Classic Thor hand to hand Vs. The Thing wrestling.
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Thor with his giant ego, puts down Mjolnir and says "come grimm, have at thee". Ben Snarls, "It's clobberin time blondie".
Thor has 60 seconds to beat Ben can he do it. If he can't Ben gets to pin Don Blake.
no he can't in 6o seconds, ben grimm gets lucky
In the olden days, Thor was considered 3rd strongest in the Marvel line-up. I remember seeing an old Spider-Man comic (probably from around 1963-64), where there was a section detailing Spider-Man's powers, and where he ranked strength-wise. Off to the side, watching him lift a huge barbell, was the Hulk, then behind him was the Thing, then behind Ben was Thor.
Based on this: Ben wins.
Originally posted by Mindship
In the olden days, Thor was considered 3rd strongest in the Marvel line-up. I remember seeing an old Spider-Man comic (probably from around 1963-64), where there was a section detailing Spider-Man's powers, and where he ranked strength-wise. Off to the side, watching him lift a huge barbell, was the Hulk, then behind him was the Thing, then behind Ben was Thor.
Based on this: Ben wins.

Ben doesn't take not even one.
Ben wins!!!!!!!!!!
Sol Valentine
Arbenny Abolikavik wins,
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