Natural Born Badasses
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Leader: Nick Fury
Where this team are going in this gauntlet?
1- Spider-Man
2- Black Panther / Storm
3- Batman / Robin (Tim Drake)
4- Batman and Nightwing
5- Spider-Man / Captain America
6- Namor
7- Namor / Captain America
8- Spider-Man / Captain America / Iron Fist
9- Iron Man
10- Iron Man / Iron Spider-Man
11- Hulk
What they get:
Wolverine: His clawz, naturally, and a titanium katana
Blade: A titanium katana, an automatic shotgun, two uzi
Nick Fury and Frank: A sniper, a shotgun, two Desert Eagle .50, and each of them got a bazooka with only one missile each.
Honestly, this is a match where Storm probably COULD solo.
No further than 2.
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
Leader: Nick Fury
Where this team are going in this gauntlet?
1- Spider-Man
2- Black Panther / Storm
3- Batman / Robin (Tim Drake)
4- Batman and Nightwing
5- Spider-Man / Captain America
6- Namor
7- Namor / Captain America
8- Spider-Man / Captain America / Iron Fist
9- Iron Man
10- Iron Man / Iron Spider-Man
11- Hulk
What they get:
Wolverine: His clawz, naturally, and a titanium katana
Blade: A titanium katana, an automatic shotgun, two uzi
Nick Fury and Frank: A sniper, a shotgun, two Desert Eagle .50, and each of them got a bazooka with only one missile each.
First of all a spot of free education.
'Titanium Swords' are refered to as 'Sword Like Objects' by those people who collect swords. They are basically in the same category as those Katanas with dragon heads, katanas based on the series HighLander, swords from Lord of the Rings/Eragon/etc etc etc. Simply sword like objects ....they may look like swords, but they are worthless.
Only good for hanging up on the wall.
To be honest, it is even better to buy a stainless steel sword (one of the main materials used for sword like objects because a stainless steel sword is only good for display ....use it and it WILL hurt you when it snaps) because at least the stainless steel sword like object will cost LESS than the titanium SLO.
Thus, giving a titanium katana to Wolverine and Blade is basically tantamount to giving Batman a plastic batarang or giving Spiderman those 'webshooters' one buys from Walmart that shoot silly-string.
Titanium cannot be hardened to the proper Rockwell hardness (the most it can be done is up to around the mid-40s). Thus it is almost useless as a sword. There are certain titanium alloys that can be made extremely hard (over 85 on the Rc scale), but those are used for a micro-thin coating on knives. A sword made of them would be more brittle than glass ....literally.
Anyways, a titanium sword is more useless than a sturdy stick. Again ....literally more useless.
Anyways, there are many people who buy SLOs (both of the titanium steel kind as well as the stainless steel type) thinking that they are real swords. They are not. They are good for decoration (and because they are stainless steel they will not rust), but they are not functional. Using such a SLO will only lead it to snap and hurt you (and another danger is that they are not well attcahed to the handle ....they only have partial tangs swinging them has led to many of the blades flying out and even hitting people).
A real sword is made of:
- carbon steel
- has a full tang (any sword that doesn't have a full tang, and is used, is a serious accident waiting to happen)
- properly forged ....which eliminates a lot of those cheap Chinese 'swords' that may be of carbon steel and have full tangs (but at least those 'swords' are not exactly sword like objects, but they are still not real swords just goodish replicas)
- finally the person has to be trained to use a sword.
Reason i am bringing this up is because in a comicbook forum there is a likelihood at least SOME people are interested in swords, and some of those may actually buy one.
If you want a sword save some money (you can get a good enough sword for around 400 bucks) and buy one. Do not waste your money on one of those 60 dollar Mall 'ninja swords.' Unless, ofcourse, all you want to do is make that SLO into a wall-hanger.
For 400 hundred bucks you can get a good sword of better quality than most swords of old (apart from certain masterpieces from Damascus and from Japan). For more money (say 1,000 bucks) you can get a TRULY exceptional sword.
Now, for above 50,000-85,000 dollars you can get a REAL Samurai sword made for you by one of very few JAPANESE (not some Chinese guy in a metal factory) swordsmith master in a traditional forge. That sword will never decrease in value, will be absolutely perfect, and will be able to (again ....literally) slice a person in half (although for people slicing a 1,000 dollar sword that is well made should be able to do that ....although doing 'tameshagiri' using humans has long been illegal in any country, even Afghanistan .....but it easily could).
Spend 60 bucks on a SLO, and start twirling it around, and you just might kill your younger brother when the blade flies off the handle (or pierce yourself in the arm when the blade shatters).
Go to YouTube and search for Katana, and you will see an interesting video where one of these salespeople on TV pierces himself in the arm when a Katana he is shaking around (trying to show people that it is strong) snaps and falls back on him. He simply taps it on the table and the thing snaps.
That is a SLO for you.
Anyways, back on the thread:
There is a chance Spiderman can stop the team (a non-jobbing Spiderman would be lethal .....imagine if Batman had Spiderman's powers plus his natural skills)
The team is DEFINITELY not passing through Storm.
Switch 07
Originally posted by Soljer
Honestly, this is a match where Storm probably COULD solo.
grey fox
Originally posted by spetznaz
First of all a spot of free education.
'Titanium Swords' are refered to as 'Sword Like Objects' by those people who collect swords. They are basically in the same category as those Katanas with dragon heads, katanas based on the series HighLander, swords from Lord of the Rings/Eragon/etc etc etc. Simply sword like objects ....they may look like swords, but they are worthless.
Only good for hanging up on the wall.
To be honest, it is even better to buy a stainless steel sword (one of the main materials used for sword like objects because a stainless steel sword is only good for display ....use it and it WILL hurt you when it snaps) because at least the stainless steel sword like object will cost LESS than the titanium SLO.
Thus, giving a titanium katana to Wolverine and Blade is basically tantamount to giving Batman a plastic batarang or giving Spiderman those 'webshooters' one buys from Walmart that shoot silly-string.
Titanium cannot be hardened to the proper Rockwell hardness (the most it can be done is up to around the mid-40s). Thus it is almost useless as a sword. There are certain titanium alloys that can be made extremely hard (over 85 on the Rc scale), but those are used for a micro-thin coating on knives. A sword made of them would be more brittle than glass ....literally.
Anyways, a titanium sword is more useless than a sturdy stick. Again ....literally more useless.
Anyways, there are many people who buy SLOs (both of the titanium steel kind as well as the stainless steel type) thinking that they are real swords. They are not. They are good for decoration (and because they are stainless steel they will not rust), but they are not functional. Using such a SLO will only lead it to snap and hurt you (and another danger is that they are not well attcahed to the handle ....they only have partial tangs swinging them has led to many of the blades flying out and even hitting people).
A real sword is made of:
- carbon steel
- has a full tang (any sword that doesn't have a full tang, and is used, is a serious accident waiting to happen)
- properly forged ....which eliminates a lot of those cheap Chinese 'swords' that may be of carbon steel and have full tangs (but at least those 'swords' are not exactly sword like objects, but they are still not real swords just goodish replicas)
- finally the person has to be trained to use a sword.
Reason i am bringing this up is because in a comicbook forum there is a likelihood at least SOME people are interested in swords, and some of those may actually buy one.
If you want a sword save some money (you can get a good enough sword for around 400 bucks) and buy one. Do not waste your money on one of those 60 dollar Mall 'ninja swords.' Unless, ofcourse, all you want to do is make that SLO into a wall-hanger.
For 400 hundred bucks you can get a good sword of better quality than most swords of old (apart from certain masterpieces from Damascus and from Japan). For more money (say 1,000 bucks) you can get a TRULY exceptional sword.
Now, for above 50,000-85,000 dollars you can get a REAL Samurai sword made for you by one of very few JAPANESE (not some Chinese guy in a metal factory) swordsmith master in a traditional forge. That sword will never decrease in value, will be absolutely perfect, and will be able to (again ....literally) slice a person in half (although for people slicing a 1,000 dollar sword that is well made should be able to do that ....although doing 'tameshagiri' using humans has long been illegal in any country, even Afghanistan .....but it easily could).
Spend 60 bucks on a SLO, and start twirling it around, and you just might kill your younger brother when the blade flies off the handle (or pierce yourself in the arm when the blade shatters).
Go to YouTube and search for Katana, and you will see an interesting video where one of these salespeople on TV pierces himself in the arm when a Katana he is shaking around (trying to show people that it is strong) snaps and falls back on him. He simply taps it on the table and the thing snaps.
That is a SLO for you.
Anyways, back on the thread:
There is a chance Spiderman can stop the team (a non-jobbing Spiderman would be lethal .....imagine if Batman had Spiderman's powers plus his natural skills)
The team is DEFINITELY not passing through Storm.
Didn't know you were into Blades Spetnaz ?
Originally posted by Soljer
Honestly, this is a match where Storm probably COULD solo.
Great post because it is true! The team with Storm is too low on the list.
She can fly, obscure herself from gunfire, and cause major damage. What else would she need?
And then Black Panther can do clean-up.
if storm was not there they make it to 8
Originally posted by grey fox
Didn't know you were into Blades Spetnaz ?
I actually am. Obviously (like most collectors) I bought a sword-like-object some years back thinking it was the most amazing 'sword' I had ever seen, before realizing that it was a useless piece of crap. After that (and when i started earning more money) I did some real research and started collecting prime pieces. I started with a Ghurka Kukri (several decades old) that I picked up while in nepal, an African maasai side sord (very similar to a Roman Gladius), etc and such stuff. Only when i was comfortable enough did i try to get some Japanese swords (since the large majority of sword like objects are Katanas).
Got some cash together and purchased 2 very good pieces that to this day still amaze me in terms of functionality and aesthetics.
Anyways, I have nothing against sword-like-objects (as long as people realize they are just wall-hangers and nothing else), but the problem is that many people buy these things thinking they are actual swords and not realizing the hidden dangers inherent in them (be they the fact that stainless steel is a good metal for a knife but a HORRID and dangerous metal for a sword, that swords without full tangs will always tend to fly out and potentially HIT someone when swung, and that titanium is strong and light but is not a sword material .....i've always wondered why the sworld-like-object makers don't advertise 'aluminum swords' because aluminum, like titanium, is a very strong and light metal ....even used in aircraft ....that would make a very flimsy sword). These sword-like-objects are sold by unscrupulous people as 'real swords,' and virtually EVERYONE who buys a sword will tend to want to at least swing it around a bit. Doing that with a half-tang stainless steel sword is basically like playing Russian roulette .....sooner or later you will hurt yourself or someone else.
Anyways, that is the only peeve i have against sword-like objects (the fencing equivalent of a Staurday-night special gun that might just as well misfire and explode in your hand .....only that these sword-like-objects have a greater chance of shattering or flying out than a saturday night special has of misfiring be honest it is sad that saturday night specials do not misfire as often as they should, since if they did then a lot of now dead victims shot by criminals with them would be alive)
question do your posts always have to be so long lol
One thing I need to clarify. Tameshagiri is the practice of testing a sword's sharpness by cutting a person in half. In the old days in japan, it was condemmed prisoners, or corpses that served this role.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
if storm was not there they make it to 8 how would they get past namor?
Originally posted by cmack
how would they get past namor?
stabb him.........
damnit but storm stops em
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
Leader: Nick Fury
Where this team are going in this gauntlet?
1- Spider-Man
2- Black Panther / Storm
3- Batman / Robin (Tim Drake)
4- Batman and Nightwing
5- Spider-Man / Captain America
6- Namor
7- Namor / Captain America
8- Spider-Man / Captain America / Iron Fist
9- Iron Man
10- Iron Man / Iron Spider-Man
11- Hulk
What they get:
Wolverine: His clawz, naturally, and a titanium katana
Blade: A titanium katana, an automatic shotgun, two uzi
Nick Fury and Frank: A sniper, a shotgun, two Desert Eagle .50, and each of them got a bazooka with only one missile each.
Storm stops them. BP can just sit back and enjoy the show.
I thikn it's in bad order storm and black anther are definenelty above batman mainly because black panther knows how to beat really everyone in the marvel universe...and storm controls the weather wolverine could hold off black panther for a little maybe but storm would have nick fury dead and blade without his strongest weapons is really useless
well, namor is class 80 with great durability they cant beat him
if they had a better supply of weapons htoug hthey could get through, like give wolverine the mura masa, and blade some vials of vampire blood, some of his other sick weapons fro mthe movies they could win, wolverine has taken down namor before though, or was that PIS?
Originally posted by cmack
well, namor is class 80 with great durability they cant beat him
actaully he class 100...........
Logan has beaten him before and namor durability is a non facter due to logans claws
What about a shot of sniper to take out Storm?
Originally posted by Battlehammer
actaully he class 100...........
Logan has beaten him before and namor durability is a non facter due to logans claws This is true. Logan has beaten him solo.
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