Surtur & Ymir vs THE FANBOY SQUAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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These two Giants with the assistance of Hyperstorm, The Sentry, Apocalypse (Non- Jobbing) and Darkseid take on the Gods of KMC.
Fanboy Squad!!!:
Wolverine, Storm, Iceman(current), Flash, Captain America, Karate Kid (classic),Superman (pre-crisis), Dr. Strange (classic) Thanos, Thor & Odin, and Silver Surfer.
1 Month prep.
Originally posted by Hitman911
These two Giants with the assistance of Hyperstorm, The Sentry, Apocalypse (Non- Jobbing) and Darkseid take on the Gods of KMC.
Fanboy Squad!!!:
Wolverine, Storm, Iceman(current), Flash, Captain America, Karate Kid (classic),Superman (pre-crisis), Dr. Strange (classic) Thanos, Thor & Odin, and Silver Surfer.
1 Month prep.
with a month prep dr strange,thanos,odin combo would prevail imo
Superman (pre-crisis), Dr. Strange (classic) Thanos, Flash Thor & Odin, and Silver Surfer
That's all thats needed. But they'll win about 6/10 though.
Iceman for obvious reasons...
Originally posted by Sirius77
Superman (pre-crisis), Dr. Strange (classic) Thanos, Flash Thor & Odin, and Silver Surfer
That's all thats needed. But they'll win about 6/10 though. Hyperstorm would be a problem..........
hyperstorm probably could solo, but with the surtur there nad darkseid this isnt very easy, i give it to hyperstorm 6/10
how the hell do they stop eternity?
err . . . i mean storm
some characters are just irrelevant like wolverine snd captain america, but i looked and i now think hyperstorm cant win, odin is a handful and pc supes they take it 6/10
Originally posted by Hitman911
Hyperstorm would be a problem..........
Oh. Crap. I didn't see him...
Then hyperstorm probably solos 6/10.
Well... actually. I think they might need the others to pull out a 6/10.
So, the entire team beats the fanboy squad barely with a 6/10.
Originally posted by Sirius77
Well... actually. I think they might need the others to pull out a 6/10.
So, the entire team beats the fanboy squad barely with a 6/10. It would be a bloody battle indeed!.....
It was already said that Iceman could be the next Ymir, given that he's omega class.
To top it off, adding Odin into the mix, who we already know can take Surtur with a slight majority.
Team takes the win.
Originally posted by Kutulu
It was already said that Iceman could be the next Ymir, given that he's omega class.
To top it off, adding Odin into the mix, who we already know can take Surtur with a slight majority.
Team takes the win. Hyperstorm??
Originally posted by Hitman911
Hyperstorm?? ?
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