Hire your own bodyguard team!
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A secret organization has recently put a bounty on your head and has hired a team of villains to deliver your head to them on a platter! The assassination squad consists of:
Bane, Bullseye, Taskmaster, and Deathstroke
The Assassins will come after you in 24 hours!
You have 1000 points to spend on hiring personal bodyguard/s to protect you. How will you spend your points?
Wolverine: 700 points
Spiderman: 600 points
Batman: 300 points
Azrael: 300 points
Captain America: 300 points
Elektra: 300 points
Iron Fist: 300 points
Daredevil: 300 points
Green Arrow: 250 points
Black Cat: 250 points
Punisher: 250 points
Nightwing: 250 points
Moon Knight: 150 points
Robin: 150 points
NOTE on PREP TIME: No prep time initially. However, every point you have left over = 10 minutes of prep.
Batman, Iron Fist, Moon Knight, and Green Arrow.
Props for this thread -- It's pretty original.

Originally posted by Galan007
Batman, Iron Fist, Moon Knight, and Green Arrow.
Props for this thread -- It's pretty original.
thanks, it took me awhile to figure out the proper values so as not to allow any overpowerful teams nor any too weak teams.
I will create a similar thread with more powerful characters sometime in the future, depending on how this thread goes.
Batman, Iron Fist and Daredevil.
Batman with 24 hours prep...
Iron Fist is the most physically impressive of anybody worth 300, and would take quite a few combinations of the opposition solo.
Daredevil would know about anything that was coming, could take or stall most of the opposition one on one, and would let Bats know in advance when to unleash the prep.
I still have 100 points though.
If I must use the whole 1000, I switch out IF, and take Punisher and Robin.
While the others are prepping, Tim can use detective skillz to figure out who the opposition is, and how to get leverage.
And Punisher could come up with some fugging impressive firepower over 24 hours, again which he would be able to set up traps in advance with thanks to DD.
I'd go buy some speed, LSD, and wtf pwn those evil-doers.
Originally posted by SpookySmurph
Batman, Iron Fist and Daredevil.
Batman with 24 hours prep...
Iron Fist is the most physically impressive of anybody worth 300, and would take quite a few combinations of the opposition solo.
Daredevil would know about anything that was coming, could take or stall most of the opposition one on one, and would let Bats know in advance when to unleash the prep.
I still have 100 points though.
(Iron Fist also has clairvoyance, meaning he can predict when/how the assassins will attack.)
Batman: Because he knows 2 of the four guys and is also good at prep to help keep you safe
Green Arrow: Same reason as above plus he also has lots of money to spend on prepping to keep you safe and he is a very good shot to counter Bullseye
Daredevil: Super Senses that can sense them coming and he can not be messed with like radar or motion sensor.
Moon Knight: Another very good prep guy and skill combatant which is needed.
I would have liked to pick Spiderman because of the Spidersense but he just cost too much and you need a four team for these guys.
Same with Wolverine.
Symmetric Chaos
MoonKnight to round it out
Copy cat.

Cap, The Fist, Robin, and Punisher.
Originally posted by Soljer
(Iron Fist also has clairvoyance, meaning he can predict when/how the assassins will attack.) Whatevs... in that case, my final list is:
Iron Fist
Best prep/combat team.

Originally posted by SpookySmurph
What? That helps your team!
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Galan007
Copy cat.
I was looking from prep, range, power and 250pt guy.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
I was looking from prep, range, power and 250pt guy. You looked at my post.... Admit it! duroolio
I think GA would be a really good pick, simply due to his range of attack.
Edited OP in regards to prep time/points...please see if that changes things.
Originally posted by Galan007
You looked at my post.... Admit it! duroolio
I think GA would be a really good pick, simply due to his range of attack. Yeah because I think realistically he is the only person the list you could have a chance of outranging any attack from bullseye.
Originally posted by Galan007
You looked at my post.... Admit it! duroolio
I think GA would be a really good pick, simply due to his range of attack.
Something that Captain America would have even better, with 24 hours of preparation.
He can just grab the sonic transducer shield or whatever it was, and fire shield-bolts all over the place with dead-on-aim.
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Soljer
Something that Captain America would have even better, with 24 hours of preparation.
He can just grab the sonic transducer shield or whatever it was, and fire shield-bolts all over the place with dead-on-aim.
Lack the "flavor" of GA though. Also, WAH?!?!?!?
Originally posted by Newjak
Yeah because I think realistically he is the only person the list you could have a chance of outranging any attack from bullseye. Kinda what I was thinking.
Originally posted by Soljer
Something that Captain America would have even better, with 24 hours of preparation. shock_oh
CA = 300pts -- Leaving you with 700pts.
How can you milk 24 hours of prep, out of 700 points?
I wish there was a bonus character.... lol.
Originally posted by Galan007
CA = 300pts -- Leaving you with 700pts.
How can you milk 24 hours of prep, out of 700 points? 700 points would equal like 4-5 days if I'm not mistaken.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
4.8 days 4.861.

Originally posted by Galan007
CA = 300pts -- Leaving you with 700pts.
How can you milk 24 hours of prep, out of 700 points?
I posted that before I read Masterbruce's addendum.
Actually....I'd just take all the prep time for myself...since I don't need any bodyguards. I can whip that teams ass all by myself.
Spider-man, Batman, and roughly 16 hours of prep.
The bad guys dont stand a chance.
Really nice thread. I like it. Im gonna go with just Spiderman and the rest on prep.
Or maybe Wolverine and trade my prep for beer.
I choose Iron Fist, Batman and Elektra.
Between the three, they have more than enough information on the team coming after me.
Taskmaster would be largely negated by IF and Elektra's esoteric powers - he's not replicating the IF, for example.
That leaves me with nearly 9 hours prep, which I think is enough for Bats to do his job, aided by the info from the Marvel side.
Batman is a must here especially for $300 and with prep. He already has plenty of experience against half of the hit squad, and has vast resources with things like anti-venom at the ready. Daredevil is essential too as he has plenty of experience against the other half of the hit squad and knows their tactics. Plus his 360 degrees radar sense will come in mighty handedly against elite snipers. Iron Fist is a bargain at only $300 and has enjoyed a considerable upgrade since this thread was started in 2007. Plus he can heal me from potentially significant injuries caused by the hit squad. And still almost 9 hours of prep for my body guards.
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