Alpha Flight vs Lobo
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Who wins?
Alpha Flight
Box(Roger Bochs)
Diamond Li
Yukon Jack
Alpha Flight should win
Lobo did run through various super teams in the past; L.E.G.I.O.N, The Authority, Justice League Europe, why couldn't he run through Alpha Flight as well? The only one I see giving him trouble is Sasquatch.
Guardian has the means to battle field remove him, and Aurora with her hypnotic lights could take him out without even having to touch him.
Originally posted by -K-M-
Guardian has the means to battle field remove him, and Aurora with her hypnotic lights could take him out without even having to touch him.
Lobo can be hypnotized? I thought that he was unable to be mentally manipulated. The thread starter never said whether or not Lobo had the use of his bike, so bfr may not be an option, besides Guardian may not get the chance to bfr Lobo, I mean what if he gets taken out first? Lobo has also shown that he can move at superspeeds.
Yeah he has been hypnotized before, where did it say he can't? Can the bike travel between dimensions?
Lobo faster then Guardian? Errrr?
Lobo matched Supermans speed. Lobo has a stereo rigged up to his brain which negates mind control, which is in his bio. The bike doesn't travel between dimensions but it moves at light speed.
Originally posted by CaptainStoic
Lobo matched Supermans speed. Lobo has a stereo rigged up to his brain which negates mind control, which is in his bio. The bike doesn't travel between dimensions but it moves at light speed.
When he's on his bike maybe, but when he isn't on the bike they merely go shot for shot without showing any level of speed. Plus majority of his other showings, he doesn't show any kind of super speed well on the level of constantly moving at mach speeds or anywhere close to that.
I know it goes lightspeed, but Guardian can dump people into a different dimension
Lord Feron
Northstar does speedblitz and this timeits not the god damn flash or superman that everyone loves to use that term speed blitz bleh but in this case northstar can.
The Bike is rigged to follow his commands IRRC. The Bike is a DEM in away >_>.
Aurora also has the ability to charge up molecules causing them to rip apart, but Lobo depending on what era could create copies of himself or regenerate pretty quickly from a puddle of blood like he recently did in "52"
Originally posted by Lord Feron
Northstar does speedblitz and this timeits not the god damn flash or superman that everyone loves to use that term speed blitz bleh but in this case northstar can.
Lobo would catch Northstar and kill him, and this is going off of Lobo's past feats.
Originally posted by CaptainStoic
Lobo would catch Northstar and kill him, and this is going off of Lobo's past feats.
Originally posted by -K-M-
Aurora also has the ability to charge up molecules causing them to rip apart, but Lobo depending on what era could create copies of himself or regenerate pretty quickly from a puddle of blood like he recently did in "52"
I never gave a clear cut winner in this fight because of Sasquatch's ability to turn into Tanaraq, if this was to happen Walter alone would save the day, but if this did not happen Alpha Flight would be in deep crap. All the same Walter alone IMO could give Lobo the fight of his life.
Originally posted by -K-M-
Originally posted by CaptainStoic
I never gave a clear cut winner in this fight because of Sasquatch's ability to turn into Tanaraq, if this was to happen Walter alone would save the day, but if this did not happen Alpha Flight would be in deep crap. All the same Walter alone IMO could give Lobo the fight of his life.
I'm not including Walter going Tanaraq here as it's a tad cheap, but the likes of Yukon Jack with his "bone whip" would do serious damage to Lobo. Diamond Lil wouldn't be able to physically hurt him, but he wouldn't be able to hurt her so she is kinda pointless here. Puck same, but he isn't as durable as Diamond Lil, but he is invulnerable and near-indestructable, but I bet he would eventually be knocked out. Box would be destroyed very quickly, and Jack's only chance of doing anything of note worthy is using his ultimate attack, which is very powerful but that's the only thing he has that would phase Lobo .
Originally posted by CaptainStoic
Plus Gorilla Grodd, Captain Cold, Murmur, Tarpit, Heat Wave, hell a crap load of people tag Flash pretty easily. Contrary to believe, he isn't going lightspeed all the time, as he has noted multiple times he needs to build up momentum to get a boost in speed. Now can you tell me how fast Flash was going there?
Originally posted by -K-M-
Plus Gorilla Grodd, Captain Cold, Murmur, Tarpit, Heat Wave, hell a crap load of people tag Flash pretty easily. Contrary to believe, he isn't going lightspeed all the time, as he has noted multiple times he needs to build up momentum to get a boost in speed. Now can you tell me how fast Flash was going there?
No but Lobo can move at superspeed himself, just the very fact that he was able to see Wally at all is an impressive feat. Did you know that Lobo can weigh out any opposition and find their achilles heal? Northstar and Aurora are really none factors when you consider that Lobo can survive a multiple nuke explosion and come out of it grinning.
Originally posted by -K-M-
Plus Gorilla Grodd, Captain Cold, Murmur, Tarpit, Heat Wave, hell a crap load of people tag Flash pretty easily. Contrary to believe, he isn't going lightspeed all the time, as he has noted multiple times he needs to build up momentum to get a boost in speed. Now can you tell me how fast Flash was going there?
Thats a nightmare so it didnt really happen to begin with.
Originally posted by CaptainStoic
No but Lobo can move at superspeed himself, just the very fact that he was able to see Wally at all is an impressive feat. Did you know that Lobo can weigh out any opposition and find their achilles heal? Northstar and Aurora are really none factors when you consider that Lobo can survive a multiple nuke explosion and come out of it grinning.
Show me his super speed feats then, and yet Lobo has been wounded by mere bullets and by miniature monsters that ripped him into peices. One showing does not out weigh countless others that completly contradict the one showing.
If we want to go that route, here Guardian fights a weakened Galactus in a dimension that was messing with his powers and takes him out with one-shot. What’s really impressive is Mac in one attack did what the combined might of Guardian II, Windshear, Her, Quasar, Vision, BOX IV, Hercules and Sersi couldn’t to a weakened G.
Originally posted by id369
Thats a nightmare so it didnt really happen to begin with.
I thought so, that's why I was asking the context behind it.
Spot on, that's why I earlier briefly mentioned certain eras of Lobo, as in some stories he is a SUPER genius, and others he is a complete and utter moron that has no clue what's going on.
Superspeed feat.
Originally posted by CaptainStoic
You're right, but here's a scan of Lobo the super team buster.¤t=lobovsheroes.jpg
This version of Lobo surely could beat AF.
I believe the strongest version is the one in its Mini Series.
Mini>On-going (now canceled)>Main Line DC appearances.
Lobo in his mini series is a beast.

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