Zedd vs Zom
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No jobbing of course
King Kandy
Horrible, Horrible mismatch... Zedd dies so hard... What's he going to do, shoot lighting at Zom? Make a monster GRRROOOWWW?
Originally posted by King Kandy
Horrible, Horrible mismatch... Zedd dies so hard... What's he going to do, shoot lighting at Zom? Make a monster GRRROOOWWW?
Zedd is actually a magical beast
He is just the biggest jobber since Darkseid : supes or the spectre : batman
King Kandy
Zedd couldn't even destroy a planet under his own power.
Originally posted by King Kandy
Zedd couldn't even destroy a planet under his own power.
He could but that would make for a horrible show
Power rangers: We will stop yo-
*Zedd blows up planet*
Show over
Lord Paragon
Firstly LORD Zedd is the most powerful magiacian ever, and Zom is a demon, a megademon mind but still a demon and thus suspectible to being controlled or maniulapted by Zedds superior magic and genius.
King Kandy
No, he couldn't... He needed Serpentera to destroy a planet... He can't do it under his own power.
Originally posted by King Kandy
No, he couldn't... He needed Serpentera to destroy a planet... He can't do it under his own power.
Did you not read my post?
King Kandy
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
Firstly LORD Zedd is the most powerful magiacian ever,
That is retarded, you can't possibly believe that's true.
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
and Zom is a demon, a megademon mind but still a demon and thus suspectible to being controlled or maniulapted by Zedds superior magic and genius.
Well then why did Zedd have to serve Dark Specter? He should be able to control megademons right?
King Kandy
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
Did you not read my post?
Yeah. It was BS.
If destroying planets was part of his powerset then why bother with Serpentera?
Originally posted by King Kandy
Yeah. It was BS.
If destroying planets was part of his powerset then why bother with Serpentera?
Because it was a kid show.
Dragons = pwnage
Good guys losing = bad ratings (with the exception of the pyscho rangers, the most bad ass mutha f*ckers ever!)
King Kandy
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
Because it was a kid show.
Dragons = pwnage
Good guys losing = bad ratings (with the exception of the pyscho rangers, the most bad ass mutha f*ckers ever!)
So even though Zedd never destroyed a planet on his own, never did anything close to destroying a planet on his own, and needed a big machine to destroy a planet, you're going to keep insisting he's a planet buster?
Good luck on that.
Lord Paragon
Originally posted by King Kandy
That is retarded, you can't possibly believe that's true.
Well then why did Zedd have to serve Dark Specter? He should be able to control megademons right?
How dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zedd did not serve Volcanius or Dark Spectre or whatever his name was'it was an Alliance one that Zedd was maniulpating for his own ends. Zedd was ruling Galaxies and dimensions when dark speck was wallowing in lava.
King Kandy
Oh really? Let me relay you a little scene from power rangers in Space...
Astronema: It's time to comence with our plan!
Zedd: We don't need your plan... We... Uh... have our own. Anyway, who's authority are you working on?
Astronema: Dark Specter's.
Zedd: *Gets Freaked out* Okay... lets use your plan then.
King Kandy
BTW, Dark Specter was the Grandmaster of All Evil! Even Zedd acknowledged him as such.
To be honest, I think Zedd was more impressive than later Power rangers villains, but whenever there's a new badguy(or hero) in town, they have to make him look like crap in comparison. God that makes me sick!
King Kandy
Dark Specter barely did anything, but he was powerful... EVERYONE did what he said, no questions asked.
Originally posted by King Kandy
Dark Specter barely did anything, but he was powerful... EVERYONE did what he said, no questions asked. Of course he was, it took a planet busting missile to take him out. I just think that people like King Mondo, and Astronoma have no business being in the same calibure of Zedd. They lack the power and the cool factor, he brought to the second season of Mmpr.
Toku King
I know too little of Zom to say.
King Kandy
I thought Astronoma was a great villain. I prefered her vastly to every previous villain except Zedd for his first 30 or so episodes.
Mondo sucked and Divatox was one of the worst villains in history.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Toku King
I know too little of Zom to say.
His power is greater then Eternity's.
Lord Paragon
Originally posted by Hazsekswthurmom
Of course he was, it took a planet busting missile to take him out. I just think that people like King Mondo, and Astronoma have no business being in the same calibure of Zedd. They lack the power and the cool factor, he brought to the second season of Mmpr.
Yes Zedd did bring it up a notch but power is our issue and for any who think that Zedd was cowed by Dark speck allow me to impart this, at the time Mondo was considered the most feared villian, when he sneaked attacked Zedd's palace, but what ultimately happened? Zedd returned and with a combo of brains and power outwitted and defeated Mondo and the Machine Empire.....Oh and I don't know if it is this thread of the other Zedd thread but whoever said that Divatox blocked a Staff attack from Zedd is mistaken that never happened
Toku King
Originally posted by King Kandy
BTW, Dark Specter was the Grandmaster of All Evil! Even Zedd acknowledged him as such.
Dude, do you no what Jobber Aura is? Of course Jobber-Zedd would pussy out!
Toku King
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
Yes Zedd did bring it up a notch but power is our issue and for any who think that Zedd was cowed by Dark speck allow me to impart this, at the time Mondo was considered the most feared villian, when he sneaked attacked Zedd's palace, but what ultimately happened? Zedd returned and with a combo of brains and power outwitted and defeated Mondo and the Machine Empire.....Oh and I don't know if it is this thread of the other Zedd thread but whoever said that Divatox blocked a Staff attack from Zedd is mistaken that never happened
Once again, Jobber Aura. I know what you're saying about Zedd being tough, but he was still weak. Because we've seen Jobber-Zedd fight White God Ranger Tommy, and he kicked his ass, and only lost because of SVF. Mondo lost against Tommy in Zeo mode. It was a good match, but it was painfully obvious that Mondo was losing from the beginning of the fight.
Lord Paragon
Hey guys come on Zedd was not jobbing he was maniulapting the whole alliance, with Rita and Goldar at his side why would he fear anyone on the alliance not mention his immense power
King Kandy
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
Hey guys come on Zedd was not jobbing he was maniulapting the whole alliance, with Rita and Goldar at his side why would he fear anyone on the alliance not mention his immense power
Dude, are you high? You are inventing plot devices that don't exist, to hype Zedd to levels he was never at!
Dark Specter>>>>>Astronoma>Zedd.... That was shown to be true on so many occasions that your position is totaly indefensible.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
Yes Zedd did bring it up a notch but power is our issue and for any who think that Zedd was cowed by Dark speck allow me to impart this, at the time Mondo was considered the most feared villian, when he sneaked attacked Zedd's palace, but what ultimately happened? Zedd returned and with a combo of brains and power outwitted and defeated Mondo and the Machine Empire.....
And when Dark Specter was ruling over Mondo AND Zedd AND Divatox AND Astronoma, no questions asked... He didn't. He ended up being depowered. So much for Lord Zedd.
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
Oh and I don't know if it is this thread of the other Zedd thread but whoever said that Divatox blocked a Staff attack from Zedd is mistaken that never happened
No I said ASTRONOMA did it, not Divatox... Which she did.
Originally posted by King Kandy
I thought Astronoma was a great villain. I prefered her vastly to every previous villain except Zedd for his first 30 or so episodes.
Mondo sucked and Divatox was one of the worst villains in history. Yeah she wasn't too bad. And I agree with you on Mondo and Divatox. Mondo looked like an Arabian toilet seat, and Divatox didn't even seem powerful enough to compete with the likes of Goldar or Rito Revolto
Lord Paragon
Originally posted by King Kandy
Dude, are you high? You are inventing plot devices that don't exist, to hype Zedd to levels he was never at!
Dark Specter>>>>>Astronoma>Zedd.... That was shown to be true on so many occasions that your position is totaly indefensible.
Sigh I know......I am trying to defend 3 seasons worth of poor writing and disloyalty to the Zedd character by the Hamm Saban folks and it's tough, Zedd was hallmark for what 4 5 years on the show and then they go and throw him and legacy out a window it was disheartening to me when Zordon's wave ended it all.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
Sigh I know......I am trying to defend 3 seasons worth of poor writing and disloyalty to the Zedd character by the Hamm Saban folks and it's tough, Zedd was hallmark for what 4 5 years on the show and then they go and throw him and legacy out a window it was disheartening to me when Zordon's wave ended it all.
Um, the "Non-Jobber" Zedd you always talk about is only 1/6th of his PR history. If anything "Jobber Zedd" is the real one.
And I can't believe you think that "In Space" had poor writing, it had better writing then any other season in the history of PR.
Originally posted by King Kandy
I thought Astronoma was a great villain. I prefered her vastly to every previous villain except Zedd for his first 30 or so episodes.
Mondo sucked and Divatox was one of the worst villains in history.
The only villains compareable to Zedd are the psycho rangers
King Kandy
Originally posted by Hazsekswthurmom
Yeah she wasn't too bad. And I agree with you on Mondo and Divatox. Mondo looked like an Arabian toilet seat, and Divatox didn't even seem powerful enough to compete with the likes of Goldar or Rito Revolto
Yeah. And while I consider Astronoma and Non-Jobber Zedd to be equal, Astronoma's generals were sooo much better then all the other villains it was rediculous.
I mean, Darkonda and Ecliptor pretty much put her evil empire>All the other ones.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
The only villains compareable to Zedd are the psycho rangers
I thought Eclipter was pretty badass as well.
Originally posted by King Kandy
I thought Eclipter was pretty badass as well.
He had his moments
Lord Paragon
Originally posted by King Kandy
Um, the "Non-Jobber" Zedd you always talk about is only 1/6th of his PR history. If anything "Jobber Zedd" is the real one.
And I can't believe you think that "In Space" had poor writing, it had better writing then any other season in the history of PR.
First wild force was the best written and season and Zedd history on rangers is majority non jobber, he did not start jobbing until really during the in space run....
Originally posted by King Kandy
Yeah. And while I consider Astronoma and Non-Jobber Zedd to be equal, Astronoma's generals were sooo much better then all the other villains it was rediculous.
I mean, Darkonda and Ecliptor pretty much put her evil empire>All the other ones. There's no arguing that, I mean Squat and Baboo anyone? What's so terrifying about a retarded gay couple? Rito Revolto looked cool but was a complete tard and Goldar went from a badass to jobber.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
First wild force was the best written and season and Zedd history on rangers is majority non jobber, he did not start jobbing until really during the in space run....
Really? Because You've declared that him being upstaged by Mondo and Divatox is "Jobber Zedd" as well, so at the MAX Only 2/5ths of Zedds character is "Non Jobber".
And wild force was okay I guess... It had the second best general type character after Eclipter (Zen-Aku), but that's all I really liked.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Hazsekswthurmom
There's no arguing that, I mean Squat and Baboo anyone? What's so terrifying about a retarded gay couple? Rito Revolto looked cool but was a complete tard and Goldar went from a badass to jobber.
And that's why hearing about how an "Unleashed Goldar" would have killed anyone at the Alliance makes me want to puke.
Lord Paragon
Whoa!!!! now hold on goldar has got to be on of the greatest generals ever in Ranger history but you say this why, does Goldar setting the bar for fighting whole ranger teams not impress
King Kandy
Because other people have done it.
In fact, every single monster in PR has "Faught whole Ranger teams". They fight as a team. That's a singularly stupid reason to consider Goldar to be powerful.
Lord Paragon
No but Goldar did it first and successfully when the other monsters were getting served Goldar had them in the dirt calling the command center for help
King Kandy
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
No but Goldar did it first and successfully when the other monsters were getting served Goldar had them in the dirt calling the command center for help
Goldar did it first because he was the first monster.
With that logic whoever goes first has to be strongest... That's retarded.
And the rangers have gotten way stronger since then. Goldar hasn't.
F*cking Power Rangers?

Lord Paragon
Oh yeah because Goldar is dead maybe?????? thats why he is not stronger
Zedd isn't LT. Zom wins. Bye.
King Kandy
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
Oh yeah because Goldar is dead maybe?????? thats why he is not stronger
He's still alive in Space... But no one cared, he posed no threat.
Endless Mike
Only way Zom loses is if it's WWH Jobfest Zom
Originally posted by Bransolute
F*cking Power Rangers?
Zedd was afraid of every new villain who turned up. Even the villain from masked rider scared him.
Besides the best Power rangers villain was Ransik from Time force. He had a legitimate reason for being evil and was never actually defeated within the series. In the end he gave himself up after he injured his daughter in the process of defeating an entire team of rangers, one of them possesing mystical battle armour.
An unusual amount of people know an unusually large amount of Power Rangers trivia.
I thought Goldar sucked for a long time. Then they enlarged him and he beat the crap out of the Megazord with his arm blades, which I assume were always there. Was he more of a threat in the beginning? I have a feeling my memory is skipping over everything that wasn't a dragon or the green ranger and his badass chest guard and knifewhistle or the black ranger and his badass shotgunaxe.
But I distinctly remember seeing Goldar standing there every day, not dismembering towering robots, and wondered why they didn't do that sooner.
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
Dragons = pwnage
This is very true.
Toku King
Originally posted by King Kandy
I thought Astronoma was a great villain. I prefered her vastly to every previous villain except Zedd for his first 30 or so episodes.
Mondo sucked and Divatox was one of the worst villains in history.
I thought Mondo was petty badass, actually. He was proper and evil at the same time. Divatox sucked nuts.
I'd say my list for favorite PR head honcho villains would go...
1. Lord Zedd
2. King Mondo
3. Ransik
4. Mesagog
5. Rita Repulsa
Lord Paragon
Originally posted by Galvaclaw
Zedd was afraid of every new villain who turned up. Even the villain from masked rider scared him.
Besides the best Power rangers villain was Ransik from Time force. He had a legitimate reason for being evil and was never actually defeated within the series. In the end he gave himself up after he injured his daughter in the process of defeating an entire team of rangers, one of them possesing mystical battle armour.
So let me get this right people are talking down on Zedd ruler of dimesions and galaxies but love Ransick, who was bum in an alley at one point in his live before meeting the Orggs?????
King Kandy
Originally posted by Toku King
I thought Mondo was petty badass, actually. He was proper and evil at the same time. Divatox sucked nuts.
I'd say my list for favorite PR head honcho villains would go...
1. Lord Zedd
2. King Mondo
3. Ransik
4. Mesagog
5. Rita Repulsa
So Astronema isn't even on the list?
King Kandy
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
So let me get this right people are talking down on Zedd ruler of dimesions and galaxies but love Ransick, who was bum in an alley at one point in his live before meeting the Orggs?????
Um maybe people like characters for reasons other then "The're Powerful"? Did you ever consider that personality/depth could be a factor?
Lord Paragon
It is not important in Astro is on the list the important is Zedd is number one!!!!!
King Kandy
That sentence had such poor grammer that I don't understand what it meant.
Lord Paragon
Originally posted by King Kandy
That sentence had such poor grammer that I don't understand what it meant.
My apology my friends I am half awake what I meant was that Astromeda is not on list true but the fact that Zedd tops the list is truly the important issue here.
As for the statement of character quality this thread nor any of the Zedd/Ranger threads that I started are about quality but I welcome those comments these threads are about all time greatest and all time most powerful.
King Kandy
Well then why do you freak out whenever someone is like "My favorite villain was soandso."? Because it's not Zedd.
Anyway, I don't see why Astronema isn't considered powerful by you. Dark Specter considered her his greatest servant (Not sure if that's in power or in other qualities, but whatever.)
Lord Paragon
Originally posted by King Kandy
Well then why do you freak out whenever someone is like "My favorite villain was soandso."? Because it's not Zedd.
Anyway, I don't see why Astronema isn't considered powerful by you. Dark Specter considered her his greatest servant (Not sure if that's in power or in other qualities, but whatever.)
My issue is not whether someone likes another villian but the fact that they try to put Zedd down in order to boost their own choice. Zedd still stands as the Apex villian of the rangers seasons after he was gone his legacy still echos through ranger story lines, which shows that Zedd was the premminet villian......yes?
King Kandy
Just because he had a son who was killed off in one season and Serpentera showed up in another, does not mean he was the "Permanent Villain".
Lord Paragon
Originally posted by King Kandy
Just because he had a son who was killed off in one season and Serpentera showed up in another, does not mean he was the "Permanent Villain".
what other villian receives mention so many years later?
Lord Paragon
Yes that is true....Rita..........the Servant of ZEDD!!!!!!!!! buhahahahaha.
So we have come full circle then, is it agreed.....Zed owns Zom?
King Kandy
No. Because Zom is far above ANY PR villain. He has multiverse destroying capabilities.
Lord Paragon
Yeah you are kind of right there, but whos idea was it to start this thread...it is like the Psychos vs Marvel and DC each Universe has its own power standards so it is not fair to try and cross these
King Kandy
Indead. This thread is a horrible mismatch, Zedd can't hope to compare.
Lord Paragon
Originally posted by King Kandy
Indead. This thread is a horrible mismatch, Zedd can't hope to compare.
okay perhaps but Zedd still rocks.
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