Storm/Rogue/Classic Jean Grey vs. White Queen/Polaris/Magma

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This is Classic Ms. marvel rogue, Classic Uber but not phoenix Jean grey.

Team One

magma powerful

Team one. Magma was manipulated for years by Empath and before that she thought she was an member of a civilization created by Selene, then she was duped by King Bedlam into becoming one of his lackeys, strong power, weak mind. If Magma went all out and caused the ground to erupt, Jean can keep all that out with a tk shield like she protected herself and Xman from Maddie doing the same thing in Xman #25. I don't know if this still applies but didn't Magmas power get weaker the further she was from the actual Earth? Emma is not and will never be a stronger psi talent than Jean, diamond skin or not which is flawed and classic Rouge will eventually hit the right spot. Polaris has spent most of her comic career as the pawn of those with stronger wills, I mean a box with magnetic recordings caused her to go insane and she was dealt with in the same issue, like Magma strong power weak mind. Storm can kill every being that has ever been conceived, but no really all jokes aside Storm is uber and can counteract anything Magma can throw. Emma can either stay human and see what psi tricks work or she can go diamond and risk her flaw being discovered. Classic Rogue was BADASS! If came down to the telepaths going all out on both sides psionically lobotomising everybody else, team one wins Emma just ain't beating Jean.

I don't think she's made of real diamond.

Team one.

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