If you stripped all the mutants of there powers.......
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and had them battle to the death. Which 5 would do the best?
I think Forge would be the best, or Storm.
...........how the hell did this get her lol.
I posted this is the x-men section.
why would forge.........or storm due the best when you got people like cable who are soliders around.
also every one is stripped of there weapons
Oh no weapons... this is why I said Forge... Storm lost her powers before and did pretty well at becoming the leader of the Morlocks so she is an obvious choice. Since you're pulling for Cable and put a ban on weaponry this would mean that he only has half a body as the rest of him is a weapon.
Originally posted by CaptainStoic
Oh no weapons... this is why I said Forge... Storm lost her powers before and did pretty well at becoming the leader of the Morlocks so she is an obvious choice. Since you're pulling for Cable and put a ban on weaponry this would mean that he only has half a body as the rest of him is a weapon.
no it simply a virus. not qa weapon though it migth kill him lol.
also your forgetting people like silver sameria, mister x, shatter star, wolverine, kitty pride, domino. allo of which would stomp storm in h2h combat
It's kind of hard to say. Being a free for all kind of skews things. It could really be anyone, but it'll likely be between the people who are smart enough to stay out of the initial rumble.
I don't think it'll be any of the high profile characters because people know they can fight. The crowd will probably go after them first. I'm tempted to go with Beast because he won't get recognized so much and he's smart so he'll likely stay out of the main fray.
Plus he has a big head on him doesn't he? Mark Hunt style.
Wolverine did pretty well.
Thanos - without his mutant powers he'd still clobber every other mutant with his other powers
Originally posted by Battlehammer
no it simply a virus. not qa weapon though it migth kill him lol.
also your forgetting people like silver sameria, mister x, shatter star, wolverine, kitty pride, domino. allo of which would stomp storm in h2h combat
Wolverine would die first of all mutants.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
Wolverine would die first of all mutants.
I really doubt that.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
I really doubt that. Wloverine without his mutant powers would have trouble hauling his extra 100 pounds of adamantium skeleton around and would be slowly die of blood poisoning
Originally posted by Battlehammer
I really doubt that. adamantium poisoning would surely kill him without his HF
Symmetric Chaos
IronMan shifty
Originally posted by Master-Borg
adamantium poisoning would surely kill him without his HF
..............again were you show your utter lack of knowledge. Logan has lasted several months with adamatium poisoning.
Originally posted by godking
Wloverine without his mutant powers would have trouble hauling his extra 100 pounds of adamantium skeleton around and would be slowly die of blood poisoning Wow.. that was just stupid on both counts.
Wolverine's mutant power does not include the strength he uses to haul the skeleton around. So he would not have extra difficulty without his mutant powers. Especially considering the time that Mr sinister convinced the high evolutionary to deactivate the powers of the mutants, Wolverine was just fine.
Blood poisoning?
Originally posted by godking
Wloverine without his mutant powers would have trouble hauling his extra 100 pounds of adamantium skeleton around and would be slowly die of blood poisoning
Originally posted by Creshosk
Wow.. that was just stupid on both counts.
Wolverine's mutant power does not include the strength he uses to haul the skeleton around. So he would not have extra difficulty without his mutant powers. Especially considering the time that Mr sinister convinced the high evolutionary to deactivate the powers of the mutants, Wolverine was just fine.
Blood poisoning? I meant iron poisoning and yes without his healing factor he would have trouble with his adamantium skeleton.
His healing factor allows him to push his muscles beyond human physical limits which is whi he can walk around with a 100 +pound adamantium skeleton.
Originally posted by godking
I meant iron poisoning and yes without his healing factor he would have trouble with his adamantium skeleton.
His healing factor allows him to push his muscles beyond human physical limits which is whi he can walk around with a 100 +pound adamantium skeleton. Or his muscles got used to moving the little extra bits on certain parts of his bones. it's not like its all concentrated in one spot you know. theres some coating his arems, some in his fingers, some on his skull.
the total weight of it is 100 pounds.
Just like how your total weight is distributed amongst your body, or did you never think that you move your body weight around?
And again, No, when he was depowered before he moved just fine.
Iron poisoning? again.. what the hell are you talking about?
Originally posted by Creshosk
Iron poisoning? again.. what the hell are you talking about? adamantium poisoning, I'm pretty sure you knew what he meant
Wolvie, Kitty Pryde, Beast, Possibly Cyclops
Does Strong Guy's permanent warping of his musculature qualify as a power? If not, I could see him taking this due to an impressive strength advantage over everyone else. Of course then again, without actual super strength he might not even be able to stand up because of how top heavy he is...
Switch 07
Originally posted by Creshosk
Wow.. that was just stupid on both counts.
Wolverine's mutant power does not include the strength he uses to haul the skeleton around. So he would not have extra difficulty without his mutant powers. Especially considering the time that Mr sinister convinced the high evolutionary to deactivate the powers of the mutants, Wolverine was just fine.
Blood poisoning? Isn't is strength from his werewolf mutant powers or something?
Or was that just an excuse by fans to give a reason why he is so strong when its not one of his powers.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
adamantium poisoning, I'm pretty sure you knew what he meant Yeah, and I was going to pick on him til he got it right, that way he might not make the same mistake again.
Though the adamantium poisoning thing is rather stupid from a logical standpoint... it would mean that this indestructable material would be disolving in his body.
Originally posted by Switch 07
Isn't is strength from his werewolf mutant powers or something? Nope.
Originally posted by Switch 07
Or was that just an excuse by fans to give a reason why he is so strong when its not one of his powers. Yup. though there speculation being innaccurate doesn't negate that it is what it is. just the explination as to why is wrong.
Originally posted by Creshosk
Yeah, and I was going to pick on him til he got it right, that way he might not make the same mistake again.
Though the adamantium poisoning thing is rather stupid from a logical standpoint... it would mean that this indestructable material would be disolving in his body.
Adamantium poisoning seems a little ridiculous to me as well. I mean, doesn't Bullseye have an adamantium spinal cord and no healing factor to speak of?
Its not Adamantium poisoning. It's that Adamantium covering his bones prevents/limits his body's ability to produce white blood cells, its more like cancer the poisoning. The problem with that is that Wolverine's bones aren't laced or cover with adamantium, his bones were bonded with Adamantium on a molecular level. There isn't bone and adamantium, just a strange hybrid of the two (Adamantium beta)... the white blood cell thing shouldn't be a problem.
It's going to come down to Wolverine / Maverick / Sabretooth... (maybe Cable) no one else is even in the same pall park.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Its not Adamantium poisoning. It's that Adamantium covering his bones prevents/limits his body's ability to produce white blood cells, its more like cancer the poisoning. The problem with that is that Wolverine's bones aren't laced or cover with adamantium, his bones were bonded with Adamantium on a molecular level. There isn't bone and adamantium, just a strange hybrid of the two (Adamantium beta)... the white blood cell thing shouldn't be a problem.
if it was a complete bonding on a molecular level, then when Magneto ripped out the adamantium...Wolverine should've crumbled into a pile of flesh.
However, his bones remained whole, indicating that the adamantium was more like a graft rather than a molecular bonding.
I could be reading this scan wrong, but according to Serafina...:
If I'm interpreting it correctly does she mean that all Adamantium Allotropes are unstable, short lived and virulently poisonous or is she just refering to Ad 9?
Originally posted by Master-Borg
if it was a complete bonding on a molecular level, then when Magneto ripped out the adamantium...Wolverine should've crumbled into a pile of flesh.
However, his bones remained whole, indicating that the adamantium was more like a graft rather than a molecular bonding.
Except that was Wolverine's first Adamantium bonding process which was carried out by the Weapon X Program. The Adamantium in his system right now was put there by Apocalypse; different process.
Magento's powers work on a molecular level also, he could seperate the Adamantium from the bone on a molecular level... I imagine it would be more difficult though... and much more painful for Wolverine.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
if it was a complete bonding on a molecular level, then when Magneto ripped out the adamantium...Wolverine should've crumbled into a pile of flesh.
However, his bones remained whole, indicating that the adamantium was more like a graft rather than a molecular bonding.
You're so ignorant on the topic of Wolverine, it isn't even funny.
The adamantium on his bones now != the adamantium Magneto ripped out.
it's still complete speculation that Logan will not suffer adamantium poisoning
Originally posted by boriquaking55
Thanos - without his mutant powers he'd still clobber every other mutant with his other powers
Originally posted by Master-Borg
it's still complete speculation that Logan will not suffer adamantium poisoning
No it isn't.
When it gets down to it, Wolverine is supposed to die from adamantium poisoning anyways. Sabretooth almost did :/
Originally posted by llagrok
When it gets down to it, Wolverine is supposed to die from adamantium poisoning anyways. Sabretooth almost did :/
... Do you really anticipate this fight lasting months? Years? If not then it hardly matters.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
... Do you really anticipate this fight lasting months? Years? If not then it hardly matters.
Naw, just saying.
Sabretooth almost died when he still had his healing factor.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
... Do you really anticipate this fight lasting months? Years? If not then it hardly matters. why months? sabretooth had a super HF to fight off the poisoning, Logan won't. Even if he doesn't die very fast, he'll be severely weakened.
I was just pointing it out.
I don't think it'll happen in the fight
Nightcrawler was an excellent martial artist + fencer right? he might fair decently
Sabretooth never had Adamantium poisoning. He suffered from Adamantium withdrawl after his Adamantium was removed.
Really now?
Well that makes a world o' difference
We're thinking of the time when Gambit had to help him out?
why was it removed?
Bad Ash231
Originally posted by Battlehammer
and had them battle to the death. Which 5 would do the best?
While powerless, I think he would still remain a cyborg.
Originally posted by Bad Ash231
While powerless, I think he would still remain a cyborg. Thanos.

Originally posted by llagrok
Really now?
Well that makes a world o' difference
We're thinking of the time when Gambit had to help him out?
Gambit stole Constrictor's Adamantium coils which Sinsiter used to bond to Creeds skeleton, because Sabretooth was suffering from Adamantium withdrawl. He previously had his Adamantium removed by Apocalypse after he was beaten by Wolverine in a match to decided who would be the next Horseman of Death.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Gambit stole Constrictor's Adamantium coils which Sinsiter used to bond to Creeds skeleton, because Sabretooth was suffering from Adamantium withdrawl. He previously had his Adamantium removed by Apocalypse after he was beaten by Wolverine in a match to decided who would be the next Horseman of Death. Apoc can manipulate adamantium?
Issue number?
Bad Ash231
Originally posted by Bransolute
I'm pretty sure this is earth based mutants only.

Originally posted by Bransolute
Apoc can manipulate adamantium?
Issue number?
Off the top of my head I'm going to say Wolverine v2 145... but that might be wrong.
Originally posted by Bad Ash231
I'm pretty sure this is earth based mutants only.

Doesn't say it... Apoc gets ripped in half.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Off the top of my head I'm going to say Wolverine v2 145... but that might be wrong. Thanks.

Bad Ash231
Originally posted by Bransolute
Apoc can manipulate adamantium?
Issue number?
I've heard that Apocalypse was actually once planned to be the mastermind behind the Weapon X project. There were some hints to it.
Originally posted by Bad Ash231
I've heard that Apocalypse was actually once planned to be the mastermind behind the Weapon X project. There were some hints to it. Not the same as manipulating it.
Also, wow... he couldn't even control Wolverine then...

Originally posted by Bad Ash231
I've heard that Apocalypse was actually once planned to be the mastermind behind the Weapon X project. There were some hints to it.
Apocalypse = Romulus ....now there's a twist...ermm
Bad Ash231
Originally posted by Bransolute
Not the same as manipulating it.
http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/1011/apocadamskull1bg1.th.jpg http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/6294/apocadamskull2xu5.th.jpg
The purpose of the skull (which Logan holds) was to lay the ground work for Walter Simonson's revealing Apocalypse being behind Weapon X. Since that didn't pan out, it just means that Apocalypse developed the technology to bond adamantium to bones centuries before anyone else (and created it on top of that).
Originally posted by Master-Borg
why months? sabretooth had a super HF to fight off the poisoning, Logan won't. Even if he doesn't die very fast, he'll be severely weakened.
............shut up.
iyou sound like a retard when ever you even try to presume you know what your talking about on the subject of logan
this is pure h2h fights. No weapons. also no tech powers, and no thanos.
I have no idea why people are even thinking beast would be one of the five.
people are forgetting about mister x who would stomp beast all over the place.
then there silevr sameria another great MA fighter.
cable and domina would be up there as well
Originally posted by Battlehammer
............shut up.
iyou sound like a retard when ever you even try to presume you know what your talking about on the subject of logan touchy aren't we?

Bad Ash231
Originally posted by Master-Borg
touchy aren't we?
Serious business.

Originally posted by Bad Ash231
Serious business.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
touchy aren't we?
.......why the hell are you confused? your statements over and over on the topic of logan scream "I have no idea what i am talking about, but I am gunna pretend I do". It pethetic. At every turn you make your self look like a fool. You should jsut stop while your..............far farfar far behind.
also you might want to stop trying to bull shit people by saying you have read at least 50 wolverine comics............your not fooling anyone. We all know you have not read mroe then 5 comics period let a lone wolverine comics.
adamatium poison takes weeks if not months before it actaully would effect logan preformence.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
adamatium poison takes weeks if not months before it actaully would effect logan preformence. and you base that on...?
right, nothing. you just speculated.
Bad Ash231
Originally posted by Master-Borg
Domino would be up there.

Originally posted by Master-Borg
and you base that on...?
right, nothing. you just speculated.
... the fact that Wolverine has already surived for weeks with "Adamantium poison" when the High Evolutionary illiminated the powers of every mutant on earth?
Originally posted by SpookySmurph
Domino would be up there.
With out her powers? Not likely.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
and you base that on...?
right, nothing. you just speculated.
actaully im not. He spent entire arcs with out the aid of a healing factor and he was compelely fine.
Hell the only time he was shown in a weaken state was months after his powers were taken and still he had enough strength to take it to sinster.
funny that you would assume im speculating when I have actaully read the comics and not gotten all my information from tony stark.
also current adamtium bonded to his bones would not effect him with or with out healing factor. He spent weeks in jail with out the aid of a healing factor and was fine. He never once was bother by adamtium posioning.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
... the fact that Wolverine has already surived for weeks with "Adamantium poison" when the High Evolutionary illiminated the powers of every mutant on earth? but he had his HF right?
the OP states that all mutant powers are gone, so Logan would have normal human HF.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
... the fact that Wolverine has already surived for weeks with "Adamantium poison" when the High Evolutionary illiminated the powers of every mutant on earth?
it was actaully months.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
but he had his HF right?
the OP states that all mutant powers are gone, so Logan would have normal human HF.
No. The High Evolutionary turned off every mutants powers.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
but he had his HF right?
the OP states that all mutant powers are gone, so Logan would have normal human HF.
are you an idiot........what part of Eliminated all mutants powers did you not understand?
Originally posted by Battlehammer
are you an idiot........what part of Eliminated all mutants powers did you not understand? read it again...srank made a typo, and I assumed he meant illuminated for some reason
Originally posted by Battlehammer
it was actaully months. weeks could = months ya know
Originally posted by Master-Borg
read it again...srank made a typo, and I assumed he meant illuminated for some reason
Like I said your an idiot. Would the word illuminate fitt into that sentence and actaully make sense? no, so yes your an idiot.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
weeks could = months ya know
would not make any senses however.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
Like I said your an idiot. Would the word illuminate fitt into that sentence and actaully make sense? no, so yes your an idiot. I think you meant to say "you're" instead of "your", since "your an idiot" makes no sense
Originally posted by Battlehammer
would not make any senses however. why would it not make any sense?
Originally posted by Battlehammer
and had them battle to the death. Which 5 would do the best?
Is this just some way of saying 'Wolverine is teh greaterest!!!""?
Because it sure seems like it.

Originally posted by batdude123
Is this just some way of saying 'Wolverine is teh greaterest!!!""?
Because it sure seems like it.

why? wolverine would not be one of the 5
Originally posted by batdude123
Is this just some way of saying 'Wolverine is teh greaterest!!!""?
Because it sure seems like it.
actaully it had nothing to do with wolverine. I actaully made it becuase of mister x who I had been reading up on the guy was sick.
also I never ment for it to be placed here, but rather in the x-men section which for some reason it was moved
Originally posted by Master-Borg
why? wolverine would not be one of the 5
actaully he would be.
as would mister x.
maybe cable, domino and silver sameria.
not sure though.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
I think you meant to say "you're" instead of "your", since "your an idiot" makes no sense

Bad Ash231
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
No. The High Evolutionary turned off every mutants powers.
Sinister was scared like a little girl when Wolverine attacked him.

Originally posted by Master-Borg
why? wolverine would not be one of the 5
So far in this one thread you've said.
-Wolverine would be the first mutant to die.
-Sabretooth almost died of Adamantium poisoning.
-Battlehammer saying Wolverine had survived for week with Adamantium poisoning, was based on nothing and he was talking out his ass.
... How many times do you plan on showing your lack of knowledge in this thread? I wouldn't be surprised if the only experience you have with Wolverine is from a promotional comic you picked up at Pizza Hut.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
actaully it had nothing to do with wolverine. I actaully made it becuase of mister x who I had been reading up on the guy was sick.
W/o his telepathy, Wolverine would f*ck him up royally methinks.

Originally posted by Battlehammer
actaully he would be.
as would mister x.
maybe cable, domino and silver sameria.
not sure though.
beast, nightcrawler, and cyclops are contenders too
Originally posted by batdude123
W/o his telepathy, Wolverine would f*ck him up royally methinks.
maybe though he was a very skilled MA having been stated to be a master of every weapon on the planet as well as almost every style
Originally posted by Battlehammer
maybe though he was a very skilled MA having been stated to be a master of every weapon on the planet as well as almost every style
Statements != feats, my friend.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
beast, nightcrawler, and cyclops are contenders too
.......are you serious?
Kitty pryde is more skilled then those 3.
nigthcrawler the only one that have a chance of making the list and even he would not.
again showing your lack of knowledge
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
So far in this one thread you've said.
-Wolverine would be the first mutant to die.
-Sabretooth almost died of Adamantium poisoning.
-Battlehammer saying Wolverine had survived for week with Adamantium poisoning, was based on nothing and he was talking out his ass.
... How many times do you plan on showing your lack of knowledge in this thread? I wouldn't be surprised if the only experience you have with Wolverine is from a promotional comic you picked up at Pizza Hut.
actually, I've read many (over 50) wolverine comics...but obviously that leaves large gaps of knowledge about the character
to address your points
1. I meant Logan would die first because I thought without his HF, he would actually get a negative reaction from adamantium whereas other characters simply get depowered
2. I believe I was replying based on someone else who claimed that Sabes almost died from poisoning
3. Battlehammer has been known to interpret Logan's feats a bit 'favorably'
Originally posted by batdude123
Statements != feats, my friend.
true, but then again Logan who had fought mister x already stated this. The mister x went about and showed off his skills.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
true, but then again Logan who had fought mister x already stated this. The mister x went about and showed off his skills.
When he had telepathy.

Originally posted by Battlehammer
.......are you serious?
Kitty pryde is more skilled then those 3.
nigthcrawler the only one that have a chance of making the list and even he would not.
again showing your lack of knowledge beast would be exactly the same and suffer no downgrade since its his body that allows him his agility and strength, not some power
NC will have his tail as an extra weapon
Cyclops has trained more than almost anyone
Originally posted by Master-Borg
actually, I've read many (over 50) wolverine comics...but obviously that leaves large gaps of knowledge about the character
to address your points
1. I meant Logan would die first because I thought without his HF, he would actually get a negative reaction from adamantium whereas other characters simply get depowered
2. I believe I was replying based on someone else who claimed that Sabes almost died from poisoning
3. Battlehammer has been known to interpret Logan's feats a bit 'favorably'
1) your full of shit. Oh and please name the 50 issues your read.
2) it common knowledge that Logan adamtium takes a great deal of time before it effects him.
3) you should not take llag word.
4) prove that I have been known to interpret logans feats a bit favorably. Please prove it you chump.
5) you talking out your ass like always, and your full of it like always.
6) no one here believes you have read more then 5 comics let a lone 50 wolverine comics. please stop insulting every ones intelligence by lieing so blatenly to us.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
1) your full of shit. Oh and please name the 50 issues your read.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
beast would be exactly the same and suffer no downgrade since its his body that allows him his agility and strength, not some power
NC will have his tail as an extra weapon
Cyclops has trained more than almost anyone
Beast strength/agility are all part of his mutation, his catlike body is a secondary mutation.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
With out her powers? Not likely. She fares nearly as well without her powers as with them.
What she has to say after the H-Evo incident.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
beast would be exactly the same and suffer no downgrade since its his body that allows him his agility and strength, not some power
which comes from his powers.........again showing your lack of knowledge. When beast powers are taken he reverts to human form......
Originally posted by Master-Borg
NC will have his tail as an extra weapon
again showing your lack of knowlegde..........and again night crawler would revert to a human.........god dam you know nothing.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
Cyclops has trained more than almost anyone
and though cyclopes is skill in h2h he not enarly as skilled as any one we mention. Kitty is leagues above scot in h2h prowess
Originally posted by Master-Borg
.......like I said your full of shit.
and I ment the issue numbers and the full titles.
Originally posted by batdude123
When he had telepathy.
does not change the fact he still required the skills to preform the moves he did
Originally posted by SpookySmurph
She fares nearly as well without her powers as with them.
What she has to say after the H-Evo incident.
All that scan proves is that with out her powers she still has combat skills to rely one... which no one was arguing but no way in hell is she a top 5 contender... she wouldn't even make top 20.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
.......like I said your full of shit.
and I ment the issue numbers and the full titles. I read issues 1 - 50
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
All that scan proves is that with out her powers she still has combat skills to rely one... which no one was arguing but no way in hell is she a top 5 contender... she wouldn't even make top 20. Oh, I knows, I knows.
But, if we're considering ALL mutants, EVER, then my statement is still true. All I said was she'd be up there, because I think she's under rated.
Regardless, who would be in the top 20 then? I'm curious.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
I read issues 1 - 50
really how many times did he fight sabertooth in those 50 issue if ever?
Originally posted by Battlehammer
really how many times did he fight sabertooth in those 50 issue if ever? *yawn* I grow weary of constantly having to prove to you I've read Logan comics.
g'night Thimble
What would Chris Hanson have to say about this?
Originally posted by SpookySmurph
Oh, I knows, I knows.
But, if we're considering ALL mutants, EVER, then my statement is still true. All I said was she'd be up there, because I think she's under rated.
Regardless, who would be in the top 20 then? I'm curious.
Cable should definitely be up there, he's got far more combat experience than all the rest of them, and he's one of their best tacticians.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
*yawn* I grow weary of constantly having to prove to you I've read Logan comics.
g'night Thimble
.......every time you say you read an issue then when asked about it you answer every thing incorrectly...........
Originally posted by Akuki
Cable should definitely be up there, he's got far more combat experience than all the rest of them, and he's one of their best tacticians.
far more what? Logan combat experience dwarfs cables.........
Originally posted by Master-Borg
What would Chris Hanson have to say about this?
Originally posted by Battlehammer
what? Chris Hanson would catch Logan on To Catch a Predator
Originally posted by Master-Borg
Chris Hanson would catch Logan on To Catch a Predator
what are you babbling about..........
Originally posted by Battlehammer
what are you babbling about.......... Chris Hanson would PWN Logan for lusting after that little girl
Originally posted by Battlehammer
far more what? Logan combat experience dwarfs cables.........
Logan might be a bit of an exception due to his age, but all others, I mean he has been fighting constantly since he a small child.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
I have no idea why people are even thinking beast would be one of the five.
And it's because a free for all isn't going to be some plotted out, one on one, stylized kung fu-movie thing like normal fights are in the comics.
It's going to be a big cluster**** and there's just as good a chance that Wolverine will get swarmed like a survivor in a horde of zombies by everyone else who has fought for days, dodged bullets, or performed any other superhuman feats with no powers.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
Chris Hanson would PWN Logan for lusting after that little girl
have you even read the issue?
Originally posted by Akuki
Logan might be a bit of an exception due to his age, but all others, I mean he has been fighting constantly since he a small child.
there style quite a few who experience would dwarf cables
Originally posted by Battlehammer
have you even read the issue? nope, you missed my joke anyways
Bad Ash231
Originally posted by Master-Borg
Chris Hanson would PWN Logan for lusting after that little girl
Congrats. You're a loon.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
nope, you missed my joke anyways
your joke was stupid.........
Originally posted by Doctor-Alvis
And it's because a free for all isn't going to be some plotted out, one on one, stylized kung fu-movie thing like normal fights are in the comics.
It's going to be a big cluster**** and there's just as good a chance that Wolverine will get swarmed like a survivor in a horde of zombies by everyone else who has fought for days, dodged bullets, or performed any other superhuman feats with no powers.
that could happen though not likly. it every one trying to beat every one else. The best fighters will have the best chances of making it out.
As the number of people increase, statistically, the differences between one character and another become less and less important.
Further; it's very likely that the perceived 'greatest threats' will be taken out first.
Therefore, the five most likely to win will likely be the least likely to win.
mutants are worthless compared to Spideyz
Originally posted by Soljer
As the number of people increase, statistically, the differences between one character and another become less and less important.
Further; it's very likely that the perceived 'greatest threats' will be taken out first.
Therefore, the five most likely to win will likely be the least likely to win.
Likely. it is likely that the females will be the last to be attacked
it is likely that some of the 'greatest threats' will not be targets, but rather leaders that cand others to fight with them
this whole thing is an exercise in futility
but I think Capt meant who are the 5 most powerful mutants without powers
Originally posted by Master-Borg
it is likely that the females will be the last to be attacked
it is likely that some of the 'greatest threats' will not be targets, but rather leaders that cand others to fight with them
this whole thing is an exercise in futility
but I think Capt meant who are the 5 most powerful mutants without powers
Originally posted by WalkingPuberty
mutants are worthless compared to Spideyz
even though many of them could stomp spidy
Originally posted by Battlehammer
even though many of them could stomp spidy he's a troll
they told me to post less....so i will...
1. Thanos
2. Apocalypse
3. Blob... probably...
4. Who cares?
5. Who cares?
gotta go with bransolute here, my friend, but i have to add spider-man to teh top
Originally posted by Bransolute
1. Thanos
2. Apocalypse
3. Blob... probably...
4. Who cares?
5. Who cares?
said thanos was not usable. said no weapons or otu side tech.
blob...........would be a roll of skinn he be useless
Originally posted by Battlehammer
said thanos was not usable. said no weapons or otu side tech.
blob...........would be a roll of skinn he be useless He doesn't have weapons or outside tech...
Everything on him is permanent... however, he does have cosmic powers, and whatnot. Plus, even if he wasn't a mutant, he's still an Eternal.
Depends whether or not he can stand. If he can stand, he basically steam rolls this thread into oblivion.
Originally posted by Bransolute
He doesn't have weapons or outside tech...
Everything on him is permanent... however, he does have cosmic powers, and whatnot. Plus, even if he wasn't a mutant, he's still an Eternal.
Depends whether or not he can stand. If he can stand, he basically steam rolls this thread into oblivion.
I know but I said he not usable along with out side tech, weapons and such
Originally posted by Battlehammer
I know but I said he not usable along with out side tech, weapons and such So... he won't have outside tech, or weapons... and such I guess...
He still owns this thread so hard.
I think your comment should instead be directed at Apoc... since he's the one who has a suit of Celestial tech attached to his friggin body.
Originally posted by Bransolute
So... he won't have outside tech, or weapons... and such I guess...
He still owns this thread so hard.
I think your comment should instead be directed at Apoc... since he's the one who has a suit of Celestial tech attached to his friggin body.
your not understanding me.
I said no thanos.
and also no weapons or out side tech.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
your not understanding me.
I said no thanos.
and also no weapons or out side tech. But you said all mutants...
***ignore list added***
Someone having a tough time understanding the concept of "human mutants"
Isn't it common sense to assume topics on mutants that its referring to the most common sect of "mutants"?
Originally posted by bitca360
Someone having a tough time understanding the concept of "human mutants"
Isn't it common sense to assume topics on mutants that its referring to the most common sect of "mutants"? He never said "human mutants"... at least not in his first post. Which is the only thing I read.
Isn't it common sense that there are more than "human mutants" in the Marvel verse?
Originally posted by Bransolute
He never said "human mutants"... at least not in his first post. Which is the only thing I read.
Isn't it common sense that there are more than "human mutants" in the Marvel verse?
Isn't it common sense, that common sense doesn't exist on this forum?
Originally posted by Master-Borg
*yawn* I grow weary of constantly having to prove to you I've read Logan comics.
g'night Thimble Seeing as how you've never proven you have ...
Originally posted by Creshosk
Seeing as how you've never proven you have ... it's not something I could really prove

Originally posted by Master-Borg
it's not something I could really prove
really? Becuase you have easily proven time and time again that you have not
Originally posted by Battlehammer
that could happen though not likly. it every one trying to beat every one else. The best fighters will have the best chances of making it out.
The best fighters are also the biggest targets. At least the most renowned fighters.
Originally posted by Master-Borg
but I think Capt meant who are the 5 most powerful mutants without powers
Oohhhhh... then this thread is boring. Theory rules.
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