Midnighter vs Psylocke
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Endrict Nuul
Weapons allowed.
No blowing up mountains either type stuff or using TK to hold him in place.
Who wins?
Endrict Nuul
# - Shadow Teleportation
# - Shadow Stealth
# - Shadow Astral Form
# - Telekinesis (gained from Jean)
# - Psychic Katana
1. Gain
2. - Telekinesis (strengthened after death)
3. - Psychic Katana (strengthened after death)
4. - Immunity to reality alteration
5. - Immunity to all Psychic attacks
6. - Invisibility to electronics
Are her current powers.
Midnighters enhancements and ugprades since Seth and Magnificent Kevin nullify Psylocke's TP.
His Suit Absorbs light.
Midnighter syncs radio telepathy with his neural scrambler, points and blasts.
lazer in the utility belt punches a hole through her brain.
she falls
Midnighter lets loose with a few rounds with a firearm before she hits the ground
detonates plastique just in case
and then opens a door around his opponents shoulders
Psylocke buys the farm.
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