Ion vs Captain Marvel
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Sodam Yat vs Current Captain Marvel (DC)
Symmetric Chaos
CaptainMarvel easily.
YatIon can only be confirmed to possess the power of flight.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
CaptainMarvel easily.
YatIon can only be confirmed to possess the power of flight.
And an utterly ridiculous level of durability.
And the mastery of Oan power of sufficient level to take out all kinds of Sinestro's.
Not that it's necessarily enough to give him a win. Just saying, he's done more than 'fly around.'
He did take a few blasts from the Antin-Moniter
Originally posted by Soljer
And an utterly ridiculous level of durability.
And the mastery of Oan power of sufficient level to take out all kinds of Sinestro's.
Not that it's necessarily enough to give him a win. Just saying, he's done more than 'fly around.' Didn't that chick beside him take the same first blast Yat did?
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Soljer
And an utterly ridiculous level of durability.
And the mastery of Oan power of sufficient level to take out all kinds of Sinestro's.
Not that it's necessarily enough to give him a win. Just saying, he's done more than 'fly around.'
Good point. He'll keep getting the stuffing beaten out of him for a good long time.
If Ion wields more energy than any other GL, and is any where near Classic IOn, then Captain Marvel is in for it. ION is an abstractual being. The manifestation of Will. Shazam isn't even the highest in the lords of order. Neither have much in the way of feats, but judging by thier formers, Ion wins.
Hmm, there's a lot of power either way. I'm thinking Billy w/ the full power of Shazam wins. Just a guess though.

Bad Ash231
Originally posted by Badabing
Hmm, there's a lot of power either way. I'm thinking Billy w/ the full power of Shazam wins. Just a guess though.
Ion II didn't really seem skyfatherish to me - I don't think adding a Daxamite physique to that is gonna make the difference.
Maybe it's just me, though?
Originally posted by Bad Ash231
dur duryes Very much so. It's hard to sort out the fight sometimes when 2 uber characters battle.
gotta go with shazam
Originally posted by Soljer
Ion II didn't really seem skyfatherish to me - I don't think adding a Daxamite physique to that is gonna make the difference.
Maybe it's just me, though?
It's Not like a damamite plus a GL can take SBP. he bitched the best gl's, most of earth's heroe's, bitched superman with heat vision thru the chest. ION is going to have to be at least skyfather to deal with SBP.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
It's Not like a damamite plus a GL can take SBP. he bitched the best gl's, most of earth's heroe's, bitched superman with heat vision thru the chest. ION is going to have to be at least skyfather to deal with SBP.
Definitely not.
Superman Prime is above the top tier, but he is no skyfather.
Zod also shot through Superman with heat vision, if I recall correctly. Superman's own heat vision could likely penetrate him, if he really wanted to shoot himself.
Originally posted by Soljer
Definitely not.
Superman Prime is above the top tier, but he is no skyfather.
Zod also shot through Superman with heat vision, if I recall correctly. Superman's own heat vision could likely penetrate him, if he really wanted to shoot himself. Name one herald lvl being who can move planets around the universe with no one noticing, retcon punch time, and pwn 30 gl's including hal. name a herald lvl being who can take on two superman, and then ***** all those heroes while being weakened. I Know NONE.
Being 'above top tier' does not translate to 'herald level.'
Reading comprehension for the win.
Originally posted by Soljer
Being 'above top tier' does not translate to 'herald level.'
Reading comprehension for the win.
OK, Well our above the top tier list actually has skyfather lvl beings in it. That is the first thing. And I can't think of a REAL above the top tier who can do what sbp did. name one for me please. Thanos is the very definition of "above" the top tier. He can't replicate those feats. Comprehend that.
lol at your sig

Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
CaptainMarvel easily.
YatIon can only be confirmed to possess the power of flight.
Originally posted by superkronick92
He did take a few blasts from the Antin-Moniter A good durability feat fo sho.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
If Ion wields more energy than any other GL, and is any where near Classic IOn Current Ion is not at 'classic' levels -- Not even remotely close, in fact.
Originally posted by Soljer
Ion II didn't really seem skyfatherish to me - I don't think adding a Daxamite physique to that is gonna make the difference.
Maybe it's just me, though? I agree.
Trans-level is more like it -- And that's even pushing it, imo.
Originally posted by Galan007
A good durability feat fo sho.
Current Ion is not at 'classic' levels -- Not even remotely close, in fact.
I agree.
Trans-level is more like it -- And that's even pushing it, imo.
That trans lvl is pretty much bullshit. Takion is a Skyfather. And he's on the list. There are others who are skyfather in power. Thanos happens to be one. he was already more powerful than a race of Gods. And he's been upgraded a couple of times. And I don't know too many trans beings who can face the likes of flashes, wonder woman, zuriel's sword, alan scott, superman, super girl, power girl, ect. Just too much power to be "trans" lvl. Now if you can name some trans lvl beings who go around pushing planets and pwning 30 gl's then I'm game to listen. The only reason people are saying trans is becuz of how he accomplishes his feats. thru strength ect. But Trion juggernaut punches his way thru dimensions and I know he was skyfather lvl.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Just too much power to be "trans" lvl. Now if you can name some trans lvl beings who go around pushing planets and pwning 30 gl's then I'm game to listen. The only reason people are saying trans is becuz of how he accomplishes his feats. thru strength ect. But Trion juggernaut punches his way thru dimensions and I know he was skyfather lvl. You know I was talking about Ion II, when I brought up the whole 'Trans-level' thing, right?
And on a sidenote,
Are you crying right now?
Originally posted by Galan007
You know I was talking about Ion II, when I brought up the whole 'Trans-level' thing, right?
And on a sidenote,
Are you crying right now?
What would I be crying for? Is that a sad attempt at a put down? LMAO.

Sweetie, I'm so over you kids trying to use pathetic words as an attempt. I get on, say my peace and get off. And Ion II if he beats Prime, is skyfather lvl for sure. No way he can beat a being who pwned all of earth while being depowered, gets a power up and then gets pwned is only trans lvl. ( Ion II that is). Oh, By the way, I'm now the President of a company. I'm certainly not crying. Have a good night. Smooches.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
What would I be crying for? Is that a sad attempt at a put down? LMAO.

Sweetie, I'm so over you kids trying to use pathetic words as an attempt. I get on, say my peace and get off. And Ion II if he beats Prime, is skyfather lvl for sure. No way he can beat a being who pwned all of earth while being depowered, gets a power up and then gets pwned is only trans lvl. ( Ion II that is). Oh, By the way, I'm now the President of a company. I'm certainly not crying. Have a good night. Smooches.
Ion II already no longer exists...
Originally posted by Soljer
Ion II already no longer exists...
Good for him. And sad for DC. Always killing the good toons.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Good for him. And sad for DC. Always killing the good toons. is he going to beat Prime?

Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
What would I be crying for? Is that a sad attempt at a put down? LMAO.

Sweetie, I'm so over you kids trying to use pathetic words as an attempt. I was serious. none
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
And Ion II if he beats Prime, is skyfather lvl for sure. No way he can beat a being who pwned all of earth while being depowered, gets a power up and then gets pwned is only trans lvl. ( Ion II that is). I'm sure you meant Ion III.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Oh, By the way, I'm now the President of a company. I'm certainly not crying. Have a good night. Smooches. I care more about spilling coffee on my shirt, then I do about this.
Not trying to be a douche, but I could really care less. srsly
Originally posted by Galan007
I was serious. none
I'm sure you meant Ion III.
I care more about spilling coffee on my shirt, then I do about this.
Not trying to be a douche, but I could really care less. srsly
you dont' have to try to be a douche. You are quite good at it. I'm just letting you know, I'm in rich ***** mode, and words from the lower class don't bother me as much. Wish you would have said something out of hand so i could have just hit the report button LMAO.

Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
you dont' have to try to be a douche. You are quite good at it. I'm just letting you know, I'm in rich ***** mode, and words from the lower class don't bother me as much. Wish you would have said something out of hand so i could have just hit the report button LMAO.

Please pull the trigger. srsly
Originally posted by Galan007
Please pull the trigger. srsly
You first. I have much to live for. I'll pull mine in 40 or 50 years.
Originally posted by Soljer is he going to beat Prime?

I see Ion eventually gaining the upper hand after a long battle -- Then someone from the SC cheapshots him from behind, or somesuch.
In a PIS-free environment,
It should be quite easy for almost any decent energy manipulator to defeat Emo, imo.
Originally posted by Galan007
I see Ion eventually gaining the upper hand after a long battle -- Then someone from the SC cheapshots him from behind, or somesuch.
In a PIS-free environment,
It should be quite easy for almost any decent energy manipulator to defeat Emo, imo.
In a PIS free environment, Ion should stomp a mudhole in prime.
But with all of Emo's build up, I think it's clear that it won't be happening.
Originally posted by Soljer
In a PIS free environment, Ion should stomp a mudhole in prime.
But with all of Emo's build up, I think it's clear that it won't be happening. Exactly.

Switch 07
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
you dont' have to try to be a douche. You are quite good at it. I'm just letting you know, I'm in rich ***** mode, and words from the lower class don't bother me as much. Wish you would have said something out of hand so i could have just hit the report button LMAO.
Wow low class?
Wow I suddenly wishing Quan won that debate.
What a douche.
Originally posted by Soljer
Superman Prime is above the top tier, but he is no skyfather.
Zod also shot through Superman with heat vision, if I recall correctly. Superman's own heat vision could likely penetrate him, if he really wanted to shoot himself. To be fair,
Emo was pretty damn weak when he HV'd Supes -- and it still pierced him like butta.
Originally posted by Galan007
To be fair,
Emo was pretty damn weak when he HV'd Supes -- and it still pierced him like butta.
Pretty damn weak? He said himself earlier that he was almost whole, and a single ray of true sunlight energized him, seemingly, back to full power.
And a slightly weakened Superman Prime being equal to Zod does not put a full power Superman Prime on skyfather level.
Originally posted by Soljer
Pretty damn weak? He said himself earlier that he was almost whole, and a single ray of true sunlight energized him, seemingly, back to full power.
And a slightly weakened Superman Prime being equal to Zod does not put a full power Superman Prime on skyfather level. Huh?
My statement wasn't made because I think Emo is Skyfather-level ermmno -- Just threw out the fact that he wasn't at 'full-power' when he HV'd Supes, is all.
Then again,
The tears in Emo's eyes could have very well magnified the HV, and made it stronger.

Originally posted by Galan007
My statement wasn't made because I think Emo is Skyfather-level ermmno -- Just threw out the fact that he wasn't at 'full-power' when he HV'd Supes, is all.
Then again,
The tears in Emo's eyes could have very well magnified the HV, and made it stronger.
But he wasn't significantly weakened, either.
We all know that Emo's a step above the top tier - him being able to replicate a full powered kryptonian's feat while slightly weakened is no big surprise.
Originally posted by Soljer
But he wasn't significantly weakened, either.
We all know that Emo's a step above the top tier - him being able to replicate a full powered kryptonian's feat while slightly weakened is no big surprise. Emo was weak enough that near the issue's end, the heroes were beginning to beat him -- .
Once 'repowered' by yellow sunlight, however, he flicked all of them away like fleas.
I feel that Emo was quite weak in that instance.
Originally posted by Switch 07
Wow low class?
Wow I suddenly wishing Quan won that debate.
What a douche.
Next time take the time to read what was written OK. I dont' really give a damn what you think. Galan made a personal attack against me. I responded in kind. If you don't like it, tuff. The attack wasn't against you, so I fail to see where you have any say on how I defend myself. I beginning to wish you would have taken the time to read that I was only defending myself before putting your foot in your mouth.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Next time take the time to read what was written OK. I dont' really give a damn what you think. Galan made a personal attack against me. I responded in kind. Point out to me where I 'attacked' you please.

Originally posted by Galan007
Point out to me where I 'attacked' you please.
Dont' play dumb Galan. You are much to intelligent of a poster. You know you had a moment of Galanitis. You get it every so often and lash out with that wit of yours. Try to remember when you asked me if I was going to cry or where crying.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
you had a moment of Galanitis. You get it every so often and lash out with that wit of yours. Coming from the guy who made the following post, that's kind of funny:
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
you dont' have to try to be a douche. You are quite good at it. I'm just letting you know, I'm in rich ***** mode, and words from the lower class don't bother me as much. Wish you would have said something out of hand so i could have just hit the report button LMAO.
. giggle00
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Try to remember when you asked me if I was going to cry or where crying. Like I said before, it was a serious question -- As your post in defense of Superemo-Prime seemed very.... Emotional, .

Originally posted by Switch 07
Wow low class?
Wow I suddenly wishing Quan won that debate.
What a douche.
Wishing for quanchi? What a sad day this is.
I doubt Superman himself was anywhere near full power when SBP blasted him. The guy probably used up a sh*tload of reserves fighting Henshaw.
Originally posted by Avlon
I doubt Superman himself was anywhere near full power when SBP blasted him. The guy probably used up a sh*tload of reserves fighting Henshaw. And that could most certainly make a difference as well.
I was just saying,
IMO, Emo was quite weak when he used HV on Supes.
He wasn't weak at all. His tears were augmenting his heat vision ten fold.
Originally posted by Galan007
And that could most certainly make a difference as well.
I was just saying,
IMO, Emo was quite weak when he used HV on Supes.
I don't disagree. It's just not the best example on either character for those who try to make a case for either or.
Originally posted by Validus
He wasn't weak at all. His tears were augmenting his heat vision ten fold. That's what I was saying on the last page. haermm2
Originally posted by Avlon
I don't disagree. It's just not the best example on either character for those who try to make a case for either or. I agree.
Both were weaker in some way.

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