Man of Miracles vs Anti-Man of Miracles team
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Who wins?
Man of Miracles-
HOTU Thanos
Living Tribunal
Scathan the Approver
Goblyn Force
Nexus of Realities
Beyonder/most Powerful
IG Warlock
Time Keepers-
Phoenix Force
Michael Lucifer
The majority of the team are cannon fodder. The only ones that will matter are HOTU Thanos, GEB, Presence, and maybe Pre-Retcon Beyonder. They win.
This is between THOTI, Presence (I wouldn't put GEB, since the Presence is here and wouldn't like to put Beyonder, just because I never did consider him to be like TOAA or God, while THOTI is TOAA power and Presence is God) against MoM (also absolute God).
But, still this a battle between those who are considered completely omnipotent.
Isn't completely omnipotent + completely omnipotent=one completely omnipotent. Where there is complete omnipotence, then there is no limit and such fight cannot be judged, but would be the endless stalemate.
Originally posted by Xplosive
This is between THOTI, Presence (I wouldn't put GEB, since the Presence is here and wouldn't like to put Beyonder, just because I never did consider him to be like TOAA or God, while THOTI is TOAA power and Presence is God) against MoM (also absolute God).
But, still this a battle between those who are considered completely omnipotent.
Isn't completely omnipotent + completely omnipotent=one completely omnipotent. Where there is complete omnipotence, then there is no limit and such fight cannot be judged, but would be the endless stalemate. Cool sig.
It might be about time to change mine.
Originally posted by Xplosive
This is between THOTI, Presence (I wouldn't put GEB, since the Presence is here and wouldn't like to put Beyonder, just because I never did consider him to be like TOAA or God, while THOTI is TOAA power and Presence is God) against MoM (also absolute God).
But, still this a battle between those who are considered completely omnipotent.
Isn't completely omnipotent + completely omnipotent=one completely omnipotent. Where there is complete omnipotence, then there is no limit and such fight cannot be judged, but would be the endless stalemate.
Agreed in this battle there can be no winner.
HOTU, GEB, PR beyonder Or presence solos
Originally posted by golem370
Who wins?
Man of Miracles-
HOTU Thanos
Living Tribunal
Scathan the Approver
Goblyn Force
Nexus of Realities
Beyonder/most Powerful
IG Warlock
Time Keepers-
Phoenix Force
Michael Lucifer
Spectre srsly.
Man of Miracles is an aspect of the Mother of Life, just as the SPectre is an aspect of God (his wrath.)
Team squats him easiley.
If we go by what the wiki article said..
His (MoM) true form is as the "Mother" of Existence, though he is neither male nor female.
Isn't that basically the same as what you are saying??? Also I think Spearofdestiny would disagree with you in MoM not being the supreme being.
MoM created God/Satan in the Spawn-verse, and could have stopped the both of them, iirc.
That he did, doesn't he consider them his children along with many other Gods.
psycho gundam
Originally posted by quanchi112
Cool sig.
It might be about time to change mine. never change that sig, it cracks me up every time i see it.
PR Beyonder solos.
What a stupid thread...
King Kandy
There is no possible answer.
MoM isn't a true supreme being IMO.
both are ultimate beings, so no matter what there will bedisputes but in each respected universe these forces act as the same thing, which is ultimatepower
mom is supposedly above god and satan.
imo its to hard to call.
the only peolpe who have a chance are
thanos hotu
Neither wins
Mom is infinite and absolute on power.
God and Satan are nigh omnipotent. They cannot die, they cannot run out of power, they cannot be destroyed, they can create as many civilizations or realms as they wish.
Only MoM could change that.
God and Satan are only two of her children.
She has infinite amount of children, all equal to God and Satan.
Supposedly, Spawn's universe is infinite. No barriers, no edges. Each "child" gets a world. Mother explained she has countless children. Therefore there are also countless worlds, plus any they create on thier own.
Comparing Man of Miracles of Spectre is wrong. Spectre is an aspect of the Presence. Man of Miracles is NOT as aspect of mother, he is an avatar.
Just like Kali, Jesus, Greenworld Keeper, Gaia, and the angel who healed Wanda in issue #100 were. Avatars of the mother.
So no, Man of Miracles is not equal to Spectre...he is superior to Spectre. Big fkn time.
There is no winner.
It's Infinite vs Infinite
PR beyonder or hotu thanos can effortlessly solo, especially beyonder
team ftw, due to thanos and beyonder,as stated above, the rest are cannon fodder and will be obliterated immeaidately
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