Spite Thread
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Capt Spaulding
Storm v.s Iceman. All of you who say Iceman wins, is racist!
Iceman ftw. durfist
Switch 07
Originally posted by Capt Spaulding
Storm v.s Iceman. All of you who say Iceman wins, is racist! Reported for accusations of racism.

Capt Spaulding
racist barker
Bad Ash231
Originally posted by Badabing
Iceman ftw. durfist
Racist. blackdur
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
sdurorm Dat smilie haz teh litening!! shock_oh
Capt Spaulding
you are all racists

Originally posted by Capt Spaulding
you are all racists
Storm FTW. I am not Racist.

Switch 07
Originally posted by Capt Spaulding
you are all racists

StrOM fanGIRL!!

Bad Ash231
Originally posted by Capt Spaulding
you are all racists
Originally posted by Capt Spaulding
Storm v.s Iceman. All of you who say Iceman wins, is racist!
All of them is racist, indeed.

Capt Spaulding
Originally posted by JasonK4
Storm FTW. I am not Racist.
it's you and me, v.s a hostile world
I AM NOT A FAN...girl
Originally posted by Capt Spaulding
it's you and me, v.s a hostile world
I AM NOT A FAN...girl
cryoh Kmc can be harsh place for us storm fans.

Originally posted by Bad Ash231
Racist. blackdur Is a racist somebody who races for a living? dur
Capt Spaulding
Originally posted by JasonK4
cryoh Kmc can be harsh place for us storm fans.
If Pr closes this, he's racist too cryoh
Originally posted by Badabing
Is a racist somebody who races for a living? dur

Re-elect Tricksterpriest?
Originally posted by Capt Spaulding
If Pr closes this, he's racist too cryoh
If rex bans you then he is racist too...
And if anybody reports this as double posting, they're racist as well.
Iceman freezes her blood and she dies.
Originally posted by JasonK4

Re-elect Tricksterpriest? You dirty, damn bigot! You're an anti-Trickite! You sicken me. durhuc
Originally posted by iceman24567
Iceman freezes her blood and she dies.
Who let this person in? duriroll
Capt Spaulding
Originally posted by JasonK4
If rex bans you then he is racist too...
And if anybody reports this as double posting, they're racist as well.
if you love me just for my body, your sexist

Bad Ash231
Originally posted by Badabing
Is a racist somebody who races for a living? dur
Shut up, you commienazist. durbeware
Originally posted by iceman24567
Iceman freezes her blood and she dies.
Lightning faster than freeze!11! Storm put teh lighning on teh brain before Iceman freeze her blood because a lightning bolt is faster than cold air. If iceman freeze her, storm electrocutes herself to heat up her blood. If ya think bout it, storm should be able to control iceman!!!! Since cold is part of weather, and storm controls weather . . . storm controls iceman!!!
Logic is teh best!!! dur
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