H/P Doomsday versus Marvel Elite
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H/P Doomsday
Marvel Elite: Silver Surfer, Thor, Hulk, Sentry and Blackbolt
no BFR.
2 situations:
1. DD versus the Marvel Elite
2. DD versus the Marvel Elite AND the X-Factors (Juggernaut, Iceman, Sasquatch, Invisible Woman, and Magneto)
Is there BFR?
well none of them are stronger than superman, who H/P doomsday shrugged off like he was nothin and didnt even view him as a threat.
The question would be if they could kill him quick enough and put out enough energy to take him down fast, because H/P DD could evolve on the fly. Full powered omega beams couldnt take him down.
Hulk is a non factor. Honestly, the only shot they have at winning would be for surfer, sentry, thor and blackbolt fire their most powerful energy attacks at the same time and hopefully score a kill. Of course if that didnt happen then they lose.
So the question is . . . is the combined might of Black Bolt, Thor, Sentry and Silver Surfer in a simoltaneous concentrated attack more powerful than the full power of the omega beams?
Who knows
I've added an additional scenario, see OP.
short of bfr... I don't see the team winning this.
He's like darwin meets the destroyer... but with mindless hulks anger x 10
meets jasons bloodlust, lol.
He's evolved past energy destruction. He can't be killed by brute force.
Appearently, speedblitzes aren't affective.
bb's scream won't do crap. He survives the explosion of 1,000 nukes was it?
I doubt thors hammer will do anything but tickle him after a while. I mean look at how he took ds omega beams...
non-jobbing doomsday is a beast...
Sentry and Black Bolt will fall to a Speed blitz and die very quickly. Surfer and Thor are tuffer and wont' go down as fast. They'll last about as Long as DS did. One punch for surfer and he's knocked out and Two for Thor. X-Factor is useless. DD is beyond Energy attacks and the Super strong aren't Thor lvl. The Thing about H/P DD is that he was never shown to be able to be harmed really except for the Omega Beams. And after he evolved past that, it was pretty much only by BFR that he could be put down.
I agree with Nvr. Great post.

see the second scenario in my OP
thanks for the second chance, now then, if spiderman is on the marvel elite he wins

Originally posted by WalkingPuberty
thanks for the second chance, now then, if spiderman is on the marvel elite he wins
dur does he dur
that smilie is so cool!

Originally posted by WalkingPuberty
that smilie is so cool!
Why are you doing this?...
he's doing it to make me laugh, hey are you my friend now

ugh, you arent even worth a dur anymore
I just wanta freind, yorua snub

This is really immature.
You should stop.
Barbarian Shams
H/P Doomsday wipes the floor with everyone without even having to exert himself. Silver Surfer and Thor are pretty much the 2 biggest threats, but even they are hopelessly outclassed. Oh, and Waking Puberty, Doomsday would just use Spideys body as target practice after he rips in half and crushes his skull underfoot.
I'm sure somehow, someway, with Surfer and Thor being able to generate any sort of energy that exists, they could eventually stumble upon a few different ones that DD hasn't come across and thus hasn't had a chance to evolve to.
In that instance, I give them a win...out of 50.
The Elite win.
BB, when he sees DD maul Hulk, is gonna start pulling out all the stops.
Thor isn't as smart, but after a few head ringing shots, he's gonna pull out the bullshits and tricks bag.
Surfer could be of great use here, but he's a dumbfukk in battle, so he's going down.
We've got BB creating a nice sizeable antimatter boulder, and Thor pulling out the godblast and antiforce beams.
H/P goes down.
If the godblast isn't enough(lollerskates), then the antimatter will do it, cuz we know how DC characters deal with the stuff.
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