Battle to find out the strongest top tier
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We're using the strongest earth bond top tier and is trying to find who is the elite of them all. In this battle they have the state of georgia to fight in. This isnt an arena battle BUT they cant fly outside of the state. If any of these people have shields then they are up during the battle.
During this battle each person knows of the others abilities and weakness.
The fighters are.
Captain marvel
WWHulk (even though he dont have flight I still have to include him, hes a top tier.)
Black adam
Black bolt
Martian manhunter
Who would come out as the strongest top tier and earn the belt as the greatest.
With this crowd, it's easier to figure out who WON'T win.
Sentry, Hulk, and BB if he doesn't start screaming, all lose. Wondy goes down eventually if she's not packing extras.
After that? srug Take your pick.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
With this crowd, it's easier to figure out who WON'T win.
Sentry, Hulk, and BB if he doesn't start screaming, all lose. Wondy goes down eventually if she's not packing extras.
After that? srug Take your pick.
He said shields are up. That kinda makes sure that Wondy Won't be going down. At all.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
He said shields are up. That kinda makes sure that Wondy Won't be going down. At all.
Doesn't she eventually have to take her shields down to attack?
Nvr's right, she could turtle and wait it out. Not exactly in character I think, but she can do that.
Lord Paragon
Hey just dropping by and giving my two cents and the winne is Thor, he is back and pissed, did you see what he did to Iron Man, he survived Ragnorok and is a God and although the Aesir and not invulernable, they are Gods commanders of time and space and Thor reigns as one of the strongest of them all and then add Mojillinar and you got the reigning King of Power, but I noticed that some awful heavy hiiters are missing is this intentional or folly?
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
With this crowd, it's easier to figure out who WON'T win.
Sentry, Hulk, and BB if he doesn't start screaming, all lose. Wondy goes down eventually if she's not packing extras.
After that? srug Take your pick.
Good point even though I think that Sentry or bb can take almost anyone on the list. In my mind Im still thinking (im going to regret this) Sentry>Superman and possibly thor. If I had to chose it would be either Sentry, thor, or captain marvel and superman giving a hell of a fight. The reason he wasnt in my top three is due to the fact that there a too many magic based beings that possess magical punches that would surely weaken him in due time.
Please dont say that the punches wont work because eclipso stated that captain marvel has the ability to one shot superman and kill him and captain marvel has already on panel one shotted superman twice. I would most likely give this to captain marvel IF thor wasnt so damn versatile and sentry having so much raw power and not showing any kind of weakness yet.
So right now Im undecided and I would like to see what you all post so that I could get a better judgement. Im kind of leaning towards sentry BUT Im also leaning towards thor and captain marvel.
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
Hey just dropping by and giving my two cents and the winne is Thor, he is back and pissed, did you see what he did to Iron Man, he survived Ragnorok and is a God and although the Aesir and not invulernable, they are Gods commanders of time and space and Thor reigns as one of the strongest of them all and then add Mojillinar and you got the reigning King of Power, but I noticed that some awful heavy hiiters are missing is this intentional or folly?
Which EARTH based, well known, heavy hitter are those. I thought I brought up the basics that are shown throughout the forum.
None cosmic, that is.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Nvr's right, she could turtle and wait it out. Not exactly in character I think, but she can do that.
So, she won't.

I don't know the character well enough to say whether or not she'd turtle in this situation, so I was guessing. I defer to the experts on whether she would do that in character or not.

Lord Paragon
Am i missing the point if I say Gravitron or Magneto, or how about Juggernaught, or Onslaught or Solomon Grundy?
between superman and black adam
Ok here's how I see this going down...
Round 1.
Supes and Sentry will go strait for each other right out of the gate. The reasoning is simple, Superman IS the biggest gun from DC and Sentry is SUPPOSED to be the biggest gun from Marvel. And given that both characters are drawn to the biggest threats in any given encounter, it's a fair assumption that they'll target each other.
Thor's going to do what Thor ALWAYS does in this sitution, he's going to go after the Hulk.
Hulk on the other hand will be targeting Black Bolt, to heap even more damage onto the Inhuman for the loss of his family.
For some reason, I can see Black Adam and Wonder Woman targeting each other first as well. With Wonder Woman it's a matter of her warrior's spirit wanting to take on dark and ultra masculine version of her counterpart(Captain Marvel), and with Black Adam I can just see him going after Wonder Woman because he's a vicious bastard who wants to f*ck up her pretty little face.
Captain Marvel having the wisdom of Soloman means that he's going to prioritize and go for Black Adam. Not only are they natural rivals, Black Adam being the person most likely to kill his opponents in this fight means that he's technically the greatest threat on the field.
Which leaves the two pragmatist in the fight, Martian Manhunter and Black Bolt. Seeing everyone else pre-occupied and knowing that in the end it's every man for himself, they'll be content to lock up with each other.
Round 1 results...
Supes vs Sentry= Supes. I don't think it would be a quick or easy encounter for Supes, but I see him coming out on top.
Thor vs Hulk= Hulk. I know that a lot of you are thing WTF? but hear me out. The problem is that Hulk will be trying to get to Blackbolt, and Thor's interference will only enrage Hulk further. Given Thor's history with the Hulk, it's a pretty easy call to make that Thor will try to throw down and take Hulk man to man just like he ALWAYS does. And since I've seen far more of an increase in Hulk's power than I have Thor's power, I'm actually going to give that fight to Hulk. (But don't get me wrong, if Thor fought smart he'd win no problem.)
Wonder Woman vs Captain Marvel vs Black Adam= Since this is an every man for himself affair, Captain Marvel will end up fighting Wonder Woman as much as he's fighting Black Adam despite Adam being his initial target(if nothing else, WW would get angry at the interference and attack CM). Since Captain Marvel is the most reserved of the three, I actually see him going down first because he'll be holding back at least a little bit(as is in character for him to do) while niether of his opponents are likely to do so. So Cap goes down, and Wonder Woman vs Black Adam carries over into round 2.
Black Bolt and Martian Manhunter would be a cool fight, but in the end I have to give it to MM. It'd be different if Black Bolt had some good TP resistance feats(and if anyone knows of any, please inform me of them), but since I don't personally know of any I say the Martian takes it after a good fight.
Round 2.
Supes(having dispatched Sentry) will then go on to the strongest character who's also generally regarded(at least by the general population of his world) as the next biggest threat...the Hulk.
Black Adam and Wonder Woman's fight continues.
Martain Manhunter realizes that Supes is about to win the whole match, so he makes the Kryptonian his next target.
Round 2 results...
Supes vs Hulk is a no brainer. Hulk is strong, but Supes has way to much going for him to lose this fight so Hulk goes down fairly quickly. But then shortly after Supes takes out the Hulk(or maybe just before), he's attacked by Martian Manhunter. While I give Supes a clear majority over MM, I see Supes being way more drained from taking out Sentry and Hulk than MM is from taking out Black Bolt(due to Black Bolt being put down with a TP attack rather than physically), and that's not even mentioning the fact that MM is smart enough to launch his attack while Supes is still focusing on the Hulk(putting Supes on the defensive right out of the gate). Even under these circumstances it wouldn't be an easy fight for MM though and even though he'd have the advantage it would be pretty close. So at the end of round 2 Supes is fighting a BARELY losing battle against MM while the Hulk is KO'd.
Wonder Woman vs Black Adam ends the way we all know it would, Black Adam wins. Wonder Woman will have sustained more damage in round one because of Cap's Adam's superior durability and strength, so Adam would put her down before long.
Round 3 matchups AND results...
Supes is still losing to Martian Manhunter when Black Adam flies in to lay out the distracted(and weakened) Martain Manhunter as soon as MM leaves himself open to attack. Then Adam turns his attention to the now bloody and EXTREMELY weakened Supes and delivers a magic charged haymaker that sends him into unconsciousness.
The match winner...
Black Adam.
Recent incarnations of Thor wouldn't try to beat the Hulk hand to hand :/
Originally posted by llagrok
Recent incarnations of Thor wouldn't try to beat the Hulk hand to hand :/
That's yet to be established yet(at least to my knowledge). Thor's always used a little versatility against guys like Iron Man, but he still liked to fight Hulk man to man. When Thor fights a brick and goes all out THEN I'll start crediting him with the behavior. I don't doubt that he'll use a magic lightning bolt or two, but I haven't really seen enough from him to say that he's altered his entire style of fighting.
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