Kal-el and Kal-L vs. SBP

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the end of IC bout is done again but all of them are powered up. so under a yellow sun and on some random planet so they can go allout
Who wins?

Prime,hes just on a different level.

Prime should win this definitely. The reason they depowered him is becuz the had to to stand a chance.

Yeah, Prime's power levels are higher under a yellow sun. He probably would win.

Superman-prime in a stomp. The only reason why he allowed them to take him through the red sun is because he was caught off guard and thought they were taking him through a kryptonite field. Without those providencial sircumstances, Kal-l and Kal-el would both get stomped just like any other top-tier against him. Hes on a whole other level.

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