Brainiac In Amazo's Body vs. Every Herald of Galactus including Tyrant
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This is the Amazo who has the powers of every superhero EVER in the LEAGUE.
Vs. The Heralds of Galactus.
Will the Heralds prevail?
Or is that kind of might in the hands of a Super intellect too much to try and Over come?
That kind of might in the hands of a Super intellect too much to try and Over come
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
This is the Amazo who has the powers of every superhero EVER in the LEAGUE.
Vs. The Heralds of Galactus.
Will the Heralds prevail? Good lord no. srsly
That might will be overcome by Morg WOL, Tyrant fully powered, and the rest of the Heralds. Shyt Stardust could have Amazo sucked into hell with all of those near omnipotent beings that almost feasted on Beta Ray Bill. The only thing different in this fight is that all of the Heralds would be blasting the hell out of Amazo, and forcing him into the void.
Wasn't Ion in the jla?
Originally posted by CaptainStoic
That might will be overcome by Morg WOL, Tyrant fully powered, and the rest of the Heralds. Shyt Stardust could have Amazo sucked into hell with all of those near omnipotent beings that almost feasted on Beta Ray Bill. The only thing different in this fight is that all of the Heralds would be blasting the hell out of Amazo, and forcing him into the void.
hysterical ^ Does not know who Amazo is.
Originally posted by Sirius77
Wasn't Ion in the jla?
The original Ion, yes.
Plus Hourman w/ Worlogog.
So this means that Amazo would be able to defeat those entities that were omniversal threats, and have the capability of escaping the void that Stardust opens? Doubtful. Even Galactus did not want to take part in that fight.
If this is the Amazo who had all the powers of the current JLA from JLA......25, right? Then he's got a good shot of winning.
If this Amazo has the powers of EVERYONE in the history of the JLA, he's going to rape the heralds, tyrant AND Galactus.

This guy?
Light em' up...Pwnt
How Amazo gets the power of every Leaguer is beyond me...
Wasn't Spectre in there?
We should start giving people LT's powers in threads...
Originally posted by Bransolute
How Amazo gets the power of every Leaguer is beyond me...
Wasn't Spectre in there?
We should start giving people LT's powers in threads... Unless they actually got it no we shouldn't....
Originally posted by iceman24567
Unless they actually got it no we shouldn't.... Has Amazo ever had the power of every League member?
Like I said, the closest was in JLA #25 when Amazo had the powers of over 45 members.
Whoops. My bad. There was another version that had the powers of everyone Amazo had ever absorbed.
This version was apparently enhanced by New God technology.
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