Superman is the Strongest, period.
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its been stated on PANEL that "Hulk is the strongest" 131
anyways closing..
Originally posted by Priest
its been stated on PANEL that "Hulk is the strongest" 131
anyways closing..

nah i think i'm going to leave it open. I'll allow it!

So Superman is stronger than Validus and Omega?I think not.
Barbarian Shams
He's also not stronger than The Spectre and or LT. Both of whom could eliminate him with but a mere thought.
psycho gundam
the remark about marvel's 100 ton thing is to show that 90%(or more) of their characters lift below that level, it is a method to show how the minority of super-strong characters like hulk can be set far apart from the 100 ton'ers. the hulk has been always stated to be able to lift far above this level, routinely. the exact level he can achieve is unknown but it is canon when he braced the 150 billion ton mountain(without the power to fly like superman) p.s. 150 billion is a little more than twice 100 tons
psycho gundam
mr. majestic is also stronger than superman
oh yeah, superman moving the earth is a thrust feat not strength
and its mass not weight
Originally posted by psycho gundam
the remark about marvel's 100 ton thing is to show that 90%(or more) of their characters lift below that level, it is a method to show how the minority of super-strong characters like hulk can be set far apart from the 100 ton'ers. the hulk has been always stated to be able to lift far above this level, routinely. the exact level he can achieve is unknown but it is canon when he braced the 150 billion ton mountain(without the power to fly like superman) When the hulk braced the mountain, we dont' know how much of it he was actually holdign up. He only held up a certain area of it from crushing the heroes. And he didn't exactly lift it so much as prevent himself from being smooshed. Of course we prolly could lift it if he was angry enough.
Originally posted by psycho gundam
mr. majestic is also stronger than superman Fail.
Originally posted by ErnestManigoJr
All of Marvel Heroes Maximum Strength levels are at 100Tons or more... even those incredibaly beyond that would only be at maybe twice that.
I stopped here.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl

Originally posted by psycho gundam
come again?
Grinning Goku
Originally posted by Bransolute

... Nah, **** it. I'm saving this.
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