defenders vs odin
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battle in asgard
no bfr
namor(wet suit)
ww hulk
silver surfer
dr strange
and the winner is?
Originally posted by llagrok

WW Huc was a defender?!
Anyway, probably Odin. Even Surfer gets batted around like a rag doll by people at Odin's level. Give them some one-sided prep and Steve could make a go of it, but my inclination is that he'd only prolong the inevitable.
Originally posted by DigiMark007
WW Huc was a defender?!
Anyway, probably Odin. Even Surfer gets batted around like a rag doll by people at Odin's level. Give them some one-sided prep and Steve could make a go of it, but my inclination is that he'd only prolong the inevitable.
i gave them 2 days prep.
Originally posted by Nihilist
i gave them 2 days prep.
Just now? Because it's not in the first post.
Anyway, longer battle, but same outcome imo.
Originally posted by DigiMark007
Just now? Because it's not in the first post.
Anyway, longer battle, but same outcome imo.
my bad.i meant to put it in the first post

Avatar of Eternity?
Can Strange do that in 2 days?
Originally posted by Mindset
Avatar of Eternity?
Can Strange do that in 2 days?
could he summon the vishanti?
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