Genis vs Superman
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Who wins?
I' cant wait to hear Sirius on this one. It oughta be funny.
Spite thread.

Originally posted by SpookySmurph
Spite thread.
I didnt make this in spite.
Originally posted by Photon009
I didnt make this in spite. You obviously made it to draw out another poster... which we classify under Spite Threads.
This is spite, and Genis wins quite obviously.
And why are you mentioning me in every thread that you make?
Do you have a man-crush or something?
Originally posted by Sirius77
This is spite, and Genis wins quite obviously.
And why are you mentioning me in every thread that you make?
Do you have a man-crush or something?
Nope sorry i dont roll that way you'll have to find someone else.
And i made this thread for 2 reasons:
1) To debate in a non-spite way.
2) To see if you were dumb enough to say Superman would beat Genis.
Originally posted by Photon009
And i made this thread for 2 reasons:
1) To debate in a non-spite way.
2) To see if you were dumb enough to say Superman would beat Genis. Spite.

Originally posted by SpookySmurph
Call it what you want. I do what i want.
Originally posted by Photon009
Call it what you want. I do what i want. none180
Is this pre crisis Superman?
Which is why this thread will get closed. You've called me
a fanboy at least five times in different threads. But you've
also been trolling my posts and this the second spite thread
that you've made for me, and it's kind of funny, but it's getting
old. So, why don't you go and get some air or watch a movie,
or get a life and stop obsessing over me. It's annoying.
Originally posted by Sirius77
Which is why this thread will get closed. You've called me
a fanboy at least five times in different threads. But you've
also been trolling my posts and this the second spite thread
that you've made for me, and it's kind of funny, but it's getting
old. So, why don't you go and get some air or watch a movie,
or get a life and stop obsessing over me. It's annoying.
Don't worry they hate DC fans here. People kept calling me Whirly. The fact I am on holiday in canada and have a canadian i.p. at the moment should siuade them though.
Originally posted by Photon009
I didnt make this in spite.
Yes you did, Genis101/armandovalles.

King Kandy
Originally posted by Dexter_Morgan
Don't worry they hate DC fans here. People kept calling me Whirly. The fact I am on holiday in canada and have a canadian i.p. at the moment should siuade them though.
I can't believe someone who called himself "The Herald of the Alliance" for weeks could say that with a straight face.
King Kandy
Originally posted by batdude123
Yes you did, Genis101/armandovalles.
Why did armandovalles get banned anyway?
Originally posted by King Kandy
I can't believe someone who called himself "The Herald of the Alliance" for weeks could say that with a straight face.
The Alliance didn't come. I have explained that to Digi. They thought this forum was to small to bother with. I'm glad they didn't they would have raped this place. Believe me when I say that. I have never denied I know Whirly though. All the mods are aware of that.
Anyway how do you know what my face is doing.

Captain Marvel, Insane, or Photon would whoop that ass.
Not if it was pre crisis.
Originally posted by Dexter_Morgan
Not if it was pre crisis.
Bfr is always a option that Pre-Crisis superman cannot over come.
Originally posted by Dexter_Morgan
Not if it was pre crisis.
Pre-Crisis Superman was more powerful than Post-Crisis but wasnt Pre-Crisis much more vulnerable to Knite and Red suns/solar energy? If so, he gets taken down too.
Originally posted by Priest
Bfr is always a option that Pre-Crisis superman cannot over come.
When you can cross Universal barriers and time instantly, you can't really be removed from a battlefield. Time manipulation for the win.
Originally posted by Dexter_Morgan
Don't worry they hate DC fans here. People kept calling me Whirly. The fact I am on holiday in canada and have a canadian i.p. at the moment should siuade them though.
Because, certainly, no one could get one of the thousands of canadian proxy servers out there.
Oh, no.
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