Cyclops vs Colossus
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Im not sure. Leaning towards cyclops
Good match.

Endrict Nuul
Colossus, I am pretty sure his durability can hold up here.
Lord Feron
yeah i think Colossus can take it a full blast even if the beam can destroy a mountain in one scan i saw i still think his organic metal will keep him safe.
psycho gundam
it might not kill him but it will push him back like a super-water hydrant.
could be considered a bfr.
Colossus wins this, there was a time that he was mind controlled by Arcade, and Cyclops hit him with a full powered optic blast and it did nothing. peter was also a teen at the time and far less powerful than he is today.
Originally posted by CaptainStoic
Colossus wins this, there was a time that he was mind controlled by Arcade, and Cyclops hit him with a full powered optic blast and it did nothing. peter was also a teen at the time and far less powerful than he is today.
That would mean Cyclops was less powerful than he is today.
Silent Master
Not to mention Scott was only using a fraction of his power.
psycho gundam
thats awesome...

or simply hyper bole..............
Silent Master
Right after that he rather easily overloads Bishop, the same Bishop that has absorbed the power of several X-men including Cyclops while fighting Magneto.
Originally posted by Silent Master
Not to mention Scott was only using a fraction of his power.
What about when Apocalypse drained him of is energy.
So yes, I don 't buy it. It's a hyperbole, literally. And it's also been on more occasion when he used his full blast.
Silent Master
Except I just pointed out that after that statment he went on to easily overload Bishop, the same Bishop that has absorbed the power of multiple X-men(including Cyclops) while fighting Magneto.
cyclops using any sort of strong beam should be able to at the very least bfr colossus, imo...
Yep. Cyclops blasts him out of sight ftw. Fight takes less than a second
* depends on stupid inconsistent writers, FULL blast should really mean full blast, they should not say FULL if it really is not... Cyke BFR's Piotr...

Cyke wins handily. No badass scans, but I speak the truth
Cyke would most likely win this. Colossus would withstand the blast at first, but at soon as Cyke turns up the juice, Colossus probably would not be able to keep his footing any longer and be knocked out of the arena.
If BFRs don't count, this could be a stalemate, with a potential winner being Colossus.
Originally posted by Metalmanx
Cyke would most likely win this. Colossus would withstand the blast at first, but at soon as Cyke turns up the juice, Colossus probably would not be able to keep his footing any longer and be knocked out of the arena.
If BFRs don't count, this could be a stalemate, with a potential winner being Colossus.

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