Mad Jim Jaspers Vs Man of Miracles
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Man of Miracles from Spawn's comic.
Look him up if you need to.
Who wins?
Man of Miracles. He's basically TOAA of that realm.

MJJ is strong and great unbeatable by most and so on, but to pit him against the superior rule of a given Comic is a little to high hopes about him IMO.
Mr Master
Originally posted by SouthSpawn
Man of Miracles from Spawn's comic.
Look him up if you need to.
Who wins?
Supreme Beings should not be placed in forum battles.
All Supreme Beings are equal, and can only be matched by Supreme Beings.
Jaspers is off the charts, but he's not a Supreme Being.
Jaspers and Fury getting lots of attention this week
I guess this is the Forum's way of saying welcome back. Some of the matches were alright bu now Jaspers going against Supreme Beings, come on.
Mr Master
Originally posted by Power16
I guess this is the Forum's way of saying welcome back. Some of the matches were alright bu now Jaspers going against Supreme Beings, come on.

Originally posted by Mr Master
Supreme Beings should not be placed in forum battles.
All Supreme Beings are equal, and can only be matched by Supreme Beings.
Jaspers is off the charts, but he's not a Supreme Being.
Member of the parliament, you tell me what's more supreme than that
Mr Master
Originally posted by llagrok
Member of the parliament, you tell me what's more supreme than that
Above Jaspers you mean?
Originally posted by Mr Master
Above Jaspers you mean?
Who knows, Jaspers might have a chance.
Originally posted by SouthSpawn
Who knows, Jaspers might have a chance.
He has 0% chance, just like him going against TOAA, The Source/The Presence, TGEB.

MoM without effort.
Originally posted by Mr Master
All Supreme Beings are equal, and can only be matched by Supreme Beings.
Seeing how Vegeto from Dragonball is the supreme being of his universe, or how Kyuubi is supreme in Naruto I would say not.
Those characters are limited while the ones you're talking about are unlimited, of course. But considering how there are levels of infinity, even the supreme beings with omnipotence should be scaled by what they've done, and what they havn't.
To say that all supreme beings are equal because of their status as god, or whatever, is well in my oppinion ridicolous.
I've read some maths regarding the subject of infinity. And to my knowledge, infinity can only be scaled onto an infinity within it.
But if I have two infinite beings in one universe (A,) with one of them being infinitely greater than the other. And a single infinite being in the other universe (B.)
Then chances are that:
75% - The supreme being from universe A is greater than the supreme from universe B.
25% - That weaker infinite being is greater than the supreme being from universe B.
I'm not saying that Jaspers is winning, but simply that you should consider this.
Originally posted by Astner
Seeing how Vegeto from Dragonball is the supreme being of his universe, or how Kyuubi is supreme in Naruto I would say not. No they aren't...
Originally posted by Dark-Jaxx
No they aren't...
DB and DBZ is canon, Vegeto was more powerful than Gohan at his prime--I was of course refering to the most powerful character of all time.
Kyuubi is the most powerful because well, he's the most powerful bijuu. The only reason Madara could control him was because of genjutsu.
But Kyuubi is more powerful as Kishimoto said so in an interview.
Originally posted by Astner
DB and DBZ is canon, Vegeto was more powerful than Gohan at his prime--I was of course refering to the most powerful character of all time.
Kyuubi is the most powerful because well, he's the most powerful bijuu. The only reason Madara could control him was because of genjutsu.
But Kyuubi is more powerful as Kishimoto said so in an interview.
But he was never regarded as the Supreme Being. Is different as what you are describing.
Originally posted by Xplosive
But he was never regarded as the Supreme Being. Is different as what you are describing.
Kyuubi was described as the strongest creature in Naruto.
You get the point, I simply wanted to say that I don't know the result of the battle. Therefore I wouldn't wrong anyone for saying either MoM or MJJ.
Established Supreme Beings should not be confused its strongest character. Just because that specific literature never established, its supreme being does not mean its strongest known character should be regarded as so.
With that said, MoM takes it.
Originally posted by id369
Established Supreme Beings should not be confused its strongest character. Just because that specific literature never established, its supreme being does not mean its strongest known character should be regarded as so.
Power is still power, no matter how you look at it.
The title supreme can be given to the strongest character. Whether or not he's a reality warper is another question.
Futhermore, Jim Jaspers could monitor the Omniverse himself. If it wasn't for The-One-Above-All dwarfing him.
Yes, because The-One-Above-All is the greatest in Marvel. So all within Marvel must be lower.
That doesn't necessarely mean that if we put her in a neutral universe with Haruhi for instance. That she would lose.
MOM blinks him out of existance.
MoM is the supreme being of 1 universe.
Jaspers could take control of the entire Omniverse if he so chose.
I don't see how it's that cut and dry.
Originally posted by Knowsbleed33
MoM is the supreme being of 1 universe.
Jaspers could take control of the entire Omniverse if he so chose.
I don't see how it's that cut and dry.
Supreme beings dont' care about Size. The Beyonder according to Marvel crack addicts was supreme. And he was only supreme of one universe. it just happened to be bigger than the marvel multiverse. yes it's cut and dry. jaspers died. Supreme beings do not die. They are omnipotent. They do not fade or lose power.
Your failures will be legendary on these boards one day, I assure you.
What do you think omnipotent means?
Originally posted by Knowsbleed33
Your failures will be legendary on these boards one day, I assure you.
What do you think omnipotent means?
what ever it means. jaspers isn't it. And your crack marvel addict days are already legendary. You are actually trying to defend jaspers against a supreme being.
So if Jaspers takes control of the entire multiverse, essentially becoming multiversally omnipotent, a universally omnipotent being will still be able to beat him?
Jaspers is powerful good friend
He's not beating MoM
Originally posted by guy222
He's not beating MoM
Originally posted by Knowsbleed33
So if Jaspers takes control of the entire multiverse, essentially becoming multiversally omnipotent, a universally omnipotent being will still be able to beat him?
Lulz at 'universally omnipotent' and 'multiversally omnipotent'.
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