Juggernaut, Hal Jordan, Absorbing Man vs Superman,Beta Ray Bill, Black Bolt
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who take's it no bfr.
team 2 brings the rape
Absorbing man is the weak link here.
Originally posted by jrodslam
Absorbing man is the weak link here.
Unless he absorbs the S Shield....biscuits
Originally posted by jrodslam
Absorbing man is the weak link here.
Just need's to lay hand's on somebody or something whether it's his form his teamate or the enemy hal's ring would do the job or maybe touch jugg's armor.
Touching Juggernaut's armor won't do it. His armor has been crumpled in the past.
He'd be better off trying to touch Hal's ring and/or a Lantern construct.
Originally posted by Soljer
Touching Juggernaut's armor won't do it. His armor has been crumpled in the past.
He'd be better off trying to touch Hal's ring and/or a Lantern construct.
or the storm breakerermm
Originally posted by Priest
or the storm breakerermm
A weapon of someone not on his team, making it far easier to take on oan power.
Originally posted by Priest
or the storm breakerermm
Easier to get his hand's on hal's ring wonder which would be the more effective thing to do touch the ring or the hammer.
Originally posted by Soljer
A weapon of someone not on his team, making it far easier to take on oan power.
oh very tru indeed

I dont think it would be wise for him to touch Hal, because hed drain some of Hals power/energy. Bad idea. Even if Hal had some to spare, Absorbing Man wouldnt really have an idea of how to use the power. If its classic Juggy or even current Juggy wount the magical properties prohibit Creel from absorbing some of it?
I think Creel really hinders the team.
I still give it to team two, juggernaut is a powerhouse and hal if he uses the ring right could solo superman and black bolt. Beta ray bill is the major problem on team two. He has to much raw power.
Originally posted by jrodslam
I dont think it would be wise for him to touch Hal, because hed drain some of Hals power/energy. Bad idea. Even if Hal had some to spare, Absorbing Man wouldnt really have an idea of how to use the power. If its classic Juggy or even current Juggy wount the magical properties prohibit Creel from absorbing some of it?
I think Creel really hinders the team.
Really? When he absorbed Mjolnir, he didn't drain the odinpower out of it...
Originally posted by Soljer
Really? When he absorbed Mjolnir, he didn't drain the odinpower out of it...
Well what did he drain?
I dont give team two this win flat out hal can stalemate or beat supe's,black bolt is not putting down jugg's and absorbing man hang's with the hulk and thor all the time he can at least hold out in a fight with beta ray.
Team 2 probably wins. Sad fact is, Hal got stuck with some jobbers as his teammates.
I think Classic Jugs take out Bill or Bolt imo. But he is highly jobbery right now, although hes trying to get that classic-ness back.
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