Classic Defenders Vs Classic Avengers
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Fire Ninja
Which heroes are stronger:
The Defenders
-Dr. Strange
-Silver Surfer
-The Incredible Hulk
-Namor The Sub-Mariner
The Mighty Avengers
-Captain America
-The Invincible Iron Man
-Mighty Thor
Za Warudo ftw. evillaugh WWWWWWRRRRRRRYYYYYYYY!!!!
Anyone minus Namor in the defenders have a shot to soloing the avengers. The only threat is Thor. One he's defeated, well...
Switch 07
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
Anyone minus Namor in the defenders have a shot to soloing the avengers. The only threat is Thor. One he's defeated, well... Hulk loses for the fact Thor is there.
Oh and Namor has beaten Hulk before.

Strange and Surfer doing the kooky, big-time cosmic/magic mamba johamba, while Namor and... ummm. Whats his name? That green guy, take care of the ground work.
Too much. Too much.
Originally posted by Switch 07
Hulk loses for the fact Thor is there.
Oh and Namor has beaten Hulk before.
Namor and Hulk are on the same team, and I very much doubt that current Hulk would go down to Namor.
Very much doubt.
Barring mind control, the only times Namor's beaten the Hulk were either when they were both underwater. And this was back in the early days when the Hulk could very easily lose consciousness whenever he couldn't breathe.
Switch 07
Originally posted by Soljer
Namor and Hulk are on the same team, and I very much doubt that current Hulk would go down to Namor.
Very much doubt. I know that just pointing out a fact because he said Hulk could and Namor couldn't.
Both would lose.
I never said otherwise.

Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Horrificus
Strange and Surfer doing the kooky, big-time cosmic/magic mamba johamba, while Namor and... ummm. Whats his name? That green guy, take care of the ground work.
Too much. Too much.
Namor gets stomped out by Ant-Man/Gaint man, While Iron Man handles the Hulk. Thor Takes out surfer, the only threat left is strange.
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
Namor gets stomped out by Ant-Man/Gaint man, While Iron Man handles the Hulk.
You dont actually believe that do you?
Switch 07
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
Namor gets stomped out by Ant-Man/Gaint man, While Iron Man handles the Hulk. Thor Takes out surfer, the only threat left is strange. So wrong.
Namor beats Giant Man and IM loses to Hulk.

Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Switch 07
So wrong.
IM loses to Hulk.
I dunno too much on Namor, but Iron Man more then likely will not lose to The Hulk.
Switch 07
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
I dunno too much on Namor, but Iron Man more then likely will not lose to The Hulk. Then you know nothing of either character.
Try reading some comics dude.
You sound like you have never read one in your life.
Namor destroys GM.
IM will lose badly to Hulk.

Fire Ninja
Just like he did in this, right?:
And, because I'm not versed on Namor, I don't read comics. . .

Switch 07
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
Just like he did in this, right?:
And, because I'm not versed on Namor, I don't read comics. . .

Read their latest fight.
That IM used ALL his energy on that punch and he almost died.
He has never got close to doing that again.
So you fail.
No its your fact that your wrong about so many things.
Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Switch 07
Read their latest fight.
Read the opening, why do you think I put the word "classic" on the title?
Originally posted by Switch 07
So you fail.
I sure didn't.

Switch 07
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
Read the opening, why do you think I put the word "classic" on the title? Ok then read the rest.
He almost DIED and has never got close to doing that again.
Your so wrong.
Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Switch 07
Ok then read the rest.
He almost DIED and has never got close to doing that again.
We are still using his classic incarnation, not current.
Who cares if he almost died, Hulk was the one laid out.
Switch 07
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
Read the opening, why do you think I put the word "classic" on the title?
I sure didn't.

Read the rest.
You did and always will.
Switch 07
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
We are still using his classic incarnation, not current.

Classic hasn't either.

Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Switch 07
Classic hasn't either.
Even though he just did?
Switch 07
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
We are still using his classic incarnation, not current.
Who cares if he almost died, Hulk was the one laid out. So was IM but Hulk wasn't the one dying.

Switch 07
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
Even though he just did? Yes. Once compared to the many many more times Hulk has stomped IM.

Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Switch 07
So was IM
Not before the Hulk, though.
Originally posted by Switch 07
but Hulk wasn't the one dying.
Because the Hulk does not have a Sharpnel lodged in his heart.
Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Switch 07
Yes. Once compared to the many many more times Hulk has stomped IM.
Please post those times, during their classic incarnations.
Switch 07
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
Please post those times, during their classic incarnations.
Here for example.
Hulk hardly feels it and IM gets his ass knocked down.
One example. getting more now.
BTW that IM and Hulk aren't they're first looks or forms.

Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Switch 07
Here for example.
Hulk hardly feels it and IM gets his ass knocked down.
One example. getting more now.
Of course, he's not gonna K.O. him with one punch, that's very obvious. Especially considering that it took all of Iron Mans energy to do so. My point is that Iron Man can handle or possibly defeat the Hulk.
Originally posted by Switch 07
BTW that IM and Hulk aren't they're first looks or forms.
What the hell does that mean?
Switch 07
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
Of course, he's not gonna K.O. him with one punch, that's very obvious. Especially considering that it took all of Iron Mans energy to do so. My point is that Iron Man can handle or possibly defeat the Hulk.
What the hell does that mean? It means its not classic.
Classic IM was a pussy compared to there. Hulk wasn't really that much different to regular Hulk.
Hulk and IM duking it out with others helping.
Just read this thread dude and skip to hero fights.
I have shown you how wrong you are now admit you lose.
You asked and received.
He loses. How can do it but its not likely seeing as it nearly killed him last time and he wont do it again
Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Switch 07
It means its not classic.
Classic IM was a pussy compared to there. Hulk wasn't really that much different to regular Hulk.
Yet, classic Hulk has been successfully K.O.'ed by:
-The Wrecker
-Lighting Bolts
And Iron-Man?
Yet, he's the same as current Hulk?
Originally posted by Switch 07
Hulk and IM duking it out with others helping.
Where is K.O.ed like the Hulk, because he's clearly talking to Captain America. Versus Hulk who was unconscious and completely incopasated.
Originally posted by Switch 07
He loses. How can do it but its not likely seeing as it nearly killed him last time and he wont do it again
Not what you said before, you claimed Hulk destroys him? So, if that's the case, why is it that Iron-Man was able to K.O. the Hulk?
Originally posted by Switch 07
Yeah, linking a thread that highlights only hulks high end feats is a great way to debate.

Switch 07
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
Yet, classic Hulk has been successfully K.O.'ed by:
-The Wrecker
-Lighting Bolts
And Iron-Man?
Yet, he's the same as current Hulk?
Where is K.O.ed like the Hulk, because he's clearly talking to Captain America. Versus Hulk who was unconscious and completely incopasated.
Not what you said before, you claimed Hulk destroys him? So, if that's the case, why is it that Iron-Man was able to K.O. the Hulk?
Beating him once is nothing.
Its even ore impressive all at once seeing as Hulk trumped him along with others.
Namor is stronger than classic Im anyway.

Juggs to.
Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Switch 07
Beating him once is nothing.
But, he still defeated him which was the point. You tried to make it seem like Iron-Man could never defeat the Hulk, when he has.
Originally posted by Switch 07
Its even ore impressive all at once seeing as Hulk trumped him along with others.
He just had a good showing against the Avengers. Nowhere in that scan was he shown to be the victor.
Originally posted by Switch 07
Namor is stronger than classic Im anyway.

Juggs to.
Which is why Iron-Man was able to handle Namor underwater? When hulk tried that, he was KTFO and reverted back to Banner.
Switch 07
My god.
Your just like that fanboy Stark. There is no talking to you. The moment you become out of control you become undebatable.
Surfer and Strange can take on the Avengers. Tho either would have their hands full with Thor alone.
Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Switch 07
My god.
Your just like that fanboy Stark. There is no talking to you. The moment you become out of control you become undebatable.
So, that's it, since you can't counter my points. You resort to name petty calling?
You can do better than that.
I think Switch has successfully argued that Hulk beats IM. In fact in the post where IM wins and almost dies it says "finally beat the Hulk" which expresses what a rarity it is that IM doesn't get whoopped by Hulk.
Getting back to the original debate over the teams:
I have seen Submariner stomp IM in a flashback of in-fighting within the Illuminati. I have seen an old Defenders vs. Avengers wherin Hulk and Thor reach a stalemate in strength that lasts HOURS. What's left. Silver Surfer vs. Cap (who was not an original Avenger btw) ?! Strange vs. Wasp and Antman?! Be serious - the Avengers don't stand a chance.. With Cap, Wasp and Antman eliminated in mere seconds, Strange and Surfer help out Hulk and Subby for an easy win.

Fire Ninja
Too bad nobody was arguing wether Hulk can beat Iron-Man. The debate was if Iron-Man stands a chance or can possibly defeat the Hulk in a match.

Originally posted by Fire Ninja
Too bad nobody was arguing wether Hulk can beat Iron-Man. The debate was if Iron-Man stands a chance or can possibly defeat the Hulk in a match.
Hulk just owned Ironman w/ a beefed up armor.
why are u arguing it still?
Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Priest
Hulk just owned Ironman w/ a beefed up armor.
Okay, and how does that contradict what I said? He still beat him, which was the point.
Originally posted by Priest
why are u arguing it still?
Because it's the topic.

Switch 07
Originally posted by Priest

HuC beats Ironman.

Originally posted by Fire Ninja
Which heroes are stronger:
The Defenders
-Dr. Strange
-Silver Surfer
-The Incredible Hulk
-Namor The Sub-Mariner
The Mighty Avengers
-Captain America
-The Invincible Iron Man
-Mighty Thor
Originally posted by Priest
Surfer and Strange can take on the Avengers. Tho either would have their hands full with Thor alone.
I'd give Classic Strange 10/10 over Thor.
Dr. Strange or Silver Surfer alone could solo this Avengers team. Adding Namor and Hulk to the mix just heavily tilts the favor in the Classic Defenders direction.
Where's the scans of the fight
Hulk vs Iron Man, Wonder Man, Namor and Hercules?
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
Too bad I did not say that, never once stated that Iron-Man average is instantlly being Able to K.O. the Hulk. But, since he's K.O.ed: Thor, beat Namor, Giant man, and Hurt surfer.
Why can't he hurt the Hulk?
Because Hulk happens to have an insane healing factor and has resisted attacks from people with much higher strength and energy out-put than IronMan in the past.
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
Iron Man cannot Fly Hulk into a water source?
He could but since Hulk doesn't need air anymore it would just piss him off.
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
He can immobilizes him with Magnetic repulsors or his tractor Beam.
And then get hit by a thunderclap.
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
Magnetic Repulsors will stun him long enough for Iron Man to finish him off
Magnets don't drop his durability or HF though.
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
They were effective enough for Hulk to view him as a threat. Furthermore, Iron Man has the strength to boot.
The strength needed to put down Hulk? He really doesn't when you consider the people that Hulk has tangled with.
Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Because Hulk happens to have an insane healing factor and has resisted attacks from people with much higher strength and energy out-put than IronMan in the past.
And, has been K.O.ed by less, what's your point?
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
He could but since Hulk doesn't need air anymore it would just piss him off.
This is classic, though.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Magnets don't drop his durability or HF though.
Doesn't have to, that punch will work all the same.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
The strength needed to put down Hulk? He really doesn't when you consider the people that Hulk has tangled with.
Same can be said for Iron Man. Name one person Hulk has beaten that Iron Man cannot?
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
And, has been K.O.ed by less, what's your point?
It usually takes more.
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
This is classic, though.
'Kay. I admit that will make it much easier for IM.
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
Doesn't have to, that punch will work all the same.
I disagree. IM has never oneshotted someone like Hulk to my knowledge.
Originally posted by Fire Ninja
Same can be said for Iron Man. Name one person Hulk has beaten that Iron Man cannot?
Dormmamu shifty
But there is the Asgardian destroyer under Maestro's control. He took on one of the Elders IIRC.
Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
It usually takes more.
I know it does, I never even said Iron Man would win. Hulk would defeat him around 8-7/10. I'm just saying he stands a chance against him, that's all.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
'Kay. I admit that will make it much easier for IM.
Of course, Iron Man cannot defeat WW Hulk.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
I disagree. IM has never oneshotted someone like Hulk to my knowledge.
I don't think either one can one-shot the other. Unless Hulk is at his highest levels.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Dormmamu shifty

Yeah, remember when he beat mephisto?
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
But there is the Asgardian destroyer under Maestro's control. He took on one of the Elders IIRC.
Elders seem to have problems with everyone, which is weird.
Asgardian destroyer, well, it's possible with current Hulks strength.
Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Accel
Reading comprehension is your friend...
hold the phone, when Has Hulk beaten Thor?
Originally posted by Accel
Barring the two times he was restored to his original level, name even one occasion where Abomination beats the green Hulk in fisticuffs.
Why are they barred, You stated that he consistently taken hit from Orignal abomination to no avail.
Fire Ninja
Btw, IH annual #11, Iron Man fell because of the green flu. Just like everyone else.
And, as usual, Fire Ninja has failed to bring in any new relevant points and only recycles old, stale arguments. Ho Hum.
I can see continuing any further with this is going to be a waste of time.
Defenders win. Easily.

Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Accel
Defenders win. Easily.
Yeah, strange is gonna solo them. That's what most people agree'd on, and I voted on too. It was a good debate, friend.

Not really necessary. Hulk can take down Iron Man and Surfer can take down Thor while Namor handles the rest.
Strange could just read a book while his team handles the excess baggage.
Defenders no prob.
Fire Ninja
Originally posted by Accel
Not really necessary. Hulk can take down Iron Man and Surfer can take down Thor while Namor handles the rest.
Strange could just read a book while his team handles the excess baggage.
Most encounters between Thor and Surfer have Thor winning.
Hulk will take out Iron Man, but it will take time
Namor will defeat Gaint Man and move on to Iron Man.
If Iron Man fights namor, he will beat him.
Strange is the only problem.
Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy.
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