Sentry v.s. Ares
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Switch 07
Ares loses badly.
Sentry ftw
Sentry for the majority.
Lord Paragon
The current ares is so laughablly weak it is sad, and to think he was once the god of war
..........sentry would pwn even classic ares
Sentry destroys mistake
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
The current ares is so laughablly weak it is sad, and to think he was once the god of war
Ares almost beat She Ultron. Sentry got owned by her.
In MA#1 i think, Tony says it would take 5 superhumans to take Ares down (among them there's Sentry) so i can't say who wins for sure.
Ares = Wolverine plus Thor.
Switch 07
Originally posted by Mikeros
Ares almost beat She Ultron. Sentry got owned by her.
In MA#1 i think, Tony says it would take 5 superhumans to take Ares down (among them there's Sentry) so i can't say who wins for sure.
Ares = Wolverine plus Thor.
I can and its Sentry.
Ares is class 70. So weaker. One dimensional. Slower and just isn't good enough.
Not only does your Huc knowledge suck but Sentry as well apparently.
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