Make a new Count Neferia
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Ok so we've seen just how effective it can be to combine the powers of the Whizzer, Powerman, and the Living Laser together and multiply them by 100, but what other 3 characters powers could be similarly combined and multiplied to make an equally impressive villain?
Here are the stipulations...
1. It must be 3 characters with their own powers. Their powers can't come from outside sources like Venom's symbiot or Iron Man's armor.
2. No one over Iron Man level.
3. No androids or the like.
I realize that the natural inclination is to pick better versions of the characters that made Neferia(stronger than Powerman, faster than Whizzer, etc.), but I'm looking for a more original make up. Try to be creative and give your reasoning for your picks.
Endless Mike
Originally posted by Endless Mike
Shadowcat and Cyclops are both mutants...
Spiderman-Boosts him to a +100 and the reflexes and speed he gains wouldbe insane.Plus Spider sense would make for wicked pre-cog,if not minor cosmic awareness.
Psimon-Already a prodigous Telepath/Telekinetic,the 1oo times bonus would put him beyond Xavier level,while the TK would allow for major shields,probably matter manip and flight.
Electro-Control of Electricity times 100?come on,if trained he probably becomes a comes a wroldwide threat based of this power alone.
Liberty Bell
Classic Nova
flight, Superstrength times three, Superspeed times two, and awesome energy absorbtion and release make this a rediculous combo. Times 100 and it's unbeatable.
Radioactive Man
Ms Marvel
Originally posted by Martian_mind
Ms Marvel
Polaris is a mutant...
Originally posted by darthgoober
Polaris is a mutant...
Ms Marvel
Dr Polaris

Endless Mike
Originally posted by darthgoober
Shadowcat and Cyclops are both mutants...
Sorry, I didn't see that restriction in the OP at first
Endless Mike
Okay, how about:
Human Torch
Nevermind. I had one but I don't really like it so I'll come up with another...
You know what, screw the no mutants rule. In fact I'll have pr edit that one out cause there's WAY more mutant characters that are good candidates for this than there are non-mutant candidates...
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Liberty Bell
Classic Nova
flight, Superstrength times three, Superspeed times two, and awesome energy absorbtion and release make this a rediculous combo. Times 100 and it's unbeatable.
No mutants here. No one above iron man here. They don't even need the times 100 rule to replicate and exceed nefaria's power.
Originally posted by darthgoober
You know what, screw the no mutants rule. In fact I'll have pr edit that one out cause there's WAY more mutant characters that are good candidates for this than there are non-mutant candidates...
Well since you said mutants are allowed...
Professor Xavier
Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat)
Invisible Woman (Sue Richards)
Even without their powers multiplied, these 3 combined would make a completely invisible, intangible,mega psychic being who had actual telekinetic shapes based around their mental abilities.
Combine the power of illusion (using mental telepathy) plus the power of force field in shapes (Invisible Woman), you could create a holodeck type simulation in which the illusory objects had real resistance.
Mixing in Kitty Pryde makes the character unharmable except by pure mental or mystical domination. Invisibility plus intangibility would make them the perfect assassin.
Originally posted by Kutulu
Well since you said mutants are allowed...
Professor Xavier
Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat)
Invisible Woman (Sue Richards)
Even without their powers multiplied, these 3 combined would make a completely invisible, intangible,mega psychic being who had actual telekinetic shapes based around their mental abilities.
Combine the power of illusion (using mental telepathy) plus the power of force field in shapes (Invisible Woman), you could create a holodeck type simulation in which the illusory objects had real resistance.
Mixing in Kitty Pryde makes the character unharmable except by pure mental or mystical domination. Invisibility plus intangibility would make them the perfect assassin.
This is an awesome combination!
I just think speed/reflexes should be a top priority though.
I think Kitty Pryde can be deleted if Sue's powers are uped 100 times.
And sometimes being invisible will contadict Xavier's power. For he can make others see him as invisible mentally.
Is X-man or God Cable Iron Man's level? If not then what about Jean Grey (no phoenix)?
So my combination might be
1. X-man/God Cable or Jean Grey (if X-man and Cable are too much)
2. The fastest being and with reflexes that is equal or below Iron man lvl.
3. Kitty Pride
This combination is strong because of super speed and reflexes to use other powers faster than others or to just travel from one place to another instantly (100 times the speed). It has both telekinetic and telepathic abilities (100 times more effective and stronger). Can possible become invisible like Sue and 100 times more intangible (this might conflict with putting up shields though).
1. Best telepath and telekinetic at or below Iron Man's lvl.
2. Spider-man (for a second or two pre-cog, 20-40 human reflexes, 25ton strength, speed. Now Multiply that all by 100)
3. Nightcrawler (What is the maximum distance he can teleport? Multiply that by 100)
The above combination is tough because with those powers no one can be touched or trapped. They would teleport away, put a shield up, or dodge before the attack came. Plus they can read minds for early detection, rape minds, put up strong force fields, have strong telekinesis, bend light to become invisible (not perfectly though like Sue), etc. All this multiplied by 100.
or for galactic domination
1. Same
2. Same
3. Reed Richard (for 100 times the intelligence)
This combination is a hugh threat because of Reed. Reed's starships, teleportation devices, time-travel devices (or is that doom?), weapons (adamantium splitting beams and such). Reed can possibly create a suit better than Iron man's that draws energy from either hyperspace or mystical sources. He can potential grant himself many other being's powers just by manipulation his dna (like using sue's). Spiderman's powers would benefit the need for pre-cog and speed. The telepath's power could make Reed even smarter (reading other great minds). He possibly can learn a great deal of magic just reading someone's mind who can. It would also give him early awareness stacked on with spidersense. The telekinetic's powers could be used for backup shields, bend light to become invisible (not perfectly like Sue though), and control things.
And if one takes into consideration Reed can grant himself other powers then we can have:
1. Best telepath and kinetic allowed
2. Reed Richards
3. Kitty Pride
Reed can gain spider-man's power by manipulating his dna, She Hulk's power for healing ability and can change to normal anytime, a fast being's power, more smarts, absorb cosmic energy for food and powers etc. He can also become intangible and invisible too from the start. So this is my final combination. Do kitty need air to breath? Can she survive in space unaided?
Note: I considered Rogue's power but I think this is a curse because one can never have sex again. And that's just sh!#ty.
What do you guys think?
Havok, Omega Red, Forge.
Now, I have no frelling clue what Forge's power would be like times 100. But imagine the possibilities.........drool
If you're going for physical capabilities, I would say combine the following:
Makkari (Earth based Eternal): he was able to out-speed the Runner in a race across the Galaxy; he was able to run far in excess the speed of light, but got stuck in Hyperspace movement. It looked like time had frozen, only the Runner was able to move fast enough to even communicate with him. On top of that he has Eternal level durability, meaning nothing short of a molecular dispersion can kill him.
So the main advantages of mixing him in would be incredible speed (faster than light) and incredible durability / stamina. He has no need to eat or sleep, doesn't tire, etc. from his ability to use cosmic radiation as fuel.
Respect thread:
Combined super healing, insanely sharp claws and incredible strength, all multiplied times 100 combined with Makkari's faster than light movement. Slashing opponents at multiples of C might hurt a bit.
Emma Frost: Amplified by 100 would put her psi abilities over that of Xavier. To top it off she has a lot of experience with more direct mind attacks and doesn't hesitate to use them.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Havok, Omega Red, Forge.
Now, I have no frelling clue what Forge's power would be like times 100. But imagine the possibilities.........drool
Uh.... Havoc held a blackhole in his hands. He's above Iron Man level.
Well, you put Makkari and Pitt, both of whom are >IM.
Alright, classic Havok then.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Well, you put Makkari and Pitt, both of whom are >IM.

Northstar is one of he fastest people in comics
Scrambler has the ability to disrupt any system with his touch.
Emma Frost with TP powers
Meh...too lazy to type a bio out for him.
1. Best telepath and kinetic allowed (Jean Grey maybe)
2. Reed Richards
3. Kitty Pride
all multiplied by 100
win beat any combination (under IM lvl) guaranteed!
How can you have intangibility x100?
Originally posted by batdude123
How can you have intangibility x100? By you not being a stickler for details?
Ok here's the mutant combo I was thinking of...
Think about it, among Marvel's heroes Namor's ranks somewhere in the top 10(maybe even top 5) in the strength department. Multiply that by 100 and you'd have someone who's strength would be utterly unreal. And unless I'm mistaken, Storm's shown the ability to amp her strength with electrical energy so it'd actually be Namor strength x100 + Storm's amping x100. However since Namor's power also allow him to store HUGE quantities of electrical energy within his body, the combination of his and Storms powers means that he's actually be able to amp his strength even further because he's also have Namor's electrical storage x100 to work with as well. The guys strength would be transcendent level easy. Namor's speed x100 + Northstar's powers x100 means that he'll be right on par with the best of the high end heralds as far as combat speed goes. And since Northstar can knock around guys like the Hulk with his superspeed punches, so with THAT ability x100 added to his already incredible strength level he'll even be able to one shot guys like Thor and Supes. Northstar's powers over light and kinetic energy muliplied by a hundred add a whole new realm of control to Storms elemental mastery, which is now 100 times stronger as well. And as much as we all like to laugh at the concept of "lightning in the brain", that effect x100 means that telepaths won't be to much of a hassle either.

Originally posted by batdude123
How can you have intangibility x100?
Kitty is not totally intangible to everything.
So with 100x more intangibility she is just intangible to 100x more things.
Originally posted by h1a8
Kitty is not totally intangible to everything.
So with 100x more intangibility she is just intangible to 100x more things.
Originally posted by darthgoober
Ok here's the mutant combo I was thinking of...
Think about it, among Marvel's heroes Namor's ranks somewhere in the top 10(maybe even top 5) in the strength department. Multiply that by 100 and you'd have someone who's strength would be utterly unreal. And unless I'm mistaken, Storm's shown the ability to amp her strength with electrical energy so it'd actually be Namor strength x100 + Storm's amping x100. However since Namor's power also allow him to store HUGE quantities of electrical energy within his body, the combination of his and Storms powers means that he's actually be able to amp his strength even further because he's also have Namor's electrical storage x100 to work with as well. The guys strength would be transcendent level easy. Namor's speed x100 + Northstar's powers x100 means that he'll be right on par with the best of the high end heralds as far as combat speed goes. And since Northstar can knock around guys like the Hulk with his superspeed punches, so with THAT ability x100 added to his already incredible strength level he'll even be able to one shot guys like Thor and Supes. Northstar's powers over light and kinetic energy muliplied by a hundred add a whole new realm of control to Storms elemental mastery, which is now 100 times stronger as well. And as much as we all like to laugh at the concept of "lightning in the brain", that effect x100 means that telepaths won't be to much of a hassle either.
In all honesty though, that's probably the best three to have as far as this is concerned.
Originally posted by darthgoober
Ok here's the mutant combo I was thinking of...
Think about it, among Marvel's heroes Namor's ranks somewhere in the top 10(maybe even top 5) in the strength department. Multiply that by 100 and you'd have someone who's strength would be utterly unreal. And unless I'm mistaken, Storm's shown the ability to amp her strength with electrical energy so it'd actually be Namor strength x100 + Storm's amping x100. However since Namor's power also allow him to store HUGE quantities of electrical energy within his body, the combination of his and Storms powers means that he's actually be able to amp his strength even further because he's also have Namor's electrical storage x100 to work with as well. The guys strength would be transcendent level easy. Namor's speed x100 + Northstar's powers x100 means that he'll be right on par with the best of the high end heralds as far as combat speed goes. And since Northstar can knock around guys like the Hulk with his superspeed punches, so with THAT ability x100 added to his already incredible strength level he'll even be able to one shot guys like Thor and Supes. Northstar's powers over light and kinetic energy muliplied by a hundred add a whole new realm of control to Storms elemental mastery, which is now 100 times stronger as well. And as much as we all like to laugh at the concept of "lightning in the brain", that effect x100 means that telepaths won't be to much of a hassle either.
It is arguable wether Namor, in water, is even class 100. If he is then he is very low class 100 (maybe 150tons tops). It is listed everywhere that he is under class 100 in water (even in official bios). Namor is also nowhere near the top 100 in marvel in strength. This is common sense. That was a wild statement from you there. Now guys like superman can lift anywhere from billions of tons to quintillions of tons. Namor needs much much more amping to even come close to Superman levels. Northstar is fast but with 100x more speed might be now comparable to Superman. But since Superman is both strong and fast then I guess this amplifies his punches too. So Supes would still hit harder because he is stronger.
And I don't think electrical energy makes Namor stronger physically (needs proof). And storm can't amp her strength with electrical energy. You must be mistaking her for Magneto and magnetic energy.
Now almost anyone in marvel can knock around any other in marvel, provided that they are strong enough to lift the other. That is why Spider-man (used to be class 15) can duke it out with and knock around class 75's. He can even knock the sh&T out of them sometimes. Samson and Iron Man even knocked an angry Hulk out (sucker punch) with only class 50-75 strength for samson and class 90 strength for Iron Man. Thus it is feasible that Namor can knock around a class 100 (and maybe even ko them sometimes). Hell, if I was pretty fast like Namor or Spiderman and had good fighting ability and reflexes and at least 2 ton strength then I could knock around any class 100 who weighed less than a ton. Thus making my strength in comics look comparable to theirs. But its not. They are much stronger than me. So it's fallacious to assume that if someone can knock someone who is class 100 around then they are just as strong as them (or even close).
1. Jean Grey x100 (telepathy, invisibility, and shields and telekinesis)
2. Reed Richards x100 (intelligence! to grant other powers, time travel, and teleport instantly anywhere)
3. Kitty Pride x100 (intangible to all now)
still would own them and all others under IM level.
Jean Grey
Originally posted by h1a8
It is arguable wether Namor, in water, is even class 100. If he is then he is very low class 100 (maybe 150tons tops).
and thus, your opinion is rendered void.
Originally posted by Soljer
and thus, your opinion is rendered void.
Most here know I speak the truth (mostly facts). There are no opinions there (I hardly even say opinions).
I've seen many Namor scans (especially in his respect thread). Some of them clearly shows that he is able to lift over 100tons but not too much more than that. I always either considered that writers in the super past (where Namor exceeded 100tons) didn't know how much stuff weighed or that the scans can be rendered as PIS. Trust me, every handbook that has ever been written says that Namor isn't even class 100. Captain America, Batman, and Wolverine have all feats higher than their class.
Should we say that since spiderman braced a multistory building that he is class 100? Should we say that since Spiderman knocked out class 75 guys that he is at least class 75? Should we say that since Captain America knocked around Hulk then he is at least class 90? Hell no. For all characters have feats that is higher than what the actual writers list them for.
And if you or anyone else think that Namor is in the top 10 in strength in marvel then not only your opinions but your supposedly said facts too are rendered void. How's them apples?
There's a difference between knocking out someone that's stronger than you and actually lifting more than they're capable of...,144124.0.html
There you go.
The apples are great.
1. Thane Ector ( Marvel needs to bring him back)
2. Gambit
3. Vance Astro
My guy would be a beast. He would has monstrous strength, matter manipulation which would come from Thane Ector x 100. He could charge up huge chunks of earth and hurl them, possibly causing world wide damage (Gambit) mixed with natural agility. He would be able to telekintically lift objects with his mind like Vance, but if you multiplied that by a factor of 100, he would be able to hurl boulders the size of shopping malls at his foes with ease. He would also be able to encase himself in an nearly inpenetrable tk field to deflect attacks.
Originally posted by llagrok
There's a difference between knocking out someone that's stronger than you and actually lifting more than they're capable of...,144124.0.html
There you go.
The apples are great.
Your first sentence is exactly what I was implying. That is why Namor knocking out someone shouldn't be used to correctly guage his strength.
What's with the insults when I never addressed or quoted you though?
I don't use ancient comics as evidence since writers were writing crap like Hulk busting a planet bigger than Earth in one punch. There is so much a difference in today's power levels than in ancient days that one cannot say that so and so has the same exact power level as they did in the ancient days. The Thing wasn't even as strong as he is now.
Also, if one just go on feats and not writers opinions (and ancient ones at that) then Spiderman is class 100, wolverine is at least class 10, captain america is at least class 10, etc. We don't want to open pandora's box now do we?
Trust me, most writers in the past don't even know how much stuff weighed when they wrote. Otherwise, why would Spiderman and others lift and do feats higher much higher than their class. Either that or the writers was just writing intentional crap.
And many of the scans (even in the respect thread) don't work.
Some of them can be argued that it wasn't a lifting feat at all.
And you of all people can name at least 10 people in Marvel that are easily stronger than Namor thus rendering that top 5 or 10 stuff utter crap. Can you?
I am glad you like the apples though, even though they were not meant for you.
Mr Sinister
With those three together, the outcome would have to be at least a Doomsday level being.
With 100x the cellular control of Mr Sinister, people would be damn hard pressed to find anything outside reality warpers that could serious damage him. Not mention Abomination's strength amping abilities would feasibly multiply by 100 as well, letting him keep up in a strength battle indefinitely.
Nightcrawler's teleporting abilities multiplied by 100 would allow him to possibly keep up in a battle where he was completely outclassed by speed. Nightcrawler has been shown to teleport as fast as he can punch, so it's not too horrible of a stretch to presume that ability multiplied by 100 would could lead to a potentially insane "teleblitz."
The h2h game, the amalgam would be several steps ahead of pure sluggers. With both Mr Sinisters telepathy, shapeshifting, and paralyzing "psi-touch," Nightcrawler's AoA ability to teleport off body parts, and Nightcrawlers already near-Spiderman agility and reflexes, this amalgam would be more than able to tackle any non-flash/speedblitz type characters in a h2h fight.
Outside of h2h, we have Sinisters psychic, telekinetic, and blasting powers all multiplied by 100. While the amalgam's durabilty would by high, his regeneration would be through the roof, and could easily take the place of any of the "top regenerators" in either universe.
On a mental playing field, he would be able to combat the like of Martian Manhunter and other top tier telepaths, seeing as Mr Sinister is already an above average telepath himself without the boost.
In short, the amalgam would have the main following highlights:
-Complete and total molecular control of it's body
-Peerless and potentially instantaneous teleportation
-Unlimited top tier strength potential
-Power concussive blasts
-Top tier shapeshifting abilities
-Incredible IQ and Telepathic/Telekinetic abilities
-Incredible reflexes and agility
Count Nefaria
Spider Man
Originally posted by h1a8
It is arguable wether Namor, in water, is even class 100. If he is then he is very low class 100 (maybe 150tons tops). It is listed everywhere that he is under class 100 in water (even in official bios). Namor is also nowhere near the top 100 in marvel in strength. This is common sense. That was a wild statement from you there. Now guys like superman can lift anywhere from billions of tons to quintillions of tons. Namor needs much much more amping to even come close to Superman levels. Northstar is fast but with 100x more speed might be now comparable to Superman. But since Superman is both strong and fast then I guess this amplifies his punches too. So Supes would still hit harder because he is stronger.
And I don't think electrical energy makes Namor stronger physically (needs proof). And storm can't amp her strength with electrical energy. You must be mistaking her for Magneto and magnetic energy.
Now almost anyone in marvel can knock around any other in marvel, provided that they are strong enough to lift the other. That is why Spider-man (used to be class 15) can duke it out with and knock around class 75's. He can even knock the sh&T out of them sometimes. Samson and Iron Man even knocked an angry Hulk out (sucker punch) with only class 50-75 strength for samson and class 90 strength for Iron Man. Thus it is feasible that Namor can knock around a class 100 (and maybe even ko them sometimes). Hell, if I was pretty fast like Namor or Spiderman and had good fighting ability and reflexes and at least 2 ton strength then I could knock around any class 100 who weighed less than a ton. Thus making my strength in comics look comparable to theirs. But its not. They are much stronger than me. So it's fallacious to assume that if someone can knock someone who is class 100 around then they are just as strong as them (or even close).
1. Jean Grey x100 (telepathy, invisibility, and shields and telekinesis)
2. Reed Richards x100 (intelligence! to grant other powers, time travel, and teleport instantly anywhere)
3. Kitty Pride x100 (intangible to all now)
still would own them and all others under IM level.
If you can think of more than 10 heroes in Marvel that have more than a handful of appearances and are DEFINITELY stronger than Namor I'd like to hear them...
Originally posted by Soljer
and thus, your opinion is rendered void.
Originally posted by batdude123
In all honesty though, that's probably the best three to have as far as this is concerned.
I know. The hardest thing to account for is speed, because Northstar is damn near the only person that's Iron Man level and can hit lightspeed(other than his sister anyway). Though it might actually be even better to do something like...
Wonder Man
King Kandy
Multiple Man
Half Life
You'd have thousands of people flying around at lightspeed+, and all of them could kill with a touch.
Oo. Multiple man is a damned good pick.
Originally posted by darthgoober
If you can think of more than 10 heroes in Marvel that have more than a handful of appearances and are DEFINITELY stronger than Namor I'd like to hear them...
According to Marvel these guys are stronger than Namor.
1. Thor
2. Silver Surfer
3. Hulk.
4. Hercules
5. Juggernaut
6. Gladiator
7. Sentry
8. She Hulk (current)
9. Colossus
10. Beta Ray Bill
11. Binary
12. Atlas
Not to take sides but there are even more than ten, you said Heroes so I did not include villains, but there are loads of Marvel characters that outstrip Namor in the strength dept. This is not to say that they could defeat him in hand to hand combat though.
Symmetric Chaos
Fear teh pwnage.
Temugin, Batman one million, and northstar for an insane martial artist.
King Kandy
Don't forget Karate Kid.
Originally posted by King Kandy
Don't forget Karate Kid.
They have to be below Iron Man level.
King Kandy
Karate Kid got into a below Iron Man tourney, and I saw pretty much every argument against it. I'm pretty sure he's below Iron Man.
Originally posted by King Kandy
Karate Kid got into a below Iron Man tourney, and I saw pretty much every argument against it. I'm pretty sure he's below Iron Man.
Not according to the tiers, which is what I assumed this thread was going by.
Human Torch
Yellow Jacket
Stepford Cuckoo
Multiple Man
Originally posted by SpookySmurph
Human Torch
Yellow Jacket
Stepford Cuckoo
Multiple Man
Northstar Mine are clearly more clever than any of yours.
Oh yeah...
Radioactive Man
Hank Pym
Can you say Galaxy destroying nuclear explosion

Originally posted by CaptainStoic
According to Marvel these guys are stronger than Namor.
1. Thor
2. Silver Surfer
3. Hulk.
4. Hercules
5. Juggernaut
6. Gladiator
7. Sentry
8. She Hulk (current)
9. Colossus
10. Beta Ray Bill
11. Binary
12. Atlas
Not to take sides but there are even more than ten, you said Heroes so I did not include villains, but there are loads of Marvel characters that outstrip Namor in the strength dept. This is not to say that they could defeat him in hand to hand combat though.
Atlas isn't, Colossus isn't, Binary doesn't exist anymore and Hercules is debatable :/
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by SpookySmurph
Mine are clearly more clever than any of yours.
I used Longshot. That out clevers anything you did.
1.Photon (Monica Rambeau)
2.Black Tarantula
I'd name him Black Photon.
Height: 6'3''
Weight: 300 lbs
Age: Unknown
BT strength was at least Class 30-40, so x100 it rends BP able to lift at least 3000-4000 tons, so Class 100 of considerable degree..He also possessed superhuman durability to some extent, enough to survive being pummeled by Hydra soldiers armed with battle armors and crush through concrete and steel without slowing down, also thank to his healing factor.Multiply for 100, he'll possess superhuman regenerative durability: able to regenerate injured tissue and brain cells to an extraordinary degree; but not able to regenerate missing limbs or organs (FROM IMMORTALTHOR.NET, stats from Marvel Universe Handbook Master Edition), but also superhuman durability: skin, bone, and muscle augmented to make it stronger and harder than human; impervious to injury to an extraordinary extent.
Photon's energy manipulation/emission powers x100 would meant he could do almost anything, from standard offensive use of his powers to nrg constructs, or distruption of other energy sources, not to mention the lightspeed flight, and the ability to teleport anywhere, while intangible, so without any barrier to his tp.As well as for his reflexes, Black Photon would have BT, Photon and Nightcrawler's reaction times x100, that means he could handle lightspeed travel with ease, which Photon can already do, plus using his speed in battle situations.He would be awesome
First Character:
1. Psylocke
2. Electro
3. Vision
A super durable/dense, highly intangible, electro-magnetic/solar absorbing being, w/ godlike telekinetic powers, and pretty good fighting skills.
Note: Electro's powers multiplied x 100 would give him super speed right?
Second Character:
1. Bishop
2. Nightcrawler
3. Hellion
Imagine him teleporting at almost 100 x the speed of sound, while being able to absorb almost an umlimited amount of energy and erecting impenetrable forcefields. Probably one of the best defensive characters possible.
Third Character:
1. Aquaman
2. Crystal
3. Gambit
100 x super strength, speed, durability, stamina, healing factor, and telepathy w/ riduculous molecular manipulation powers of fire, air, earth and water, and the ability to charge objects with extreme kinetic energy and blow s*it up.
100 x the kinetic abilities of Gambit would probably put him into that omega level stage he's "potentially" capable of getting too.
1. Blink
2. Mimic
3. Domina
Everything I need

Originally posted by llagrok
Atlas isn't, Colossus isn't, Binary doesn't exist anymore and Hercules is debatable :/
Are you serious? You think that it's actually debatable that Namor is in the top 10 in Marvel in strength?
I'm sure you heard of Mangog, Kurse, Destroyer, Watchers, Galactus,
Surtur, Thanos, Ymir, Stranger, Fin Fang Foom, Morg, Onslaught, Apoc, Forgotten One, etc. I can go on. Now some of those beings don't exist anymore but that is not the point.
Also, Hercules is definitely stronger than Namor (not debatable at all).
Marvel thinks he and Thor are equals in the strength department.
Colossus is debatable (definitely not proven weaker).
Now with the very few of Namor class 100 strength lifting feats, Namor used his flying ability to help in the lifting. Now many will argue that flying strength is not the same as true lifting strength. For it wouldn't translate into punching power, ripping strength, bilateral pressing strength, etc. Other feats showed that he, in relation to the size of the object he was lifting, was quite large. For example, look at the destroyer he lifted ( through flying) off the water. From the comparison of the picture, the boat had to weigh no more than 100 tons. He should have been a tiny dot in that picture. Some other feats were done in the water, where a bouyant force already exist and the fact that he sometimes added flying strength along with it. The very creatures he lifted were no more than 5times his height (under 100tons). Look at the spaceships he lifted. They were very small in comparison to him (100 tons tops).
Now Namor is indeed strong. I give him low class 100 at best (the same as Colossus). I'm sure other respectables here would do the same.
I was referring to Earthbound heroes. I already linked you to a thread where he lifts things that obviously weigh more than 100 tons.
The fact that Namor is weakening when out of water, doesn't make him any less of a class 100. I've also yet to see Colossus actually perform any class 100 feats. But I suppose scans and feats can't be your strength, seeing as you base all your statements off of Bios and handbooks.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
I used Longshot. That out clevers anything you did. Nah.
Stepford Cuckoo
Multiple Man
= Best amalgam in here.
Besides, Domino > Longshot. shifty
I have you all beat in a landslide:
* Captain America.
* Squirrel Girl.
* Wolverine.
Combines to form Jobberseid. Can cause anybody they go against to job x 100. To top it off, 100x Wolverine's "I can heal from death" regeneration, and 100x Squirrel Girl's jobber aura, nobody will be able to stand up against this combination.
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Kutulu
I have you all beat in a landslide:
* Captain America.
* Squirrel Girl.
* Wolverine.
Combines to form Jobberseid. Can cause anybody they go against to job x 100. To top it off, 100x Wolverine's "I can heal from death" regeneration, and 100x Squirrel Girl's jobber aura, nobody will be able to stand up against this combination.
Mine has "alter probability in a favorable manner" x100. You don't have a freaking chance.
Originally posted by llagrok
I was referring to Earthbound heroes. I already linked you to a thread where he lifts things that obviously weigh more than 100 tons.
The fact that Namor is weakening when out of water, doesn't make him any less of a class 100. I've also yet to see Colossus actually perform any class 100 feats. But I suppose scans and feats can't be your strength, seeing as you base all your statements off of Bios and handbooks.
There were scans already posted here at KMC on Colossus after he got his strength upgrade (Did you know he got an upgrade?). They are probably in his respect thread. One scan showed him lifting up a pretty big tanker (at least 500tons).
If you were referring to Earthbound heroes then why were you conflicting with me when I was trying to show the other poster that Namor is not in the top 10 in physical strength in Marvel . For the other poster said "Marvel" and not "Earthbound". I was never arguing with you but him. Because he said something that was totally ridiculous.
And there was only one scan showing Namor lifting over 100tons without using his flying ability. That is why I agreed that Namor is indeed class 100 (but very low class 100). Did you read my previous post?
It rebutted all those scans. You act is if I never went to the link you gave(or his original respect thread).
So you think that Goober would compare Namor to Skyfathers and cosmics in a thread where no one above Iron Man level is allowed?
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Mine has "alter probability in a favorable manner" x100. You don't have a freaking chance.
SG is low herald level..not in Ironmans class.
Has there been a below Ironman level amalgam tournament?

Originally posted by endrict
Magneto huh?... Well in that case ill go with:
GL Hal
Silver Surfer
Dr. Strange
Im just messing around, but the thread starter said nonone above Ironman level.
Which you obviously already know from your previous post. lol
Originally posted by nimbus006
Magneto huh?... Well in that case ill go with:
GL Hal
Silver Surfer
Dr. Strange
Im just messing around, but the thread starter said nonone above Ironman level.
Which you obviously already know from your previous post. lol

Originally posted by endrict
The darkness is low herald, easily.
Originally posted by endrict

Quite a downgrade from Mags to Storm... sucks for your amalgam

Originally posted by llagrok
The darkness is low herald, easily.
Fine then, be that way...

Originally posted by h1a8
There were scans already posted here at KMC on Colossus after he got his strength upgrade (Did you know he got an upgrade?). They are probably in his respect thread. One scan showed him lifting up a pretty big tanker (at least 500tons).
If you were referring to Earthbound heroes then why were you conflicting with me when I was trying to show the other poster that Namor is not in the top 10 in physical strength in Marvel . For the other poster said "Marvel" and not "Earthbound". I was never arguing with you but him. Because he said something that was totally ridiculous.
And there was only one scan showing Namor lifting over 100tons without using his flying ability. That is why I agreed that Namor is indeed class 100 (but very low class 100). Did you read my previous post?
It rebutted all those scans. You act is if I never went to the link you gave(or his original respect thread).
Have you noticed that you're pretty much the only person in a huff about my statement regarding Namor's strength? The reason for that is simple...everyone else knew what I meant. Of course I didn't mean to include guys like Galactis, Odin, or Gladiator because that would be stupid. My point(which everyone else seemed to get) was that Namor is considered to be one of the Marvel's "big guns" in the strength department, which he is. Hercules, Thor, Hulk, Namor can(and has) stood with ANY of them in a slugfest, which is ample proof of his ability. You're thinking that Namor is a LOW class 100 is far more ridiculous than my thinking that he's in one of strongest guys in Marvel because there's actual on panel evidence supporting my assessment. But yeah, if you want to nit pick then you're absolutely correct, there are HUNDREDS of people in Marvel that are stronger than Namor. After all, there's The Living Tribunal, Eternity, the Beyonder, etc....
See, if you nitpick enough NO actual hero or villain ranks in the top 10...
Originally posted by llagrok
So you think that Goober would compare Namor to Skyfathers and cosmics in a thread where no one above Iron Man level is allowed?
I don't know. He did say all of Marvel though.
What was I suppose to think when someone says 'all of Marvel'?
The Ray
Insane Speed, Energy powers, Super strength, Durability, Shields, Light constructs, Energy absorbtion. If this isn't Nefaria and then some I dont 'know what is.
Originally posted by darthgoober
Have you noticed that you're pretty much the only person in a huff about my statement regarding Namor's strength? The reason for that is simple...everyone else knew what I meant. Of course I didn't mean to include guys like Galactis, Odin, or Gladiator because that would be stupid. My point(which everyone else seemed to get) was that Namor is considered to be one of the Marvel's "big guns" in the strength department, which he is. Hercules, Thor, Hulk, Namor can(and has) stood with ANY of them in a slugfest, which is ample proof of his ability. You're thinking that Namor is a LOW class 100 is far more ridiculous than my thinking that he's in one of strongest guys in Marvel because there's actual on panel evidence supporting my assessment. But yeah, if you want to nit pick then you're absolutely correct, there are HUNDREDS of people in Marvel that are stronger than Namor. After all, there's The Living Tribunal, Eternity, the Beyonder, etc....
See, if you nitpick enough NO actual hero or villain ranks in the top 10...
I'm sorry. I apologize.
But I do think that Namor being low class 100 is not ridiculous. But if you are counting flying strength as part of someone's strength then yes it is ridiculous. Durability, speed, and fighting skill alone with sufficient strength can make one stand in a slugfest with someone much stronger. Look at Spidey, Cap, and Wolverine as examples of that. No doubt that Namor is strong enough to hurt some of the best. He's just very durable, pretty fast, and has very nice fighting skill to take it to some of the best also. Adding these to his other powers and he is definitely a badass.
Using the Tier thread as a gauge...
-Mr. Sinister
-Madison Jeffries (Without BOX IV)
Tony Stark
The "NEW" #1 is....
Invisible Woman
Gamora w/o Godslayer
Mimic (Exiles)
IW... Can you say bubble...When needing to be ruthless she can (pop).
Gamora... Superhuman strength and agility, Accelerated healing factor, Skilled martial artist with the killer instinct without conscious. (Most dangerous woman in the Universe)
Mimic... Able to mimic the powers, skills and knowledge of up to 5 super powered beings at a time at 50% of their maximum output. Which means that if want to do, he could mimic both IW's and Gamora's powers, skills and knowledge at their newly upgraded power set of the 100x to add an additional 50% of their powers to them with the potential of another 50% of any other 3 super powered beings in his presence too.
And the new name for this character would be...

Originally posted by Tony Stark
The "NEW" #1 is....
Invisible Woman
Gamora w/o Godslayer
Mimic (Exiles)
IW... Can you say bubble...When needing to be ruthless she can (pop).
Gamora... Superhuman strength and agility, Accelerated healing factor, Skilled martial artist with the killer instinct without conscious. (Most dangerous woman in the Universe)
Mimic... Able to mimic the powers, skills and knowledge of up to 5 super powered beings at a time at 50% of their maximum output. Which means that if want to do, he could mimic both IW's and Gamora's powers, skills and knowledge at their newly upgraded power set of the 100x to add an additional 50% of their powers to them with the potential of another 50% of any other 3 super powered beings in his presence too.
And the new name for this character would be...
I know nothing of Mimic.
Does mimic keep the skills and powers even if one he mimic from leaves his presence? Sounds like a cool character though.
Tony Stark
Originally posted by h1a8
I know nothing of Mimic.
Does mimic keep the skills and powers even if one he mimic from leaves his presence? Sounds like a cool character though.
Calvin Rankin has the ability to copy the powers, abilities, attributes, IQ, talents, fighting skills, and characteristics of anyone around him. Along with all those other things he can copy their physical appearance such as their skin color, bone structure, hair style and color, bone composition, voice, eye color, and other physical traits of those he mimics. When Calvin copies the abilities or powers of others he doesn't copy a persons flaws (Ex. When Cyclops was young he received a bump on the head which allowed him to not control his powers. However Calvin can control Cyclops' optic blasts). He has permanently retained the powers of Iceman, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Professor X, Beast, and Angel. The number of powers or people he can mimic are unknown or if he can keep the powers he copies indefinitely. He has been shown to be able to copy the abilities of over 10 people at once. Calvin has copied the powers of Banshee, Douglock, Wolverine, Marrow, Gambit, Rogue, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Captain Britain, Feron, Meggan, Kylun, Micromax, Captain U.K., Marvel Girl (Rachel Summers), Wolfsbane, Peter Wisdom, Psylocke, Machine Man, Risque, Siryn, Warpath, Sunspot, Cable, Caliban, Domino, Boom-Boom, Rictor, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Post, Blob, Mystique, Toad, Sledge, Onslaught, Cerebro, Sentinels, Cerebrite Alpha, Cerebrite Beta, Cerebro Prime, Cerebrite, Nina, Jester, Knave of Hearts, Red Queen, Tweedledope, Hulk, Valerie Cooper, Thunderbolts, and many more.
Tony Stark
Originally posted by Tony Stark
Calvin Rankin has the ability to copy the powers, abilities, attributes, IQ, talents, fighting skills, and characteristics of anyone around him. Along with all those other things he can copy their physical appearance such as their skin color, bone structure, hair style and color, bone composition, voice, eye color, and other physical traits of those he mimics. When Calvin copies the abilities or powers of others he doesn't copy a persons flaws (Ex. When Cyclops was young he received a bump on the head which allowed him to not control his powers. However Calvin can control Cyclops' optic blasts). He has permanently retained the powers of Iceman, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Professor X, Beast, and Angel. The number of powers or people he can mimic are unknown or if he can keep the powers he copies indefinitely. He has been shown to be able to copy the abilities of over 10 people at once. Calvin has copied the powers of Banshee, Douglock, Wolverine, Marrow, Gambit, Rogue, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Captain Britain, Feron, Meggan, Kylun, Micromax, Captain U.K., Marvel Girl (Rachel Summers), Wolfsbane, Peter Wisdom, Psylocke, Machine Man, Risque, Siryn, Warpath, Sunspot, Cable, Caliban, Domino, Boom-Boom, Rictor, Cannonball, Shatterstar, Post, Blob, Mystique, Toad, Sledge, Onslaught, Cerebro, Sentinels, Cerebrite Alpha, Cerebrite Beta, Cerebro Prime, Cerebrite, Nina, Jester, Knave of Hearts, Red Queen, Tweedledope, Hulk, Valerie Cooper, Thunderbolts, and many more.
Sorry i'm switching from (Exiles) to (616) Mimic because he is able to mimic 10 super powered beings instead of just 5 and he has the power sets of Iceman, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Professor X, Beast, and Angel at all times and they don't count towards his 10 so the total is actually 15.
So even better... ;]
Invisible Woman 616
Gamora w/o Godslayer 616
Mimic 616
Jack Of Hearts
Wonder Man
Tony Stark
Originally posted by norrinradd43
Jack Of Hearts
Wonder Man
Jack is herald lvl....not allowed
Although mine still crushes yours...

Noh varr
Metamorpho, Val Armorr, Black Tarantula.
Captain Boomerang, Doctor Octopus and that guy with the stilt legs times 100
Hundreds of tentacles throwing hundreds of boomerangs while hundreds of feet in the air. Fight me.
Sin I AM
Ares for godly essence, Mandarin and miss Martian
what's godly essence...?

The smell I leave on Sins body after we've done the deed

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