Originally posted by Sirius77
I know that, and I never stated that either. You and I both know that
you were referring to the galaxy collector. But you threw out Galactus anyway...
Originally posted by Sirius77
So now you're saying that Black Bolt would stalemate surfer. Still bad, but not as bad as the galactus claim...
Either way, against any herald except for Terrax, they would both get evaporated. I said could do well... against herald levels.
BB has shown his whisper can affect Surfer... Hype has nothing that could affect Surfer... BB would do better, but eventually lose. Hype wouldn't even get out of the starting gate.
Unless Surfer was bloodlusted... then he'd easily defeat both of them...
Originally posted by Sirius77
So you still don't believe that that was jobbing and pis? Hulk is fairly unintellegent and slow (or at least the version that Black Bolt was fighting), its not a huge accomplishment to defeat him. But Gladiator... that is jobbing. It's not an accomplishment to beat Hulk 4 times? Since when? Beating Hulk is a HUGE accomplishment for anyone... and Glads also hasn't done so.
No, Glads getting punked by Gambit is jobbing. Him getting KO'ed by another top tier level guy is an average.
Hulk, Thor, Masterson Thor, etc...
Originally posted by Sirius77
Show me that there was no one around (if you feel like it... I really don't don't like either character...) No idea what you're talking about.
Originally posted by Sirius77
Because Gladiator pushes planets, and pwns past pheonixes and omega level mutants. Thor has fought the Destroyer, Mangog, and (for a time, though it did little) Galactus. Black Bolthas not shown any durability to hang with such top-tiers. He hasn't flown through the hearts of stars. He hasn't fished the world serpent from space, and he just isn't in any way on the physical level of the characters that you have named. He isn't even as versitile as the majority of them. What else would it be other than jobbing? Glads apparently pushed planets...
The second part's bullshit and you know it.
Zod hasn't done 1/100 of what Superman has done, and we know Zod is a match for Supes. However, following your logic, Zod is nothing to Superman.
Also, not saying BB could do it, but he's never been put up to the task of doing anything you mentioned.
Originally posted by Sirius77
So he beat Adam Warlock? I said did well. Learn the difference.
Warlock didn't beat him either though...
Originally posted by Sirius77
Wow, you're really putting words in my mouth. I don't mean to beg the question again, but has he survived 10-20 nukes? I already answered.
And, it's also irrelevant.
Originally posted by Sirius77
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know that Black Bolt has pushed planets, busted moons, fought mangog, and fished the world serpent from space... my fault. I didn't know Mangog has fought Galactus, the Destroyer, made a shield to hold a blast that would have destroyed 1/5 of the universe, fished the Midgard serpent, but we know he's above Thor.
Just like we know BB can fight with top tiers.
Originally posted by Sirius77
Thats kind of sad that you don't realize that four of the instances that you've named are pis or jobbing. Possibly both.
I don't doubt that Black Bolt is powerful, but I just don't see him winning a fight against hype. That's sad you ignore a character's history to fit your needs.
Actually, you do doubt that BB is powerful, as you've done repeatedly all throughout this thread.
Another thing. BB shattered a barrier that Thor couldn't even scratch.
Originally posted by Sirius77
So, Black Bolt can have trouble with the Fantastic Four, a group of mutants with terrigen mists, ironman, or some of the othr avengers, but then you give threepis filled moments and ask me why I bring up Batman?First off, you brought up Batman batkicking Spectre, so even if BB had trouble with Aunt May, it wouldn't compare...
Second. BB has taken out the Four, and the Four have given almost everyone troubles all throughout their career (Galactus, Exitar, and Surfer included). I remember him getting beat once, at a weakened condition. And, BB doesn't really use his powers against the Four either. Not to mention, they are also a powerful group.
You mean the Kree who was extremely powerful?
When has he had trouble with Ironman?
Problem is, the feats I brought up are pretty close, and are average. Very consistent if I say so myself.
The feats you brought up, were him taking out CM in one hit, to batkicking Spectre, to him being upgraded giving Supes a hard time.
Extremely inconsistent. Considering BM's average is fighting street levels.
BB's average is fighting top tiers (and his voice rises above that).
Originally posted by Sirius77
I still don't see how that puts Black Bolt on par with Thor. According to comics, BB can do OK against Thor in h2h...
Originally posted by Sirius77
How many times has Black Bolt faced Thor and Gladiator? He's faced Thor once.
He's KO'ed Glads once.
And another time, he was shown throwing him around.
On another note. This conversation has become extremely pointless.
All you've done is bring up 20 NUEKSQ!!!, and attempted to downplay BB the entire time.
You've brought up nothing really to even support Hype could punch through a Styrofoam wall. You've brought up nothing except say everyone has jobbed to BB.
I'm going to bed right now, and I might answer your posts when I wake up.