Goldar vs Ecliptar
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Lord Paragon
All this talk of Zedd makes me think of two of the most iconic warrior generals ever Goldar and Ecliptar who was the greatest right hand man ever
Goldar gets his fang-dreadlock-things shoved up his ass
King Kandy
Eclipter kills him in ANY of his four forms.
Lord Paragon
What the hell!!!!!! are you guys mad......we are talking about Goldar who can battle a whole ranger team, who brought Jason to his knees and ***** smacked tommy for crying out loud
King Kandy
Yes, because Eclipter NEVER took on a ranger team on his own...
Goldar was abitch 99% of the time
Even on his good days he cant take ecliptar
King Kandy
Eclipter is without doubt the coolest PR general.
Lord Paragon
Wait the same ecliptar who was taken down by quantrons?????? is this a joke, Goldar scourge of the universe is being ridiculed by this????
King Kandy
Yeah. Eclipter is cool because unlike 99% of PR villains he has a good personality and isn't retarded.
Lord Paragon
Originally posted by King Kandy
Yeah. Eclipter is cool because unlike 99% of PR villains he has a good personality and isn't retarded.
Huh personality? you mean the one based on Goldars season one through 4 know the fiercelity loyal minion personality only minus the comedy.....right cooool???????
King Kandy
Dude, fiercly loyal? If that why he betrayed Rita the Instant Zedd came back? Why Zedd called him the "Cowering One"?
Goldar is NOTHING like Eclipter.
Lord Paragon
What???? it was a well known fact that Goldar served Zedd first and that he only served Rita at Zedds command, so he was loyal to his real master
Goldar was awesome but Ecliptor would kick his ass. Though Goldar would put up a fight (old school, not the one that got dumb down when Zedd arrived).
Ecliptor Vs Darkonda. Damn good fight.
Originally posted by King Kandy
Dude, fiercly loyal? If that why he betrayed Rita the Instant Zedd came back? Why Zedd called him the "Cowering One"?
Goldar is NOTHING like Eclipter. He was in the beginning. Soon as Zedd gave him his wings back, everything seemed to go downhill from there. White Ranger was Pwning him every episode. I still liked him from "Day of the Dumpster" time period.
Originally posted by HueyFreeman
He was in the beginning. Soon as Zedd gave him his wings back, everything seemed to go downhill from there. White Ranger was Pwning him every episode. I still liked him from "Day of the Dumpster" time period.
True, true but him and Rito made for one another. His other good match up was Scorpina, against the Megazord were always good fights.
F*cking power rangers? Again?

Lord Paragon
Originally posted by SpiderGauntlet
F*cking power rangers? Again?

Why would you come in to this thread if you don't like rangers, and we are even talking rangers but there greatest villians
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
What???? it was a well known fact that Goldar served Zedd first and that he only served Rita at Zedds command, so he was loyal to his real master
ummm do you not remember the first power ranger movie when
he betrayed his master for IVAN OOOOZE
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