Green Lantern vs Sentry
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THE Green Lantern, Alan Scott
The Sentry
who wins =D

Originally posted by batdude123
Alan pwns.
Alan wins.
Is Alan more powerful than Hal and Kyle?
Originally posted by Rorschach
Is Alan more powerful than Hal and Kyle?
As sentinel?

Originally posted by Rorschach
Is Alan more powerful than Hal and Kyle?
Depends on the incarnation.
GL Alan = about equal (possibly slightly under Hal/Kyle)
Sentinel Alan > Hal/Kyle
The thread says GL though, so we can assume the lesser of the two versions...but either way, he's a good match for Sentry, though somehow I feel like Bob would take a slight majority.
Originally posted by DigiMark007
Depends on the incarnation.
GL Alan = about equal (possibly slightly under Hal/Kyle)
Sentinel Alan > Hal/Kyle
The thread says GL though, so we can assume the lesser of the two versions...but either way, he's a good match for Sentry, though somehow I feel like Bob would take a slight majority.
TRAITOR! angrymob I demand you resign as head of the GLC. durfist

Sentry at least 7/10
Citizen V
Alan Scott.
And I'm a Sentry fan, so that's saying something.
And I'm a GL fanboy, so that's saying something too.
Originally posted by Priest
Sentry Loses.
King Kandy
Sentry squeaks out a the win.
Just depends really. Sentry seems to be faster on the reflex and hand to hand than Alan. Alan may wield more power and better experience. He's faced some tuff opponents as well. I have to give this one slightly to Sentry only becuz he seems very strong and fast compared to Alan. And he commands a vast amount of energy powers.
Grinning Goku
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Just depends really. Sentry seems to be faster on the reflex and hand to hand than Alan. Alan may wield more power and better experience. He's faced some tuff opponents as well. I have to give this one slightly to Sentry only becuz he seems very strong and fast compared to Alan. And he commands a vast amount of energy powers.
I really hope he owns Hulk. Then it would just be a matter of who's number one on Earth, Robert or Thor.
Tony Stark
Originally posted by tkitna

You are correct sir.
GL should take this. I have this bad feeling that Sentry would take it in a comic though.
Bump. Beware his power.
Switch 07
Originally posted by King Kandy
Sentry squeaks out a the win. Your serious?
And you think you stand a chance in the tournament?

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