Eradicator VS Nimrob
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no speed blitz.
battle location is Gotham City. cuz then no one will give a damn bout casualties. or atleast not really notice.
who wins? why?

geez i ment 'Nimrod' not nimrob .... ~_~ what i get for rushing eh? srr bout that
Who is Nimrob? Is he the idiot from Cloverfield?
I keed I keed!
That said, Eradicator takes this pretty hadily methinks. Transmuting Nimrod to a block of stone would be a nasty way to go, among other things...
Originally posted by cyberborg84
That said, Eradicator takes this pretty hadily methinks. Transmuting Nimrod to a block of stone would be a nasty way to go, among other things...
I'm not thinking that would end the fight for Nimrod.
Eradicator annihilates him. He's got everything Nimrod has and more.
Starscream M
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Eradicator annihilates him. He's got everything Nimrod has and more. except that little ability of being able to reform after being destroyed
Originally posted by MightyEInherjar
I'm not thinking that would end the fight for Nimrod. How can Nimrod reform if the fundamental nature of its atomic and molecular construction is altered like that? In the example where he reformed from being reduced to dust, he still had some of himself left over in the form of whatever nanotechnology he is composed of. Being transmuted to stone would kill any chance of him being able to reconstruct himself, unless he's as resilient as Henshaw (which I doubt, honestly).
Not that transmutation is the only way Eradicator can take him, mind you.
Originally posted by cyberborg84
How can Nimrod reform if the fundamental nature of its atomic and molecular construction is altered like that? In the example where he reformed from being reduced to dust, he still had some of himself left over in the form of whatever nanotechnology he is composed of. Being transmuted to stone would kill any chance of him being able to reconstruct himself, unless he's as resilient as Henshaw (which I doubt, honestly).
Not that transmutation is the only way Eradicator can take him, mind you.
Fair enough.
I was kinda using the "reforming from dust" feat as my basis for that. I really don't know enough about Eradicator to pretend I can say who wins, but IMO eventually something like getting turned to stone wouldn't eliminate a guy like Nimrod.
If Nimrod were on par with the Fury, sure.
Originally posted by Starscream M
except that little ability of being able to reform after being destroyed
He's done so before. It's not instant or anything, but he does have the ability.
im sure you meant nimwad. nimrod is supposedly able to adapt to fight any mutant to a limit though(he would probably have trouble adapting to an opponent such as say thanos) so i think that he have a good shot at beating a number of opponents as far as eradicator goes i think this fallows the same catagory as nimwad vs magneto were the amount of power magneto has is really more than he can adapt to or at the fairest at the limit of his adaptability potential
Originally posted by SevenShackles
no speed blitz.
battle location is Gotham City. cuz then no one will give a damn bout casualties. or atleast not really notice.
who wins? why?

can we say batman becomes one of said casualties? say eradicator accidently transmutates him instead and then nimwad accidently breaks off his head with his foot and then takes a giant smelly brown poo on his body ?
stevenshackles: authour of the fread ear abductor vs nimrob the wellfare robot! j/k
Erads can simply disintegrate Nimrod.
He's done this type of thing many times.
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