Batman, Nightwing and Batgirl vs Wolverine
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Batman, Nightwing and Batgirl vs Wolverine. They fight in Gotham. Who wins?
It might seem like spite but hey...Wolverine can go beserk and used it to deafeat an MA who owned Taskmaster. Hey the Bat family might even get tired trying to take Wolverine out, you know sometimes boxers can even get tired trying to punch out an opponent.
i think the bat family takes this
They can't KO what they can't hurt.
Batkick ftw!
Or Batman just smacks him around.
I find Wolverine being so overrated hilarious.
Or maybe people just don't know enough about his combatants and they just automaticly give him the win.
Not to mention that this fight takes place in Gotham.
But I'm not going to bother further really.
How it SHOULD be: The Bat family batters him into unconsciousness, maybe losing Robin.
How it WOULD be, based on his modern overpowered appearances: Wolverine miraculously kills everyone involved.
They could take down Wolverine, but it requries sufficient prep.
Citizen V
The Bat-Family, 9/10.
Batgirl = Cassandra?
Whatever the case, Bats FTW 8/10
psycho gundam
i'm not sure what batman and company can really do to logan, but if any of you know a working strategy by all means tell it.
at the moment the adamantium skeleton, super-regen, acute senses, razor sharp claws, peak human physique, top-ten battle tactician with 100+ years of battle experience, freedom to kill let alone maim his enemies, victories over multiple opponents at the same time, etc. seem like a huge advantage for wolverine.
Phantom Zone
Originally posted by psycho gundam
i'm not sure what batman and company can really do to logan, but if any of you know a working strategy by all means tell it.
at the moment the adamantium skeleton, super-regen, acute senses, razor sharp claws, peak human physique, top-ten battle tactician with 100+ years of battle experience, freedom to kill let alone maim his enemies, victories over multiple opponents at the same time, etc. seem like a huge advantage for wolverine.
Jehsus Wolverine loses.

psycho gundam
how is my question, i'm not saying wolverine wins, i just want to know what the bat troop plans to do to him. kick him to death?
Phantom Zone
Originally posted by psycho gundam
how is my question, i'm not saying wolverine wins, i just want to know what the bat troop plans to do to him. kick him to death?
Well for starters I think both Bats and Nightwing have explosives. Both Nightwing and Bats can soften him up with explosives and Batarangs. Wolverine would beat them all individually but with Bats genuis and martial arts knowledge then combine pressure point strikes and use of equipment.
Remember his Hf is not as good as it used to be. Hell the fight takes place in Gotham and im sure Bats could use the environment.
Team for the win
Bats and company will defeat logan, not easy but they will win,i see nightwing with tasers and bats with boomerang entanglement, and robin uses gases to try and overcome logans resistance to poisons and such,choke holds and gadgets aplenty
I just dont see logan taking out bats and nightwing together and add robin..well I.M.O logan goes down
Phantom Zone
Originally posted by starlock
Team for the win
Bats and company will defeat logan, not easy but they will win,i see nightwing with tasers and bats with boomerang entanglement, and robin uses gases to try and overcome logans resistance to poisons and such,choke holds and gadgets aplenty
I just dont see logan taking out bats and nightwing together and add robin..well I.M.O logan goes down
Theres no robin.

Originally posted by psycho gundam
at the moment the adamantium skeleton, super-regen, acute senses, razor sharp claws, peak human physique, top-ten battle tactician with 100+ years of battle experience, freedom to kill let alone maim his enemies, victories over multiple opponents at the same time, etc. seem like a huge advantage for wolverine.
Winning is most likely by KO.
As for human physique, I'm pretty sure the Bat Family are all peak-human. Battle experience and Skill? Batman and Co are the best mortal martial artists in the DCU, alongside names like Shiva.
Individually, members of the Bat family can also claim "victories over multiple opponents at the same time".
In addition, they also have an arsenal of high-tech weapons/equipment at their disposal.
Admittedly, if Wolverine does somehow gets a critical slash on one of them, he could win. Thats why I only put the Bat family at 8/10 majority win.
Originally posted by Phantom Zone
Theres no robin.
Ah thanks batrgirl......i guess it might make a difference which batgirl, but not so much as to change my view
Wolverine win:
-One stab and he kill.
-Peak human with some metahuman stats
-Warrior with grat experience of fighting (over 100 years!!)
-No problem with killing
-Have one the the greatest HF in MU, on par with the Hulk!
-Have gone one-on-one with HULK (who would destroy Bat family with a thunder clap) and have survived. And have asked for more!
-Not have been unconscious with one punch of the Hulk.
Seriously, I don't know what Bat family could do, but taking the Batmobile and get the **** out of there. Batman is not Spider-Man, in term of strengt.
batman on his own with a full belt will be enough
The Pict
Originally posted by carnage52
batman on his own with a full belt will be enough
Not without prep
Game set and match for the team. Logan gets taken out.
Lord Feron
Bat team wins but lil girl and lil boy dies... Logan is unconscious only.. =D
Originally posted by The Pict
Not without prep batmans skill rivals logan pack a utility belt and its game over adding prep is overkill.

your an idiot
what true? That he an idiot? or the batman stands any chances of taking Logan for the majority with out prep?
Batman alone would need to get seriously lucky to take down Wolvie, however with the team and the prep I think they stand a fair chance.
Lord Feron
Whatever gets you angrier blowup
Originally posted by Lord Feron
Whatever gets you angrier blowup
im not angery I find it ammusing to yell at people lol
ps: im stealing your smily, it ill
Team wins, too many people coming from too many angles. Wolverine has fought very close fights with Captain America. Batman is AROUND Cap's level in H2H depending on who you ask. Adding the other 2 makes this a sure thing.
So yeah in a legit fight the team wins.
If its written in a comic, Wolverine dances around them while they make fools of themselves, probably kicking each other accidentally and looking like the 3 stooges. The issue would then be bought in triplicate by the Wolverine fanboys who store it away and bring it up as canon for debates 10 years from now.
Originally posted by redhotrash
If its written in a comic, Wolverine dances around them while they make fools of themselves, probably kicking each other accidentally and looking like the 3 stooges. The issue would then be bought in triplicate by the Wolverine fanboys who store it away and bring it up as canon for debates 10 years from now.
hahahahahaha yea becuases we all know wolverine has the most pis, not batman the guy who KO hulk level villains through pure strength or beats on superman or beats on wonder woman or hurts and makes a villian who pwned superman bleed, but yea wolverines clearly the most pis guy.
Did you just admit in a round about way that Wolverine benefits from PIS?
Originally posted by redhotrash
Did you just admit in a round about way that Wolverine benefits from PIS?
which characters don't benefit at one time or another from pis?
"One time or another" or "One time after another" lol.
If the Batman family has there gadgets they win but without there toys I would say he wins. One slice would be enough kill on these enemies
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