Thing vs Toxin
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toxin would win. thing is just to slow. toxin would stomp thing
The Illuminati
What would Toxin do to harm the Thing, he doesn't have the fighting skills nor experience nor the strength to seriously hurt him. Where as Ben has fought and tattooed faster foes than Toxin 100x. Ben wins 9/10. CL100, most skilled brick in marvel, tons of experience and fights. Ben's too much for him. IMO.
toxin is comperable to carnage. when the toxin symbiote was born carnage percieved him as a threat and tried to dispatch him but was week from birthing him and was unable. venom saw toxin as a strong allie against carnage maybe even stronger than carnage. on the issue of experience toxins symbiote grants him the exp of his predicessors as well as natural fighting skill. i honestly think that in a head to head fight it would be close but i would pull for toxin and in an anything goes fight toxin would have the upper hand. i just dont see thing being able to out menuver toxin unless he was seperated from his symbiote. wich he is much more resitant to then venom and carnage
Ben Grimm 10/10. Toxin is not the fighter Carnage or Venom are. Ben Grimm has gone toe to toe with numerous foes some of which he has won. As for Toxin, what exactly can he do?
Thing definitely-do some people on here think that Thing is the same power level of Spiderman's Aunt May?
I hate the Toxin character. His entire debut showed what I hate about comics.
That said, any of the symbiotes has a chance against Thing if they are smart. Filling his mounth and lungs with the suit, damaging his eyes, etc.
Originally posted by The Illuminati
most skilled brick in marvel,
Edge to Thing.
While I prefer Toxin as a character (sorry Thing fans), he's simply barely got any feats to back up his supposed Class 75 strength status. Additionally, he's still getting used to the full tricks the symbiote has to offer, which makes his fights a bit awkward. He has a legit berserker advantage that could potentially overwhelm Thing (see first fight with Carnage), buuutt...
Things a tough brawler. He may not be quite a Thor or Hulk, but he's held his own against the latter in the past and I believe beaten him once (unsure as I haven't read said comic). From what I've read he's a legit Class 100 with good fighting skills as a tank. He may not be a black belt in whatever, but he has some tricks up his sleeve. He's also pretty tough in comparison to Toxin, which is where I think the true difference lies.
Could Toxin beat Thing? Possibly, if he uses his powers smart and plays well to Grimm's few weak spots. Would that happen? Maybe. However, I'd like to think that in a realistic scenario, Thing's superior strength, toughness, and skill will eventually prevail over his symbiote clad foe.
Thing, 8/10.
Toxin is the most powerful symbiote....Toxin 8/10
Originally posted by BruceSkywalker
Ben Grimm 10/10. Toxin is not the fighter Carnage or Venom are.
Toxin beat Canrage's face in twice in a row.
Originally posted by BruceSkywalker
Ben Grimm has gone toe to toe with numerous foes some of which he has won.

The Illuminati
Originally posted by llagrok
Who's a more skilled brick or tank than Ben in Marvel?
Elaborate please.
No mention of Toxin's speeds/reflexes?
Originally posted by The Illuminati
Who's a more skilled brick or tank than Ben in Marvel?
Elaborate please.
Well, there's Hercules and Wonderman
The Illuminati
Originally posted by llagrok
No mention of Toxin's speeds/reflexes?
Well, there's Hercules and Wonderman
I'll give you Herc in the conversation but, Wonderman? That's quite the stretch. He's not even close.
Quite a stretch? How'd you figure?
Imo, Wonderman has done far better against the Hulk than Ben.
Originally posted by llagrok
Imo, Wonderman has done far better against the Hulk than Ben. I'd imagine that'd have something to do with Wonderman (at least classic) having far superior physical strength. I wouldn't call him a better fighter than Grimm, but in a contest of pure muscle WM's in the tier above ole Blue Eyes.
The Illuminati
Originally posted by llagrok
Quite a stretch? How'd you figure?
Imo, Wonderman has done far better against the Hulk than Ben.
Ben actually has victories along with numerous stalemates against HULK. When has Wonderman ever came close?
What "victories" does Ben have?
Originally posted by llagrok
What "victories" does Ben have?
Ben has 1 decisive victory over the Hulk, that I know of. In Fantastic Four #320. This was when the Grey Hulk (the weakest Hulk incarnation-base strength 70tons) took on the enhanced pineapple Thing-100ton+ strength. This fight took place in the daytime,which meant Grey Hulk wasn't at his best
Originally posted by BUSTER1
Ben has 1 decisive victory over the Hulk, that I know of. In Fantastic Four #320. This was when the Grey Hulk (the weakest Hulk incarnation-base strength 70tons) took on the enhanced pineapple Thing-100ton+ strength. This fight took place in the daytime,which meant Grey Hulk wasn't at his best Well that explains a lot. I'll have to make a note of this post for future reference.
Venom has beat the Thing before...
Originally posted by OnslaughtKILLS
Venom has beat the Thing before...
When the hell did this happen?? do you have any scans or the comic this happened in.
Toxin is a chump. When I read his debut issue I thought it had to be a different continuity. Black Cat didnt even recognize the Carnage or Venom symbiotes ("what was that thing?"

and in general it was terrible writing (thugs are robbing a bank, cops say there are 7 hostages inside, inside the bank like 20 people are shown laying down covering their heads). Basically they jobbed out established characters to make new one. They did it with Omega Red jobbing to Chamber, they do it with Spider-man and the X-Men constantly, and I personally just overlook it and forget it ever happend. I really wish they would take the time to build up these new characters and let them be believable threats rather than just having them chump out an established guy in their debut.
The Illuminati
Originally posted by BUSTER1
Ben has 1 decisive victory over the Hulk, that I know of. In Fantastic Four #320. This was when the Grey Hulk (the weakest Hulk incarnation-base strength 70tons) took on the enhanced pineapple Thing-100ton+ strength. This fight took place in the daytime,which meant Grey Hulk wasn't at his best
Ben talks about one of his handful of wins against HULK in Hard Knocks. He says that he could have killed him but, chose not to.
So he has only won against the grey hulk?
The Illuminati
Originally posted by llagrok
So he has only won against the grey hulk?
Not true.
2-3 wins against green HULK, 2-3 wins against grey, 10-15 stalemates against green, 10-15 loses against green.
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