Joker vs Nick Fury
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Lord Paragon
This would be interesting show down, can anyone tell me how it would end?
Prep, straight fight or other?
Lord Paragon
One month prep for both, and it seems to me that it might lean in jokers favor
Citizen V
W/prep - Fury, W/o Prep - Fury.
Lord Paragon
huh???? no credit to the Clown Prince of Crime, who in his own right is genius and is well know for scouting his prey and prepping all his delicious traps to cater to his victims?????? Don't get me wrong Fury is an Icon but the Joker????
Citizen V
Sure, I'll give Joker credit where credit is due, but Nick Fury's part of the old guard, he's been around; he'd wreck him in hand to hand, Joker could probably outprep him if they had equal resources.
Which, now that I remember he's not actually of head of SHIELD anymore, Joker might take it with prep.
Originally posted by Citizen V
W/prep - Fury, W/o Prep - Fury.
You are seriously lowrating the Joker.
I'd give him the prep match, but give the straight fight to Fury.
Citizen V
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
You are seriously lowrating the Joker.
I'd give him the prep match, but give the straight fight to Fury.
I'm seriously not.
Read my second post, I already conceded that because he wasn't head of SHIELD anymore, Joker could take him with prep.
Lord Paragon
But as devil advocate how mnany times have we seen Fury escape sure death? he is how old now 100??? is there really anything he has not seen in all this time?
Citizen V
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
But as devil advocate how mnany times have we seen Fury escape sure death? he is how old now 100??? is there really anything he has not seen in all this time?
Two of his LMD's making love?
Originally posted by Citizen V
I'm seriously not.
Read my second post, I already conceded that because he wasn't head of SHIELD anymore, Joker could take him with prep.
You post too fast. durlaugh
Lord Paragon
LMDS having sex!!!!!!!!! ech!!!!!lol so we agree Fury for the win?
Prep or no prep Fury ftw.
Shield's exploits seem to be on a different level than Joker's. Really depends on if it is current Nick Fury or when he led Shield.
Nick w/o prep.
With prep it is creative unpredictability vs. true tactical strategy. Good battle. I'll give it to Joker because his M.O. involves more traps for taking out powerful individuals with no superpowers.
Lord Paragon
Hmmm a vote for the Clown Prince.........So the Brillant Insanity of the Joker or the battle hardened Experinced and never say die grit of Col. Nick Fury?
Originally posted by seaapple
Shield's exploits seem to be on a different level than Joker's. Really depends on if it is current Nick Fury or when he led Shield.
Nick w/o prep.
With prep it is creative unpredictability vs. true tactical strategy. Good battle. I'll give it to Joker because his M.O. involves more traps for taking out powerful individuals with no superpowers.
Joker is a super-genius on par with Batman&Ra's Al Ghul. He's one of only two people to beat Ra's in chess.
His joker venom has no permanent cure. Batman has to create new antidotes periodically because Joker remixes and changes the formula.
He has made traps to take out Super powered beings. Granted, some meta humans are out of his range, but he's one of the most dangerous people in the DCU.
Regarding H2H, Cassie Cain was unable to read his movements, so he's got some skill. But I'm certainly not giving him the win over Fury in H2H.

Lord Paragon
Oh no the Joker could never beat Nick Fury in h2h Fury is a century old and knows every form of h2h on earth he could probably beat the batman in h2h so the Joker could never win if it was just that kind of fight
By "individuals with no superpowers" that was a sly way of saying Batman and Robin, but of course Joker has gone up against many others in DC. I didn't know that about the venom. But his genius is mitigated a bit by insanity. Somehow I feel that gives him the edge here though, but (I thinking less likely) it could also plant the seed for Joker's defeat.
Lord Paragon
At the same time how can a Tactical master like Fury plan for the chaotic madness that is the Jokers thought process?
That's the reason I gave Joker the edge...
With prep: Joker win
W/o: Joker don't go this time in Arkham.
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