King Hyperion Vs Mr. Majestic
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Switch 07
No prep. takes place in NY. Who wins?
I will show KH's feats later in his own thread.

King Hyperion could not stop an asteroid. Majestic moves planets.
Switch 07
Originally posted by Futureman
King Hyperion could not stop an asteroid. Majestic moves planets. Thats a good point.
But the momentum on it was...strong.
King Hyperion couldve stopped it. Read it again. There's was just no point of stopping it because it was falling apart either way, and he couldnt have gotten all the pieces, so he said "screw it" cuz the small pieces falling off were going to (and did) destroy the planet anyways. That's why he said "there's no point", after he looked back and saw all the small pieces getting past them cause it was falling apart. Anyways, King Hyperion wins, he killed the Hulk, Thor, the Fantastic Five, every single hero on 3 different earths, and was beating the hell out of 2 regular Hyperions at the same time, one of which is only slightly below par with Superman himself, whose above Majestic.
Switch 07
Originally posted by Photon009
King Hyperion couldve stopped it. Read it again. There's was just no point of stopping it because it was falling apart either way, and he couldnt have gotten all the pieces, so he said "screw it" cuz the small pieces falling off were going to (and did) destroy the planet anyways. That's why he said "there's no point", after he looked back and saw all the small pieces getting past them cause it was falling apart. Anyways, King Hyperion wins, he killed the Hulk, Thor, the Fantastic Five, every single hero on 3 different earths, and was beating the hell out of 2 regular Hyperions at the same time, one of which is only slightly below par with Superman himself, whose above Majestic. You make a good argument.
And if anyone doubts these fights check the respect thread I made today for him. Under my sig.
Majestic wins this.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Majestic wins this.
No, he doesnt. Not even close. King Hyperion rips his head off.
Majestic with ease.
Originally posted by Validus
Majestic with ease.
Originally posted by Validus
Majestic with ease.
Originally posted by Photon009
King Hyperion couldve stopped it. Read it again. There's was just no point of stopping it because it was falling apart either way, and he couldnt have gotten all the pieces, so he said "screw it" cuz the small pieces falling off were going to (and did) destroy the planet anyways. That's why he said "there's no point", after he looked back and saw all the small pieces getting past them cause it was falling apart. Anyways, King Hyperion wins, he killed the Hulk, Thor, the Fantastic Five, every single hero on 3 different earths, and was beating the hell out of 2 regular Hyperions at the same time, one of which is only slightly below par with Superman himself, whose above Majestic.
If he could've stopped it, then why did he need ROGUE'S help?
Originally posted by Photon009
No, he doesnt. Not even close. King Hyperion rips his head off.
No. I think you're confused. It's the other way around. NAMORA snapped King Hyperions neck. She is weaker than Namor, and he's class 80 when dry. She was dry. Majestic moves planets and creates suns with his heat vision. King Hyperion would get pwned here.
Originally posted by Sirius77
No. I think you're confused. It's the other way around. NAMORA snapped King Hyperions neck. She is weaker than Namor, and he's class 80 when dry. She was dry. Majestic moves planets and creates suns with his heat vision. King Hyperion would get pwned here.
Once again, you're a dumb fanboy who knows NOTHING. Namora is inferior to Namor? Last i checked when they fought, Namora was shown better. Namora was dry when she snapped Hyperion's neck? Uh, no. She actually just came out of the water about 1/2 of a second ago, considering that's how she caught him by suprise, by hiding in the water when he was fighting the other exiles, and when he came near the water, she popped out and basically cheapshotted him. Getting hurt from a cheapshot isnt bad. Surfer's been knocked out by a brick because it was a cheapshot. And if you actually READ THE BOOK, you'd know that Hyperion's neck was snapped, yes, but he didnt even feel it. He just stood there, let Namora mouth off to him, then snapped his neck back and oneshotted her.
Originally posted by Sirius77
If he could've stopped it, then why did he need ROGUE'S help?
To cover more area with their laser vision. Use some common sense, go actually READ THE BOOK, and come back to me. It was clearly shown that Hyperion couldve stopped the asteroid. It was clearly shown, he saw that the asteroid was falling apart, and that the small pieces falling off were getting past him and were going to destroy the planet anyways, so he literally said "there's no point".
Originally posted by Photon009
Once again, you're a dumb fanboy who knows NOTHING. Namora is inferior to Namor? Last i checked when they fought, Namora was shown better. Namora was dry when she snapped Hyperion's neck? Uh, no. She actually just came out of the water about 1/2 of a second ago, considering that's how she caught him by suprise, by hiding in the water when he was fighting the other exiles, and when he came near the water, she popped out and basically cheapshotted him. Getting hurt from a cheapshot isnt bad. Surfer's been knocked out by a brick because it was a cheapshot. And if you actually READ THE BOOK, you'd know that Hyperion's neck was snapped, yes, but he didnt even feel it. He just stood there, let Namora mouth off to him, then snapped his neck back and oneshotted her.
To cover more area with their laser vision. Use some common sense, go actually READ THE BOOK, and come back to me. It was clearly shown that Hyperion couldve stopped the asteroid. It was clearly shown, he saw that the asteroid was falling apart, and that the small pieces falling off were getting past him and were going to destroy the planet anyways, so he literally said "there's no point".
It really doesn't matter, he still got his neck snapped by a class 95. Majestic moves planets. And if I'm such a fanboy, then again, why are you arguing for a character that got his neck snapped by a class 95 against a character that moves planets, creates suns with his heat vision, and rearranges the solar system? I know that you like hyperion, but he's not going to win this.
Originally posted by Photon009
Anyways, King Hyperion wins, he killed the Hulk, Thor, the Fantastic Five, every single hero on 3 different earths, and was beating the hell out of 2 regular Hyperions at the same time, one of which is only slightly below par with Superman himself, whose above Majestic.
The main problem with Majestros is that for a while his abilities would range all over a place, before his writers finally managed to stop oscillating all over the place and settled at a specific point.
Simply put, Majestros is above 'average' Superman. He has been written as almost a All-Star Superman-lite. Not that he IS at All-Star Superman level (just to clarify that since people tend to have selective perception), but quite close.
For instance moving planets to the extent of rearranging our solar system, and doing that using his own power (he had some power-gloves whose function was simply to ensure that the planets did not break under their own weight, but he did not require any other powers). Superman has not done that since his pre-Crisis days ....he has moved objects of great mass (e.g. warworld), but nothing close to rearranging an entire solar system (something that is more akin to what PC Superman and Superboy used to do decades back)
Majestros is also more intelligent than Superman (again put him at all star level .....not quite there, but close). While normal Superman lost his super-intelligence after the Crisis, Majestros still has amazing intellect. Ranging from Kherubim warware, to even the arcane (like the 'agreement' he made that caused the sun to split into two).
Majestros also happens to be a several thousand year old Kherubim warlord, with a lot of those millenia spent fighting the Daemonites. He is a ruthless calculating nigh-Machiavellian more powerful and more intelligent version of Superman.
A better match for Majestros would be All-Star Superman (who would defeat Majestros every time though), but not normal Superman.
Oh ....and Majestros would literally destroy Hyperion (King, page or jester) with abundant ease.
If Hyperion is a Lynx Majestros is a tiger
Originally posted by spetznaz
The main problem with Majestros is that for a while his abilities would range all over a place, before his writers finally managed to stop oscillating all over the place and settled at a specific point.
Simply put, Majestros is above 'average' Superman. He has been written as almost a All-Star Superman-lite. Not that he IS at All-Star Superman level (just to clarify that since people tend to have selective perception), but quite close.
For instance moving planets to the extent of rearranging our solar system, and doing that using his own power (he had some power-gloves whose function was simply to ensure that the planets did not break under their own weight, but he did not require any other powers). Superman has not done that since his pre-Crisis days ....he has moved objects of great mass (e.g. warworld), but nothing close to rearranging an entire solar system (something that is more akin to what PC Superman and Superboy used to do decades back)
Majestros is also more intelligent than Superman (again put him at all star level .....not quite there, but close). While normal Superman lost his super-intelligence after the Crisis, Majestros still has amazing intellect. Ranging from Kherubim warware, to even the arcane (like the 'agreement' he made that caused the sun to split into two).
Majestros also happens to be a several thousand year old Kherubim warlord, with a lot of those millenia spent fighting the Daemonites. He is a ruthless calculating nigh-Machiavellian more powerful and more intelligent version of Superman.
A better match for Majestros would be All-Star Superman (who would defeat Majestros every time though), but not normal Superman.
Oh ....and Majestros would literally destroy Hyperion (King, page or jester) with abundant ease.
If Hyperion is a Lynx Majestros is a tiger
Present Superman has his Super intelligence back.
Majestros beats Hyperion with ease, so would 616 Thor, 616 Surfer, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Black Bolt, and so on.
KH was very unimpressive in his fights.
Originally posted by Futureman
Present Superman has his Super intelligence back.
I could debate that (although it is true that he is far smarter than he was after the crisis), but the fact still remains that even if you gave him that (and said that he was equal in intellect to Majestros) he would still be deficient in the other categories.
Simply put, without amps etc Superman is simply not at Majestros' level.
Another way of thinking about it is as follows:
Imagine Black Adam (ruthless, cold, calculating, never holding back)....give him several millenia of combat experience against a super-malevolent alien race (the Daemonites) ....then give him Superman's powers .....and then amp those powers up to a level whereby he is able to rearrange a solar system .....then ensure that he has no weaknesses .....then give him combat training that is par excellence .....then give him access to Kherubim warware technology of the highest degree .....and an intellect honed to the extreme ......and resourcefulness (look how he re-programed the Eradicator using only his heat vision in pulses) .....
Then match him against 'normal' Superman ....
= overkill
Originally posted by spetznaz
I could debate that (although it is true that he is far smarter than he was after the crisis), but the fact still remains that even if you gave him that (and said that he was equal in intellect to Majestros) he would still be deficient in the other categories.
Simply put, without amps etc Superman is simply not a majestros' level
We'll wait and see. It appears most of the story from Byrne onwards is being retconned as we speak.
I'll give this to Majestic. Just more impressive showings.
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