Storm vs. Cyclops....with a twist?
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Cyclops and Storm both have their respective X-genes turned off for the fight, and are placed in 'equal bodies,' meaning they fight based off of pure skill alone. Assume that they've had adequate time to adjust to their new bodies.
Three rounds
1. Unarmed, straight up, hand to hand combat.
2. Each combatant gets a single common melee weapon of their choice.
3. Each combatant is outfitted with a single common handgun of their choice.
What happens?
Storm all damn day.
Switch 07
Originally posted by 2damnloud
Storm all damn day. What an idiot.
Originally posted by 2damnloud
Storm all damn day.
Originally posted by stormfront
storm wins
She's more skilled unarmed, with weapons, and with handguns?
May I ask what, exactly, led you to this assumption?
Originally posted by Switch 07
What an idiot.
Now, now, that isn't called for. Give them a chance to make their case.
Donno much about Scott H2H prowess but I know that Storm was trained by Logan. Logan = TOAAsdurorm
Symmetric Chaos
Cyclops. Given limited use of her powers (wind mainly) she could beat him though.
Originally posted by Soljer
Now, now, that isn't called for. Give them a chance to make their case.
I think that response is a just an instinctive reflex to Storm fans at this point.
Powerless Storm vs. Crimson Commado in H-2-H combat:
Crimson Commando is like Captian America.
Ororo beats Scott with and without powers.
Silent Master
Didn't Cyclops fight the Dark Riders for 10 minutes before they knocked off his glasses?
There is also the time he beat around 4 thugs with his eyes closed.
Switch 07
Originally posted by Soljer
She's more skilled unarmed, with weapons, and with handguns?
May I ask what, exactly, led you to this assumption?
Now, now, that isn't called for. Give them a chance to make their case.
Bah. Fine I will see what evidence they have.
But all damn day is deserving of such a comment.
Cyclops in all categories.
Storm kicks the shit out of him every.single.solitary.time.10/10
Storm suxx. Cyclop handle her like a barbie.
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
Storm suxx. Cyclop handle her like a barbie.
Why are "barbie"??
This shit is so sad.
Cyclops beat thugs, blindfolded. Assuming he can see Storm, he should win IMO 6 or 7/10

@ like that actually matters.
He couldn't even beat storm when he couldn't see her.
Originally posted by 2damnloud

@ like that actually matters.
He couldn't even beat storm when he couldn't see her.
Wait, whoa, whoa slow down, let me get this right, let me understand this............ think Storm wins? I would have thought, you of all people, being a fan of storm, knows when she's met her match

Originally posted by willRules
Cyclops beat thugs, blindfolded. Assuming he can see Storm, he should win IMO 6 or 7/10
Believe me, thugs don't equal trained fighters. Still a good feat for Cyke though.
cyclops is a guy, he wins

Originally posted by Kurash
cyclops is a guy, he wins

I'm going to go with Storm in the first two categories.
Last one could go either way, leaning more towards Cyclops.
Scott outclasses Storm.
Thats why he's the field leader.
Originally posted by Hitman911
Scott outclasses Storm.
Thats why he's the field leader. Only because she's become BP's lapdog as of late.
Citizen V
Scott. (Close)
Storm. (Also Close)
Scott. (Curbstomp!)
Has Scott ever fought anybody with martial arts skill or anybody considered a good hand-to-hand fighter?
Originally posted by Citizen V
Scott. (Close)
Storm. (Also Close)
Scott. (Curbstomp!)
Sounds about right - cept I don't think the first one is very close.
For the first two, Storm. Hasn't she shown more h2h skill on panel than Scott? I could have sworn I remember her fighting with a spear in a book as well...
Scott in the last fight. I don't think I've ever seen her hold a gun before, and even though Cyclops' main arsenal is his eyes, I'd still lean towards his accuracy and "quick draw" reflexes being better than Storms.
I reakon Storm. She's beaten him too many times like bigmouth sez
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