Police concerned: screening stopped at Obama rally

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Doom and Gloom
People make a big deal of who the President is/will be which is pointless. The President is just a corporate puppet. It all started with Truman and really took off with Reagan. Obama, if he wins, will be no different. Corporate financial interests, not politicians, really pull the strings.

Devil King

King Kandy
Originally posted by Doom and Gloom
People make a big deal of who the President is/will be which is pointless. The President is just a corporate puppet. It all started with Truman and really took off with Reagan. Obama, if he wins, will be no different. Corporate financial interests, not politicians, really pull the strings.
Wait, hold on... you are claiming that because of what Reagan did, there can NEVER BE a candidate with a different ideology then Reagan?

Doom and Gloom
Originally posted by King Kandy
Wait, hold on... you are claiming that because of what Reagan did, there can NEVER BE a candidate with a different ideology then Reagan?

It's one thing for you to vote for a candidate on election day. It's quite another to buy their attention by flying them around in private jets, giving millions to their pet projects, etc.

Open your eyes. Iraq never happened because of Saddam Hussein or WMDs. It was all about granting oil and reconstruction contracts to western oil conglomerates.

Even Clinton was a corporate puppet. He signed NAFTA and GATT into law and gave China most favored Nation trading status. For all his talk of healthcare reform it never went anywhere because of corporate medical and insurance lobbists and their millions in gifts to politicians, and it will fail again if it ever gets brought up in the future.

Look at this election. John Edwards was the only candidate that stood for real change but the corporate controlled media shut his message right down.

As for Obama, what does he REALLY stand for? Time and again he dodges questions on major issues. Beyond his ability to give motivational speeches saying crap like "we are change" nobody knows what he REALLY stands for.

NONE of the candidates really want to tackle the immigration issue. Why? Because corporations want unlimited immigration to supress wages

Just watch, within 10-15 years the USA as we know it will cease to exist to be replaced by the "North American Union" which will be a merger of Canada, America, Mexico, and possibly Central America, under corporate control.

The three candidates now with the possibility of becoming President are there because they all have the approval of the corporate powers that be. No candidate (like John Edwards) that really stands to make a difference will ever get the White House.

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