Emperor Palpatine vs Lord Zedd
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Lord Paragon
I know its not fair but I will let Palpatine have the first shot.... come is Zedd not the greatest Tyrant ever or what???????
Lord Paragon
Okay I'll start it goes to Zedd hands down in the first half hour, Zedd is OP
King Kandy
Zedd's powers are much greater in all categories.
Lord Paragon
Finally someone after my heart, even though the ragers had a certain camp factor and I don't even ackwoledge the first season anyone who knows the series knows that Zedds powers are legendary I would even put Zedd up against some of the Comic book heavy hitters like merlin or Thanos.
King Kandy
Lord Zedd took over a galaxy by himself.
Lord Paragon
Not just a galaxy, entire dimesions, while he only managed to grab parts of our dimesion due to interferenc from Master Vile King Mondo and slew of wannbes, Lord Zedd stands in the Tyrants hall of fame, perhaps I was being to kind to Palpatine by putting him in this match....weakling!!!!!
Zedd makes Vader look like s#$3. I mean the only reason Vader is due to him being modeled after doom. Zedd would turn Palpatine and Vader into pigeons. This isn't a fight at all.
Zeed ***** slapps palpatine around for a while then jobs to vader
grey fox
Zedd makes hismelf grow and stomps on the feeble old man.
Bad Ash231
Not even unlimited power is going to save Palpy here.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
Not just a galaxy, entire dimesions, while he only managed to grab parts of our dimesion due to interferenc from Master Vile King Mondo and slew of wannbes, Lord Zedd stands in the Tyrants hall of fame, perhaps I was being to kind to Palpatine by putting him in this match....weakling!!!!!
When did he ever conquer a dimension? All I remember was a Galaxy.
Toku King
Zedd: I am Lord Zedd, ruler of all that I see. Identify yourself!
Palpatine: I am Emperor Palpatine, master of the Dark Side, and your worst nightmare!
Zedd: Bahaha! Right! You are nothing but a speck to my power!
Paplatine: You know nothing of the power of the Dark Side! *zaps Lord Zedd*
Zedd: *catches the lightning bolt with his staff, reflecting it to the ground* This is your best attack? Ha! Those nincompoops Squatt and Baboo are more threatening!
Palpatine: Do not mock me! *pushes Zedd away with the Force*
Zedd: *Lands safely on the ground* You wan't to play rough? *zaps Palpatine with his own energy bolt*
Palpatine: *tries desperately to block the attack, but failing and explodes in sparks and fire* NOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Zedd: My, and I'm not even at half power today! Hahahaha!
Toku King
Originally posted by King Kandy
When did he ever conquer a dimension? All I remember was a Galaxy.
When he first came here, he stated that he has dimensions at his disposal, all in which he led attacks upon and destroyed all life.
The only reason Zedd didn't attack Master Vile was because of Rita. Even Rita said it! The King Mondo thing was definitely SVF, since Mondo couldn't defeat Tommy, while a JOBBER version of Lord Zedd was kicking his ass while Tommy was White 'Unstoppable To All' Ranger mode. Plus, he bested King Mondo with a self made bomb(SELF made).
Toku King
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
Finally someone after my heart, even though the ragers had a certain camp factor and I don't even ackwoledge the first season anyone who knows the series knows that Zedds powers are legendary I would even put Zedd up against some of the Comic book heavy hitters like merlin or Thanos.
THANOS?!?! No chance in hell, man. Is Zedd cooler? Heck yeah. But could he actually beat Thanos? No.
Merlin, though? Yeah. He definitely could take a lot of comic book characters Pre-Jobber(Merlin's a good example), but Thanos is too high above him. I mean, the guy broke a planet in half with his bare hands!
Lord Paragon
Okay Thanos did smash a planet. Maybe i should bring it down a notch, Zedd could own the likes of oh say Dr. Strange or he could unleash Serpentaria and decimate Earth. Now who could stop that king of power?
King Kandy
Classic Dr. Strange would beat him... It would be an interesting fight though.
Lord Paragon
I disagree, Zedd fights to win, Strange lets his conscious get in the way. The Emperor of evil would make no such mistake....
King Kandy
Oh yeah right, Zedd has been beaten by some of the most ridiculous ideas ever.
Love Potions
Ivan Ooze
The Machine Empire
Zordon's Energy Wave
The ****ing white ranger!
Originally posted by King Kandy
The ****ing white ranger!
White & Green rangers = pwnage
dont you dare disagree
Lord Paragon
The Machine Empire was driven from the Milky Way by Zedd and the White Ranger at the height of his power was barely able to fight Zedd to a draw let alone beat him, Ivan Ooze was the stupidest idea ever and a blatant insult to the franchise and I disavow any of that incident. The love potion did not beat him, Rita simply.....enthralled him thats all
King Kandy
Nah... White Ranger did the little "Threat Dance" thing that was the stupidest part of Power Rangers.
Anyway, If guys like the White Ranger and Ivan Ooze can beat Zedd, how could Dr. Strange fail?
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
Ivan Ooze was the stupidest idea ever and a blatant insult to the franchise and I disavow any of that incident. Plus Mmpr the movie is non canon.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
The Machine Empire was driven from the Milky Way by Zedd and the White Ranger at the height of his power was barely able to fight Zedd to a draw let alone beat him, Ivan Ooze was the stupidest idea ever and a blatant insult to the franchise and I disavow any of that incident. The love potion did not beat him, Rita simply.....enthralled him thats all
The Machine Empire was driven out by Zedd's BOMB! And then freaking DIVATOX took over for him (Worst Villain Ever.)
The White Ranger wasn't that powerful really... What makes you put him at the level of Dr. Strange?
Ivan Ooze still happened though... Comet>Ivan Ooze>Zedd.
So you don't think that a MUCH greater magician couldn't "Enthrall" him?
Lord Paragon
Ah ha, noncanon.....you all hear that Ivan OOZe never happen Zedd still reigns as the greatest Tyrant ever.HAHAHAHHAHA...........Long live Zedd...
Is it just me, or did the Ninjazords in Mmpr look like shit covered in sprinkly lip gloss?
King Kandy
Lol at that...
Zedd was scared witless of Dark Specter, got upstaged by Divatox and then by Astronema, and was beaten by the White Ranger.
BTW, his Lightning did nothing to Astronema, it was easily deflected.
Lord Paragon
Originally posted by King Kandy
Lol at that...
Zedd was scared witless of Dark Specter, got upstaged by Divatox and then by Astronema, and was beaten by the White Ranger.
BTW, his Lightning did nothing to Astronema, it was easily deflected.
When did Astromeda face Zedds lighting....I have seen them all and would have remembered and Zedd has never been upstaged, his power has always stood alone for its unique and creative abilites everyone after Rangers in space were nothing but weak retreads of the standard that Zedd left behind.....He is so legendary that they had his son in the newest season as a nod to his legacy
King Kandy
First Episode of Rangers in Space, Astronoma caught Zedd's Lightning at the Alliance of Evil's meating/Party.
Toku King
Originally posted by King Kandy
Oh yeah right, Zedd has been beaten by some of the most ridiculous ideas ever.
Love Potions
Ivan Ooze
The Machine Empire
Zordon's Energy Wave
The ****ing white ranger!
WRONG. Wrong wrong wrong.
1. The love potions were put into his BODY. They were impossible to fix out until Finster's Anti stuff came up.
2. That was not the same Lord Zedd. Saban said that the Power Rangers Movie universe was different than the show's, so all feats and characteristics from the show were different. Heck, when did Zedd ever had Mordrant as a lacky on the show?
3. They NEVER beat him. He beat them. Besides, Jobber Zedd.
4. Umm, didn't every villain die from that?
5. He was kicking Tommy's ass, dude. He only lost because of SvF. Even then, this was Jobber Zedd. JOBBER ZEDD was kicking Tommy's ass, dude. So imagine if Non-Jobber fought him.
Toku King
Originally posted by Hazsekswthurmom
Is it just me, or did the Ninjazords in Mmpr look like shit covered in sprinkly lip gloss?
They looked pretty bad.
Lord Paragon
What the hell I do remember that and remember Zedd not trying to hard to hit her either....come on that little girl was blasted by her own monster and fainted, do you think if Zedd was not testing her and really trying that her could have blown her to dust???????
Toku King
Originally posted by King Kandy
Nah... White Ranger did the little "Threat Dance" thing that was the stupidest part of Power Rangers.
Actually, Tommy was awesome. As the White Ranger, he killed three monsters that gave the other five trouble each in seconds at once.
Toku King
Originally posted by King Kandy
First Episode of Rangers in Space, Astronoma caught Zedd's Lightning at the Alliance of Evil's meating/Party.
Look at that bolt, and then the bolts he normally fires.
That, and Jobber Zedd was there.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
What the hell I do remember that and remember Zedd not trying to hard to hit her either....come on that little girl was blasted by her own monster and fainted, do you think if Zedd was not testing her and really trying that her could have blown her to dust???????
It's true, he was attacking Divatox and then Astronoma sucked up the lightning he'd attacked Divatox with... She still had control over it.
And Astronoma/Dark Specter's monsters are on a whole different level from Zedd's. Just one of Dark Specter's Monsters, Goldgoyle, was able to destroy every one of the Turbo Ranger's Zords... They ALL have that level of power.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Toku King
Look at that bolt, and then the bolts he normally fires.
That, and Jobber Zedd was there.
I don't see the difference.
And I love this "Jobber Zedd" thing.
It's like you suddenly dicided that 5/6ths of his history is noncanon, and only the 1/6th that shows him in a good light is.
Lord Paragon
Originally posted by King Kandy
It's true, he was attacking Divatox and then Astronoma sucked up the lightning he'd attacked Divatox with... She still had control over it.
And Astronoma/Dark Specter's monsters are on a whole different level from Zedd's. Just one of Dark Specter's Monsters, Goldgoyle, was able to destroy every one of the Turbo Ranger's Zords... They ALL have that level of power.
turboRANGERS sucked a hot fart could have destroyed their zords so Dark spec monsters did not impress.......Zedd still was not trying at that meeting he could of atomize anyone there with a blast or unleashed Goldar.....
Originally posted by King Kandy
I don't see the difference.
And I love this "Jobber Zedd" thing.
It's like you suddenly dicided that 5/6ths of his history is noncanon, and only the 1/6th that shows him in a good light is. Saban had to tone him down in later episodes, because parents complained about him being to "frightening"
King Kandy
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
turboRANGERS sucked a hot fart could have destroyed their zords so Dark spec monsters did not impress.......Zedd still was not trying at that meeting he could of atomize anyone there with a blast or unleashed Goldar.....
The Turbo Rangers were more powerful then any of the previous rangers... This is simple fact, you can't deny it. It's stated on the show.
Anyway, how do you figure that Zedd or Goldar could have annihilated them? Because his displayed power certainly doesn't merit that.
Toku King
Originally posted by King Kandy
It's true, he was attacking Divatox and then Astronoma sucked up the lightning he'd attacked Divatox with... She still had control over it.
And Astronoma/Dark Specter's monsters are on a whole different level from Zedd's. Just one of Dark Specter's Monsters, Goldgoyle, was able to destroy every one of the Turbo Ranger's Zords... They ALL have that level of power.
Octophantom could put anyone he wanted into a dimention in which he could seperate them from their powers. Plus, he was basically indestructable, and couldn't be stopped by anything until his 'weakness' was exposed.
Magnetbrain controlled the earth's polarity.
Beamcaster could mind control anyone he wanted, including those with energy shields.
Silver Horns was a walking energy blaster.
Scatterbrain could make people forget who they were, and even make them not realize that they have any powers at all.
Flamehead fired flame blasts that could set fire to metal.
Cannontop's blasts were strong enough to blast people into other dimensions.
Photomare could trap anything in an infinite frozen state.
And that's not even the tip of the iceburg.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Hazsekswthurmom
Saban had to tone him down in later episodes, because parents complained about him being to "frightening"
I know man, I used to go to a power rangers forum...
Toku King
Originally posted by King Kandy
I don't see the difference.
And I love this "Jobber Zedd" thing.
It's like you suddenly dicided that 5/6ths of his history is noncanon, and only the 1/6th that shows him in a good light is.
No. Jobber is considered by EVERYONE to be after 'The Wedding'.
So Thanos getting captured by the police counts? So Wolverine can beat him, since he kills policemen.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Toku King
Octophantom could put anyone he wanted into a dimention in which he could seperate them from their powers. Plus, he was basically indestructable, and couldn't be stopped by anything until his 'weakness' was exposed.
Magnetbrain controlled the earth's polarity.
Beamcaster could mind control anyone he wanted, including those with energy shields.
Silver Horns was a walking energy blaster.
Scatterbrain could make people forget who they were, and even make them not realize that they have any powers at all.
Flamehead fired flame blasts that could set fire to metal.
Cannontop's blasts were strong enough to blast people into other dimensions.
Photomare could trap anything in an infinite frozen state.
And that's not even the tip of the iceburg.
Okay... And this somehow makes them>GoldGoyle?
Turbo Rangers>MMPR in power. Thus, GoldGoyle>Everyone you just said.
Toku King
Originally posted by King Kandy
I know man, I used to go to a power rangers forum...
You apparently never paid attention, then.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Toku King
No. Jobber is considered by EVERYONE to be after 'The Wedding'.
So Thanos getting captured by the police counts? So Wolverine can beat him, since he kills policemen.
Well the difference is that if 5/6ths of the time Thanos was able to be captured by the police then yes it would count.
If it happened very little (Like Non-Jobber Zedd existing) then it wouldn't.
Toku King
Originally posted by King Kandy
Okay... And this somehow makes them>GoldGoyle?
Turbo Rangers>MMPR in power. Thus, GoldGoyle>Everyone you just said.
WRONG. MMPR's Zords and Rangers had better feats than Turbo's.
There's no basis behind anything you have been saying. It's almost silly.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Toku King
You apparently never paid attention, then.
Why? Everything I've said, comes from Canon.
Everything you two have said comes from picking and choosing which Zedd feats to count.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Toku King
WRONG. MMPR's Zords and Rangers had better feats than Turbo's.
There's no basis behind anything you have been saying. It's almost silly.
The basis behind what I am saying is people in Turbo saying that the Turbo powers are the greatest yet. It's canon.
Toku King
Originally posted by King Kandy
Well the difference is that if 5/6ths of the time Thanos was able to be captured by the police then yes it would count.
If it happened very little (Like Non-Jobber Zedd existing) then it wouldn't.
No. By you, it counts. I mean, it happened, right? Like the movie, even though is was completely non cannon?
Lord Paragon
I mean they had to tone him down....that speaks to just how frightfully wicked he truly was and whoever said his displayed does not warrant my assessment seemed to have forgotten Zedd stopping the earth with his blast and making it rotate backward, or how he powered the most powerful Zord ever serpentaria
King Kandy
Originally posted by Toku King
No. By you, it counts. I mean, it happened, right? Like the movie, even though is was completely non cannon?
Actually I was just messing with you. I knew the movie wan't canon, I just wanted to see how much you knew.
The point is that you dismiss every bad feat of Zedd's by saying it's "Jobber Zedd" even though he has spent way more time as Jobber Zedd then Non-Jobber Zedd.
Toku King
Originally posted by King Kandy
The basis behind what I am saying is people in Turbo saying that the Turbo powers are the greatest yet. It's canon.
Ok, hold on. *laughs* Alright.
There is NO basis behind that whatsoever. You're saying this Jobber-Zedd thing is silly, and you think the Rangers that got hurt by a normal guy that had no real fighting skills or strength training.
I'm arguing over nothing, here. It's just plain silly. I'm out.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Toku King
Ok, hold on. *laughs* Alright.
There is NO basis behind that whatsoever. You're saying this Jobber-Zedd thing is silly, and you think the Rangers that got hurt by a normal guy that had no real fighting skills or strength training.
I'm arguing over nothing, here. It's just plain silly. I'm out.
So basicaly, you're claiming that all the shows characters were wrong and you're right? That sounds preposterous.
Lord Paragon
Here is something that will put all you Zedd haters to sleep and settle this once and for all.......Who is the the only villian with the gall to enter the command center with Zordon there and perched upon his throne make mighty demands of the rangers............survey says Lord Zedd who remembers that awe inspiring moment????
King Kandy
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
Here is something that will put all you Zedd haters to sleep and settle this once and for all.......Who is the the only villian with the gall to enter the command center with Zordon there and perched upon his throne make mighty demands of the rangers
The Green Ranger?
Ivan Ooze?
There's more then one.
Lord Paragon
We are talking big dogs and Zedd did it first
King Kandy
Actualy Green Ranger did it first.
Lord Paragon
Green Ranger was impressive but was taking orders from Rita thus minion status and not the top dog
Whats up with all the power ranger threads? Power Rangers are only really fun to talk about when you have had a blunt and in the room with a bunch of friends from that generation.
uhh zedd was incredibly weak in the show for suppoesdly being such a badass
Board Walker
wtf has happened to this forum.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Board Walker
wtf has happened to this forum.
Well you stopped saying stupid stuff... That's one thing...
Lord Paragon
Ignore the haters we are trying to ascertain just how powerful Zedd was and what his legacy in the ragers universe is1
King Kandy
Oh btw, I have a correction to make.
It wasn't Zedd's lightning that Astronema stopped, it was Rita's.
Though if Zedd's lightning couldn't kill the White Ranger I have a tough time believing he could have killed Astronema with it.
Lord Paragon
Originally posted by King Kandy
Oh btw, I have a correction to make.
It wasn't Zedd's lightning that Astronema stopped, it was Rita's.
Though if Zedd's lightning couldn't kill the White Ranger I have a tough time believing he could have killed Astronema with it.
she was not protected by the Morphing gfrid would that make a difference? And i have personally seen Zedd stop the Earth from rotating with his lighting so what do you think that kind of power would do to a human body?
King Kandy
Well considering that Astronema is > Ranger level, then yeah she probably could survive.
Lord Paragon
Probably????? once again I am reminded of the time she accidentlly hit one of her monsters and the beast turned and fired on her and she fainted away.....If had been Zedd I am pretty sure fainting would have been the least of her reactions....toast anyone?????
King Kandy
No. She blocked Rita's lightning, so either That monster>Rita, or she wasn't at peak capacity.
And again I need to remind you that a single one of Dark Specter's monsters destroyed the Turbo Ranger's Zords. Every one of them.
Lord Paragon
Need I remind you that Zedd personally destroyed the original Morphing Zords when he first arrived, and Rita was joke next to Zedd so to say that because Astro girl could block Ritas lighting means she could do the same to Zedd is folly, since Zedd was infintely more powerful then Rita
King Kandy
I know. My point was that saying that Astronema got hurt by a monster is folly because Rita>>>Monster.
And what's the point in saying Zedd destroyed the Zords? EVERY SET of Zords was more powerful then the previous one. The ones Astronema faced were much stronger then the ones Zedd faced.
everything in this thread< CHEWBACCA
Lord Paragon
Originally posted by lordmohahat
everything in this thread< CHEWBACCA
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