Green Lantern (Hal) Vs Green Lantern (Kyle)
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Switch 07
I searched and it didn't come up for some very odd reason.
Anyway Hal Jordan as GL Vs Kyle as a GL. Both current versions.
Fight in space some where we don't know of. No prep.
Who takes it?
If it is actually been done which it probably has can I get a link please.
Anyway I say Hal takes it.

Switch 07
Originally posted by llagrok
Alan Scott. Don't spam dude.
I noticed you enjoy doing that.
i will take kyle for the win
Switch 07
Originally posted by starlock
i will take kyle for the win Why is that?
Originally posted by Switch 07
Why is that?
Well i am 36 years old and have followed hal since way back when, untill kyle showed up hal was a one trick pony who got boring real fast, here comes kyle with his youth and artistic ability, which i beleive will be the factor, Feats well hal might have more(makes sense) but i like Kyle's approach to using the ring
If you ask me Kyle changed what a GL is and will be for the future
Switch 07
Originally posted by starlock
Well i am 36 years old and have followed hal since way back when, untill kyle showed up hal was a one trick pony who got boring real fast, here comes kyle with his youth and artistic ability, which i beleive will be the factor, Feats well hal might have more(makes sense) but i like Kyle's approach to using the ring
If you ask me Kyle changed what a GL is and will be for the future
Allot of that doesn't explain how Kyle would win the fight. He may be more creative but Hal showed more....power with it I would say.
But I am not expert so want to see what other people think.
Kyle's will>>>>>Hal's will.
Originally posted by Switch 07
Allot of that doesn't explain how Kyle would win the fight. He may be more creative but Hal showed more....power with it I would say.
But I am not expert so want to see what other people think.
It is also hard to compare certain era's. the rings charge and the way the ring works for different times(when kyle was alone) make it hard, but i think a creative ring bearer will be the winner, if we went by the rings being equal amongst the ranks of GL's
Stalemate. The two are near equals, in mine eyes.
Switch 07
Quite close yes but I think theres a better of the two.
If I HAD to pick a winner, I'd go with Hal.
Switch 07
Remember to vote people BTW.
Originally posted by Galan007
If I HAD to pick a winner, I'd go with Hal.
Vally's gonna get you...
Originally posted by Galan007
If I HAD to pick a winner, I'd go with Hal.
agreed. I think itd be a stalemate because theyre pretty even, but if someone held a gun to my head and asked to pick one, id karate chop the gun out of their hand and shoot them first
I run with good ol' Hal.
Originally posted by Estacado
Kyle's will>>>>>Hal's will.
Sorry... but

Originally posted by batdude123
Sorry... but
Even I chuckled at that.
Originally posted by batdude123
Sorry... but
I could see you giving one a slight edge over the other...but ">>>"?!
I think that hal has more willpower, raw power.
Kyle has more potential and creative ability.
Hal 7/10 methinks
I give Kyle the edge here..but overall it's fairly even.
John is the real #1.
Originally posted by Validus
John is the real #1.
No... Guy. haermm
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