Marvel B & C grade super-villains VS Superman
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stupendous man
The following 15 Marvel B & C level villains with 2 weeks prep, have to bring down an angry Superman. As part of the 2 weeks prep the also get a 30 minute question & answer session with Lex Luthor. Do they have the intelligence & power to beat Supes?
Fight takes place in NYC and the team have all the resources of the Kingpin at their disposal.
The 15 villains are:
Absorbing Man
Dr Octopus
Dragon Man
Omega Red
The only ones that he would notice would be kang, abomination, and
absorbing man.
Maybe two weeks prep to bring down Thor would have been better.
Because Superman has the obvious weakness of kryptonite. And he has been trapped and beaten by that weakness many times. So with some minds on the team like Doc Oc's, resources like Kingpin's, and trickiness like Mysterio's I say the team can do it.
The only problem is that Superman always come back and wins in the end.
Originally posted by Sirius77
The only ones that he would notice would be kang, abomination, and
absorbing man.
They should be able to take him.
I wouldn't call Bullseye or Sabretooth "B or C grade"
they take him- and pretty easily. Giving them time with Luthor makes it simple.
Superman get's slaughtered. Just Abomination and Absorbsing Man together might be able to take Supes down. But with a bunch of street levelers for distractions, some more strong guys in Blob and Dragon Man, plus geniuses like Kang and Doc Ock with 2 weeks prep with help from Luthor (aka Kryptonite production)? Supes gets owned.
One punch to the gut they all die, takes all of 5 seconds to hit every one of them.
Originally posted by tkitna
They should be able to take him.
What are you serious? Have you read Justice League Elite?
That's what would happen if he wasn't blood lusted.
Absorbing Man and kang is all you need. kang the brains and Absorbing man's powers and it's a wrap.
Originally posted by Sirius77
What are you serious? Have you read Justice League Elite?
That's what would happen if he wasn't blood lusted.
Come on. This hard-on for Superman has you blinded.
Absorbing Man alone is a helluva fight for him and theres just no reason why Abomination, Kang, and Blob couldnt pummel him to death while he's already reeling from Creel. The others just kick him while he's down. To boot, this team has prep and information from Luthor. Its too easy actually.
Quit the insanity already.
2 weeks prep, for Kang? Supes is a dead man.
Originally posted by tkitna
Come on. This hard-on for Superman has you blinded.
Absorbing Man alone is a helluva fight for him and theres just no reason why Abomination, Kang, and Blob couldnt pummel him to death while he's already reeling from Creel. The others just kick him while he's down. To boot, this team has prep and information from Luthor. Its too easy actually.
Quit the insanity already. I agree Kang the Conqueror is smart enough to lead these losers to a win no doubt somebody is hypnotized by Supermans Axe body spray.

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