TOAA vs Mad jim jaspers
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Thiru Thiru Thiru Thiru Thiru Thiru Thiru
TOAA in a incredible Cumpstomb
what are the powers and abilities of TOAA?
Originally posted by Thiru
what are the powers and abilities of TOAA?
Complete Omnipotence, Omnipresence and Omniscience he is basically GOD
TOAA curbstomps the old fart.
TOAA is the writer of the story/Jack Kirby/Stan lee. Total omnipotence can only be beaten if he wills it.
Mr Master
Originally posted by Thiru
Originally posted by lordboo
Big time.
Originally posted by guy222
Poor Jaspers
Sucks to be him

Burning thought
is TOAA just the Avatar of Marvel?
i am also wondering does he actually have any on-comic feets or just statements?
Originally posted by Burning thought
is TOAA just the Avatar of Marvel?
i am also wondering does he actually have any on-comic feets or just statements?
TOAA is the Writer and Illustrator. He can do anything. Effectively he makes the story.
Burning thought
Originally posted by SpiderGauntlet
TOAA is the Writer and Illustrator. He can do anything. Effectively he makes the story.
i see
i believe this is spite
Sol Valentine
He'll just write him out of existence.
TOAA will have to teleport him to un-space!!!!112
King Kandy
You can't ask for TOAA's feat because it's an actual person and not a comic character.
how can MJJ jump out of the page and punch stan lee in the face?
Burning thought
real people>>>>little comic peoples
"beats the cr@p out of Galactus, Superman and God spawn with one finger"
Originally posted by Terryc250
how can MJJ jump out of the page and punch stan lee in the face? He didn't. an avatar of Stan Lee maybe that was created in the comic verse to be punched in the face.
But as powerful as any of the characters in any of these worlds are, it's TOAA ( The writers, artists and editors including the editor in cheif and the C.E.O.s of the companys, and also those who determine the success of the company hold a little sway (us) ) that controls what happens, everything we see in comics is due to the writers choosing what happens. They can cause an omnipotent being to become a mere mortal and slay them with ease.
I for one can create multiverses, Though I'm unable to directly effect the 616 or any of the other named marvel realities I can create my own realities via fanfiction, and fan art.
These are worlds which may never interact with what Marvel is allowed to show, and I won't be allowed in this world to make money off of telling the stories of these realities. But none the less I can make an alternate version of MJJ and have him hit by a bus and killed if I chose.
And if I can do that then imagine what those who are allowed to make money off of telling these stories can do.
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