke his neck. Her power has no indication, other than her strength is enough to make Sentry get hurtz.
It's not a low feat, or even a feat of top tier for Sentry. It's a feat that we need to see how well Shultron would do against other really powerful guys, to really consider how powerful Shultron is.
Until Shultron fights someone else and gets beat (or has a low showing), it really, in all honesty, means nothing.
We know her power is much higher than the Avengers, but we don't know her limits, other than she can edge out Sentry, and... guess what... we don't know Sentry's limits either.
Another couple things.
Photon was extremely powerful, and Sentry was stalemating him, until he sent him away. All that says, is Sentry can be bfr'ed. It has no low showing of his raw power.
And... he stalemated Collective, until again, Collective bfr'ed him. Through some sort of 'super-push', if you will.
His only true low feat, is the Helicarrier. And his only showing of him getting pwned, is... something you never mentioned.

Originally posted by Bransolute
And Sentry stood up to her, so... I don't get what you're getting at...
He didn't bust his nose either, he made Sentry wipe his mouth... big whoop.
If she didn't have her healing factor, she would have gotten beat... badly. I don't care if she broke his neck. Her power has no indication, other than her strength is enough to make Sentry get hurtz.
It's not a low feat, or even a feat of top tier for Sentry. It's a feat that we need to see how well Shultron would do against other really powerful guys, to really consider how powerful Shultron is.
Until Shultron fights someone else and gets beat (or has a low showing), it really, in all honesty, means nothing.
We know her power is much higher than the Avengers, but we don't know her limits, other than she can edge out Sentry, and... guess what... we don't know Sentry's limits either.
Another couple things.
Photon was extremely powerful, and Sentry was stalemating him, until he sent him away. All that says, is Sentry can be bfr'ed. It has no low showing of his raw power.
And... he stalemated Collective, until again, Collective bfr'ed him. Through some sort of 'super-push', if you will.
His only true low feat, is the Helicarrier. And his only showing of him getting pwned, is... something you never mentioned.
What I'm trying to say is that he is all hype. His showings are at top-tier at best, and nowhere else. Though some of them are extremely low.
Originally posted by Sirius77
His showings are at top-tier at best, and nowhere else.
Baseless assumptions are funny.

Originally posted by Faceman
Darkseid wins. I was thinking more along the lines of Batman... but I guess yours works as well.
I love the Sentry but his ultimate weakness is his fear that he will lose control Thanos hands him left butt cheek before the Sentry moves off his porch.
Originally posted by Sirius77
What I'm trying to say is that he is all hype. His showings are at top-tier at best, and nowhere else. Though some of them are extremely low.
Resisting Doc Stranges magic,stalemating photon,collective...etc.,I fail to see how he is all hype.
The Hellicarrier isnt even a cut and dry low feat,a strong case can be made that he was weakened by Uteron.
Ok, i'm not going to go into all the Sentry feats and so forth, but i'd like to say something about Ultron.
Why do people think that stalemating Ultron is a low feat? Has nobody read any comics with Ultron in them before? I mean, the old Ultron has whipped on Avenger teams with Thor and other top tiers almost every appearance and now all of a sudden, the new and improved Ultron is downplayed. Where is the logic?
Originally posted by tkitna
Ok, i'm not going to go into all the Sentry feats and so forth, but i'd like to say something about Ultron.
Why do people think that stalemating Ultron is a low feat? Has nobody read any comics with Ultron in them before? I mean, the old Ultron has whipped on Avenger teams with Thor and other top tiers almost every appearance and now all of a sudden, the new and improved Ultron is downplayed. Where is the logic?
I agree Ultron ain't no punk. Darkseid wins.
Just how powerful is Sentry? Why the hell is he on a team with the avengers if he's abstract lvl in power? WTF.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Just how powerful is Sentry? Why the hell is he on a team with the avengers if he's abstract lvl in power? WTF.
Cause the rest of the team is weak.

Originally posted by Faceman
Cause the rest of the team is weak.
Nah. But yeah. they aren't like the galactic storm avengers I tell ya. No quasar. No herc, No thor, no monica rambeau. No moondragon, no SW. no vision, no sersi. The avengers aren't made like they used to be.
Originally posted by tkitna
Ok, i'm not going to go into all the Sentry feats and so forth, but i'd like to say something about Ultron.
Why do people think that stalemating Ultron is a low feat? Has nobody read any comics with Ultron in them before? I mean, the old Ultron has whipped on Avenger teams with Thor and other top tiers almost every appearance and now all of a sudden, the new and improved Ultron is downplayed. Where is the logic?
u know i was literally thinking the same thing before reading this..
Ultron as always been a team wrecker. And itsnot like she whooped sentry's ass..The fight ended without a winner, it looked like they could of trade blows for ever imo.. Sentry got occupied with the helicarrier, and that is the only reason the fight ended preternaturally.
The fight was not a low showing at all.
Sentry rapes Thanos.
Sentry can't even beat Ultron.....
Citizen V
Originally posted by Estacado
Sentry can't even beat Ultron.....
Thanos can't even beat Drax.
Originally posted by Estacado
Sentry can't even beat Ultron.....
Ultron destroys Thanos unless Thanos gets the gauntlet of infinity.
Tony Stark
Originally posted by Sirius77
What I'm trying to say is that he is all hype. His showings are at top-tier at best, and nowhere else. Though some of them are extremely low.
Would you like me to start listing all of the times your beloved Superman has gotten his ass beat down and actually was KO'd (which SENTRY has yet to have been) or start listing all the times that little boy blue balls has been made to bleed... It's almost incalculable... But we "CAN" start counting.
But i guess you can turn a - into a +. At least Superman has got SENTRY beat in those two arenas. #1 being knocked the **** out and #2 bleeding like a stuck pig. He most definitely has SENTRY beat in those categories. GRATS.
Oh yeah... he's also got SENTRY beat in the "I got my ass beat so badly that i died" category.

Originally posted by FearOfBlood
Ultron destroys Thanos unless Thanos gets the gauntlet of infinity.
Your funny,sentry has exactly 0 feats that put him on the level needed to take thanos down and thats all there is to it,and hey tony your an idiot congrats,byrnes superman isnt current superman and superman only bleeds like a pig and dies against people far above the people sentry jobs to so fail more.
Switch 07
Originally posted by Tony Stark
Would you like me to start listing all of the times your beloved Superman has gotten his ass beat down and actually was KO'd (which SENTRY has yet to have been) or start listing all the times that little boy blue balls has been made to bleed... It's almost incalculable... But we "CAN" start counting.
But i guess you can turn a - into a +. At least Superman has got SENTRY beat in those two arenas. #1 being knocked the **** out and #2 bleeding like a stuck pig. He most definitely has SENTRY beat in those categories. GRATS.
Oh yeah... he's also got SENTRY beat in the "I got my ass beat so badly that i died" category.
I was wondering when the stupidity of this thread was going to rise.
Then you posted and the wait was over.

Tony Stark
Originally posted by Switch 07
I was wondering when the stupidity of this thread was going to rise.
Then you posted and the wait was over.
In steps the comic relief... No worries everyone it's Switch 07's 1/2 hour comedy hour... Remember to tip your waiters and waitresses.
Unfortunately he'll be here for eternity.

King Kandy
Originally posted by FearOfBlood
Ultron destroys Thanos unless Thanos gets the gauntlet of infinity.
All you retarded? Thanos can just matter manipulate Ultron.
Thanos for the easy win
Originally posted by FearOfBlood
Ultron destroysThanos unless Thanos gets the gauntlet of infinity.
O please

Switch 07
Originally posted by Tony Stark
In steps the comic relief... No worries everyone it's Switch 07's 1/2 hour comedy hour... Remember to tip your waiters and waitresses.
Unfortunately he'll be here for eternity.
My comedy hour. Ask anyone with a brain I assume they agree you are an idiot. And every post you make makes you look even stupider.
Bad Ash231
Originally posted by FearOfBlood
Ultron destroys Thanos unless Thanos gets the gauntlet of infinity.

spidey is tough, but beating sentry or thanos....nope
why's that frend?
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