juggernaut running gauntlet
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We all know that its a saying that once juggernaut is in motion there is no force that could stop him. Is this true, is there someone that is able to stop his foward momentum. Juggernaut has his shield up for this gauntlet.
1. Venom is 100 ft away and has to web juggernaut up before he reaches him.
2. Iron man is 100 ft away and has to use his repulsor blast, the same one he disoriented superman with.
3. Blob uses his immovable body and stands in the juggernaut way while juggernaut is running towards him.
4. Cyclops is 200 ft away from the juggernaut and decides to take off his lends and go full blast before the juggernaut reaches him
5. Hulk and juggernaut are at different ends of new york and run at each other at full force and hulk gets one free punch.
6. Superman is at one end of texas and juggernaut is at the other end and superman fly as fast as he can at a juggernaut that is running full force.
7. blackbolt is standing 100ft away and screams as hard as he can at a running juggernaut that is running towards him.
8. Silver surfer is standing 100 ft away from a juggernaut and use his cosmic blast on a running juggernaut that is coming towards him.
9.Odin use the same blasts that he used on thanos.
10. Destroyer use his disintegrating beams at full force on a juggernaut that is running towards him.
Do you think that juggernaut could clear this.
Could probably stop him.
Odin would halt his forward motion. (this is litterally running through right?)
Stops at 7.
psycho gundam
nice thread. the ground beneath his feet would be destroyed in like.....6 of these scenarios. does that affect his forward momentum enough to call it a loss?
Originally posted by psycho gundam
nice thread. the ground beneath his feet would be destroyed in like.....6 of these scenarios. does that affect his forward momentum enough to call it a loss?
Maybe we could assume the ground is indestructible?

Clears it.
Odin would probably have to go all out.
nothing stops the juggernaut
Forgot the about the ground. Lets put it like this, the ground can take it. So im guessing spider gauntlet is right, the ground is indestructible. Why do people have to go into so much detail.
i think he stops at black bolt
Odin would have the best shot at stopping Juggs here -- But not if he used those same feeble blasts, that he did against Thanos. ermm
As it stands,
Juggs clears it, imo.
Foolz, nuthing can stop the Juggernaut b*tch.
Originally posted by cmack
i think he stops at black bolt
I think juggs can survive that.
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
6 stops him Lol...no.
Originally posted by SuperiorTech
I think juggs can survive that. Well.... Hulk did..
Classic Juggernaut's durability >>> Hulk's.

Originally posted by Violent2Dope
supes has moved planets
a amped hulk has stopped juggs
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
supes has moved planets
a amped hulk has stopped juggs The amped Hulk with the power of two universes flowing through him, and Celestial tech? shocklaugh
If the ground is indestructible and Blob's powers extends a gravity field around him shouldn't he be able to stop him since Juggernaut just can't rip the ground away as he is running into him like it would be possible to do with normal ground?
Originally posted by Bransolute
The amped Hulk with the power of two universes flowing through him, and Celestial tech? shocklaugh
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
What? War Hulk. He barely manged to stop Juggernaut. Hell, it's even debatable.
He had the power of two universes funneling into him, and he had Celestial tech.
Originally posted by Bransolute
War Hulk. He barely manged to stop Juggernaut. Hell, it's even debatable.
He had the power of two universes funneling into him, and he had Celestial tech.
Celestial tech amped him to a unknown degree and the 2 universe thing is meaningless because it is unquantifiable
I was under the impression that people have indeed slowed the juggernaut but nobody has ever stopped him other than the war hulk.
Godblast stopped him, Odin might (I really don't know) be able to replicate that feat.
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
Celestial tech amped him to a unknown degree and the 2 universe thing is meaningless because it is unquantifiable The power of two universes was amping his strength.
Does Superman have the power of two universes amping his strength?
Or, is it something like... a yellow sun?
Not that I care who's stronger, but just because character Micheal Jackson can do something, doesn't mean that character Usher can do it as well.
Plus, you said "unknown degree". So, why exactly Superman can do it, is beyond me.
Originally posted by Bransolute
The power of two universes was amping his strength.
Does Superman have the power of two universes amping his strength?
Or, is it something like... a yellow sun?
Not that I care who's stronger, but just because character Micheal Jackson can do something, doesn't mean that character Usher can do it as well.
Plus, you said "unknown degree". So, why exactly Superman can do it, is beyond me.
We know hulks base. And when i say amped to a unknown degree i am refering to hoow much above the base the tech rose him.
Originally posted by SpookySmurph
Odin might (I really don't know) be able to replicate that feat. It was specified that Odin can only use the same blasts as when he fought Thanos -- Those would not be enough.
Originally posted by Galan007
It was specified that Odin can only use the same blasts as when he fought Thanos -- Those would not be enough.
Thor stopped juggs
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
Thor stopped juggs The Godblast stopped Juggs.

Originally posted by Galan007
It was specified that Odin can only use the same blasts as when he fought Thanos -- Those would not be enough. Right.
I just skimmed over the message. srug
Agreed, though.
Originally posted by SpookySmurph
I just skimmed over the message. srug
Agreed, though. I missed it the first time too, lol.
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
We know hulks base. And when i say amped to a unknown degree i am refering to hoow much above the base the tech rose him. Which is still... an unknown degree.
It could be two times, it could be trillions.
Originally posted by Galan007
It was specified that Odin can only use the same blasts as when he fought Thanos -- Those would not be enough. Aren't those stronger blasts than the ones that one-shotted Drax, and Surfer?
Not saying they'd work, but the attempt to discredit Thanos based on really nothing is outstanding.
They looked like the blasts that he fired at that Celestial, and nobody says anything about it, yet every time the Thanos/Odin fight is brought up, "Odin jobbed", or something along those lines.
Originally posted by Bransolute
Which is still... an unknown degree.
It could be two times, it could be trillions.
Even if it is trillion (which i doubt) supes is billion - trillions of time stronger then hulk meaning that he could also do it.
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
Even if it is trillion (which i doubt) supes is billion - trillions of time stronger then hulk meaning that he could also do it. Well, that's bias bullshit supported by nothing.
Supes is stronger than Hulk no doubt about it.
It's hard to say exactly, but anything after ten-twenty, is just wishful thinking (and in your case, very, very wishful thinking).
Originally posted by Bransolute
Which is still... an unknown degree.
It could be two times, it could be trillions.
Aren't those stronger blasts than the ones that one-shotted Drax, and Surfer?
Not saying they'd work, but the attempt to discredit Thanos based on really nothing is outstanding.
They looked like the blasts that he fired at that Celestial, and nobody says anything about it, yet every time the Thanos/Odin fight is brought up, "Odin jobbed", or something along those lines. What said blasts appeared to look like is irrelevant.
Thanos was barely moved when those blasts hit him -- I have an extremely hard time believing they'd stop classic Juggs. srsly
Originally posted by Galan007
What said blasts appeared to look like is irrelevant.
Thanos was barely moved when those blasts hit him -- I have an extremely hard time believing they'd stop classic Juggs. srsly I never said they would stop Juggs.
Also, the only times Thanos has really been hurt in a battle, is against Odin, Tyrant, Galactus, and Magus with the IG... he's got some good durability... I mean, not saying they'd stop him, but just because something didn't work against him, doesn't mean it won't work against someone else.
Juggernaut has never really tested his unstoppability fully, as well. I mean, he's been stopped by a G-blast, and War Huc. He's also been KO'ed from running through a forcefield. How much force you'd have to use to stop him, is still suspect.
The best off of the top of my head, who have tried, were Thunderstrike, and Huc (they both failed). Is that enough to say a cosmic blast couldn't stop him?
Originally posted by Bransolute
Well, that's bias bullshit supported by nothing.
Supes is stronger than Hulk no doubt about it.
It's hard to say exactly, but anything after ten-twenty, is just wishful thinking (and in your case, very, very wishful thinking).
Superman's feats speak for themselves
And have you noticed that all of the hulk's "best" feats cant hve a number attached to them?
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
Superman's feats speak for themselves
And have you noticed that all of the hulk's "best" feats cant hve a number attached to them? Yes they do. But they still say nothing even close to him being billions of times stronger more than Huc.
Other than "impossible!", "unlimited strength!", "150 billion tons!", "knocked out Wolverine!", "dented adamantium!", "indestructible!", "strongest in the universe!"?
Yes, yes I have noticed his feats don't have a number on them.

Originally posted by Bransolute
Yes they do. But they still say nothing even close to him being billions of times stronger more than Huc.
Other than "impossible!", "unlimited strength!", "150 billion tons!", "knocked out Wolverine!", "dented adamantium!", "indestructible!", "strongest in the universe!"?
Yes, yes I have noticed his feats don't have a number on them.
He has better then knocking out wolverine lol
Denting adamantium is nothing special your just changing it's form
DESTORYING it is a whole nother matter.
Impossible - LMAO
Unlimited strength - statements by weak people
150 bill is his best quantifiable feat (that i know of)
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
He has better then knocking out wolverine lol
Denting adamantium is nothing special your just changing it's form
DESTORYING it is a whole nother matter.
Impossible - LMAO
Unlimited strength - statements by weak people
150 bill is his best quantifiable feat (that i know of) KO'ing Wolverine is the ultimate feat.
So, tell me how many people have dented it then.
That's what a lot of his feats say...
Beyonder was a pretty big pussy, I'll give you that. Although his was "Infinity well of power."
Originally posted by Bransolute
KO'ing Wolverine is the ultimate feat.
Or not....
Magneto, thor......hulk......
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
Magneto, thor......hulk...... Magneto breaks it down to the molecular level... Huc does it with raw strength, where it's really indestructible.
Awesome! However, the only feat I can think of for Thor of this level, is breaking an adamantium alloy...
Originally posted by Bransolute
Magneto breaks it
I rest my case
Silent Master
http://www.killermovies.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=6861775& amp;highlight=adamantium+userid%3A67348#post686177
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
I rest my case You have no case though.
Plus, taking something completely out of context doesn't help... even if you had one.
Magneto controls its molecules. It's different than physically breaking it, or denting it, and a whole lot f*cking easier.
I thought this was common sense...
Originally posted by Bransolute
You have no case though.
Plus, taking something completely out of context doesn't help... even if you had one.
Magneto controls its molecules. It's different than physically breaking it, or denting it, and a whole lot f*cking easier.
I thought this was common sense...
I was being funny smart one....
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
I was being funny smart one.... Doesn't something have to be "funny" to be "funny"?
Also, not seeing sarcasm from the same person who said Superman was a trillion times stronger than Huc, doesn't make me dumb, if that's what you're implying.
Originally posted by Bransolute
Doesn't something have to be "funny" to be "funny"?
funny is in the humour palatte of the beholder
The power of standard Hulk, Superman and BlackBolt have no chance of "Stopping" Juggernauts forward momentum whatsoever.
He makes it to Odin at minimum.
Originally posted by horrorwolf
The power of standard Hulk, Superman and BlackBolt have no chance of "Stopping" Juggernauts forward momentum whatsoever.
He makes it to Odin at minimum.
I know when Thor harnessed the god blast of the odin force, juggernaut was forced back. So odin should be able to unless Juggernaut was only forced by simply because he wasnt running...
Its either stops at odin or clears it
Originally posted by Bransolute
Juggernaut has never really tested his unstoppability fully, as well. I mean, he's been stopped by a G-blast, and War Huc. He's also been KO'ed from running through a force field.
I am curious, when did Juggernaut get KO'd from running through a force field?
Also I wanted to throw this out there, Hulk did NOT lift or even support 150 Billion tons.
Originally posted by Ptr_Grifin
I am curious, when did Juggernaut get KO'd from running through a force field?
Also I wanted to throw this out there, Hulk did NOT lift or even support 150 Billion tons.
He braced it technically
which is pretty much the same as supporting it
Originally posted by Ptr_Grifin
I am curious, when did Juggernaut get KO'd from running through a force field? Seen it in the ownage thread.
If I ever find the whole comic, I post it again in there.
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
He braced it technically
which is pretty much the same as supporting it
He braced a portion of it, not all 150 billion tons.
Originally posted by Bransolute
Seen it in the ownage thread.
If I ever find the whole comic, I post it again in there.
I haven't seen that before. I have read almost every comic with Juggernaut in it, and I don't recall that moment. Maybe I overlooked something.
Originally posted by Ptr_Grifin
He braced a portion of it, not all 150 billion tons.
Of course he only braced a portion of the mountain.
We just know that the portion he did hold was 150 billion tons.

Originally posted by Accel
Of course he only braced a portion of the mountain.
We just know that the portion he did hold was 150 billion tons.
No he didn't hold up 150 Billion tons. I have been in a cave deep underground and I could have put my hands on the ceiling and technically have been supporting billions of tons.
Stop at nine.
He would have difficulty at Hulk and Sups lvls.
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