Sodam Yat vs Sentry
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Pre-Ion Yat vs Sentry.
Not enough feats to really say. Though, we do know his durability is through the roof, and he was destroying sinestro's left and right.
He's basically around herald level without the ring. With it...
I don't really even want to say, but if Superman beats Sentry (which he does), then Yat will do so 7/10. Only a rough estimate.
Originally posted by Sirius77
He's basically around herald level without the ring. With it...
I don't really even want to say, but if Superman beats Sentry (which he does), then Yat will do so 7/10. Only a rough estimate.

a Good GL will be able to get at least 6 wins out of sentry due to thier versatility. A good Daxamite would be at least equal to if not better than Sentry.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
a Good GL will be able to get at least 6 wins out of sentry due to thier versatility. A good Daxamite would be at least equal to if not better than Sentry.
If we go by lipservice, it'd be a stomp.
Veteran Lantern + Kryptonian level physique?
However, Yat's only feat thus far is killing some no-namers and surviving a few blasts from the anti monitor.
Not enough to say. It's still too early.
Originally posted by Soljer
If we go by lipservice, it'd be a stomp.
Veteran Lantern + Kryptonian level physique?
However, Yat's only feat thus far is killing some no-namers and surviving a few blasts from the anti monitor.
Not enough to say. It's still too early.
Can Sentry crank it out like the AM? Superman got the shit smacked out of him by said AM. and it was like, one pimp smack.
Originally posted by Soljer
If we go by lipservice, it'd be a stomp.
Veteran Lantern + Kryptonian level physique?
However, Yat's only feat thus far is killing some no-namers and surviving a few blasts from the anti monitor.
Not enough to say. It's still too early.
I agree, we should go by feats here.
Originally posted by Sirius77
I agree, we should go by feats here. Sentry wins then...
Going by feats only, Sentry beats the runner too. I like to look at what the characters have taken in dmg, as well, as offensive power.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Can Sentry crank it out like the AM? Superman got the shit smacked out of him by said AM. and it was like, one pimp smack.
Hell no, Sentry can't put out that kind of power.
But does it matter? There's no evidence that Sodam can beat Sentry. The only people he's beaten are some no-name Sinestro Corps members. Hardly too impressive.
Even by lip service, it's pretty even. Sentry's entire character is based on lip service.
Originally posted by Soljer
Hell no, Sentry can't put out that kind of power.
But does it matter? There's no evidence that Sodam can beat Sentry. The only people he's beaten are some no-name Sinestro Corps members. Hardly too impressive.
Um. A damaxmite by thier very nature with no training would be able to fight Sentry. just some random. We are talking about a daxamite with a GL ring. I don't see what sentry can do to get past that uber daxamite invulnerablity BACKED by GL shields.
Originally posted by Validus
Even by lip service, it's pretty even. Sentry's entire character is based on lip service.
I meant if we did that for Yat alone - since he's the one that lacks showings. ermm.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Um. A damaxmite by thier very nature with no training would be able to fight Sentry. just some random. We are talking about a daxamite with a GL ring. I don't see what sentry can do to get past that uber daxamite invulnerablity BACKED by GL shields.
You have absolutely nothing to back that up with.
Sodam has: Destroyed Ranx, taken a blast from the antimonitor, killed no names, and lifted a boulder.
Those are his 'feats.'
That's what we know he can do.
Anything else is speculation.
Originally posted by Soljer
I meant if we did that for Yat alone - since he's the one that lacks showings. ermm.
Screw this crap I'm going to bed.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Going by feats only, Sentry beats the runner too. I like to look at what the characters have taken in dmg, as well, as offensive power. No he doesn't...
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Soljer
You have absolutely nothing to back that up with.
Sodam has: Destroyed Ranx, taken a blast from the antimonitor, killed no names, and lifted a boulder.
Those are his 'feats.'
That's what we know he can do.
Anything else is speculation.
Flyin' . . .
That too, is true, lol. But if we go by his abilities and natural daximite physiology, and his skill with the ring, then he wins. By feats, he falls short, because he doesn't really have enough. Although, most gl's are mid herald levelers, same for sc's appearently. And he took out quite a few. Sentry has taken out like three herald levelers. So, with that said, a rough estimate can be made that he is most likely above or on par with sentry.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Flyin' . . .
Right, right.
He can fly at an entirely undetermined speed under his own power, and can easily use the lantern travel speed.
His two most impressive showings (Rank and the Anti Monitor) are both durability. We have no idea how formidable he is in a true fight.
And, we won't find out any time too soon, considering he's gonna be ion for at least a few months.
The funny thing is, that Sentry still doesn't have enough feats to put him on herald level, or on Supes level (according to some), but now, people are arguing that someone with like 3 or 4 feats can take him?
Originally posted by Soljer
You have absolutely nothing to back that up with.
Sodam has: Destroyed Ranx, taken a blast from the antimonitor, killed no names, and lifted a boulder.
Those are his 'feats.'
That's what we know he can do.
Anything else is speculation.
There isn't a daxamite in the history of DC who wasn't on par or greater than Superman. As a matter of fact, there are a few instances of them pwning Superman and WW. So we know that his biology already gives him a fighting chance. Look at it this way. If you were in a fight and you had to pick an opponent based upon nothing but thier genetics. Would you pick someone who was born on daxam under a yellow sun, or a human being who had a bunch of feats of say, night wing? And taking a blast from the AM is a rediculously high feat. Sentry won't be able to match and exceed that. Look what said smack did to superman.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
There isn't a daxamite in the history of DC who wasn't on par or greater than Superman.
Apparently, post-crisis monel got beaten by Conner. Superman level?
It makes me angry when you judge Mon-El like that.

Originally posted by Soljer
Apparently, post-crisis monel got beaten by Conner. Superman level?
Was that after he had been imprisoned in stasis for a thousand years? with no sun light? Or held there to stave off the lead poisoning that was killing him? Been a long time. refresh my memory.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Was that after he had been imprisoned in stasis for a thousand years? with no sun light? Or held there to stave off the lead poisoning that was killing him? Been a long time. refresh my memory.
I'm not ashamed to tell you straight up that I don't know.
I never followed M'onel, or Mon-El or Lar Gand or Valor too closely.
Just repeating what I've been told.
Originally posted by Soljer
I'm not ashamed to tell you straight up that I don't know.
I never followed M'onel, or Mon-El or Lar Gand or Valor too closely.
Just repeating what I've been told.
I remember something that made him not know who he was, or something wierd about it. Becuz M'onel has rediculous feats.
Originally posted by Soljer
Ask Vally. Nah. I think I actually have my valor series here in my apt. Or at least the first 5 issues. But that may have happened in the superboy series. It's been FOREVER since I read those. Anyway, Superboy if he did win, has an S on his chest. He beats The entire Legion if the writers wanted him to. With one arm tied behind his back.
A normal Daxamite = a normal Kryptonian.
Yat is a Daxamite, thus he basically has Superman's powers.
Plus a GL ring ....and very very good at using that ring (and this was before the whole Ion space-whale thing)
Daxamite + GL ring + adept use of both power sets = a really potent combatant (feats or no feats).
Just because he has no major feats on panel yet doesn't mean he would lose against someone who has (and Sentry, by the way, does have feats .....but there is also a LOT of forum nonsense that circulates around about him). Oh, and Yat does have feats .....taking blasts from the anti-monitor, and still being around, is a major feat in and of itself.
And do consider that he is said to be the greatest Green Lantern of them all. That basically provides a benchmark, particularly when contrasted against GLs like Kyle and Hal.
And then you add all of that to the fact he is a daxamite ....
It can be debated on who would win, but the base of that decision shouldn't be 'Sodam has no feats.'
Although he is soon about to have a lot of high level feats.
Just want to point out; he WILL be hailed as the ultimate green lantern. That says a lot of his potential, but nothing of his current power.
Not to mention the fact that it is very likely that even that hailing will come as a result of the Ion power, and will therefore be irrelevant to THIS thread, which considers him as a normal lantern.
Originally posted by Soljer
Just want to point out; he WILL be hailed as the ultimate green lantern. That says a lot of his potential, but nothing of his current power.
Not to mention the fact that it is very likely that even that hailing will come as a result of the Ion power, and will therefore be irrelevant to THIS thread, which considers him as a normal lantern.
He isn't a normal lantern. he's a daxamite lantern. that would be like us pitting a saturian GL against Sentry. They could have like no feats and we know Sentry is going to have problems fighting a telepathic GL.
Current Anti-Monitor got stunned by some GL's...
Sodam's feats triumph Sentry's hype
Sentry's biggest 'hype-feat' is that he stalemated Galactus
Sodam has already withstood AM's attacks
so Sodam is at least Sentry's equal, but more likely his superior
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
He isn't a normal lantern. he's a daxamite lantern. that would be like us pitting a saturian GL against Sentry. They could have like no feats and we know Sentry is going to have problems fighting a telepathic GL.
His race makes his ability as a green lantern no more potent. That is all I was referring to. All of his 'ultimate green lantern' feats (if they are even to come) will likely be him as ION - a doubt this thread does not give him the benefit of.
Every GL is telepathic.
His species doesn't change the fact that he's a normal Lantern.
Originally posted by Bransolute
Current Anti-Monitor got stunned by some GL's...
He got temporarily blinded by the full charge of a lantern ring.
For like a second.
Hardly enough to discredit the Antimonitor.
Originally posted by Validus
Every GL is telepathic.
His species doesn't change the fact that he's a normal Lantern.
every Gl is NOt a saturian. Not even close. If they were all telepathic, then they sure as hell don't show it either.
Originally posted by Soljer
His race makes his ability as a green lantern no more potent. That is all I was referring to. All of his 'ultimate green lantern' feats (if they are even to come) will likely be him as ION - a doubt this thread does not give him the benefit of.
nah, His race makes him already equal to sentry AT least. the fact that he has that ring makes him that much harder to beat. Ok put it this way, Sadam yot has few feats, but if I put him against magneto, who has trillions of feats, what would you say?
I've seen John Stewart mind rape multiple Green Lanterns. Doesn't change anything.
All I'm saying is that being a Daxamite or whatever race you feel like using doesn't change the fact that said character is a normal GL. It's not as if there is a standard race of Lanterns.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
nah, His race makes him already equal to sentry AT least. the fact that he has that ring makes him that much harder to beat. Ok put it this way, Sadam yot has few feats, but if I put him against magneto, who has trillions of feats, what would you say?
I would say that Sodam Yat doesn't have enough feats to justify necessarily giving him a win. I'd say exactly the same as I have here; it's likely, that due to his alleged prowess as a lantern, and his pseudo-kryptonian physique, that he'd beat Magneto.
But, as there is nothing to base that on, it would be too early to say.
Originally posted by Validus
I've seen John Stewart mind rape multiple Green Lanterns. Doesn't change anything.
All I'm saying is that being a Daxamite or whatever race you feel like using doesn't change the fact that said character is a normal GL. It's not as if there is a standard race of Lanterns.
And you are missing the point. One reason Wog is rated so high is becuz he is not only a lantern, and a damned good one, But he's got that natural super strength and durability. People even noted it as advantage over other lanterns. Now being a daxamite with a ring is an advantage over other lanterns. Hell, One could if they wished, focus all of thier mind on offensive power since getting hurt is highly unlikely.
Originally posted by Validus
All I'm saying is that being a Daxamite or whatever race you feel like using doesn't change the fact that said character is a normal GL. It's not as if there is a standard race of Lanterns.
GLs are not all equal
let's say 2 GLs are both in a hard fight, one a daxamite and the other a human
both fight till their ring runs outta power...guess what? the human is no longer a GL, but a mere human. The daxamite...oh, he's just superman with no more ring powers.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
And you are missing the point. One reason Wog is rated so high is becuz he is not only a lantern, and a damned good one, But he's got that natural super strength and durability. People even noted it as advantage over other lanterns. Now being a daxamite with a ring is an advantage over other lanterns. Hell, One could if they wished, focus all of thier mind on offensive power since getting hurt is highly unlikely.
They are plenty of Lanterns with their own natural powers that range from super strength to sorcery yet all of them would get beat senseless in a fight against Hal Jordan. Skill with the ring matters more than anything.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
GLs are not all equal
let's say 2 GLs are both in a hard fight, one a daxamite and the other a human
both fight till their ring runs outta power... Um... wouldn't that still make them equal as GL's...
Originally posted by Master-Borg
GLs are not all equal
You're right and the two best GL's happen to be normal humans. The rest of your post is irrelevant since a human without a ring isn't a GL in the first place.
Originally posted by Validus
You're right and the two best GL's happen to be normal humans. The rest of your post is irrelevant since a human without a ring isn't a GL in the first place. a human with a depleted GL Ring is still a GL, no?
Originally posted by Validus
You're right and the two best GL's happen to be normal humans.
I understand that.
My point was that given equal prowess with a ring, a daxamite GL is more powerful than a human GL.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
a human with a depleted GL Ring is still a GL, no?
No, he's just a dude with a ring on his finger.
Originally posted by Validus
No, he's just a dude with a ring on his finger.
Check out hal jordan after his ring depleted. He didn't even have the colors on anymore - he went back to 'normal' clothes since he was bone dry.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
I understand that.
My point was that given equal prowess with a ring, a daxamite GL is more powerful than a human GL.
No because if you really got down to it, it's one guy with the power to do anything versus another guy with the power to do anything.
Originally posted by Validus
No because if you really got down to it, it's one guy with the power to do anything versus another guy with the power to do anything. you would have a better case if the Ring's power was infinite...unfortunately, its power source is very finite.
What Val is saying, is it's the order of power.
The Lantern power eclipses something like race - even powerful races like Daxamites - the same way a factorial dominates a polynomial.
Originally posted by Soljer
What Val is saying, is it's the order of power.
The Lantern power eclipses something like race - even powerful races like Daxamites - the same way a factorial dominates a polynomial.
And isn't it actually within the realm of possibility for ANY Lantern actually become a Daximite? I'm pretty sure Hal's done it...
Originally posted by darthgoober
And isn't it actually within the realm of possibility for ANY Lantern actually become a Daximite? I'm pretty sure Hal's done it...
How sure?
Originally posted by Soljer
How sure?
50/50 or so. I seem to remember it coming up in a tourney or something like that...
But now that I think about it, it may have been a Kryptonian instead of a Daximite.
Originally posted by Soljer
What Val is saying, is it's the order of power.
The Lantern power eclipses something like race - even powerful races like Daxamites - the same way a factorial dominates a polynomial.
I get that
ok, let me use this analogy
assume the mastery of a Ring is power level = 1,000,000,000
assume normal human power = 1
assume a daxamite power = 1000
so a human with ring mastery = 1,000,000,001
whereas a daxamite with ring mastery = 1,000,001,000
in other words, a daxamite GL can fight longer than a human GL with equal skill because once they both deplete their ring's power, the daxamite has his superman physique to fall back on and is able to continue the battle while the human will be killed instantly
Originally posted by darthgoober
50/50 or so. I seem to remember it coming up in a tourney or something like that...
But now that I think about it, it may have been a Kryptonian instead of a Daximite. Kryptonian DNA.
Originally posted by Bransolute
Kryptonian DNA.
Issue number?
Originally posted by Soljer
Issue number? Someone used it in a tourney once.
I believe it was the one where Leo/Khan won it.
1] Doesn't matter if he downs his opponent before his power runs out
2] Isn't that what the Latern is for?....
Originally posted by Bransolute
Someone used it in a tourney once.
I believe it was the one where Leo/Khan won it. That is the point isn't it. Why would a lantern give himself Kryptonian DNA UNLESS there was some distinc advantage that that gave him IN ADDITION TO being a lantern.
Originally posted by Bransolute
Someone used it in a tourney once.
I believe it was the one where Leo/Khan won it.
That was his justification, and as I suspected, he didn't provide any evidence that Hal's actually done it in the past.
I know he's made himself into a robot. I know that another green lantern very recently shifted himself into antimatter and back to positive matter.
However....changed himself into a Kryptonian? I don't remember him ever doing that.
Originally posted by Soljer
That was his justification, and as I suspected, he didn't provide any evidence that Hal's actually done it in the past.
I know he's made himself into a robot. I know that another green lantern very recently shifted himself into antimatter and back to positive matter.
However....changed himself into a Kryptonian? I don't remember him ever doing that. Kyle was the one who did it. If I remember correctly. He made a daxamite with a GL ring as well. or something like that. It's almost as if Kyle created Sodom Yat.
Originally posted by Soljer
That was his justification, and as I suspected, he didn't provide any evidence that Hal's actually done it in the past.
I know he's made himself into a robot. I know that another green lantern very recently shifted himself into antimatter and back to positive matter.
However....changed himself into a Kryptonian? I don't remember him ever doing that. that case I guess I remembered wrong

Originally posted by Soljer
That was his justification, and as I suspected, he didn't provide any evidence that Hal's actually done it in the past.
I know he's made himself into a robot. I know that another green lantern very recently shifted himself into antimatter and back to positive matter.
However....changed himself into a Kryptonian? I don't remember him ever doing that. You think I read all the scans?
I just read some of the battle... basically the first sentence...
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Kyle was the one who did it. If I remember correctly. He made a daxamite with a GL ring as well. or something like that. It's almost as if Kyle created Sodom Yat.
Kyle created a daxamite green lantern when he created oblivion. Not exactly 'run of the mill' lantern power, there.
Originally posted by Soljer
Kyle created a daxamite green lantern when he created oblivion. Not exactly 'run of the mill' lantern power, there.
The name of the daxamite lantern he created was guess what? Wasn't it Sodom Yat? And I remember Kyle giving himself superman like powers or something like that. Hal Also gave batman superman like powers in the nail. I know it's an elseworlds. But meh.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
That is the point isn't it. Why would a lantern give himself Kryptonian DNA UNLESS there was some distinc advantage that that gave him IN ADDITION TO being a lantern. Because they wouldn't be fighting another lantern.
It would only make them harder to KO really... plus, if Hal would have actually done this... Hal likes to punch.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
The name of the daxamite lantern he created was guess what? Wasn't it Sodom Yat? And I remember Kyle giving himself superman like powers or something like that. Hal Also gave batman superman like powers in the nail. I know it's an elseworlds. But meh.
Hell no he didn't create Sodam Yat in circle of fire.
Are you stoned? The Daxamite he created was named Pel Tavin.
I also don't recall Kyle ever giving himself Superman-like powers. I know he gave himself telekinesis once. Hardly comparable, though.
Dunno about the Nail.
Originally posted by Soljer
Hell no he didn't create Sodam Yat in circle of fire.
Are you stoned? The Daxamite he created was named Pel Tavin.
I also don't recall Kyle ever giving himself Superman-like powers. I know he gave himself telekinesis once. Hardly comparable, though.
Dunno about the Nail. Ok my fault. I do know that Kyle thought that a Daxamite with a GL ring was uber. It makes sense. Imagine superman with a GL ring? OMG. fearsome being. Just look at hank henshaw.
Other powers do stack with the rings.
And it was at the end of the nail, jimmy olsen had krptonian DNA and was pwning everyone. batman needed power and hal amped batman to superman lvls to fight jimmy before hal blacked out due to a broken arm or something and batman lost his amp. Then the omish superman came. I think that is how it went. been some years. It's with in GL's power to amp themselves or others.
Do I believe that a lantern is capable? Certainly.
Has it ever been done?
Not to my knowledge.

However, if someone can prove me wrong, I'd be delighted. I'm a huge lantern fan, and I'd love to see that feat.
Originally posted by Soljer
Do I believe that a lantern is capable? Certainly.
Has it ever been done?
Not to my knowledge.

However, if someone can prove me wrong, I'd be delighted. I'm a huge lantern fan, and I'd love to see that feat.
I have almost all of kyle's books somewhere. I am going to study them when I go to my dad's house. I know that a GL has amped themselves genetically or someone else. And Hal did amp batman to Kryptonian LvLs in the Nail. Until he blacked out. So far all Gl's have had the same abilities in all DC universes except that lantern chick.
Switch 07
Originally posted by Master-Borg
I get that
ok, let me use this analogy
assume the mastery of a Ring is power level = 1,000,000,000
assume normal human power = 1
assume a daxamite power = 1000
so a human with ring mastery = 1,000,000,001
whereas a daxamite with ring mastery = 1,000,001,000
in other words, a daxamite GL can fight longer than a human GL with equal skill because once they both deplete their ring's power, the daxamite has his superman physique to fall back on and is able to continue the battle while the human will be killed instantly
You have the worst analogy's.

Endless Mike
He was injured by Ranx exploding.
A million stars exploding is 1,000,000,000,000,000 times greater than that.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
I have almost all of kyle's books somewhere. I am going to study them when I go to my dad's house. I know that a GL has amped themselves genetically or someone else. And Hal did amp batman to Kryptonian LvLs in the Nail. Until he blacked out. So far all Gl's have had the same abilities in all DC universes except that lantern chick.
Fair enough. Like I said, I'd love to be proven wrong on this one. But, I've never seen a canon source where a Lantern has done what we're claiming here.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
I get that
ok, let me use this analogy
assume the mastery of a Ring is power level = 1,000,000,000
assume normal human power = 1
assume a daxamite power = 1000
so a human with ring mastery = 1,000,000,001
whereas a daxamite with ring mastery = 1,000,001,000
in other words, a daxamite GL can fight longer than a human GL with equal skill because once they both deplete their ring's power, the daxamite has his superman physique to fall back on and is able to continue the battle while the human will be killed instantly
You're not getting it though. This isn't Dragonball Z. Once they run out of energy you're not even talking about them being GL's anymore. You're just arguing that a Daxamite is more powerful than a Human.
Originally posted by Soljer
Do I believe that a lantern is capable? Certainly.
Has it ever been done?
Not to my knowledge.

However, if someone can prove me wrong, I'd be delighted. I'm a huge lantern fan, and I'd love to see that feat.
It hasn't been done. Leo/Kahn I think used 2 other feats and extrapolated that Hal could turn himself into a Kryptonian.
One of them was where Hal scanned Superman and discovered he was Kryptonian and another where Hal transmuted Superman to energy to show that he could manipulate Kryptonian DNA.
Originally posted by Validus
It hasn't been done. Leo/Kahn I think used 2 other feats and extrapolated that Hal could turn himself into a Kryptonian.
One of them was where Hal scanned Superman and discovered he was Kryptonian and another where Hal transmuted Superman to energy to show that he could manipulate Kryptonian DNA.
I know. I posted those scans earlier.
It's actually stupid for the writers to have any GL or even Amazo to suddenly gain Superman's powers just by copying their dna. This is because it took Superman many years (at least 16) of absorbing enough solar energy energy to have any significant powers. Now in the movie, Superman is able to instantly have acess to his powers the moment he is near an atmosphere with one yellow sun. But the comics are entirely different. Also in the comics, it even takes a long time for Superman's energy to deplete when he is away from a yellow sun. But not so in the movie.
Originally posted by Validus
You're not getting it though. This isn't Dragonball Z. Once they run out of energy you're not even talking about them being GL's anymore. You're just arguing that a Daxamite is more powerful than a Human. Even then his logic may be off.
I mean, KK pwned Mon-El...
Plus, if MB ran out energy, I bet you he would pwn a Daxamite as well.
Originally posted by Bransolute
Plus, if MB ran out energy, I bet you he would pwn a Daxamite as well.
MasterBruce? That'd hardly be a fair fight. Guy's like a paragon. An avatar of god or something. No other explanation for those super powers of his.
Originally posted by Soljer
MasterBruce? That'd hardly be a fair fight. Guy's like a paragon. An avatar of god or something. No other explanation for those super powers of his. He's still human though (I think, but who knows with these godlike beings).
Also, I was trying to compare KK's skill to MB's, not his other powers.
God knows that would be a stomp.
Even then, it's a stomp anyway...
Originally posted by B.A
Masterbruce in a stomp.
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