Low Level 3 character Amalgam
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Inspired by Darthgoobers "Create your own Count Nefaria" thread i wanted to make a new one using less powerful character in order to get a more tangible idea of who would be the most powerful.
Using the Comic book tier thread located in the Comic Book forum create a three character Amalgam using any characters under the Low level Meta-Human Category.
Also, use the same rules that Darth made in his thread.
Here they are:
1. It must be 3 characters with their own powers. Their powers can't come from outside sources like Venom's symbiot or Iron Man's armor.
2. No one above Low level Meta Human
3. No androids or the like.
I realize that the natural inclination is to pick better versions of the characters that made Neferia(stronger than Powerman, faster than Whizzer, etc.), but I'm looking for a more original make up. Try to be creative and give your reasoning for your picks.
Have Fun

Mr. Miracle
That combo Pwns.
Uber reflexes, Telepathy, Rediculous speed,( Or time control depending on qucksilver), spider sense. This guy would NEVER get hit, and would be able to unload on pretty much anyone. Quicksilver himself was able to pwn Iron Man. Imagine Spiderman lvl strength, with Mr. Miracle lvl strength and reflexes all added in.
1. Gambit
2. Nightcrawler
3. Omega Red
He's got super speed, reflexes, strength, durability, stamina, super death pheromones, omega level kinetic charging, and super dimensional teleporting capabilties.
I dont exactly know what Nightcrawlers powers x 100 would entail, but its got be something pretty spectacular. Kind of like being able to teleport an entire continent land mass or something, and probably at a much faster rate.
Originally posted by nimbus006
1. Gambit
2. Nightcrawler
3. Omega Red
My Beat your guy.

Can't beat what you can't touch.

Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Mr. Miracle
That combo Pwns.
Uber reflexes, Telepathy, Rediculous speed,( Or time control depending on qucksilver), spider sense. This guy would NEVER get hit, and would be able to unload on pretty much anyone. Quicksilver himself was able to pwn Iron Man. Imagine Spiderman lvl strength, with Mr. Miracle lvl strength and reflexes all added in.
Is Mr. Miracle below Low Level Metahuman.
Originally posted by nimbus006
Is Mr. Miracle below Low Level Metahuman.
In terms of power. Yeah. In skill, he's hard to peg. He is prolly the most skilled acrobat in comics. Don't know if that puts him too high. He's got a measure of superstrength. But I dont' think it's higher than Spiderman's.
Classic Scarlet Witch
You know with that much probability manipulation combined and multiplied by a hundred, that would make a decent character for my thread too...
Fishing for tourney ideas?

multiple man
Mr. Miracle is low meta, normally. But........he's got the ALE. The complete, full power, 'OMG, THE UNIVERSE IS SCREWED!!!' version. srsly
Symmetric Chaos
Knows every move you'll make. How to counter it. Knows a perfected form of an ungodly number of fighting styles. Has enhanced strength and reflexes.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Knows every move you'll make. How to counter it. Knows a perfected form of an ungodly number of fighting styles. Has enhanced strength and reflexes.
Midnighter and Taskmaster would be insane.
He can predict the moves you'll make, so he'll also instantly learn them.
He could just sit there and ponder for a few minutes about the top-tier martial artists, and he'd have their entire repertoire memorized.
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Soljer
Midnighter and Taskmaster would be insane.
He can predict the moves you'll make, so he'll also instantly learn them.
He could just sit there and ponder for a few minutes about the top-tier martial artists, and he'd have their entire repertoire memorized.

Originally posted by darthgoober
Classic Scarlet Witch
You know with that much probability manipulation combined and multiplied by a hundred, that would make a decent character for my thread too...
Wouldn't Scarlet Witch x 100 be somewhere around HOM SW?
Originally posted by Soljer
Midnighter and Taskmaster would be insane.
He can predict the moves you'll make, so he'll also instantly learn them.
He could just sit there and ponder for a few minutes about the top-tier martial artists, and he'd have their entire repertoire memorized.
But could he beat my Mr. Miracle, Spiderman, Quicksilver guy. Could he touch someone who is superior to him in speed, reflexes, and has spider sense to boot?
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
But could he beat my Mr. Miracle, Spiderman, Quicksilver guy. Could he touch someone who is superior to him in speed, reflexes, and has spider sense to boot?
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
But could he beat my Mr. Miracle, Spiderman, Quicksilver guy. Could he touch someone who is superior to him in speed, reflexes, and has spider sense to boot?
Yes he could. He'd know every movement perfectly as well as every flaw in your guys plan. Then he'd kill him on one shot.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Yes he could. He'd know every movement perfectly as well as every flaw in your guys plan. Then he'd kill him on one shot.
Um how? How can he kill someone or even touch someone on Mr. Miracle's lvl, with His reflexes, spiderman's reflexes, quicksilver's speed, and spider sense? That doesn't compute.
He's instantaneously know every single move you'd make. And then he'd one-shot you with a brick to the head.
Originally posted by nimbus006
Wouldn't Scarlet Witch x 100 be somewhere around HOM SW? Nah.
But if a probability power has about a one percent chance....times a hundred...

Originally posted by Soljer
But if a probability power has about a one percent chance....times a hundred...

. No power can match the plot device that is.... HoM Wanda! durfist
Originally posted by Soljer
He's instantaneously know every single move you'd make. And then he'd one-shot you with a brick to the head.
Now how would a brick to the head one shot one with Mr. Miracle, Spiderman,and quicksilver's durability? And would it connect given Thier reflexes amplified by Quicksilver's speed? Hmmm?

Originally posted by Galan007
No power can match the plot device that is.... HoM Wanda! durfist
Meh. A very very limited understanding of probability would!
1*100 = 100! dur.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Now how would a brick to the head one shot one with Mr. Miracle, Spiderman,and quicksilver's durability? And would it connect given Thier reflexes amplified by Quicksilver's speed? Hmmm?
Same way it'd one-shot someone of Surfer's durability.
Originally posted by Galan007
No power can match the plot device that is.... HoM Wanda! durfist
Even so...Her probability powers multiplied by a hundred would probably (no pun intended) give her enough certainty in creating possible outcomes to make her a reality warper... Or am i totally off base here?
Couldn't an amalgam of Longshot, Shamrock and Blackcat just stand there and watch people slip on banana peels?
adam of clan destine.
Night crawler
equals game over
The ability to create dupes at the snap of a finger combined with Quicksilver speed & reflexes in addition to Midnighter's ability to anticipate attacks multiplied by Quicksilver's ability to process thoughts much faster & perceive the world around him in slower time = each dupe creating a dozen more dupes in under a minute having virtually none of them getting hit by gun fire or physical attacks with a ton more dupes around the world learning a but load of other info
Also a Quicksilver/Madrox combo would work well with damn near anyone else mentioned, a super fast instant army of whoever
dup has limits and my guy would smoke you.
Silver Surfer
Adam Warlock
Originally posted by Bransolute
Silver Surfer
Adam Warlock
low meta..................... none of which those characters are
Originally posted by Battlehammer
low meta..................... none of which those characters are Prove it.
Originally posted by Bransolute
Prove it.
is that a serous question?
Originally posted by nimbus006
Inspired by Darthgoobers "Create your own Count Nefaria" thread i wanted to make a new one using less powerful character in order to get a more tangible idea of who would be the most powerful.
Using the Comic book tier thread located in the Comic Book forum create a three character Amalgam using any characters under the Low level Meta-Human Category.
Also, use the same rules that Darth made in his thread.
Here they are:
1. It must be 3 characters with their own powers. Their powers can't come from outside sources like Venom's symbiot or Iron Man's armor.
2. No one above Low level Meta Human
3. No androids or the like.
I realize that the natural inclination is to pick better versions of the characters that made Neferia(stronger than Powerman, faster than Whizzer, etc.), but I'm looking for a more original make up. Try to be creative and give your reasoning for your picks.
Have Fun

Originally posted by Battlehammer
is that a serous question? It's not a question...

Originally posted by Bransolute
It's not a question...
serious statement I should have said.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
dup has limits and my guy would smoke you.
Thats nice, lol
But a single dupe has limits? Like every 3 can't make 3 more? I was thinking out side the box, without limitations. oh wells
So wouldn't Spider-Man, Cyber, & Midnighter be out, as they have been handled with artificially?
Originally posted by bitca360
Thats nice, lol
But a single dupe has limits? Like every 3 can't make 3 more? I was thinking out side the box, without limitations. oh wells
yes he can only make a set amount forgett how much it is though.
my guys sick though........no one realizes it
I'm not saying he's not, I just wasn't comparing my character to yours, just submitting what I think would've been a good mix of "Low Level" character powers. And I think a Quicksilver/Multiple Man+ whoever would be cool
Imagine Batman gaining Madrox's powers. Pretty lethal character made even more lethal
Originally posted by Battlehammer
serious statement I should have said. Yes.
Karate kid
****ing win
1. Gambit
2. Nightcrawler
3. Multiple Man
Imagine 50 gambits teleporting all around you charging objects at 100 x his normal capacity and launching them at you from all different angles.
Originally posted by nimbus006
1. Gambit
2. Nightcrawler
3. Multiple Man
Imagine 50 gambits teleporting all around you charging objects at 100 x his normal capacity and launching them at you from all different angles.
similar to my team with the exception of wolverine for gambit
imagine 50 wolverines teleporting around all with uber healing factor and sense of smell to track anybody,there would be no escape.
Originally posted by lordboo
similar to my team with the exception of wolverine for gambit
imagine 50 wolverines teleporting around all with uber healing factor and sense of smell to track anybody,there would be no escape.
Yes it is... but Gambits power multiplied x 100 is scarier than Wolverines

Originally posted by nimbus006
Yes it is... but Gambits power multiplied x 100 is scarier than Wolverines
may be?......but that many wolverines healing powers would be a pain in the ass to deal with.1 logan is hard enough to kil let alone 50 or so.

my guy would beat bot your guys at once..........so it hardly matters
Originally posted by lordboo
may be?......but that many wolverines healing powers would be a pain in the ass to deal with.1 logan is hard enough to kil let alone 50 or so.
This is true. He would be very hard to kill.
can any one defeat my guy?
Who is adam of clan destine?
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Battlehammer
can any one defeat my guy?
The Longshot, Domino, Scarlet Witch one would do it without even trying

Originally posted by nimbus006
Who is adam of clan destine?
an old super hero.
he only has insane durability and does not age are his only powers.
he falls into the low meta area.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
The Longshot, Domino, Scarlet Witch one would do it without even trying
adam is completely indestructable.
also long shot and domino is all luck it not a garentee thing. Nor would it work nearly ever fight.
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Battlehammer
adam is completely indestructable.
Then how is he low meta?
Originally posted by Battlehammer
also long shot and domino is all luck it not a garentee thing. Nor would it work nearly ever fight.
The power is amped 100x. He starts with 2x the power since it comes from two sources. Scarlet witch makes it focusable. Your guy stops existing the moment the fight starts.
Spontaneous failure of existence becomes a LOT more realistic when there are three 'probability field' characters times one hundred.
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