Superman w/Spear of Destiny vs Gog (The Kingdom)
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Who takes it ?
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It was all me trying to annoy you.
But seriously that smiley is so annoying.

is there anything special to the Spear of destiny "except" that it can kill spectre...
i know gog is strong, but how strong is he
Didn't Spectre say that if Superman weilds the Spear Of Destiny he is able to kill him. I think Spectre showed him this using his power.
But wasn't that only because the Spear can kill him, my question should have been it is lethal to every being ore just spectre???
Originally posted by Utrigita
my question should have been it is lethal to every being ore just spectre???
Originally posted by Utrigita
But wasn't that only because the Spear can kill him, my question should have been it is lethal to every being ore just spectre???
It isn't lethal just to the Spectre. It also one-shotted Thunderbolt, who is from the 5th dimension.
the spear is capable of killing pretty much anything. Spectre is just the upper limit, as is a 5D imp. That puts it at abstract killing power. But it also has the power to control the minds of super-powered beings.
Unfortunately, much like everything else Hitler was involved with or used personally, it's cursed with his evil. Anyone who uses it gets corrupted. Captain Marvel was able to resist it for awhile, but even he couldn't hold it.
Thats so stupid a mere mortal's evil corrupting a divine object of the highest order and power.
Originally posted by superchron
Sorry for my lack of knowlegde but incase you missed it sometimes a weapon can be deadly to one and completely ineffective to another, hence my question.
and Thanks Erik and Trikster
In that case Superman ftw.
IF Superman were able to somehow stab Gog with the Spear, it would kill him. However, in a PIS free environment I believe Gog would blast, and subsequently kill Superman well before he ever got a chance to use the extremely non-versatile SoD.
So he couldn't use it to control Gog's powers?
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
So he couldn't use it to control Gog's powers? Not in my opinion.
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