The Vampire Mantra Part 2

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Hello all ...

I am continuing the theme of last week's newsletter about the way that religions, including the 'New Age' religion, are used to enslave the masses and vampire their energy on behalf of the 'serpent gods' who operate on frequencies just outside of human sight.

If you didn't read last week's newsletter, it's worth going back to it before reading this one because the two must go together for the connections to be followed.

The key point to understand for people new to this is that the 'physical' dimension that we 'see' through our eyes is only a tiny frequency range. It's like a television station sharing the same space as endless other stations like NBC shares the same space as CBS and ITV the same as the BBC.

The television is tuned to a particular channel through the 'zapper' button and so that is the one which appears on the screen. But all the other TV frequencies go on existing in the same space; it's just that the television is not picking them up until you switch to their frequency.

In the same way, the infinite frequencies or dimensions of reality exist in the same space that you are sitting or standing in now. But you are aware primarily, and with most people almost entirely and constantly, of only one of them - the 'physical world' that you perceive as street scenes and landscapes.

This is because the human body computer is our 'TV' in that it tunes us in to this dimension, this range of frequencies called 'visible light' that our eyes can access and our brains decode. Our 'screen' is the brain as it decodes frequencies and electrical signals into our holographic 'solid' reality.

Most dimensions are vibrationally so far from this frequency range that there is no direct interaction, but when dimensions are close to each other on the 'dial' they can interact in the same way that two frequencies close to each other on the radio can 'interfere' and, to an extent, merge. It's the same principle.

I have referred to the frequency that most interferes with this one as the 'lower fourth dimension' and the 'inter-space planes'. Others call these demonic realms 'the lower astral'.

The Reptilian manipulators of this reality we call 'earth' operate just outside the frequency range of visible light, but close enough to impact upon it. Their most effective means of manipulation is to 'possess' the hybrid bloodlines that they seeded in the ancient world, as recorded by countless texts and accounts in almost every culture.

The Zulus call them the 'Chitauri' or 'Children of the Serpent'; in Asia they are known as the Nagas; and in the Biblical texts they are called the 'Nefilim' or 'the Sons of God' who interbred with the daughters of men.
Copyright artwork by Neil Hague - see

What I call the 'Illuminati bloodlines' are the hybrid bloodlines that have resulted from the interbreeding between the 'serpent gods' and humans. Their vibrational compatibility and connection means they can be possessed more effectively and powerfully by the 'serpent gods' than the rest of the human population.

These Reptilian-possessed bloodlines are the 'blueblood' families, both obvious and hidden, who sit atop the power structures that dictate to human society - government, banking, transnational corporations, media ownership, 'law', 'medicine', military and so on.

And there is another of these key power structures which is the focus of these connected newsletters - religion.

Obviously, to a very large extent the imposition of religion is about suppression of thought and perception and the imprisonment of the mind. Put another way, it is about programming people with one belief which then defends itself from all other possibilities - 'Jesus is our Saviour and there's nothing else we need to know'.

But there is another role for religions that is so clear to me as I follow the rabbit hole ever deeper. You hardly ever see it talked about and yet it is vital for people to know. The religions are also a power station network to provide human energy to feed 'the gods' that were worshipped openly by the ancients and now indirectly by the deity followers and devotees of today.

We cannot see the energies that these 'gods' vampire from the human population, but we can feel them. When you feel emotion, say fear, you can feel the energy charge passing through the body. You can feel the density of body-energy as it 'freezes with fear'. You can feel the ache in the belly when you are worrying or anxious. You can feel the pressure in your chest when you are 'heartbroken'.

This energy is often described as 'vibes' - the good and bad 'vibes' that we feel emitting from people we meet.

If we could switch our frequency to see deeper realms of reality, we would see that what we are feeling on the 'physical' level in emotional 'feelings' is the expression of an energy pouring from us (on frequencies outside of visible light) whenever we think or go into emotional states. This energy can then be trawled and absorbed by entities that exist within the frequency range of that energy - just beyond visible light.

This is what the other-dimensional Reptilians and others are doing - feeding off lower vibrational human emotion like fear, stress, worry, guilt, hatred etc. These are, in fact, all subdivisions of the one energy that we call fear.

The more that humans can be manipulated to feel and therefore generate the energy of fear, the more energetic sustenance is made available to these energy vampires. We hear about blood vampires, but what is blood? It is a massive conduit for human energy.

Humans have indeed been turned, as Morpheus said in The Matrix, into 'one of these':

This is a major role that religion has to play in this conspiracy for human enslavement and I include the 'New Age' in this. As I wrote last week:

'The "New Age" is clearly not new at all. It is just another religion operating in the way that all religions do. The apparent anarchy presented by its public face hides the conventional religion that underpins it. Like all religions, it is founded on the worship of something or someone and on seeing themselves as lesser-than, rather than part-of.

Oh, I hear all the PR stuff about everyone being "One" and "taking your power back", but that's not what I see at the extreme end, and often less-than-extreme end, of the New Age arena. What I see is people giving their power away in the worship and exaltation of gurus and deities.'

And the act of worship is the act of connecting energetically with that which you worship. Once that connection is made and the permission to 'take you' and control you is given you become a direct energy source for whatever you have vibrationally locked yourself into.

So what is that with regard to Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, the New Age and all the rest? It is the same other-dimensional entities - the energy suckers and vampires.

As I outlined last week, the major religions, and so many other religions, sects and cults, originated in the ancient civilisations that we know as Sumer/Babylon (now Iraq), Egypt, the Indus Valley and China, among other places.

It is no surprise, therefore, that all of them are associated with the worship of the 'serpent gods'. You find the same in Africa, the Americas and elsewhere. These 'serpent gods' later went under many different aliases - the gods and deities of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, the New Age, and all the rest.

So when you worship 'Jesus', 'Allah', 'Jehovah', 'Yahweh', 'Krishna', 'Kali', 'Sananda' or some 'Ascended Master', you are giving your mind and energy to the same source - the 'serpent gods' and others.
'We worship you, oh Jesus, Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, Krishna, Kali, Sananda, Ascended Master ...'
Copyright artwork by Neil Hague -

I am going to use the New Age and the Eastern religions as an example of how this is done through all religions. I am doing so because those of the East are considered by many to be 'enlightened' compared with the 'Western' religious control-structures. This 'enlightenment' comes from the fact that the Eastern philosophies say everything is 'One' and that this 'world' is an illusion.

I say the same in terms of Oneness and the illusion, but after that we immediately part company. Most of the rest of it, I would suggest, is utter bollocks and every bit as controlling and misleading as the Christianity, Judaism and Islam over which the East claims spiritual superiority.

Everything may be 'One', but we are all unique expressions of the whole and that uniqueness is not designed to merge itself into some all-encompassing cocktail 'blob' of bland uniformity. This 'world' may be an illusion (like all the others) in terms of 'solid' physicality, but where the hell does it say that because it's an illusion you have to give your mind away to some befrocked bloody 'guru'??

I must have missed that clause in the contract: 'If you ever feel the need to free your mind, find a guru, give it to him, and henceforth believe that your mind is free even though you don't have one anymore'.

Damn the small print.

I have received many communications over the years from former members of the Eastern religions, sects and cults on which the 'New Age' is largely based. They have described the blatant manipulation and mind control designed to make them give away their own right to thought and action - 'Tell me what to do, guru, master, psychic, "living god on earth".'

What utter crap it all is.
'The New Age is the last cul-de-sac before the gold mine.' - David Icke

I have met so many guru devotees with eyes that say 'No one home anymore' and with minds that betray no original thought. Their 'mind' is now only what their guru or master tells them to do, think and believe. Their eyes are glazed and stare past you into some other-realm that now dictates their reality, akin to rabbits caught in the headlines of an oncoming truck.

Yet among these 'enlightened gurus' are child molesters; those who use their power and control to have sex with a stream of young 'disciples' and 'devotees'; financial crooks and scammers; and skilled illusionists who produce 'gifts' out of the 'ether' (try the sleeve or behind the cushion).

No, I am not saying they're all like that, but what I have just described is far from rare - very far. What most of them do have in common, however, is setting themselves up as the middlemen and women through whom their advocates are supposed to worship 'god' or the deities they claim to represent.

'I am the 'embodiment of Kali', 'I am the incarnation of Krishna', 'I am the Living God on Earth'. No, you are either deluded or a scam artist, mate. We are ALL the sons and daughters of 'God', aspects of the Infinite One, and it is time we remembered that.

We are certainly not going to be helped in this awakening, or remembering, by worshipping gurus and masters who put themselves above everyone else, thus perpetuating the hierarchical nature of religion and the society that it represents - the very hierarchical structure that instigated the mass perception of being 'powerless little me'.

There are genuine people operating within the religions of the East and the New Age and they are doing some good work, but we need to be aware that many are not like that.

I have been sent quite a bit of information by a lady who writes under the name, Bronte Baxter. She has had long experience of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) movement made famous by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of Beatles fame. He said he was inspired by a guy called Guru Dev who taught him what became the TM meditation technique. The Maharishi could apparently perform incredible miracles like turning young devotees into sleeping partners.

John Lennon exposed the Maharishi in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine. 'There was a big hullabaloo about him trying to rape Mia Farrow and trying to get off with Mia Farrow and a few other women,' he said. Lennon wrote the song Sexy Sadie about the guru, which included the lyrics 'Sexy Sadie what have you done / You made a fool of everyone' and 'Sexy Sadie you'll get yours yet / However big you think you are'.

'That's about the Maharishi, yes', Lennon later confirmed. 'I copped out and I wouldn't write 'Maharishi what have you done, you made a fool of everyone'
The Maharishi: sex, money and rock and roll

Bronte Baxter tells me that before a new 'initiate' (the language of secret societies) can be taught 'TM' they must take part in a trance ritual called a 'puja'. This is an Indian ritual of offering flowers, fruit, a candle, incense and such like to a photograph of Guru Dev.

What on earth has that got to do with 'enlightenment'?

Bronte continues:

'... it appears that the offerings and kneeling are required on the part of the student to "activate" the mantra. The student is told the mantra is "a meaningless sound with life-supporting qualities that facilitate the mind's transcending", but ex-TMers have since found out that mantras are actually names of Hindu gods and advanced mantras include the word "namah", meaning "I bow down".

'My conclusion is that an initiate begins to be possessed by an assigned reptilian deity from the moment he willingly kneels down and accepts the mantra. The kneeling and student-brought offerings are significant as an act of permission or will on the part of the initiate, and some of us suspect the mantra wouldn't "work" without such personal permission. Hence the importance of luring the student into the puja ritual.'

I would say that great swathes of the Eastern religions, and their New Age offspring, operate in the same way while, as usual, the overwhelming majority have no idea that this is so. The secret societies use the same techniques of inviting unknowing but useful people to be initiated into these 'Orders' and then using their rituals to connect them vibrationally to these other-dimensional 'gods'.

The manipulating mantras used by the Eastern gurus and the Western pseudo-gurus of the New Age are exploited to both give permission to the 'gods' to take possession and make a vibrational connection.

There are also the 'hugging' gurus who have people line up to be hugged and 'experience' the guru's energy. But who's receiving the energy here, the worshipper, the guru - or the 'gods' the guru represents?

The manipulation and abuse of these techniques and rituals is about one thing: connecting the targets vibrationally to the 'serpent gods' and getting them to give permission for this connection through 'giving themselves' to the deity or the guru representing the deity.

Another theme of correspondence I have had over many years is the way the personalities change in people subjected to this and not for the better, either. But of course they do, because the original personality has now been merged with the 'serpent gods' and the more powerful this becomes the more they will reflect the state of 'mind' of those 'gods'. It's called 'possession'.

The same happens with so many people in the western religions also and this explains why most of the advocates of 'Jesus' have nothing whatsoever in common with the alleged character of the Gospel 'Jesus'. They talk about the 'Prince of Peace', yet support invasion, war and slaughter. They talk about love, yet preach hatred.

Why? Because they are 'serpent god'-possessed and so vehicles for the 'serpent god' agenda.

It is the same with 'Jehovah', 'Yahweh' and 'Allah' - different names for the same 'serpent gods' who vampire their energy and control their perception.
Meal-time at the Mosque ...
... Capture by the Rapture ...
... Our way via Yahweh ...
... 'You are ALL mine ...'

What is a common theme in all this? The desire on the part of the follower or devotee to find a 'saviour' to tell them what to do and think. It's the same in all the religions, sects and cults, and true, too, of the relationship between most people and governments and the authorities in general.

'Humans' - infinite consciousness incarnate - have allowed themselves to become so detached from their true all-powerful self that they still need to find a mummy or daddy long after their hormones have launched them into chemical and genetic adulthood.

So many remain mental, emotional and spiritual babies looking for guidance from 'they who know best'. It is extraordinary to see 'disciples' leave one sect when the guru has been exposed as a fraud only to find another of similar nature because the need in them to worship and be led is so deep and ingrained.

The why is simple to explain: You don't become 'unpossessed' just by leaving the guru who arranged your possession.

How to avoid this possession is straightforward, also. Don't worship anything or anyone, for you are already infinite consciousness and so there is nothing to worship. Respect others and what they do by all means, but give the worship and devotion stuff a real large smack of the elbow.

Freedom - no guru or religion necessary

Anyone who seeks worship or religious devotion is suspect from the get-go, or gecko, from where I am sitting. Why does anyone want others to 'look up' to them? Because there is either a scam in play or they are so emotionally insecure that they need the worship of others to overcome their inability to find their security within - the very inner-security that they say their followers can find through them!

You often see this trait in 'celebrities' who crave adoration for the same reason, but it's an emotional disease of many 'gurus' and 'holy men', too.

To listen to what these people are saying and picking and choosing what feels right or otherwise is one thing. But worship and devotion is quite another. It's not about finding 'enlightenment', it's just a very powerful form of mind control.

How ironic that the mainstream media often refers to me as a 'guru' as they look at everything through their pigeon-hole minds, and they ask how many 'followers' I have. My answer is always the same: 'None, I hope. If I have one follower or devotee then they have not been listening'.

If people want to respect what I am doing, that's great, thank-you, much appreciated. But 'followers' 'devotees', 'believers'? Give me a bloody break. Here's some information, make of it what you will, end of story.

The world is drowning in a tidal wave of followers and followed. Enough. We need to take our minds back and stop our energy being vampired by those who seek to enslave us.

That means taking OUR minds back - not swapping them for someone else's.

I could post the opinions of simpletons trying to manipulate the thoughts of even less complex simpletons through garbage facts and spastic rhetoric along with lame pictures to try and initiate some immediate emotional (yet vapid) response...

but it's been done...


Thanks for your boring comments which are becoming quite repetitive aswell

lol spastic rhetoric.

Originally posted by Deano
Thanks for your boring comments which are becoming quite repetitive aswell

The irony here, is that you admit to being repetitive without even knowing it...that's what makes you Deano.

nah i dont think so

Originally posted by Deano
nah i dont think so

You rarely think, and this time, you'd be wrong as well.

you think too much..thats your problem.

Originally posted by Deano
you think too much..thats your problem.

You probably believe that as you are more comfortable having others think for you.

thats what you think

question..why couldn't this have just been tagged on to the other thread???

Originally posted by Deano
thats what you think

No, that is what you continually prove. Your inability to post an original thought is legendary.

Originally posted by jaden101
question..why couldn't this have just been tagged on to the other thread???

The reason is most likely the desparate cry for attention or acknowledgement.

see this is what i mean of thinking too much and then posting what you think. its a silly thing to do

No thought is original. thats the point you miss.

Originally posted by Deano
see this is what i mean of thinking too much and then posting what you think. its a silly thing to do

No thought is original. thats the point you miss.

Life must be so simple for you when you depend on others to do all your thinking for you.

Mr Parker
Originally posted by KharmaDog
I could post the opinions of simpletons trying to manipulate the thoughts of even less complex simpletons through garbage facts and spastic rhetoric along with lame pictures to try and initiate some immediate emotional (yet vapid) response...

but it's been done...


yeah kinda like the repetitive garbage facts YOU post. roll eyes (sarcastic) gotcha. laughing

Mr Parker
Originally posted by Deano
you think too much..thats your problem.

actually he doesnt at all when he posts.

Originally posted by Mr Parker
yeah kinda like the repetitive garbage facts YOU post. roll eyes (sarcastic) gotcha. laughing

Wanna back that up, post some facts that I have posted myself, and then counter them. I know you won't, mostly because you can't.

Originally posted by Mr Parker
actually he doesnt at all when he posts.

How would you know, you supposedly ignore my posts...roll eyes (sarcastic) GOTCHA!laughing

Eon Blue
Originally posted by KharmaDog
Wanna back that up, post some facts that I have posted myself, and then counter them. I know you won't, mostly because you can't.

How would you know, you supposedly ignore my posts...roll eyes (sarcastic) GOTCHA!laughing

You're a douchebag with a gay avatar.

reported for trolling

Eon Blue
Originally posted by jaden101
reported for trolling


Originally posted by Eon Blue

Your intellectual insight, witty retorts and amazing debating skills have the whole forum a twitter.

Eon Blue
Originally posted by KharmaDog
Your intellectual insight, witty retorts and amazing debating skills have the whole forum a twitter.

Why thank you.

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